33 research outputs found

    Determining the presence and the number of people by using a Wi-Fi signal

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    We present experimental results and theoretical methods for the precise determination of the presence and the number of people in an observed area by using Wi-Fi signals. Our setup does not require active cooperation of persons present in the Wi-Fi field, and relies only on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), which is read by the detectors. We first show that the standard deviation of the measured RSSI data can be used as a practical tool to establish the presence of a person (or more persons) with high precision, in particular when the signal source is inside the measurement room. For the more difficult problem of counting the number of persons, we have employed machine learning algorithms to analyze data collected on nine different detectors and up to nine people present in our experiment. We have achieved excellent results (prediction accuracy of 98% and above) for counting already with only few detectors utilized in the analysis.Comment: are welcom

    Use of Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics for Periapical Jaw Defect Filling

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    U 19 bolesnika s velikim periapeksnim promjenama, tj. kad je postavljena proširena indikacija za apikotomiju, postoperacijski koštani defekt ispunili smo trikalcijfosfatnom keramikom tvorničkog naziva ILMAPLANT®-R1. U ovo istraživanje uključeni su bolesnici koje se klinički i rendgenološki prati od jedne do četiri godine poslije operacije. Rezultati su analizirani za sve bolesnike prema skupinama i po vremenu praćenja. Neuspješnim liječenjem smatrali su se slučajevi u kojih je u postoperativnom praćenju otkrivena fistula. Operirano je 28 zuba, 25 u gornjoj i 3 u donjoj čeljusti. Najčešća je patološka promjena bila u svezi s gornjim drugim sjekutićem. Proučavajući rezultate za sve bolesnike, klinički uspješnim ocijenili smo stanje u 84%. Analizirajući rendgenograme, defekt je potpuno izliječen u 74% bolesnika, a samo u 2/19 bolesnika utvrdili smo rendgenološki neuspješno cijeljenje. Prema rezultatima u svim skupinama praćenja, u 2/19 bolesnika s vremenom je nastupilo kliničko i/ili rendgenološko pogoršanje, a samo u jednoga bolesnika nastupilo je poboljšanje. Zaključno možemo reći da je ILMAPLANT®-R1 dobar resorbilan materijal za punjenje periapeksnih koštanih defekata. ILMAPLANT®- R1 možemo proširiti indikaciju za apikotomiju, a procjena o neuspjehu i odluka o eventualnoj reoperaciji temelji se na kliničkom nalazu.In 19 patients with major periapical osseous defects, i.e. with an extended indication for apicoectomy, jaw bone defects were filled with tricalcium phosphate ceramics (ILMAPLANT®-Rl). Follow-up period was from one to four years postoperatively. Clinical success rate was 84% but radiologically complete healing occurred in 74% of our patients. The results of this study warrant the conclusion that ILMAPLANT®-R1 is a biocompatible resorbable implant material suitable for filling major postoperative periapical osseous defects, allowing the indication for apicoectomy to be extended

    Maize yield variations in Northern Serbian and Eastern Croatian regions

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    Abstract This study evaluates maize yield variations in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbia) and Eastern Croatia (Croatia) over a period of eight years. The effect of precipitation and mean air temperatures on maize yields was analysed during June through August, using the weather data issued by the State Hydrometeorological Institutes based in Belgrade (Serbia) and Zagreb (Croatia). Data on total acreages and average yields of maize were obtained from the Serbian and Croatian Statistical Yearbooks (2000-2009). The analysis covering the eight-year period showed that the years 2000 and 2003 were highly unfavourable for maize production (the twoyear yield average in Vojvodina and Eastern Croatia being 3.1 t ha -1 and 3.9 t ha -1 , respectively), as opposed to the two "favourable" years (2005 and 2006) giving an average of 6.2 t ha -1 (Vojvodina) and 6.7 t ha -1 (Eastern Croatia). During the June-August period, the measured precipitation values for the "unfavourable years" averaged 91.5 mm in Vojvodina (Novi Sad) and 112 mm in Eastern Croatia (Osijek), with the average air temperatures in the respective regions being 23.1ºC and 22.9ºC. The corresponding data for the "favourable years" were 326 mm and 380.5 mm, and 20.5ºC and 21.1ºC, respectively. The long-term average values of precipitation and air temperatures measured over the three summer months were similar for Novi Sad (207 mm and 20.4ºC) and Osijek (211 mm and 20.3ºC)


