44 research outputs found

    MsATL: a Tool for SAT-Based ATL Satisfiability Checking

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    We present MsATL: the first tool for deciding the satisfiability of Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) with imperfect information. MsATL combines SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories solvers with existing ATL model checkers: MCMAS and STV. The tool can deal with various semantics of ATL, including perfect and imperfect information, and can handle additional practical requirements. MsATL can be applied for synthesis of games that conform to a given specification, with the synthesised game often being minimal

    Pressure-assisted solvent- and catalyst-free production of well-defined poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) for biomedical applications

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    In this work, we developed a fast, highly efficient, and environmentally friendly catalytic systemfor classical freeradical polymerization (FRP) utilizing a high-pressure (HP) approach. The application of HP for thermallyinduced, bulk FRP of 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (VP) allowed to eliminate the current limitation of ambientpressure polymerization of ‘less-activated’ monomer (LAM), characterized by the lack of temporal control yielding polymers of unacceptably large disperisites and poor result reproducibility. By a simple manipulation of thermodynamic conditions (p ¼ 125–500 MPa, T ¼ 323–333 K) and reaction composition (twocomponent system: monomer and low content of thermoinitiator) well-defined poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)s (PVP) in a wide range of molecular weights and low/moderate dispersities (Mn ¼ 16.2–280.5 kg mol 1, Đ ¼ 1.27–1.45) have been produced. We have found that HP can act as an ‘external’ controlling factor that warrants the first-order polymerization kinetics for classical FRP, something that was possible so far only for reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) systems. Importantly, our synthetic strategy adopted for VP FRP enabled us to obtain polymers of very high Mn in a very short time-frame (0.5 h). It has also been confirmed that VP bulk polymerization yields polymers with significantly lower glass transition temperatures (Tg) and different solubility properties in comparison to macromolecules obtained during the solvent-assisted reaction

    Comparison of the prevalence of fibromyalgia in pre-clinical and clinical years among medical students of the Collegium Medicum of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

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    Fibromialgia to przewlekła choroba reumatyczna tkanek miękkich o nieznanej etiologii charakteryzująca się przewlekłym, wielomiejscowym bólem utrzymującym się przez co najmniej 3 miesiące oraz współwystępującym uczuciem zmęczenia. Patogeneza wciąż nie została dokładnie poznana; podejrzewa się zaburzenia procesów biochemicznych, metabolicznych, a także immunologicznych, niezaprzeczalny jest również wpływ przewlekłego stresu. Celem badania było porównanie występowania fibromialgii wśród studentów poszczególnych roczników kierunku lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie.Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a chronic soft tissue rheumatic disease of unknown aetiology and marked by chronic, multi-sited pain persisting for at least three months and concomitant fatigue. The pathogenesis is still not precisely understood; disturbances of biochemical, metabolic, and immunological processes are suspected, and the impact of chronic stress is also undeniable. This study aims to compare the prevalence of fibromyalgia among students of different years of medical course at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Material and methods: The Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire (FSQ) incorporating the 2011 and 2016 diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia was used for the survey. Questionnaires were distributed in hard copy during lectures (1–2 years of study) or credits (3–6 years of study). Results: A total of 451 students representing all years were surveyed, sequentially from the first (n = 125), second (n = 96), third (n = 80), fourth (n = 62), fifth (n = 68) and sixth years (n = 20). Seventeen respondents (3.77%) met the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia according to the ACR 2016. In the pre-clinical years, fibromyalgia was slightly more frequent, however, the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.1867). In contrast, in the pre-clinical years there was a statistically significantly higher prevalence of symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, trouble thinking or memory problems, waking up feeling tired, and pain in various parts of the spine. Also, students in their pre-clinical years were significantly more likely to meet fibromyalgia criteria such as symptom severity scale, widespread pain index and duration of symptoms of more than 3 months. Conclusions: Although this study did not reveal an increased incidence rate of fibromyalgia among medical students compared to the general population, nor was there a statistically significant difference in terms of the prevalence of fibromyalgia between the first two years of study and the remaining years of study, it clearly highlighted the reduced quality of life in this population group

