104 research outputs found

    «Чёрные лебеди» организационного дизайна российских университетов

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    Universities in Russia are experiencing a dynamic transformation of scientific and educational processes, their structures, and management systems. These changes occur at different rates and levels of transformation; they allow for both positive and negative transformation scenarios. A general trend to develop university’s management systems in the country – as well as in the whole world – lies in the manageralization, which poses risks for transforming a university. Following Mintzberg’s methodology for analyzing organizational systems and Taleb’s concept of “black swans”, the paper aimed to analyze degradation scenarios for developing university’s management systems and identify factors and conditions for these scenarios and their consequences for universities. © 2021 Moscow Polytechnic University. All rights reserved

    “Black Swans” in Organizational Design of Russian Universities

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    Universities in Russia are experiencing a dynamic transformation of scientific and educational processes, their structures, and management systems. These changes occur at different rates and levels of transformation; they allow for both positive and negative transformation scenarios. A general trend to develop university’s management systems in the country – as well as in the whole world – lies in the managerialization, which poses risks for transforming a university. Following Mintzberg’s methodology for analyzing organizational systems and Taleb’s concept of “black swans”, the paper aimed to analyze degradation scenarios for developing university’s management systems and identify factors and conditions for these scenarios and their consequences for universities

    Sociocultural Adaptation of Labor Migrants: Factors and Prospects

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    Migration is a complex social process, which is not limited to territorial movement. It includes economic, labor, psychological, cultural and other aspects. In this regard, adaptation processes are an important goal of the study. They can be either successful or unsuccessful. It depends on many conditions that are classified into external and internal. The aim of the article is to analyze these factors affecting the adaptation process. The study of subjective factors of adaptation is associated with the internal motivation, attitudes, goals and motives of migrants moving in another country. The article focuses on the steps and levels of migrants integration in the host society. The determining influence on the dynamics of adaptation processes is provided by migration policy that regulates migration flows. The adaptation process itself seems either multilevel, progressive, otherwise it ends at some stage. The purpose of the article is precisely to reveal the passage of adaptation steps and levels, mainly of labor migrants located in Russia

    Intensity interferometry of single x-ray pulses from a synchrotron storage ring

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    We report on measurements of second-order intensity correlations at the high brilliance storage ring PETRA III using a prototype of the newly developed Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD). The detector recorded individual synchrotron radiation pulses with an x-ray photon energy of 14.4 keV and repetition rate of about 5 MHz. The second-order intensity correlation function was measured simultaneously at different spatial separations that allowed to determine the transverse coherence length at these x-ray energies. The measured values are in a good agreement with theoretical simulations based on the Gaussian Schell-model.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 42 reference

    Analysis of changes in pharmacotherapy of stable angina over the five-year period at specialized out-patient level of medical care (pharmacoepidemiological study)

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    Investigate the dynamics of drug prescription rates in patients with stable angina over the five-year period on the example of routine clinical practice of outpatient cardiology institution of Moscow for the purpose of further eliminating the prescribing gap for guideline recommended pharmacological strategies. Our research work was performed as a retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study including two stages with five-year interval using cross-section metho

    Organizational conflicts during universities transformation: Destruam et aedificabo

