148 research outputs found

    Fenotipska varijabilnost mase primarnog klasa pŔenice (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The development of new cultivars with high yield, better quality and high adaptability to different environmental conditions is a permanent task in wheat breeding programmes. Genetic variability of parent for hybridization is a main focus in the improvement of the developed cultivars. In order to improve different traits it is necessary to conduct a special selection of parents after the analysis of expression of certain traits. The primary spike weight was analysed in 20 genetic divergent wheat cultivars originating from various breeding centres of Serbia. Cultivars were grown in two years which were characterised with different climatic conditions. The average weight of primary spikes for both years of growing varied from 3.00 g in the cultivar Zadruga to 4.23 g in the cultivar Gruža. The value of the coefficient of variation ranged from 12.42% in Tanjugovka to 18.46% OraÅ”anka cultivars. The effect of genetic and environmental factors and their interaction was highly significant. The largest impact of the year, i.e. the cultivar with 38.6%, i.e. 32.2% of variance, respectively was established for the expression of the spike weight in analysed wheat cultivars. Prospective cultivars, such as Gruža, Kremna, KG-75 and Tanjugovka, to be used in the breeding process are those that have expressed stable spike weights under different climatic conditions with high average values. .U radu je izučavana varijabilnost mase primarnog klasa 20 genetički divergentnih sorti pÅ”enice stvorenih u različitim selekcionim centrima u Srbiji. Istraživanja su sprovedena u toku dve godine u kojima je ispoljena različitost ovog svojstva kod ispitivanih sorti pÅ”enice. Masa klasa iste sorte je varirala zavisno od godine. Prosečna masa primarnog klasa, u toku dve godine, varirala je od 3,00 g kod sorte zadruga, do 4,23 g kod sorte gruža. Vrednost koeficijenta varijacije kretala se od 12,42% kod tanjugovke do 18,46% sorte oraÅ”anka. Efekat genetičkih faktora i spoljne sredine, kao i njihove interakcije bio je visoko značajan. U ukupnoj varijansi za masu klasa,je ustanovljeno najveće učeŔće varijanse godine sa 38,6% a zatim varijanse sorte sa 32,2%.

    Istraživanje procesa relaksacije ranih metastabilnih stanja sistema Fe40Ni40Si14B6

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    An investigation of the low-temperature relaxation process has been performed in which the structure of the frozen liquid metal is transformed into the structure which the sample acquires at the room temperature. The samples were obtained by quenching on a Cu single roll and then conserved at low temperature as soon as formed. It was noted that the activation of the relaxation process occurs in a temperature interval of 10-125 K. That is somewhat unexpected, because of the nature of the usual relaxation process in amorphous systems. The activation energy of the so-called early metastable states in Fe40Ni40Si14B6 amorphous system was found to be 1.5 kJ/moleU radu je opisano istraživanje niskotemperaturnog relaksacijskog procesa kojim se struktura zamrznutog tekućeg metala, dobijenog kaljenjem na jednom valjku, transformira u strukturu koju traka ima kada dostigne sobnu temperaturu. Uočeno je da se proces relaksacije počinje aktivirati pri određenoj energiji, Å”to nije bilo za očekivati s obzirom da se radi o relaksacijskom procesu u amorfnom sistemu. Za aktivacijsku energiju kojom se relaksiraju rana metastabilna stanja u sistemu Fe40Ni40Si14B6 dobivena je vrijednost 1.5 kJ/mol

    Procjena genotoksičnih učinaka irinotekana i cisplatina na zdrave miŔje stanice primjenom alkalnog komet testa

