13 research outputs found

    Successful treatment of cardiogenic shock by stenting of the left main coronary artery in acute myocardial infarction

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    Introduction. Patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS) are sometimes severely hemodynamicly compromised. Urgent coronary angiography should be performed in these patients in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) centers according to the ESC NSTE-ACS guidelines to determine suitabilty for percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Case report. We reported a 62-year-old male with chest pain admitted to the Coronary Care Unit. ST segment depression of 2 mm in leads I, L and V4-6 was revealed at electrocardiogram. After following 6 hours the patient had chest pain and signs of cardiogenic shock despite of the therapy. Chest x-ray showed pulmonary edema. Echocardiographic examination showed dyskinetic medium and apical segments of septum. The patient underwent coronary angiography immediately which revealed 75% stenosis of the left main coronary artery with thrombus. The use of a GPIIb/III inhibitor-tirofiban and stent implantation resulted in TIMI III flow. After that the patient had no chest pain and acute heart failure subsided in the following days Echocardiography done at the fourth day from PCI showed only hypokinesis medium and apical segment of septum. The patient was discharged at day 11 from admission in a stable condition. Conclusion. Stenting of left main coronary artery stenosis in patients with cardiogenic shock and non- ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes may be a life saving procedure

    Mogućnosti unaprjeđenja ishrane ovaca u tradicionalnom stočarstvu Crne Gore

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    In this paper the review of sheep feeding in traditional animal production in Montenegro is described. Sheep production in Montenegro is mostly extensive and the most present is indigenous Pramenka breed. This is making possible inclusion of such producers in organic agriculture and to offer the products on the EU market. Sheep produce valuable products in modest condition of nutrition and keeping. Their important place in animal production is determined with their ability to utilize pastures that are not accessible to other animals, and possibility to use feedstuffs which other animals cannot utilize. Sheep are very adaptable to various keeping and feeding conditions, so that their production may vary from very intensive to completely extensive. They may meet their nutritive needs on quality pastures and with forages, while concentrates are given only to some categories and only in intensive productive systems. .U radu je na revijalan način dat pregled ishrane ovaca u tradicionalnom stočarstvu Crne Gore. Ovčarstvo Crne Gore karakteriše uglavnom ekstenzivan način gajenja i to autohtonih sojeva pramenke. To ne treba smatrati isključivo negativnom odlikom, već naprotiv, to pruža značajne mogućnosti za uključivanje tradicionalnog ovčarstva u programe organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje i plasman tako dobijenih proizvoda na evropsko tržište. Ovce daju vrlo značajne i kvalitetne proizvode u skromnim uslovima ishrane i gajenja. Njihovo važno mjesto u stočarskoj proizvodnji uslovljeno je time što za ishranu mogu da koriste pašnjake koji su drugim životinjama nedostupni, kao i hraniva koja druge vrste ne mogu da iskoriste. Ovce su veoma prilagodljive različitim uslovima držanja i ishrane, pa zahvaljujući tome njihovo gajenje može da varira od vrlo intenzivnog do vrlo ekstenzivnog. Ovce mogu sve svoje potrebe da zadovolje kvalitetnom pašom i kabastom hranom, dok se koncentrovanim hranivima hrane samo neke kategorije i to prije svega u uslovima intenzivne proizvodnje, kao i u nekim fazama proizvodnje.

    Double orifice mitral valve: A case report

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    Introduction. Double orifice mitrol valve (DOMV) is a very rare congenital heart defect. Case report. We reported 20-year-old male referred to our center due to evaluation of his cardiologic status. He was operated on shortly after birth for a tracheoesophageal fistula. Accidentally, echocardiography examination at the age of 4 years revealed double orifice mitral valve (DOMV) without the presence of mitral regurgitation, as well as mitral stenosis, with normal dimensions of all cardiac chambers. The patient was asymptomatic, even more he was a kick boxer. His physical finding was normal. Electrocardiography showed regular sinus rhythm, incomplete right bundle branch block. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) examination revealed the normal size of the left atrial, mitral leaflets were slightly more redundant. The left and right heart chambers, aorta, tricuspid valve and pulmonary artery valve were normal. During TTE examination on a short axis view two asymmetric mitral orifices were seen as a double mitral orifice through which we registered normal flow, without regurgitation and mitral stenosis. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) examination from the transgastric view at the level of mitral valve, showed 2 single asymmetric mitral orifices separated by fibrous tissue, mitral leaflet with a separate insertion of hordes for each orifice. Conclusion. The presented patient with DOMV is the only one recognized in our country. The case is interesting because during 16-year a follow-up period there were no functional changes despite the fact that he performed very demanded sport activities. This is very important because there is no information in the literature about that

