46 research outputs found

    <Articles>Maikon and Cyber-Capitalism: Some Preliminary Remarks on a History of Computerization in Japan, 1960–1990

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    This paper presents a preliminary sketching of research in progress, namely how computers were designed in all best interest of serving human social interaction, how they grew out of their imagined functions, becoming the revolutionary tool of cybernetic capitalism. A few years after their introduction in the United States, in early 1980s Japan, microcomputers were developed, produced en masse, and sold to their first users. But to archive their use as an extension of the factory, a tool to gain unlimited access to what Marx has called the workers “social disposable time, ” the computer machine had to be constantly interconnected to the other “limbs” of the factory machine. The creation of the first computer network in Japan, the MARS seat reservation system was based on cybernetics, creating a complex system to automatize Japanese National Railways—a threat that to its trade union was beyond comprehension. Beyond automation, in the 1980s, a student computer club at Kyoto University created PLANET, a network of different home computers (maikon) to democratize computer use. Their humanistic approach created a standardized and unified system, creating a machine which operation would revolutionize its economic base

    LehrkrĂ€fteheterogenitĂ€t, Praxiserprobungen und Transfer ins Kollegium. Das Verbundprojekt ‚Schule macht stark‘

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    Das durch das BMBF geförderte Projekt ‚Schule macht stark‘ (Projektnummer: SMS2101L), kurz ‚SchuMaS‘ ist ein Forschungsverbundprojekt zwischen insgesamt 13 verschiedenen Institutionen und 200 Schulen, darunter 125 Grundschulen aus 16 BundeslĂ€ndern. Ziel des Projekts ist es, LehrkrĂ€fte an Schulen in sozial besonders herausfordernden Lagen bei ihrer Unterrichtsgestaltung so zu unterstĂŒtzen, dass die mathematischen Verstehensgrundlagen der SchĂŒler*innen gefördert werden. Zu diesem Zweck entwickelt das Team Mathematik fĂŒr die Primarstufe Coachings fĂŒr LehrkrĂ€fte zu den Themen Arithmetik in den Klassen 1 und 2 bzw. 3 und 4, Differenzierung im Mathematikunterricht sowie Sprachbildender Mathematikunterricht. Im Rahmen eines Fachberatendensystems werden die entwickelten Materialien in WerkstĂ€tten an Fachberatende weitergegeben. Sie planen die Coachings in Schulnetzwerken und fĂŒhren diese durch

    Homeopathy for depression: a systematic review of the research evidence

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    Objective: To systematically review the research evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathy for the treatment of depression and depressive disorders. Methods: A comprehensive search of major biomedical databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, ClNAHL, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Library was conducted. Specialist complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) databases including AMED, CISCOM and Hom-Inform were also searched. Additionally, efforts were made to identify unpublished and ongoing research using relevant sources and experts in the field. Relevant research was categorised by study type and appraised according to study design. Clinical commentaries were obtained for studies reporting clinical outcomes. Results: Only two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were identified. One of these, a feasibility study, demonstrated problems with recruitment of patients in primary care. Several uncontrolled and observational studies have reported positive results including high levels of patient satisfaction but because of the lack of a control group, it is difficult to assess the extent to which any response is due to specific effects of homeopathy. Single case reports/studies were the most frequently encountered clinical study type. We also found surveys, but no relevant qualitative research studies were located. Adverse effects reported appear limited to 'remedy reactions' ('aggravations') including temporary worsening of symptoms, symptom shifts and reappearance of old symptoms. These remedy reactions were generally transient but in one study, aggravation of symptoms caused withdrawal of the treatment in one patient. Conclusions: A comprehensive search for published and unpublished studies has demonstrated that the evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy in depression is limited due to lack of clinical trials of high quality. Further research is required, and should include well designed controlled studies with sufficient numbers of participants. Qualitative studies aimed at overcoming recruitment and other problems should precede further RCTs. Methodological options include the incorporation of preference arms or uncontrolled observational studies. The highly individualised nature of much homeopathic treatment and the specificity of response may require innovative methods of analysis of individual treatment response

    The Use of Herbal Medications and Dietary Supplements by People with Mental Illness

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    This study examined the relationship between herbal medication and dietary supplement (HMDS) use and mental health characteristics. Data are drawn from a national household survey of the United States’ civilian, non-institutionalized population (N = 9,585). Psychiatric medication and HMDS use, psychiatric diagnoses and treatment needs, utilization and satisfaction were assessed. Compared to non-users, HMDS users were more likely to perceive themselves as having mental health needs, to have received mental health and primary care treatment, and to be dissatisfied with their overall healthcare. Psychiatric medication use was not related to HMDS use, and in multivariate analyses, HMDS use was associated with perceived mental health needs. Differences in use of specific HMDS between those with and without a psychiatric disorder were also examined. The use of HMDS warrants particular attention in persons with perceived mental health problems as these individuals may be turning to HMDS use for treatment of their symptoms


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    Knaudt, Johanna Examining sexual well-being as an aspect of gender equality - A narrative study 56 p., 2 appendices Autumn, 2018 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Social Services Bachelor of Social Services During the past decades topics around gender and sexuality have gained more public attention. This is also reflected in the progress and efforts to achieve gender equality. Some examples are given in the background chapter in the form of an historical overview of improvements in Finland regarding gender equality. The chapter will further give the reader a basic understanding of sexual trends in Finland since the sexual revolution in the 1960s. This research investigated the sexual well-being during the life course of one cis-woman in form of a narrative. Therefore, an anonymous semi-structured interview was conducted as a qualitative research method. The seven main topics that were discussed during the interview were sexual education (formal as well as informal), body image, family life, sex life, safety, services relevant to the topic, and age. Thematic analysis was used to interpret the collected data. During the interview, two main themes emerged: the respondent’s belonging to a minority group and her sexual orientation. The themes were analysed with consideration of the key concepts of this research, which are gender, gender-equality, intersectionality, sexual well-being, and the life course. The findings show that the interviewee experienced harassments and discrimination from childhood until adulthood

    MĂŒller, Simone: Zerrissenes Bewusstsein. Der Intellektuellendiskurs im modernen Japan

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