    Analysis of the nature of injuries in victims of fall from height

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    Aim of study: To assess the types and extent of injuries sustained by victims of fall from height depending on the height of fall. Material and methods: The study included 338 bodies of victims of fatal falls from different heights (from the 1st to 10th floors) who were subjected to medico-legal autopsy at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, between 1995 and 2014. For each individual, selected data were collected including gender, age, body height, injury types and presence of alcohol or other intoxicants in blood. The analysis comprised injuries to the brain, thoracic and abdominal organs, fractures of the skull, extremities, ribs and spine, and fractures of the scapula, clavicle and sternum (considered together). The study focused on determining the frequency of occurrence of different injuries in relation to one another and depending on the height of fall. Results : The number and extent of injuries was found to increase along with the height of fall. Three injury types, including injuries to the mesentery and both kidneys and fractures of upper extremity small bones, were shown to occur from the threshold heights of the 3rd, 4th and 6th floors. Eleven injuries demonstrated a statistically significant correlation with the height of fall. The study also revealed a number of correlations between the frequencies of occurrence of different injuries. Conclusions : Injuries found from the threshold value may suggest the minimal height of fall. The presence of injuries which correlate with increasing height, and the overall number of injuries observed in victims of fall from height, may be useful for inferring the height of the fall

    Clinical Outcomes of Extracranial Carotid Artery-Related Stroke Eligible for Mechanical Reperfusion on Top of Per-Guidelines Thrombolytic Therapy:Analysis from a 6-Month Consecutive Patient Sample in 2 Centers

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    BACKGROUND: Systemic intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy (MT) are guideline-recommended reperfusion therapies in large-vessel-occlusion ischemic stroke. However, for acute ischemic stroke of extracranial carotid artery origin (AIS-CA) there have been no specific trials, resulting in a data gap. MATERIAL/METHODS: We evaluated referral/treatment pathways, serial imaging, and neurologic 90-day outcomes in consecutive patients, presenting in a real-life series in 2 stroke centers over a period of 6 months, with AIS-CA eligible for emergency mechanical reperfusion (EMR) on top of thrombolysis as per guideline criteria. RESULTS: Of 30 EMR-eligible patients (33.3% in-window for thrombolysis and thrombolysed, 73.3% male, age 39-87 years, median Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score (ASPECTS) 10, pre-stroke mRS 0–1 in all, tandem lesions 26.7%), 20 (66.7%) were EMR-referred (60% – endovascular, 6.7% – surgery referrals). Only 40% received EMR, nearly exclusively in stroke centers with carotid artery stenting (CAS) expertise (100% eligible patient acceptance rate, 100% treatment delivery involving CAS±MT with culprit lesion sequestration using micronet-covered stents). The emergency surgery rate was 0%. Baseline clinical and imaging characteristics did not differ between EMR-treated and EMR-untreated patients. Ninety-day neurologic status was profoundly better in EMR-treated patients: mRS 0–2 (91.7% vs 0%; P<0.001); mRS 3–5 (8.3% vs 88.9%; P<0.001), mRS 6 (0% vs 11.1%; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In a real-life AIS-CA setting, the referral rate of EMR-eligible patients for EMR was low, and the treatment rate was even lower. AIS-CA revascularization was delivered predominantly in stroke thrombectomy-capable cardioangiology centers, resulting in overwhelmingly superior patient outcome. Large vessel occlusion stroke referral and management pathways should involve centers with proximal-protected CAS expertise. AIS-CA, irrespective of any thrombolysis administration, is a hyperacute cerebral emergency and EMR-eligible patients should be immediately referred for mechanical reperfusion

