820 research outputs found

    Linking Health, Nutrition and Wages: The Evolution of Age at Menarche and Labor Earnings among Adult Mexican Women

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    This study uses a human capital framework to evaluate the impact on labor market productivity of investments in health and nutrition in Mexico. The research extends the existing literature by proposing age at menarche as an effective indicator for analyzing the impact on productivity in the labor market of health and nutritional investments during childhood and adolescence. As in the case of adult height and body mass index, indicators that have been widely used in the analysis of the health-productivity relationship, menarche is a variable that reflects the secular increase in the level of economic development of many countries in the region. Age at menarche has shown a steady decrease of approximately 3-4 months per decade in many countries over the past 150 years. This decrease is a reflection of a variety of socio-economic factors and in particular nutritional status as a child. Despite the parallels between menarche and adult height as indicators of cumulative health status, age at menarche has apparently not been previously incorporated into the analysis of the impact of health on economic development. The paper considers the correlates of age at menarche in the framework of a reduced form health production function. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of policy-sensitive health variables as determinants of age at menarche, and hence long-run female health. Hourly wages are used to measure the impact on labor market productivity of investment in health and nutrition early in the life cycle. Age at menarche is presented as a proxy for certain aspects of the health and nutritional components of human capital. The integrated human capital framework that underlies the theoretical model is developed in Schultz (1997), and applied in such works as Schultz (1996), Schultz and Tansel (1997) and Strauss and Thomas (1997).

    A Comparative Approach to Extraterritoriality in the Fields of Antitrust and Export Controls

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    This work will show that all isolated proposals for the solution of the extraterritoriality problem are fundamentally insufficient. Only a combination of negotiation, agreements and arbitration comes near to a solution of the problem. Taking the example of antitrust and export control laws the author will describe and analyze the different approaches currently discussed to cope with the fact that one sovereign state tries to extend its jurisdiction into the field of another sovereign state. It is to be shown that no approach can succeed as long as the substantive laws in the antitrust and export control field are different

    Financial Crisis, Health Outcomes and Aging: Mexico in the 1980s and 1990s

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    We study the impact of economic crisis on health in Mexico. There have been four wide-scale economic crises in Mexico in the past two decades, the most recent in 1995-96. We find that mortality rates for the very young and the elderly increase or decline less rapidly in crisis years as compared with non-crisis years. In late 1995-96 crisis, mortality rates were about 5 to 7 percent higher in the crisis years compared to the years just prior to the crisis. This translates into a 0.4 percent increase in mortality for the elderly and a 0.06 percent increase in mortality for the very young. We find tentative evidence that economic crises affect mortality by reducing incomes and possibly by placing a greater burden on the medical sector, but not by forcing less healthy members of the population to work or by forcing primary caregivers to go to work.

    Políticas públicas de formação continuada de profissionais da educação na modalidade à distância: limites e possibilidades

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Educação. Pedagogia.Nota-se a importância em analisar e destacar as políticas públicas que visam à formação de professores. Mas é necessário destacar a importância da modalidade EAD neste meio, pois as novas tecnologias estão aparecendo cada vez mais no dia a dia de professores e instituição. Através de computadores, celulares modernos, tablets, entre outros. Para isso é importante que o professor fique atento a essas novas tecnologias e que consiga inseri-las no seu ambiente de ensino. Neste sentido, a EAD tem sido utilizada como um meio de capacitação de professores para que se adaptem as novas demandas da modernidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer como acontece a formação continuada na modalidade EAD, entender quem são os sujeitos que frequentam esses cursos e qual a contribuição da EAD para o ensino, já que muitas vezes ela é vista com preconceito.O resultado do trabalho aponta que, cada vez mais estão acontecendo cursos de formação continuada e de graduação, e que a qualidade está sendo um fator importante de destaque, os sujeitos que frequentam esses cursos são os mais variados possíveis, alguns porque moram longe dos grandes centros urbanos, ou até mesmo porque a carga horaria de serviço não permite que o indivíduo tire o tempo de deslocamento até a instituição, entre outros. E o preconceito existe sim, mas geralmente parte de pessoas que não tem conhecimento nenhum dessa modalidade e julgam sem saber. Assim, querendo denegrir a imagem da Educação à distância e dos seus sujeitos