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    Introduction. The authors tackle the topical problem of assessing the conflict level between subidentical groups: “management academics” (professors and lectures staff) and “academic managers” (administrative managing staff). The aim of the paper is to construct a new method of quantitative assessment of the conflict level between professional groups generated by the organizational culture; to study the dynamics of the change in the conflict level between professional and age-based cohorts existing in Russian universities. Materials and Methods. In this study, the conflict level is defined as a difference of common cultural vectors found for each of target age-groups, demonstrating generations' behavioral features and their professional competence, set up as the result of analysis of expert assessments with the help of organizational culture methods developed by the Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument of K. Сameron and R. Quinn. Empirical data are taken from sociological research involving 384 respondents from 18 universities representing 12 regions of the Russian Federation. Results. It is shown that activity of the considered target bunches is under significant influence of hierarchical (bureaucratic) organizational culture. This objective circumstance of proceeding transformation processes forms the basis for fragmentation of existing academic identity into those intra-university bunches which are combined both in terms of valuable patterns of generations and patterns formed under the influence of social and economic conditions. Interference of various age-grade valuable patterns under permanent current transformation invokes escalation of strife, its minimum level is reached in identical age-grades of professors and lectures staff (“management academics”) and administrative managing staff (“academic managers”). A certain influence on the level of conflicts between the target groups under consideration is produced by the degree of goals adequacy and objectives of the university available resources (competence, material, technical, and financial base). Discussion and Conclusion. The novelty of the conducted research lies in consideration of conflict problems in universities arisen from the increasing differentiation of general cultural vectors of university communities. Complex, sustainable and reproducible nature of this social phenomenon, linking together both value and behavioral aspects of university communities, requires a transformation of research tactics. The research materials might be useful in practical work of heads of universities as scientific and methodological recommendations for the study and prediction of conflict processes in universities. © 2019 National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Fundamental Investigations, RFFI18-411-130018р_а, The authors received the support of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research and the Government of the Republic of Mordovia within the framework of Project 18-411-130018р_а “The organizational culture of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia (at the example of the innovative and industrial clusters)”; the article also relies on results obtained in the course of Project No. within the framework of the Program for Boosting Competitiveness of National Research Tomsk State University

    Critical aspects of the management of stable coronary artery disease in primary care practice or how to increase the efficacy of evidence-based pharmacological therapy?

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    The publication describes a fragment of the pharmacoepidemiologic study conducted to review the quality of management of patients with stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) in primary care over a 12-year period. The aim of the study was to justify the application of standard operating procedures (SOPs). Such determinants of pharmacotherapy as non-pharmacological modification of cardiovascular risk factors (RFs) and medication adherence were analyze

    Исследование программ предпринимательского образования в России: ожидания стейкхолдеров и практика университетов

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    Introduction. Entrepreneurial education, as an area of educational practice in higher education, is a relatively new area of activity for Russian universities. In this area, due to the special dynamics of development and transformation, especially in a pandemic, there is the most significant gap between the competencies formed by universities and in demand on the labour market. The rationale for the research stemmed from two major trends in the economy and society: industry demand for workforce with greater enterprise skills, at the same time a new generation, generation Z, seeks more flexible and more fulfilling career path. Therefore, to address these trends, universities have to diversify the skill set included in the academic curriculum. Aim. This study is aimed at studying the problems of interaction between universities and their stakeholders in curricula improvement. Methodology and research methods. Taken into consideration the regulatory nature of the curricula design in Russian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) a two-step strategy has been adopted for this research. The first step was a concern with meta-analysis of the competencies outlined in Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in Management through the lens of entrepreneurial competencies. The second step was to investigate inclusion of soft skills in entrepreneurship curricula in across Russian HEIs. To address the objective of research, descriptive statistics and non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test were applied. Results. The research findings suggest in the environment where the degree programmes have to comply with set Governmental standards, curricula in entrepreneurship struggle to develop essential soft entrepreneurial skills. Most of the analysed curricula are heavily loaded with hard and cognitive skills. Even though the government proclaims a need for innovative development of the nation, creative and innovative thinking is not mentioned either in the FSES nor analysed curricula. The research findings also led to a surprising conclusion that very few core ‘business’ modules include the development of social or action-oriented skills in their learning outcomes. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time the problems of ensuring the development of soft skills in entrepreneurial education in Russia have been studied. Practical significance. The results of the study will find their application in the design of entrepreneurial curricula to achieve the necessary balance of competencies in them.Введение. Предпринимательское образование как область образовательной практики в высшей школе является относительно новой сферой деятельности для российских вузов, в которой в силу особой динамики развития и трансформации, особенно в условиях пандемии, наблюдается наиболее значительный разрыв между компетенциями, сформированными вузами и востребованными на рынке труда. Настоящее исследование базируется на двух основных тенденциях в экономике и обществе: отраслевой спрос на рабочую силу с более высокими навыками предпринимательства и в то же время поиск поколением Z более гибких и насыщенных карьерных перспектив. Поэтому в ответ на эти тенденции университеты должны разнообразить набор компетенций, формируемых образовательными программами. Цель. Данное исследование направлено на изучение проблем взаимодействия университетов и их стейкхолдеров в совершенствовании образовательных программ. Методология, методы и методики. С учетом нормативного характера разработки образовательных программ в российских вузах для данного исследования была принята двухэтапная стратегия. На первом этапе был проведен метаанализ компетенций ФГОС по направлению подготовки «Менеджмент» через призму предпринимательских компетенций. Вторым шагом было исследование включения мягких навыков в учебные программы по предпринимательству в российских вузах, реализующих программы предпринимательского образования. Для решения задачи исследования применялись описательная статистика, а также непараметрический U-критерий Манна – Уитни. Результаты. Результаты исследования показывают, что в предпринимательских образовательных программах, соответствующих ФГОС, уделяется внимание развитию необходимых мягких предпринимательских навыков. Однако большинство проанализированных образовательных программ перегружены дисциплинами, формирующими рутинные и когнитивные навыки. Несмотря на то что государство провозглашает необходимость инновационного развития нации, творческое и инновационное мышление не упоминается ни в федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах (ФГОС), ни в анализируемых образовательных программах. Результаты исследования также привели к неожиданному выводу о том, что очень немногие «предпринимательские» модули образовательных программ включают в свои результаты обучения развитие социальных или практических навыков. Научная новизна. Научная новизна настоящего исследования состоит в том, что впервые изучены проблемы обеспечения развития мягких навыков в обучении предпринимательству в России. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования найдут свое применение при разработке предпринимательских учебных программ для достижения в них необходимого баланса компетенций.The research funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ural Federal University Programme of Development within the Priority-2030 Programme) is gratefully acknowledged.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации в рамках Программы развития Уральского федерального университета имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина в соответствии с программой стратегического академического лидерства «Приоритет-2030»

