3 research outputs found
Support the decision processes in management through the automatic generation of simulation models of warehouses
PURPOSE: The most important goal of the paper is to demonstrate the possibility of developing and
implementing the methodology of automatic generation of warehouse models of various types with
the use of ABS – agent-based simulation.METHODOLOGY: The highlights of the paper include management support through simple simulation
modeling of storage and logistics systems using an agent-based approach, methodology of automatic generation of simulation models using Agent Based Simulation; Description of a new type
of mobile, automatically controlled shelves. Simulation modeling is performed with the use of
LogABS simulation software. The software engine/source code is written in the C ++ language.FINDINGS: The described mechanism can be extended with the ability to generate other types of
storage systems to enable comparisons of their usability for specific input and output streams.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The paper describes the methodology, the use of which significantly reduces the time of decision-making in designing warehouse layouts. These decisions concern the
organization of space and the choice of the storage technology. Using the described tools enables
rapid verification of the given concept by automatically generating simulation models of warehouses, considering various storage technologies, including the drawer rack system.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The publication proves that automating the simulation modeling processes of
warehouses brings many benefits, allowing simulation technologies to become a tool available to
users with neither advanced programming skills nor previous experience in working with such
programs.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education/Poznan
University of Technology, Project ID: 0812/SBAD/4180.peer-reviewe
Modeling and simulation of bus assem-bling process using DES/ABS approach
This paper presents the results of the project, which goal is to analyze the production process capability after reengineering the assembly process due to expansion of a bus production plant. The verification of the designed work organization for the new configuration of workstations on new production hall is necessary. To solve these problems authors propose a method based on mixing DES (Discrete Event Simulation) and ABS (Agent Based Simulation) approach. DES is using to model the main process – material flow (buses), ABS is using to model assembling operations of teams of workers./nOne of obtained goal is to build a simulation model, which presents the new assembly line in the factory, taking into ac-count the arrangement of workstations and work teams in the new production hall as well as the transport between workstations. Second goal is to present work organization of work teams and division of individual workers’ labor (who belongs to a particular work team and performs operations on buses in a particular workstation) in order to determine the best allocation of tasks and the optimum size of individual work teams. Proposed solution enables to determine the effect of assembly interferences on the work of particular work teams and the efficiency of the whole production system, to define the efficiency of the designed assembly lines and proposing changes aimed at the quality improvement of the created conception.
Automatyczne modelowanie symulacyjne magazynów
The goal of the paper is study on the possibility of using automation in simulation modeling of various types of warehouses, enabling quick verification of projects carried out in the area of storage. The paper outline the problem of simulation modeling of a complex storage system based on the concept of drawer racks designed by the company Zrembud located in Cieszyn, Poland. In order to properly evaluate the usefulness of the concept, the mechanism for modeling of both the drawer racking system and the highly popular row racking system was developed and adjusted to user without advanced simulations skills. The mechanism described in the paper is the part of the methodology of warehouse automatic simulation modeling. Methods: Based on the structural analysis of rack types and the spatial relations of their components, modeling in the LogABS program was concluded. Modeling was performed in the DES (Discrete-Event System) environment. Data structures are necessary to automate the generation of warehouses. The engine code was written in C ++ programming language. Results: The result of implementing the mechanism is the automatic generation of two storage systems, adapted to the user's requirements, in one simulation model. The first results of the analyzes for the generated structures determine the size of the storage area necessary to accommodate a certain number of storage units, as well as the level of complexity of the operation of both systems, which translates into the time of transport and loading activities. Conclusions: The presented mechanism is the basis for the methodology of automatic simulation modeling of warehouses. It allows significant reduction in simulation models building duration, and thus a significant reduction in the time of projects consisting in verifying the concept of spatial arrangement in various projects related to the storage area. The proposed tool is innovative and useful for practitioners specializing in simulation modeling and specialists in warehouse design. Due to the organization and simplification of data structures, it can be implemented in various simulation modeling environments. Also after implementation, it can be used by people who do not have advanced simulation skills.W pracy przedstawiono problem modelowania symulacyjnego złożonego systemu magazynowania opartego o koncepcję regałów szufladowych zaprojektowaną przez firmę Zrembud posiadającą siedzibęw mieście Cieszyn w Polsce. Aby możliwa była ocena użyteczności koncepcji opracowano mechanizm do automatycznego modelowania zarówno systemu regałów szufladowych, jak i cieszącego się dużą popularnością systemu regałów rzędowych. Opisany w publikacji mechanizm jest częścią metodyki automatycznego modelowania symulacyjnego magazynów. Celem metodyki, a także zastosowania opisanego mechanizmu jest pełne zautomatyzowanie procesu modelowania symulacyjnego magazynów, prowadzące do minimalizacji czasu weryfikacji projektowanych koncepcji magazynów. Metody: Na podstawie analizy struktury dwóch rodzajów regałów oraz relacji przestrzennych ich elementów składowych, odwzorowano je w modelu symulacyjnym. Opracowano struktury danych niezbędne do automatyzacji ich generowania. W artykule przedstawiono opracowany mechanizm automatycznego generowania dwóch rodzajów magazynów. Wyniki: Wynikiem zastosowania mechanizmu jest automatyczne wygenerowanie dwóch systemów magazynowania, dostosowanych do wymagań użytkownika, w jednym modelu symulacyjnym. Pierwsze wyniki analiz dla wygenerowanych struktur określają wielkość obszaru magazynowania, niezbędnego do zmieszczenia określonej liczby jednostek transportowo-magazynowych, a także poziom złożoności obsługi obu systemów, przekładający się na czas realizacji czynności transportowych oraz ładunkowych