86 research outputs found


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    Black boys with disabilities struggle in general education classrooms throughout the United States and face challenges and barriers regarding access, success, and equity. Educators must better understand how these students learn and create equitable opportunities by leveraging students\u27 cultures, strengths, and knowledge. The purpose of this explanatory sequential mixed methods research study is to examine teachers\u27 knowledge and understanding of enacting culturally responsive tenets. Four theoretical frameworks are used: Culturally Responsive Teaching (Gay, 2002b, 2018), Ethic of Care (Noddings, 2012), Differentiated Instruction (Tomlinson et al., 2003; Tomlinson, 2017), and Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory (Annamma et al., 2013). The Culturally Responsive Preparedness Scale (Hsiao, 2015) (n = 138) and qualitative interviews (n = 7) are used to gather data. Chi-square, ANOVA, and descriptive statics are used with Phase 1, and thematic coding is used with Phase 2. Emerging themes from the findings included (a) Thoughts of Effectiveness and (b) Welcoming and Engaging Learning Environments. A Fictive Kinship Continuum ranks teachers\u27 advancement towards elements of culturally responsive teaching. Findings imply teacher preparation courses with critical reflection and discourse examining Whiteness in education and understanding aspects of urban education and culture are essential

    Loving v. Virginia and Same Sex Marriage: Mapping the Intersections

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    In the volatile legal debate over same sex marriage, many have used Loving v. Virginia (1967), which legalized interracial marriage, to argue for marriage equality. Their arguments stem from the rationale that the equal protection and due process clauses under the Fourteenth Amendment that allowed for interracial marriage should also allow for same sex marriage. In my paper, I examine same sex marriage cases and the application of the Loving analogy to their outcomes. Drawing from scholars such as R.A. Lenhardt and Evan Wolfson, I show the broader effects of examining past discrimination to end current discrimination

    Studies of polarized and unpolarized helium -3 in the presence of alkali vapor

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    At the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, glass target cells containing a high density of highly polarized 3He nuclei are used in electron scattering experiments studying the substructure of the neutron. In addition to 3He, these cells contain a small amount of rubidium (Rb), potassium (K), and nitrogen (N2), which facilitate the polarization process. The work presented here represents studies of the interactions between the alkali vapor and 3He nuclei when both are polarized and unpolarized.;Our investigations into the mechanisms responsible for the relaxation of the 3He polarization have measured unusually large polarization losses. In addition, most cells studied exhibited polarization lifetimes much shorter than those typically observed in cells used for scattering experiments. These results suggest there are relaxation mechanisms that depend on whether the cell contains polarized or unpolarized alkali vapor, solid alkali, or no alkali. Previous cell studies have assumed these relaxation mechanisms are independent of the presence of alkali in any form. Modication of the polarization rate equations to include these new relaxation mechanisms are given. Further studies are needed to fully understand the origin of these additional relaxation mechanisms.;Studies of the interactions between 3He and alkali vapor, when both are unpolarized, were motivated by the need to determine the number density of 3He inside sealed cells. The system we have implemented to measure the number density examines the broadening of the absorption profiles of the D1 and D2 lines of Rb and K due to collisions with 3He and N2. However, in order to relate this broadening to the gas density, the value of the velocity-averaged collisional cross-section (broadening coefficient) for the interacting pair of atoms must be known. While the value of the coefficient has been measured for Rb, no data have been published for K interacting with 3He at the high number densities required for scattering experiments. Furthermore, pressure broadening theory predicts a temperature dependence for the coefficients, but very little experimental data has been published. In addition to broadening, a shift in the central frequency is also predicted and has been experimentally verified. We have measured both the broadening and shift of the D1 and D2 lines of Rb and K in the presence of 3He and N2 over a range of number densities and temperatures

    A Maussian Bargain: Accumulation by Gift in the Digital Economy

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    The harvesting of data about people, organizations, and things and their transformation into a form of capital is often described as a process of “accumulation by dispossession,” a pervasive loss of rights buttressed by predatory practices and legal violence. Yet this argument does not square well with the fact that enrollment into digital systems is often experienced (and presented by companies) as a much more benign process: signing up for a “free” service, responding to a “friend’s” invitation, or being encouraged to “share” content. In this paper, we focus on the centrality of gifting and reciprocity to the business model and cultural imagination of digital capitalism. Relying on historical narratives and in-depth interviews with the designers and critics of digital systems, we explain the cultural genesis of these “give-to-get” relationships and analyze the socio-technical channels that structure them in practice. We suggest that the economic relation that develops as a result of a digital gift offering not only masks the structural asymmetry between giver and gifted but also permits the creation of the new commodity of personal data, obfuscates its true value, and naturalizes its private appropriation. We call this unique regime “accumulation by gift.”Introduction Markets from gifts "Information wants to be free" The Maussian bargain Research design Engineering reciprocal obligations Conclusion: From gift to market? Funding ORCID IDs Acknowledgements Notes Reference

    Pressure broadening and frequency shift of the D-1 and D-2 lines of Rb and K in the presence of He-3 and N-2

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    We report the results of a study of the pressure broadening and resonant frequency shift of the absorption profiles of the D-1 and D-2 lines of Rb and K in the presence of He-3 and N-2 gases over a range of number densities. We have also examined the temperature dependence of the broadening and shift over a range of approximately 340 to 400 K. We compare our results for the broadening and shift coefficients for Rb D-1 and D-2 to current values and present coefficients for K D-1 and D-2. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.87.03251

    A Football History Of The South Piedmont High School Conference

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    It was the purpose of this investigation (1) to secure data concerning the organization, development, and administration of the South Piedmont High School Conference relative to football, (2) to compile the football statistics of the Conference, (3) to compile a list of All-Conference teams as selected by coaches of the Conference, and (4) to organize the data collected into a history of football in the Conference