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    The purpose of cytostatic agents is to act exclusively upon tumor cells, and to inhibit growth or induce tumor cell death by impairing their cell cycle progression. However, the majority of these agents are not specific in their action, and subsequently produce toxic effects on healthy tissues causing significant adverse events in both patients and health professionals exposed to these drugs. Various cytogenetic and molecular biology assays play an important role in the assessment of genotoxic effects related to antineoplastic drugs. Within a short period after exposure to a potentially genotoxic agent, these assays are able to assess the level of cellular DNA damage and/or to monitor the dynamics of DNA repair. Sensitive techniques, such as alkaline comet assay, are of special importance in the detection of primary DNA damage occurring in individual cells regardless of the cell cycle phase. The aim of the study was to assess and compare DNA damage that irinotecan and cisplatin induce in peripheral leukocytes, and normal kidney, liver and brain cells of Swiss albino mice. The results show that both cytostatics produce statistically significant DNA damage in normal cells compared to the control group. Compared to irinotecan, cisplatin has a significantly more potent genotoxic effect on these cells, which may be attributed to various mechanisms of action of the studied drugs.Po svojoj namjeni citostatici bi trebali djelovati isključivo na tumorske stanice, te naruÅ”avanjem njihovog staničnog ciklusa spriječiti rast ili izazvati smrt tih stanica. Međutim, većina ovih lijekova je u svom djelovanju nespecifična, zbog čega se toksične posljedice odražavaju i na stanicama zdravih tkiva, a rezultat toga su značajne nuspojave u bolesnika i osoba koje su profesionalno izložene tim lijekovima. U procjeni genotoksičnih učinaka antineoplastičnih lijekova značajnu ulogu imaju različiti citogenetični i molekularno-bioloÅ”ki testovi. Pomoću njih u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju nakon izlaganja nekom potencijalno genotoksičnom agensu, možemo procijeniti razinu oÅ”tećenja stanične DNA i/ili pratiti dinamiku njenog popravka. Posebnu važnost imaju tehnike poput alkalnog komet testa koje omogućavaju osjetljivo otkrivanje primarnih oÅ”tećenja DNA u pojedinačnim stanicama, neovisno o fazi staničnog ciklusa. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je bio ustanoviti i usporediti oÅ”tećenja DNA koja izazivaju irinotekan i cisplatina na leukocitima periferne krvi, na zdravim stanicama bubrega, jetre i mozga Swiss albino miÅ”eva. Sukladno rezultatima istraživanja oba citostatika dovode do statistički značajnih oÅ”tećenja DNA spomenutih zdravih stanica u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Međusobno uspoređujući irinotekan i cisplatinu možemo zamijetiti da cisplatina ima statistički značajno jači genotoksični učinak od irinotekana na spomenute stanice, Å”to pripisujemo različitim mehanizmima djelovanja promatranih citostatika

    Interakcija inhalacijskih anestetika i citostatika

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    Inhaled anesthetics are often used for inducing or maintaining anesthesia in cancer patients as the length and complexity of the surgical procedure cannot be predicted for it depends on intraoperative surgical and pathohistological findings, and as often as not requires repeated operations for removal or reduction of the primary tumor, regional metastases, recurrence, pathological fractures, or surgery complications. These are easily volatile liquids that enter the body through inhalation, and then, by diffusion through the aleveolocapillary membrane, they are transferred into the blood stream to be transported to all other organs and the central nervous system. Most of the inhaled anesthetics are eliminated from the body through respiration; a portion of them, however, metabolizes in the liver via the cytochrome P450 oxidase family and is excreted via the kidneys, so the issue of their toxicity has always attracted a considerable interest from investigators. Cancer patients receiving cytostatic agents during the perioperative period increase in number every day. Aside from their planned surgery, cancer patients receiving cytostatics also undergo emergency surgery either for their disease complication or for another reason. It is important to understand the pharmacology of cytostatics, their interaction with anesthetics, pharmacokinetics and toxic reactions. Cytostatics and general anesthetics act immunosuppressively and thus compromise the patientā€™s immune status. In addition, cytostatics depress the myocardium and damage lung function, which can cause serious problems during anesthesia. Each anesthesia as well as each surgery produce stress on the body, and the anesthetics themselves alter the cell immunity so the patients receiving cytostatics during their perioperative period can experience serious general and organ-specific side effects. It would be worth knowing whether any of the most commonly used anesthetics today show an advantage in treating patients withcancer, especially patients receiving chemotherapy, and whether the inhaled anesthetics combined with cytostatics increase, enhance or even suppress the individual effect on various types of cells, above all on tumor cells that can become resistant to therapy for developing the so-called ā€žmultidrug resistanceā€œ.Inhalacijski anestetici često se primjenjuju za uvod u anesteziju ili za održavanje anestezije kod onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika zbog toga Å”to se kod uvoda u anesteziju dužina i opseg operacijskog zahvata često ne mogu predvidjeti i ovise o intraoperacijskom kirurÅ”kom i patohistoloÅ”kom nalazu, a nerijetko su potrebne ponavljane operacije zbog uklanjanja ili redukcije primarnog tumora, regionalnih metastaza, recidiva bolesti, udaljenih metastaza, patoloÅ”kih fraktura ili zbog komplikacija same operacije. To su lako hlapljive tekućine koje u organizam ulaze udisanjem, a zatim difuzijom kroz alveolokapilarnu membranu prelaze u krvotok, krvotokom se dopremaju do svih ostalih organa i do srediÅ”njeg živčanog sustava. Veći dio inhaliranih anestetika se eliminira iz organizma respiracijom, me|utim jedan dio metabolizira se u jetri putem obitelji citokrom oksidaza P450 i izlučuje putem bubrega te je pitanje njihove toksičnosti oduvijek izazivalo veliki interes istraživača. Svakodnevno se povećava broj onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika koji u periperacijskom periodu primaju citostatike. Osim planiranih operacijskih zahvata onkoloÅ”ki bolesnici koji primaju citostatike podvrgavaju se i hitnim operacijskim zahvatima, bilo zbog komplikacija bolesti ili zbog nekog drugog razloga. Važno je razumjeti farmakologiju citostatika, interakciju s anesteticima, farmakokinetiku i toksične reakcije. Citostatici i opći anestetici djeluju imunosupresivno na bolesnika te kompromitiraju njegov imunoloÅ”ki status. Osim toga, citostatici deprimiraju miokard i oÅ”tećuju plućnu funkciju, Å”to može izazvati ozbiljne probleme u anesteziji. Svaka anestezija i operacija predstavlja stres za organizam, a sami anestetici mijenjaju staničnu imunost, te bolesnici koji primaju citostatike u perioperacijskom periodu mogu imati ozbiljne opće i organ specifične nuspojave. Bilo bi dobro znati ima li neki od danas najčeŔće upotrebljavanih anestetika prednost u primjeni kod onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika, osobito ako ti bolesnici primaju citostatike te da li inhalacijski anestetici i citostatici u kombinaciji povećavaju, potenciraju ili čak suprimiraju pojedinačni učinak na različite vrste stanica, osobito tumorskih stanica koje mogu postati rezistentne na terapiju zbog tzv. ā€žmultidrug resistanceā€œ