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi vertikalnu raspodjelu brzine zraka pri radu aksijalnog i radijalnog raspršivača s obzirom na dvije razine protoka zraka. Pri radu aksijalnog raspršivača koristi se protok zraka od 10995,75 i 14154,75 m3/h, a pri radu radijalnog raspršivača koristi se protok od 6248,33 i 10265,16 m3/h. Aksijalni raspršivač ostvaruje veće protoke zraka uz manje brzine, dok radijalni raspršivač ostvaruje veće brzine zraka uz manji protok. Vertikalna distribucija brzine zraka ravnomjernija je pri radu radijalnog raspršivača s relativno malom devijacijom i koeficijentom varijacije za razliku od aksijalnog koji ima veća odstupanja (aksijalni raspršivač, prvo namještanje: desna strana stroja s KV od 31,30% te lijeva s 31,04%, drugo namještanje: desna strana stroja s KV od 27,20% te lijeva s 26,68%; radijalni raspršivač, prvo namještanje: desna strana stroja s KV od 2,18% te lijeva s 3,81%, drugo namještanje: desna strana stroja s KV od 5,61% te lijeva s 10,51%). Također se utvrđuje da pri radu aksijalnog raspršivača, lijeva strana stroja ostvaruje znatno veće brzine zraka (prvo namještanje: lijeva strana stroja s prosječnom brzinom od 14,96 m/s te desna sa 11,21 m/s; drugo namještanje: lijeva strana stroja sa prosječnom brzinom od 19,38 m/s te desna s 15,58 m/s), za razliku od radijalnog raspršivača gdje su razlike minimalne i usmjerene na desnu stranu (prvo namještanje: lijeva strana stroja s prosječnom brzinom od 14,95 m/s te desna sa 16,25 m/s; drugo namještanje: lijeva strana stroja s prosječnom brzinom od 24,45 m/s te desna sa 26,00 m/s). Zbog gibanja zraka od usmjerivača, dolazi do pojave miješanja i trenja sa okolnim zrakom pa brzina slabi, te se veće smanjenje utvrđuje pri radu radijalnog raspršivača (aksijalni raspršivač, prvo namještanje: desna strana stroja sa smanjenjem od 35,10% te lijeva s 32,55%, drugo namještanje: desna strana stroja sa smanjenjem od 44,58% te lijeva s 37,61%; radijalni raspršivač, prvo namještanje: desna strana stroja sa smanjenjem od 55,69% te lijeva s 55,11%, drugo namještanje: desna strana stroja sa smanjenjem od 45,97% te lijeva s 46,42%). Radijalni raspršivač ostvaruje ujednačenije rezultate vertikalne raspodjele brzine zraka, za razliku od aksijalnog, te se sa savitljivo prilagodljivim vodovima lako prilagođava različitim uzgojnim oblicima trajnih nasada.The objective of this study was to determine the vertical air flow velocity considering two different air flows on the axial and radial mistblower. With axial mistblower the air flow of 10995.75 and 14154.75 m3/h is used, and with radial mistblower the air flow of 6248.33 and 10265.16 m3/h. Axial mistblower achieves greater air flow with minor velocity, while radial mistblower achieves greater velocities with minor air flow. Vertical distribution of air flow velocity is more balanced with the exploitation of radial mistblower with relative by small deviation and coefficient of variation, unlike the axial mistblower which achieves greater deviations (axial mistblower, first adjustment: the right side of the machine with CV of 31.30% and the left with 31.04%, second adjustment: the right side of the machine with CV of 27.20% and the left with CV of 26.68%; radial mistblower, first adjustment: the right side of the machine with CV of 2.18% and the left with CV of 3.81%; second adjustment: the right side of the machine with CV of 5.61% and the left with CV of 10.51%). The left side of axial mistblower achieves significantly higher air velocity (first adjustment: the left side of the machine with average speed of 14.96 m/s and the right with 11.21 m/s; second adjustment: the left side of the machine with average speed of 19.38 m/s and the right with 15.58 m/s), unlike the radial mistblower, where the differences are minimal and focused on the right side (first adjustment: the left side of the machine with average speed of 14.95 m/s and the right with 16.25 m/s; second adjustment: the left side of the machine with average speed of 24.45 m/s and the right with 26.00 m/s). Owing to the air flow movement, mixing and friction occur with the surrounding air, so air flow velocity decreases (greater decrease with the exploitation of radial mistblower) – axial mistblower, first adjustment: the right side of the machine with the decreae of 35.10% and the left with 32.55%, second adjustment: the right side of the machine with the decrease of 44.58% and the left with 37.61%; radial mistblower, first adjustment: the right side of the machine with the decrease of 55.69% and the left with 55.11%, second adjustment: the right side of the machine with decreasing of 45.97% and the left with 46.42%). Radial mistblower achieves uniformly results of vertical air flow velocity distribution, and with flexible adaptable conduits, it can easily adapt to different breeding forms of permanent crops

