49 research outputs found

    Which game are you playing? - An interactive and educational video show

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    Project “Which game are you playing?” is an interactive video show, which has an educational purpose. Video records projected on the three walls are swapped according to where a person has sat down, in other words, according to a person’s »ego« role: child, parent or adult. Videos show conflicts among young people and their resolution according to the person's »ego« role. We made the project with two programs: Smart Wall and vvvv. For the realization of this project we need two computers, which are connected with an ethernet cable, two cameras, one placed on the ceiling and the other in front of the »ego« chairs, and three projectors

    Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Coverage: A Study of Slovenia

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    To promote the penetration of electric vehicles (EVs), it is of great importance to plan and construct charging stations rationally. In this sense, the state of Slovenia\u27s charging station coverage was analysed. Using discrete and network geographic information system (GIS) models, with ArcGIS software, the density of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs), geographic distribution, nearness along a street network, and clustering analyses were performed. A survey conducted among Slovenian users of EVs supported the GIS analysis. It was found out that the distribution of EVCSs has an east-northeast to west-southwest directional trend. Only 13% of EVCSs are accessible from the nearest motorway at a distance of 500 meters or less. An insight into intrinsic clustering structure revealed 11 clusters of EVCSs from which the most distinct is the cluster on the area of Ljubljana. The scientific contribution of the research is in the integration of GIS, spatial analysis and the results of a survey to study the coverage of EVCSs in a certain region. Spatial analyses are carefully selected, and, in complementarity, give a comprehensive picture of EVCSs coverage. The research is important for further spatial planning of EVCSs

    Improving city transport with the objective to reduce CO2 emissions

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    In the past few years traffic volume is increasing. As a consequence, negative external traffic effects are increasing too, in particular CO2 emissions, which result in global warming and climate changes. CO2 emissions, a by-product of vehicles are much higher in cities due to traffic density. According to European standards, Celje is not a large city however its traffic poses a great problem that the city authorities will soon be confronted with. This paper focuses on the city centre of Celje, where traffic flow was measured and CO2 emissions calculated. Using alternative solutions the aim was to present impacts on the environment in the municipality of Celje in an event of changed traffic regimes. In order to reach the guidelines of sustainable transport development in the municipality of Celje, in the future, different measures for reducing negative external effects of city transport will have to be put into force, for only this way the quality of city life can be improved and compatibility of environmental, economic and social objectives provided. В последние несколько лет объем перевозок увеличивается. Следствие этого является возрастание негативных внешних эффектов обусловленных трафиком, и в частности, выбросы CO2, которые приводят к глобальному потеплению и изменению климата. Выбросы CO2, как побочный продукт использования транспортных средств гораздо выше в городах вследствие интенсивности движения. В соответствии с европейскими стандартами, Целье не является большим городом, однако его транспорт создает большую проблему, с чем городские власти в скором времени будут сталкиваться. Данная статья посвящена городскому центру Целье, где транспортные потоки были измерены и рассчитаны выбросы CO2. Целью работы было использование альтернативных решений с тем, чтобы представить воздействие на окружающую среду в городе Целье в случае изменения режимов движения. С тем чтобы обеспечить устойчивое развитие транспорта в городе Целье в будущем, различные меры по снижению негативных внешних эффектов городского транспорта должны быть введены в действие, ибо только таким образом качество городской жизни может быть улучшено и обеспечена совместимость экологических, экономических и социальных целей. Document type: Articl

    Review of Policies for Promotion of Electric Vehicles.

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    This paper presents the review of policies and their possible effects for promoting the use of electric vehicles. Suggestions on faster implementation of electric vehicles can also be identified within best practices from abroad. Various countries have adopted different policies to promote the use of electric vehicles which include fiscal or other forms of incentives that would persuade people into buying electric vehicles. Possible effects are hard to determine since many variables affect a consumer's purchasing decisions. That is why identification of policies that have proven to be successful and those that have not achieved projected results and should be improved is necessary. Research has shown that countries with most promising policies for promotion have the biggest share of electric vehicles and invest the most in their promotion (fiscal incentives)

    Использование транспорта на солнечной энергии, предпочтения клиентов и мнения о средствах транспорта на альтернативном топливе

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    Authorities in Slovenia and other EU member states are confronted with problems of city transportation. Fossil-fuel based transport poses two chief problems - local and global pollution, and dwindling supplies and ever increasing costs. An elegant solution is to gradually replace the present automobile fleet with low emission vehicles. This article first explores the economics and practical viability of the provision of solar electricity for the charging of electric vehicles by installation of economical available PV modules and secondly the customer preferences and opinions about alternative low emission vehicles. Present estimates indicate that for the prevailing solar climate of Celje - a medium-sized Slovenian town - the cost would be only 2.11 EUR cents/kWh of generated solar electricity. Other results have also revealed that the most relevant factor for purchasing low emission vehicle is total vehicle price.Власти Словении и других стран-членов ЕС сталкиваются с проблемами городского транспорта. Транспорт работающий на основе ископаемых видов топлива представляет две главные проблемы - локальное и глобальное загрязнение, сокращающиеся поставки и постоянно растущие расходы. Хорошим решением является постепенная замена существующего автомобильного парка на транспортные средства с низким уровнем выбросов. Эта статья впервые исследует экономику и практическую жизнеспособность использования солнечной электроэнергии для зарядки электрических транспортных средств путем установки экономичных доступных PV модулей и, во-вторых, предпочтений заказчиков и мнений об альтернативных транспортных средствах с низким уровнем выбросов. Современные оценки показывают, что для имеющего в основном солнечный климат, Целье - среднего размера города Словении - цена будет только 2.11 евроцентов / кВт-ч выработанной солнечной электроэнергии. Другие результаты также показали, что наиболее важным фактором при покупке транспортного средства со сниженным уровнем вредных выбросов является его полная стоимость