    Interakcija inhalacijskih anestetika i citostatika

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    Inhaled anesthetics are often used for inducing or maintaining anesthesia in cancer patients as the length and complexity of the surgical procedure cannot be predicted for it depends on intraoperative surgical and pathohistological findings, and as often as not requires repeated operations for removal or reduction of the primary tumor, regional metastases, recurrence, pathological fractures, or surgery complications. These are easily volatile liquids that enter the body through inhalation, and then, by diffusion through the aleveolocapillary membrane, they are transferred into the blood stream to be transported to all other organs and the central nervous system. Most of the inhaled anesthetics are eliminated from the body through respiration; a portion of them, however, metabolizes in the liver via the cytochrome P450 oxidase family and is excreted via the kidneys, so the issue of their toxicity has always attracted a considerable interest from investigators. Cancer patients receiving cytostatic agents during the perioperative period increase in number every day. Aside from their planned surgery, cancer patients receiving cytostatics also undergo emergency surgery either for their disease complication or for another reason. It is important to understand the pharmacology of cytostatics, their interaction with anesthetics, pharmacokinetics and toxic reactions. Cytostatics and general anesthetics act immunosuppressively and thus compromise the patientā€™s immune status. In addition, cytostatics depress the myocardium and damage lung function, which can cause serious problems during anesthesia. Each anesthesia as well as each surgery produce stress on the body, and the anesthetics themselves alter the cell immunity so the patients receiving cytostatics during their perioperative period can experience serious general and organ-specific side effects. It would be worth knowing whether any of the most commonly used anesthetics today show an advantage in treating patients withcancer, especially patients receiving chemotherapy, and whether the inhaled anesthetics combined with cytostatics increase, enhance or even suppress the individual effect on various types of cells, above all on tumor cells that can become resistant to therapy for developing the so-called ā€žmultidrug resistanceā€œ.Inhalacijski anestetici često se primjenjuju za uvod u anesteziju ili za održavanje anestezije kod onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika zbog toga Å”to se kod uvoda u anesteziju dužina i opseg operacijskog zahvata često ne mogu predvidjeti i ovise o intraoperacijskom kirurÅ”kom i patohistoloÅ”kom nalazu, a nerijetko su potrebne ponavljane operacije zbog uklanjanja ili redukcije primarnog tumora, regionalnih metastaza, recidiva bolesti, udaljenih metastaza, patoloÅ”kih fraktura ili zbog komplikacija same operacije. To su lako hlapljive tekućine koje u organizam ulaze udisanjem, a zatim difuzijom kroz alveolokapilarnu membranu prelaze u krvotok, krvotokom se dopremaju do svih ostalih organa i do srediÅ”njeg živčanog sustava. Veći dio inhaliranih anestetika se eliminira iz organizma respiracijom, me|utim jedan dio metabolizira se u jetri putem obitelji citokrom oksidaza P450 i izlučuje putem bubrega te je pitanje njihove toksičnosti oduvijek izazivalo veliki interes istraživača. Svakodnevno se povećava broj onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika koji u periperacijskom periodu primaju citostatike. Osim planiranih operacijskih zahvata onkoloÅ”ki bolesnici koji primaju citostatike podvrgavaju se i hitnim operacijskim zahvatima, bilo zbog komplikacija bolesti ili zbog nekog drugog razloga. Važno je razumjeti farmakologiju citostatika, interakciju s anesteticima, farmakokinetiku i toksične reakcije. Citostatici i opći anestetici djeluju imunosupresivno na bolesnika te kompromitiraju njegov imunoloÅ”ki status. Osim toga, citostatici deprimiraju miokard i oÅ”tećuju plućnu funkciju, Å”to može izazvati ozbiljne probleme u anesteziji. Svaka anestezija i operacija predstavlja stres za organizam, a sami anestetici mijenjaju staničnu imunost, te bolesnici koji primaju citostatike u perioperacijskom periodu mogu imati ozbiljne opće i organ specifične nuspojave. Bilo bi dobro znati ima li neki od danas najčeŔće upotrebljavanih anestetika prednost u primjeni kod onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika, osobito ako ti bolesnici primaju citostatike te da li inhalacijski anestetici i citostatici u kombinaciji povećavaju, potenciraju ili čak suprimiraju pojedinačni učinak na različite vrste stanica, osobito tumorskih stanica koje mogu postati rezistentne na terapiju zbog tzv. ā€žmultidrug resistanceā€œ