    Exploring the effects of health shocks on antipoverty interventions : experience of poor beneficiary households in Bangladesh

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    How and whether health shocks impact poverty reduction interventions remains a largely unexplored topic to which not much attention has been paid. This study explored whether and how health shocks affect anti-poverty interventions targeted to extremely poor households using data from 8 focus group discussions and 12 case studies. Those in extremely poor households mostly experienced episodes of chronic disease that incurred greater health-care costs, largely financed by the out-of-pocket payment system. The majority of those from poor households met health-care costs by selling their means of livelihood, borrowing cash, and marketing physical assets. This study argues that livelihood support alone is likely to be insufficient to reduce poverty. Health needs, subsequently, should be prioritized while designing an anti-poverty program

    Nationalism in the Post Cold-War World

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    Nationalism--one of the most salient forces working within the contemporary system of states--is on the rise, and no state is immune. Contemporary nationalism is fundamentally different from that which first appeared on the political scene more than two centuries ago. In the international system, state sovereignty is recognized over the right of self-determination of nations Since the right of self-determination is incompatible with sovereignty, changes must be made. Some nations work toward receiving a voice or gaining greater autonomy; others clamor for secession. It is the latter which poses the greatest threat to peace and international stability. There are various ways to resolve nationalistic conflict; the key lies in finding solutions for nationalism before it occurs. States should form governments which are inclusive, yet preserve cultural autonomy; nations must feel they have a voice in the political system. Multinational organizations and institutions should also be embraced by the world community. Ultimately, one must realize that each state, though possessing similarities, is also unique_ Solutions must therefore be sought which are appropriate for each state

    A matemática e o ensino remoto em tempos de pandemia: cartografando experiências de uma futura professora do campo

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Educação. Educação do CampoEste trabalho tem como objetivo cartografar experiências de uma futura professora do campo ao ensinar matemática para duas turmas de 7º ano em uma escola pública da cidade de Bom Retiro – SC. As aulas aconteceram de modo remoto durante o ano de 2020 diante da crise da pandemia do COVID-19. Para tanto, assume-se a cartografia como estratégia metodológica de uma pesquisa-intervenção que visa traçar o caminho produzido pela professora ao longo desse processo, bem como trazer à tona os movimentos e as escolhas assumidas por ela ao ensinar matemática e se relacionar com os estudantes diante da crise pandêmica. O diário de bordo torna-se, neste trabalho, uma ferramenta importante ao possibilitar a produção de exercícios críticos do pensamento sobre o ofício do professor e o ensino de matemática em tempos de ensino remoto. Por fim, busca apresentar os desafios e conquistas vivenciadas pela professora ao longo do ano letivo de 2020, possibilitando pensar modos outros de ensinar.This paper aims to map the experience of a future teacher from the countryside when teaching mathematics to two 7th grade classes in a public school in the city of Bom Retiro - SC. The classes took place remotely during the year of 2020 in the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, cartography is assumed as a methodological strategy of a research-intervention that aims to trace the path produced by the teacher throughout this process, as well as bring to light the movements and choices assumed by her when teaching mathematics and relating to students in the face of the pandemic crisis. The logbook becomes, in this work, an important tool to enable the production of critical exercises of thought about the teacher's craft and the teaching of mathematics in times of remote teaching. At last, it seeks to present the challenges and achievements experienced by the teacher during the 2020 school year, making it possible to think of other ways of teaching

    Financial Crisis, Health Outcomes, and Aging: Mexico in the 1980s and 1990s

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    We study the impact of economic crisis on health in Mexico. There have been four wide-scale economic crises in Mexico in the past two decades, the most recent in 1995–96. We find that mortality rates for the very young and the elderly increase or decline less rapidly in crisis years as compared with non-crisis years. In the 1995–96 crisis, mortality rates were about 5 to 7 percent higher in the crisis years compared to the years just prior to the crisis. This translates into a 0.4 percent increase in mortality for the elderly and a 0.06 percent increase in mortality for the very young. We find tentative evidence that economic crises affect mortality by reducing incomes and possibly by placing a greater burden on the medical sector, but not by forcing less healthy members of the population to work or by forcing primary caregivers to go to work.Economic