    Green logistics - development and implementation

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    Environmental problems, material depletion, and high dependency on fossil fuels are core problems of logistics in the EU as well as globally. Therefore, numerous countries, in particular Member States of the EU, have ambitious goals for the increased use of renewables, increased energy efficiency, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, transition to sustainable transportation and similar changes. EU companies are, therefore, strongly committed to reducing their environmental impact, reducing the use of fossil fuels and becoming more sustainable. Logistics companies are no exception due to the impact of logistics processes, such as transportation and distribution that impact human health, ecosystem and air quality, climate changes (with noise, vibrations, fossil fuel related harmful emissions etc.), warehousing (especially with energy used for heating and cooling) and packaging (especially with the use of material). Therefore, the implementation of green logistics is necessary for the sustainable future of our planet. This chapter identifies how the idea of green logistics was developed and has evolved, analyses key problems for its implementation, and presents the current status of green logistics, including the best practices of green logistics implementation in selected organizations

    Vrednost integracije V2G v logistični management skladišča

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    Wide-scale application photovoltaic energy sources for electricity production purposes is quite a challenge in Slovenia. The nature of sun is unpredictable, and the Slovenian National Grid has no significant storage opportunities today - if the V2G (vehicle-to-grid) solutions could be competitive in the near future we could prepare for the special circumstances: the batteries of electrically driven forklifts could provide attractive storage functions for renewable electricity storage. The following paper presents an overview of some "environmental background approaches" to show the complexity of this innovative system and to show the value of V2G technology and its application in warehouse logistics.Aplikacija fotovoltaike za namene proizvodnje električne energije predstavlja za Slovenijo zelo velik izziv. Sonce kot vir energije je zelo nepredvidljiv, slovensko električno omrežje pa nima večjih možnosti shranjevanja električne energije. Z integracijo tehnološkega koncepta V2G (ang. Vehicle to Gridslov. Vozilo na Omrežje), bi baterije električnih viličarjev lahko uporabili za shranjevanje energije proizvedene iz sončne energije tar tako povečali zanesljivost elektroenergetskega sistema. Članek predstavlja tehnološki koncept V2G, njegovo kompleksnost in inovativnost ter možnost integracije v skladiščni energetski management

    Do konkurenčnosti s celovitim in inovativnim logističnim managementom doba

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    In the age of global expansion of business operations and contemporary way of life the material and information flows in and between different companies are growing rapidlythey are thus becoming more and more difficult to manage. Had business functions in companies been dealt with separately until now (purchase, production, finances, sale, etc.), today the emphasis is placed on their integration due to their interdependence. By studying supply chains inside and between business partners, companies can gain competitive advantage and become more adjustable, taking the increasingly changing market circumstances into account. This enables them to meet consumers\u27 demands and expectations requisitely holistically. Taking all the crucial activities into account, the logistics management plays a key role in the companies facing the challenges of the new millennium. Based on the numerous megatrends, which influence each and every business entity, this article aims to explain the increasing strategic importance of logistics management. The latter may not be dealt with one-sidedly as a costmoreover, the key aspects such as competitiveness as well as long-term existence of a company must also be considered. Innovation and systemic thinking in it and about it are needed.Doba globalne ekspanzije poslovanja in sodobnega načina življenja povzroča hitro in vedno težje obvladljivo rast blagovnih in informacijskih tokov v podjetjih in med njimi. Če smo nekdaj obravnavali poslovne funkcije v podjetju (nabavo, proizvodnjo, finance, prodajo …) ločeno, se danes stroka vse bolj posveča njihovemu povezovanju zaradi soodvisnosti. Proučevanje oskrbnih verig v podjetju in med poslovnimi partnerji daje podjetju možnosti, da postane bolj konkurenčno in bolj prilagodljivo, glede na vedno hitrejše spreminjanje tržnih razmer. To pomeni čimbolj celovito zadovoljevanje odjemalčevih zahtev oz. pričakovanj. Pri spletu teh aktivnosti ima ključno vlogo menedžment logistike kot odgovor in strategija podjetij, pripravljenih na izzive 21. stoletja. V članku smo želeli pokazati, kako se na številne t.i. megatrende8, ki vedno bolj vplivajo na poslovanje slehernega gospodarskega subjekta, povečuje strateški pomen menedžmenta logistike. Slednje ne smemo enostransko obravnavati kot strošek, ampak celoviteje, tj. kot ključni vir konkurenčnosti in dolgoročnega obstoja podjetja. Pospeševati moramo inoviranje in sistemsko razmišljanje o in v njej