    Identity of the University Rector: Academician vs Administrator

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    В представленной исследовательской статье обсуждаются вопросы включенности руководителей университетов в академическую деятельность. Актуальность данной проблематики состоит в том, что в настоящее время происходит активная трансформация ролей, которые выполняет руководитель университета. С одной стороны, традиционный ролевой формат ректора, выраженный в формуле «первый среди равных», сегодня находится в состоянии постоянных и радикальных изменений. Особенно значимую роль в этом процессе играет менеджериализация управления университетами и обусловленные ею подходы к привлечению на посты ректоров руководителей из других сфер деятельности: бизнеса, власти, общественных организаций. С другой стороны, ректоры университетов, пришедшие в систему управления из академической среды, сегодня, как правило, сохраняются в профессиональной когорте управленцев и достаточно редко возвращаются к академической деятельности. В связи с этим возникают исследовательские вопросы: как идентифицируют себя руководители вузов и ценности какого сообщества являются для них приоритетными? Авторами статьи проанализированы результаты исследовательской деятельности руководителей ведущих университетов страны за последние 5 лет. На основании полученных данных разработана типология сохранения академической идентичности руководителей университетов на современном этапе, сформулированы гипотезы дальнейшей трансформации управленческих и академических ролей ректоров российских вузов данного вида. Статья может быть интересна для руководящих работников университетов.The presented article discusses the issues of involvement of university leaders in academic activities. The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that at the present day an active transformation of the roles performed by the head of the university is taking place. On the one hand, the traditional rector’s role format, expressed in the formula «first among equals», is in a state of constant and radical changes today. A particularly significant role in this process is played by the managerialization of university management and the resulting approaches to attract managers from other fields of activity to the rectors’ posts. They can be from government, business or public organizations. On the other hand, those university rectors, who came to the management system from academic environment, nowadays, as a rule, remain in the professional cohort of managers and rarely return to academic activities. In this regard, research issues arise: how do university leaders identify themselves and which community values are a priority to them? The authors of the article analyze the results of scientific activities of the heads of the country’s leading universities over the past 5 years. Based on the obtained data, a typology of preserving academic identity of university leaders at the present stage has been developed. Hypotheses for further transformation of the managerial and academic roles of Russian universities’ rectors have been formulated. The article may be of interest to universities’ leading employees