    Survival Benefit of the Late Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Are Or Who Are Not Treated with Thrombolysis

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    The impact of late percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) on long term mortality remains to be established. At currently, thrombolysis is accepted as standard therapy when PCI is not immediately available. However, PCI is often performed in stable patients with AMI who are/are not received thrombolysis . We performed the trial that enrolled myocardial infarction patients treated with thrombolysis, late PCI and medically to assess the potential benefits of delayed PCI. We follow up 164 consecutive patients after AMI one year. The patients are divided in two groups; first group-66 patients who received reperfusion (37 patients received only thrombolysis, 10 patients received thrombolysis and PCI 7-9 days after thrombolysis and 19 patients underwent only PCI after 7-9 days) and second group-98 patients medically treated. One year mortality was 3% in the reperfusion group (2/66) and 14,3% in the medical group (14/98) (p=0,016). There were not significant differences between groups about other end points-reinfarctus, coronary artery bypass surgery and PCI performed later after discharge. The major predictors of one year mortality were ages (p<0,001) and ejection fraction (p=0,003). Also, therapy with beta-blockers (p=0,002), statins (p=0,001) and ACE-inhibitors (p=0,024) was associated with better survival. Delayed PCI performed 7-9 days after AMI in the patients who underwent thrombolysis or those did not improves outcome at long-term follow-u

    Survival Benefit of the Late Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Are Or Who Are Not Treated with Thrombolysis

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    The impact of late percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) on long term mortality remains to be established. At currently, thrombolysis is accepted as standard therapy when PCI is not immediately available. However, PCI is often performed in stable patients with AMI who are/are not received thrombolysis . We performed the trial that enrolled myocardial infarction patients treated with thrombolysis, late PCI and medically to assess the potential benefits of delayed PCI. We follow up 164 consecutive patients after AMI one year. The patients are divided in two groups; first group-66 patients who received reperfusion (37 patients received only thrombolysis, 10 patients received thrombolysis and PCI 7-9 days after thrombolysis and 19 patients underwent only PCI after 7-9 days) and second group-98 patients medically treated. One year mortality was 3% in the reperfusion group (2/66) and 14,3% in the medical group (14/98) (p=0,016). There were not significant differences between groups about other end points-reinfarctus, coronary artery bypass surgery and PCI performed later after discharge. The major predictors of one year mortality were ages (p<0,001) and ejection fraction (p=0,003). Also, therapy with beta-blockers (p=0,002), statins (p=0,001) and ACE-inhibitors (p=0,024) was associated with better survival. Delayed PCI performed 7-9 days after AMI in the patients who underwent thrombolysis or those did not improves outcome at long-term follow-u

    The no-reflow phenomenon in the young and in the elderly

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    BACKGROUND: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the incidence of no-reflow as independent predictor of adverse events and to assess whether baseline pre-procedural treatment options may affect clinical outcomes. METHODS: Data were derived from the ISACS-TC registry (NCT01218776) from October 2010 to January 2015. No-reflow was defined as post-PCI TIMI flow grades 0-1, in the absence of post-procedural significant (≥25%) residual stenosis, abrupt vessel closure, dissection, perforation, thrombus of the original target lesion, or epicardial spasm. The outcome measure was in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: No-reflow was identified in 128 of 5997 patients who have undergone PCI (2.1%). On multivariate analysis, patients with no-reflow were more likely to be older (OR: 1.20, 95% CI: 1.01-1.44), to have a history of hypercholesterolemia (OR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.31-2.91) and to be admitted with a diagnosis of STEMI (OR: 2.96, 95% CI: 1.85-4.72). Angiographic characteristics associated with no-reflow phenomenon were: stenosis ≥50% of the right coronary artery, presence of multivessel disease and pre-procedural TIMI blood flow grades 0-1. No-reflow was highly predictive of in-hospital mortality (17.2% vs. 4.2%; adjusted OR: 4.60, 95% CI: 2.61-8.09). Administration of pre-procedural unfractioned heparin or 600mg clopidogrel loading dose was associated with less incidence of no-reflow (OR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.43-0.99 and 0.61, 95% CI: 0.37-1.00, respectively). Aspirin, enoxaparin, and 300mg clopidogrel loading dose, did not significantly impact the occurrence of the no-reflow. CONCLUSIONS: We found that pre-procedural administration of 600mg loading dose of clopidogrel and/or unfractioned heparin is associated with reduced incidence of no-reflow

