764 research outputs found

    Absolute Calibration of the Auger Fluorescence Detectors

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    Absolute calibration of the Pierre Auger Observatory fluorescence detectors uses a light source at the telescope aperture. The technique accounts for the ombined effects of all detector components in a single measurement. The calibrated 2.5 m diameter light source fills the aperture, providing uniform illumination to each pixel. The known flux from the light source and the response of the acquisition system give the required calibration for each pixel. In the lab, light source uniformity is studied using CCD images and the intensity is measured relative to NIST-calibrated photodiodes. Overall uncertainties are presently 12%, and are dominated by systematics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure. Submitted to the 29th ICRC, Pune, Indi

    Attributes of Spirituality Described by Survivors of Sexual Violence

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    This study focuses on what aspects of attributes of spirituality as defined by Martsolf and Mickley (1998) are most salient for female and male survivors of sexual violence. Content analysis of secondary narrative data, provided by 50 participants in a study of women\u27s and men\u27s responses to sexual violence, was coded to the five attributes of spirituality as defined by Martsolf and Mickley. The attribute aspects of connecting with others in spiritual ways and with God/higher power were particularly significant. The attribute of transcendence was found less important, and the attributes of value, becoming, and meaning were not found important. The Martsolf and Mickley framework helped organize narrative data for a content analysis of spirituality in survivors of sexual violence

    Multi-wavelength Calibration Procedure for the Pierre Auger Observatory Fluorescence Detectors

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    We present a method to measure the relative spectral response of the Pierre Auger Observatory Fluorescence Detector. The calibration was done at wavelengths of 320, 337, 355, 380 and 405 nm using an end-to-end technique in which the response of all detector components are combined in a single measurement. A xenon flasher and notch-filters were used as the light source for the calibration device. The overall uncertainty is 5%.Comment: Submitted to Astroparticle Physics. V2: section 5.2 extended; author list change

    Crescimento inicial de Mimosa scabrella Benth., Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi e Allophylus edulis (St. Hill) Radl. sob diferentes regimes de adubação.

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    O presente trabalho estudou a produção de mudas em viveiro envolvendo as espécies Mimosa scabrella Benth. (bracatinga), Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira-vermelha) e Allophylus edulis (ST Hil.) Radl (vacum). O experimento foi conduzido no Município de Colombo, PR, no viveiro da Embrapa Florestas. Em fevereiro de 2004, foi realizada a semeadura das três espécies, em tubetes com cerca de 50 cm3, preenchidos com 70% de substrato comercial a base de casca de pínus e vermiculita e 30% de fibra de coco granulada. Os tratamentos corresponderam à três diferentes dosagens de adubos, parceladas em adubação de base e de cobertura, dispostos em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas de nove mudas e sete repetições, correspondendo a 63 mudas por espécie/tratamento. Aos quatro meses após a semeadura, foi realizada a avaliação do experimento, com medições de altura e diâmetro do caule de todas as mudas, e selecionada uma muda por repetição para as análises destrutivas de biomassa seca (parte aérea e radicial), tendo como critério a escolha da muda mais próxima da média da repetição. A aroeira-vermelha foi a espécie que melhor respondeu à adubação, seguida da bracatinga. Diferentemente das demais espécies, o vacum apresentou baixa exigência quanto à adubação no processo de produção de mudas. O crescimento das espécies pode ter sido mais lento devido à época do ano, que envolveu o inverno

    Optical Relative Calibration and Stability Monitoring for the Auger Fluorescence Detector

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    The stability of the fluorescence telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory is monitored with the optical relative calibration setup. Optical fibers distribute light pulses to three different diffuser groups within the optical system. The total charge per pulse is measured for each pixel and compared with reference calibration measurements. This allows monitoring the short and long term stability with respect of the relative timing between pixels and the relative gain for each pixel. The designs of the LED calibration unit (LCU) and of the Xenon flash lamp used for relative calibration, are described and their capabilities to monitor the stability of the telescope performances are studied. We report the analysis of relative calibration data recorded during 2004. Fluctuations in the relative calibration constants provide a measure of the stability of the FD.Comment: 4 pp. To appear in the proceedings of 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2005), Pune, India, 3-11 Aug 200