    Technical inspection of machines for crop protection

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    Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, usklađuje se zakonodavstvo sa europskom direktivom 2009/128/EC, prema kojoj svi strojevi za zaštitu bilja moraju imati valjani tehnički pregled. Konačni nacrt zakona stupio je na snagu 24. siječnja 2014. godine (NN 14/14), prema kojem se tehnički pregled za sve strojeve u eksploataciji mora obaviti do 26. studenog 2016. godine. Trenutno u RH tehnički pregled obavilo je otprilike 16.000 strojeva koji su upisani u FIS bazu podataka. Glavnina strojeva sa valjanom naljepnicom o tehničkom pregledu je iz panonskog dijela države, a pretpostavka je da pregled mora obaviti još cca. 15 000 strojeva. Ministarstvo poljoprivrede sa Odjelom za održivu uporabu pesticida je nadležno za provedbu navedenog zakona, a tehnički pregled obavlja 11 mobilnih ispitnih stanica. Uspostavljen je sustav edukacije inspektora za tehnički pregled strojeva koji se obavlja prema normi EN 13790. Valjanost tehničkog pregleda izdaje se na rok od 3 godine, dok se novim strojevima (kupljeni nakon 01.01.2013. godine) izdaje naljepnica sa rokom od 5 godina, bez tehničkog pregleda, samo sa upisom u FIS bazu.By joining the Republic of Croatia with the European Union, legislation is aligned with the European Directive 2009/128/EC, according to which all plant protection machines must have a valid technical inspection. The final law draft entered into force on January 24, 2014 (NN 14/14), whereby a technical inspection of all machines in exploitation must be completed by November 26, 2016. Currently in the Republic of Croatia a technical inspection was carried out approx. 16 000 machines entered in the FIS database. Most of the machines with a valid label on the technical inspection are from the Pannonian part of the state, and the assumption is that the inspection must be accomplished by approx. 15 000 machines. The Ministry of Agriculture with the Department for Sustainable Use of Pesticides is competent for the implementation of this law, and a technical inspection is carried out by 11 mobile test stations. An inspectors’ education system has been established and the technical inspection is carried out according to EN 13790 standard. The validity of the technical inspection is issued for a period of 3 years, while the new machines (purchased after 01.01.2013.), received a 5-year valid sticker without a technical inspection, only with the entry into the FIS database

    Review of incentives for pediatric drug development and of the number of phase III clinical trials in selected countries

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    Procjenjuje se da više od 50 % lijekova korištenih u EU-u u pedijatrijske svrhe nikada nije bilo ispitano u toj populaciji. Cilj ovog članka bio je pregledati zakone i poticaje na klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i usporediti ih s brojem kliničkih ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji faze III koje financiraju industrije, kao i udjelom pedijatrijskih u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III posljednjih deset godina. Napravljen je pregled poticaja za klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i zakonskih okvira koji ih reguliraju za osamnaest država različite razvijenosti i EU. Za države uključene u istraživanje napravljen je pregledan broj pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija i njihova udjela u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija, registriranih u bazi clinicaltrials.gov u razdoblju od 2008. do 2017. godine. Najčešće usvojeni poticaji za razvoj pedijatrijskih lijekova bili su SPC ili višegodišnja patentna zaštita. Razvijeno zakonodavstvo sa sustavom obveza za njihovo provođenje imaju EU, SAD i Švicarska. Razvijene države imaju strogo regulirano zakonodavstvo i formirane poticaje za pedijatrijska klinička ispitivanja, ali se ispitivanja često provode u nerazvijenim državama zbog jednostavnosti i cijene. U EU-u, Japanu i Švicarskoj uočeni su trendovi porasta broja pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja nakon uvođenja inicijativa i poticaja za njihovo provođenje. Utvrđene su nejednakosti u stupnju reguliranosti obveze provođenja kliničkih ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji među državama. Nije utvrđena povezanost broja ili udjela pedijatrijskih u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III i stupnja regulacije obveza i poticaja za provođenje pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja u pojedinoj državi.It is estimated that more than 50% of medicines used in pediatric in the EU have never been tested in that population. The aim of this article was to review the laws and incentives for clinical trials in the pediatric population and compare them to the number of phase III clinical trials in the pediatric population funded by the industry as well as their proportion in the total number of clinical trials of phase III over the last ten years. A review of clinical trials in a pediatric population and legal frameworks that regulates the same for eighteen states of different development and the EU has been made. For the countries included in the study, the number of pediatric clinical trials of phase III funded by the industry and their proportion in the total number of clinical trials of phase III funded by the industry registered in the clinicaltrials.gov database during the period from 2008 to 2017 was reviewed. The most commonly used incentives for the development of pediatric drugs were SPCs or years of patent protection. EU, the US and Switzerland have developed legislation with a system of obligations to implement them. Developed states have strictly regulated legislation and formed incentives for pediatric clinical trials, but research is often conducted in underdeveloped states for simplicity and price. In the EU, Japan and Switzerland, an increasing trend in the number of pediatric clinical trials have been observed after introducing initiatives and incentives to encourage them. Inequalities in the degree of regulation of the obligation to carry out clinical trials in pediatric population among states have been established. There was no link between the number or the proportion of pediatric patients in the total number of phase III clinical trials and the degree of regulation of the obligations and incentives for pediatric clinical trials in a particular country