    Fixed Combination Lisinopril Plus Hydrochlorothiazide in the Treatment of Essential Arterial Hypertension: An Opened, Multi-Centre, Prospective Clinical Trial

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    The aim of this trial was to examine the efficacy and safety of antihypertensive fixed combination lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide (Lopril H, Bosnalijek dd) in the treatment of essential arterial hypertension. In our trial we included 297 patients, aged 54,65±9,6 years, with treated or untreated hypertension and with high risk of cardiac events, in an opened trial of therapy based on lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide. Upon the examination by physicians, patients were divided into three groups in accordance with European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Patients from five European countries were followed up for a period of 12 weeks. Duration of treatment was 12 weeks. We adjusted daily doses of lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide after every clinical examination and recorded adverse effects of drugs. After 12 weeks of treatment, 288 patients (96%) were evaluated for efficacy, tolerability and safety. In almost 81,5% patients with mild, moderate and severe hypertension, we recorded a reduction in blood pressure to approximately normal values SBP and DBP (140/90 mmHg). Drug-related side-effects occurred in 11 patients (3,66%). The most commonly reported adverse effects associated with lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide were cough (5) and dry mouth (5). This research has proved good efficacy of fixed combination lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide with more than 97% patients. Based on subjective estimation by patients: this drug improved quality of life in all cases

    Effects of Fixed Combination of Lisinopril Plus Hydrochlorothiazide on Regression of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension: An Opened, Multi-Centre, Prospective Clinical Trial

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    The aim of this trial was to examine the effects of antihypertensive fixed combination of lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide (Lopril H, Bosnalijek dd, Bosnia and Herzegovina) on regression of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with essential arterial hypertension. We included 297 patients in our trial, aged 54,65±9,6 years, with treated or untreated hypertension and with high risk of cardiac events, in an opened trial of therapy based on lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide. Patients from five European countries were followed up for a period of 12 weeks. Duration of treatment was 12 weeks. We adjusted daily doses of lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide after every clinical examination and recorded adverse effects of drugs. In the beginning and after 12 weeks of treatment, 277 patients (93,2%) underwent 2-dimensional echocardiography and there were 186 patients evaluated for efficacy of treatment on left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). We recorded a regression of index mass LVH (168,56 vs 161,51 g/m2, P<0,0001), and regression was something more in women vs men. We recorded average reduction of left ventricular mass index for patients with LVH (N=186) by 7,05 g/m2 (4,18%) in all patients, by 6,73 g/m2 (3,93%) in men and 7,27 g/m2 (4,37%) in women. The proportion of patients who attained a regression of left ventricular mass tended to be greater in men (54,55% vs 53,21%). This research has proved regression of LVH in more than 53% patients after using fixed combination of lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide

    Fixed Combination Lisinopril Plus Hydrochlorothiazide in the Treatment of Essential Arterial Hypertension: An Opened, Multi-Centre, Prospective Clinical Trial

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    The aim of this trial was to examine the efficacy and safety of antihypertensive fixed combination lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide (Lopril H, Bosnalijek dd) in the treatment of essential arterial hypertension. In our trial we included 297 patients, aged 54,65±9,6 years, with treated or untreated hypertension and with high risk of cardiac events, in an opened trial of therapy based on lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide. Upon the examination by physicians, patients were divided into three groups in accordance with European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Patients from five European countries were followed up for a period of 12 weeks. Duration of treatment was 12 weeks. We adjusted daily doses of lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide after every clinical examination and recorded adverse effects of drugs. After 12 weeks of treatment, 288 patients (96%) were evaluated for efficacy, tolerability and safety. In almost 81,5% patients with mild, moderate and severe hypertension, we recorded a reduction in blood pressure to approximately normal values SBP and DBP (140/90 mmHg). Drug-related side-effects occurred in 11 patients (3,66%). The most commonly reported adverse effects associated with lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide were cough (5) and dry mouth (5). This research has proved good efficacy of fixed combination lisinopril plus hydrochlorothiazide with more than 97% patients. Based on subjective estimation by patients: this drug improved quality of life in all cases