    The effect of high-pressure on organocatalyzed ROP of γ-butyrolactone

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    In this paper, we report 1,5,7-Triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD) supported high-pressure approach enforcing Ring-Opening Polymerization (ROP) of γ-butyrolactone (GBL), that due to unfavorable thermodynamics and low ring strain, is considered as a hardly polymerizable monomer. Application of Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) allowed us to find optimal thermodynamic conditions to perform well-controlled and notably fast polymerization (even within 1 h!), avoiding undesired crystallization process. It was shown that by varying pressure and temperature conditions, we could control molecular weight, dispersity of recovered macromolecules, as well as rate and efficiency of the reaction that are significantly altered with respect to the reference process carried out at ambient conditions. Experiments performed at respectively very low temperature T = 233 K and low/ moderate pressure (p = 75–250 MPa) and much higher temperatures (T = 248–268 K) and compressions (p = 1000 MPa) yielded poly(γ-butyrolactone) (PGBL) of tailored absolute molecular weight in moderate range Mn = 2.8–15.0 (up to 30.3) kg/mol and narrow/moderate dispersity ranging from Đ = 1.12–1.89. What is more, the implementation of MALDI-TOF, GPC and DSC analyses, clearly indicated that as i) the time of reaction gets longer, ii) the amount of catalyst increases, iii) the temperature lowers, the content of cyclic products in produced polymers grows. This phenomenon influences the rheological properties (viscosity), foil formation ability (films) and cell culture proliferation features of the recovered macromolecules. Presented results open a highly effective and repeatable route to produce PGBL via pressure-assisted ROP and indicate the possibility of tuning properties of this polymer by varying concentration of cycles or eventual block copolymerization with other biorelevant monomers to meet the expectations of the biotechnological industry

    Procesy kształtowania nowoczesnej gospodarki

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZE WSTĘPU: Zainteresowania naukowe pracowników Wydziału Zarządzania i Marketingu Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. A.F. Modrzewskiego obejmują szerokie spektrum problemów z zakresu ekonomii i zarządzania. Przyczynia się do tego także współpraca z wieloma ośrodkami naukowymi w kraju i za granicą. Owocem tych zainteresowań, współpracy i badań własnych są prezentowane tu artykuły, których tematykę można ująć w pięć bloków zagadnień. Pierwszy z nich dotyczy czynników rozwoju gospodarczego zarówno w aspekcie mikroekonomicznym, takim jak przedsiębiorczość, kapitał intelektualny, wzrost wydajności pracy, jak i makroekonomicznym, takim jak systemy prawne, podatkowe, dotacje, uwarunkowania społeczne, infrastrukturalne i technologiczne. Drugi blok, prezentuje zagadnienia, które nabierają obecnie coraz większego znaczenia, mimo iż pozornie tylko pośrednio wpływają na rozwój gospodarczy. Filozofia, etyka, umiejętność rozwiązywania konfliktów staje się dziś kluczem do skutecznego zarządzania, ale tylko takiego, które zostanie zaakceptowane w wymiarze osobowym, społecznym, kulturowym, międzynarodowym. Trzeci blok dotyka zagadnień z dziedziny finansów. Rozwój tego rynku daje szerokie możliwości wykorzystania produktów i usług finansowych nie tylko dużym przedsiębiorstwom i instytucjom, ale także gospodarstwom domowym. Zaawansowane metody ekonometryczne dają z kolei szanse na wielowymiarową i specjalistyczną analizę zjawisk finansowych, ułatwiając ich zrozumienie i podejmowanie decyzji w tym obszarze. Czwarty blok obejmuje opracowania koncentrujące się na systemach ułatwiających funkcjonowanie i rozwój przedsiębiorstw. Ich elementem jest przepływ informacji wewnątrz firmy, a także relacje partnerskie z kooperantami i klientami. Piąta grupa prac prezentuje doświadczenia w dziedzinie zarządzania edukacją w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Proces Boloński wymusza działania dostosowawcze podmiotów realizujących zadania w dziedzinie nauki i edukacji do wspólnych standardów. Ich wprowadzanie wymaga zdolności menadżerskich nie tylko na poziomie systemu, ale także uczelni, a nawet poszczególnego wykładowcy i nauczyciela. Te i inne zagadnienia były też przedmiotem dyskusji na VI Międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej, która odbyła się w dniach 28-29 maja 2006 w Krakowie. Konferencja ta organizowana corocznie od sześciu lat przez Krakowską Szkołę Wyższą im. A.F. Modrzewskiego miała wspólny dla wszystkich wydziałów tytuł: „Państwo, Gospodarka, Społeczeństwo”. Wydział Zarządzania i Marketingu w trakcie tej konferencji obradował w sekcji o tytule, który stał się inspiracją do stworzenia prezentowanej książki. Niniejsza publikacja, oprócz trzech już serii wydziałowych Zeszytów Naukowych, jest jedną z dwu pozycji prezentujących dorobek naukowy roku akademickiego 2005/06. Ze względu na ograniczony rozmiar tej publikacji, zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem w aspekcie jakości i ekologii będą przedmiotem osobnego opracowania