    What Is Worth Knowing in Interventional Practices about Medical Staff Radiation Exposure Monitoring: A Review of Recent Outcomes of EURADOS Working Group 12

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    EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) Working Group 12 (WG12) SG1 activities are aimed at occupational radiation protection and individual monitoring in X-ray and nuclear medicine practices. In recent years, many studies have been carried out in these fields, especially for interventional radiology and cardiology workplaces (IC/IR). The complexity of the exposure conditions of the medical staff during interventional practices makes the radiation protection and monitoring of the exposed workers a challenging task. The scope of the present work is to review some of the main results obtained within WG12 activities about scattered field characterization and personal dosimetry that could be very useful in increasing the quality of radiation protection of the personnel, safety, and awareness of radiation risk. Two papers on Monte Carlo modelling of interventional theater and three papers on active personal dosimeters (APDs) for personnel monitoring were considered in the review. More specifically, Monte Carlo simulation was used as the main tool to characterize the levels of exposure of the medical staff, allowing to determine how beam energy and direction can have an impact on the doses received by the operators. Indeed, the simulations provided information about the exposure of the operator’s head, and the study concluded with the determination of an eye-lens protection factor when protection goggles and a ceiling shielding are used. Moreover, the review included the results of studies on active personal dosimeters, their use in IC/IR workplaces, and how they respond to calibration fields, with X-ray standard and pulsed beams. It was shown that APDs are insensitive to backscatter radiation, but some of them could not respond correctly to the very intense pulsed fields (as those next to the patient in interventional practices). The measurements during interventional procedures showed the potential capability of the employment of APDs in hospitals

    Effects of merger of two insurance companies: Basler and UNIQA

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    Strategija rasta koju primjenjuje sve više poduzeća je strategija integracije poduzeća putem spajanja ili preuzimanja. Procesom spajanja poduzeća ostvaruju brojne prednosti, kao što su stjecanje novog kapitala, nove tehnologije, širenje na nova tržišta, postizanje ekonomije obujma, ostvarenje profita. Međutim, spajanje može imati i negativne učinke koji proizlaze iz promjenjivih i dinamičnih uvjeta na tržištu, pogrešnih motiva spajanja i krivog pristupa prilikom procesa spajanja. U radu su prikazane teorijske odrednice spajanja poduzeća, trendovi na tržištu osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Poseban naglasak dan je na proces spajanja UNIQA i Basler osiguranja te učinke koji su iz toga proizašli. Glavno istraživačko pitanje ovoga rada je li i na koji način je postupak integracije UNIQA i Basler osiguranja utjecao na uspješnost UNIQA osiguranja, odnosno postoji li relacija izmeu integracije i uspješnosti UNIQA osiguranja. Svrha rada je prikazati pozitivne i negativne posljedice spajanja i pripajanja. Cilj rada je prikazati teorijske specifičnosti spajanja, suvremene trendove u industriji osiguranja, utvrditi i istražiti proces spajanja UNIQA i Basler osiguranja te kakav je to utjecaj imalo na UNIQA osiguranje