    Assessing wheat performance using environmental information

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    The partial least squares (PLS) regression model was applied to wheat data set with objective to determining the most relevant environmental variables that explained biomass per plant and grain yield genotype x environment interaction (GEI) effects. The data set had 25 wheat genotypes (20 landraces + 5 cultivars) tested for 4 years in two different water regimes: rainfed and drought. Environmental variables such as maximum soil temperature at 5 cm in April and May, soil moisture in the top 75 cm in March, and sun hours per day in May accounted for a sizeable proportion of GEI for biomass per plant. Similar results were obtained for grain yield: maximum soil temperature at 5 cm in April, May and June, and sun hours per day in May were related to the factor that explained the largest portion (>38%) of the GEI. Generally, wheat landraces are able to better exploit environments with higher temperatures and lower water availability during vegetative growth (March-June) than cultivars

    Expected genetic advance and stability of phytic acid and antioxidants content in bread and durum wheat

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    Fifteen genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and fifteen genotypes of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) were evaluated in the multi-environment trial during 2010-11. and 2011-12 vegetation seasons to investigate components of variance, heritability in a broad sense (h(2)), expected genetic advance (GA), and stability of phytic acid (PA), inorganic phosphorus (P-i), phytic phosphorus (P-p)/P-i relation, yellow pigment (YP), water soluble phenolics (WSPH) and free protein sulfhydryl groups (PSH) content. The field trials were carried out at three locations in Serbia, as randomized complete block design with four replications. The genetic component of variance (sigma(2)(g)) predominated the genotype x environment interaction (sigma(2)(ge)) component for: P-i in bread wheat (3.0 times higher), P-p/P-i in bread wheat (2.1 times higher) and in durum wheat (1.2 times higher), YP content in bread wheat (2.2 times higher) and in durum wheat (1.7 times higher), and WSPH content in bread wheat (1.4 times higher). The relation sigma(2)(g)/sigma(2)(ge) for P-i content in durum wheat was equal to one. The sigma(2)(ge) prevailed sigma(2)(g) for: PA in bread wheat (1.7 times higher) and in durum wheat (5.7 times higher), PSH in durum wheat (3.7 times higher), and WSPH in durum wheat (5.2 times higher). High h(2) coupled with high expected genetic advance as percent of mean (GAM) were observed for: P-i (93.7% and 26.1%, respectively) in bread wheat, P-p/P-i relation in bread wheat (92.4% and 20.7%, respectively) and in durum wheat (87.2% and 20.8%, respectively), YP content in bread wheat (92.6% and 28.0%, respectively) and in durum wheat (90.7% and 28.1%, respectively), and WSPH content (88.9% and 25.8%, respectively) in bread wheat. PA content in bread and durum wheat had medium to medium high h(2) (50.5% and 77.9%, respectively), and low expected GAM (9.9% and 3.7%, respectively). GGE biplots with average-environment coordination (AEC) indicated less stability of durum wheat for PA, WSPH and PSH content
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