665 research outputs found

    Versorgung aus der Ferne: Die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung unter den Bedingungen der Telemedizin

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    Telemedizin ermöglicht eine medizinische Versorgung und Überwachung von Patienten über räumliche Grenzen hinweg, bei der die Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient elektronisch vermittelt stattfindet. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Nähe und Distanz gerät die Telemedizin schnell in den Verdacht, die persönliche Beziehung zwischen Arzt und Patient zu beeinträchtigen und die Beziehungspartner voneinander zu entfremden. Anhand einer Befragung von Patienten und deren niedergelassenen Ärzten, die ein Jahr lang an einem telemedizinischen Monitoring-Programm teilgenommen haben, konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass eine ergänzende telemedizinische Betreuung keinen negativen Einfluss auf die Beziehung der Patienten zu ihren niedergelassenen Haus- und Fachärzten hatte

    Modeling of chemical and physical processes in reactive porous bed

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    This paper contains the description of pyrolysis and flow process through porous media taking into account kinetic rate coefficient and equilibrium state of pyrolysis. Mathematical equation of pyrolysis mechanism including kinetic rate coefficient and equilibrium rate of pyrolysis, and equations like mass, momentum and energy and flow through porous zone are presented. Considered model is based on a simple geometry based on downdraft gasifier and analysed basing on CFD calculation of pyrolysis and flow of volatiles. Numerical analysis of a gas flow in an open system with mass source is carried out by means of Fluent. Calculations of the chemical and physical processes in porous bed are performed for different porosity

    Effectiveness versus conditions of small and medium-sized enterprise development in Poland

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    Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa są fundamentem gospodarki każdego państwa. Tworzą one przeważnie powyżej połowy produktu krajowego brutto i zatrudniają ponad połowę ogólnej liczby pracujących. Konieczność wspierania przedsiębiorczości, rozumianej jako tworzenie nowych przedsiębiorstw, stanowi konieczną drogę odnawiania stanu i rozwoju sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. W pracy przedstawiono związek efektywności z zaawansowaną przedsiębiorczością na przykładzie rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Analizę przeprowadzono w trzech wymiarach: znaczenia przedsiębiorstw dla gospodarki, demograficznego obrazu przedsiębiorczości ze wskazaniem zmian, jakie zachodzą w strukturze przedsiębiorstw w Polsce oraz spojrzenia na to zjawisko przez pryzmat przedsiębiorcy, którego zamierzenia, decyzje i aspiracje przekładają się na efektywność i wzrost jakościowy przedsiębiorstwa. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie związku efektywności z rozwojem małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w ujęciu dynamicznym, w warunkach niepewności otoczenia i asymetryczności rynku. Podjęto również próbę zidentyfikowania pomocnych narzędzi w podnoszeniu efektywności i wartości przedsiębiorstw sektora MŚP. Wykorzystano w tym celu m.in. dane GUS przez PARP Eurostatu, SBA Factsheet, a także badania Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM).Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are fundamental to the economic sphere of every single country. They usually generate more than half of the gross domestic product and employ over a half of the total number of the workforce. The necessity of supporting enterprise understood as the creation of new companies is a must on the way to restoring the condition and developmental potential of the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises. The paper presents the relation between the effectiveness and advanced entrepreneurship, illustrated with an example of the development of SME in Poland. The analysis has been carried out in three dimensions: the importance of enterprises for the economy, the demographic picture of entrepreneurship depicting the changes that take place in the structure of companies in Poland in relation to the EU, and the entrepreneurs’ perspective on the phenomenon since these are entrepreneurs' intentions, decisions and aspirations that translate into the effectiveness and qualitative improvement of a company. The purpose of the paper is to present the dynamic relationship between effectiveness and the development of small and medium enterprises in the environment of uncertainty and market asymmetry. Additionally, the paper seeks to identify the tools that are helpful in increasing the effectiveness and value of enterprises in the SME sector. Data from the following sources have been used for the purpose of the study: Central Statistical Office (GUS), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), Eurostat, SBA Fact Sheets and the research done by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring (GEM)

    Forecasting the commune income as a determinant of local sustainable development

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    W obecnym czasie problemy występujące w badaniach zrównoważonego rozwoju lokalnego są trudne do przezwyciężenia ze względu na ich złożoność i zachodzące zmiany społeczno-gospodarczych uwarunkowań rozwoju. Złożoność oraz istotność zagadnień związanych z oceną rozwoju lokalnego wymaga kompleksowego i metodycznego podejścia, które może być podstawą planowania pożądanych zdarzeń i stanów lokalnych jednostek samorządu z punktu widzenia przyszłej sytuacji. W warunkach otoczenia konkurencyjnego zachodzące zmiany ujawniają potrzeby konsekwentnego, perspektywicznego oraz prawidłowego postrzegania procesów lokalnych oraz wyznaczania kluczowych kierunków ich rozwoju. Planowanie rozwoju na szczeblu lokalnym jest niezbędne ze względu na konieczność optymalizacji wydatków budżetowych i właściwego wykonywania zadań publicznych. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie prognozy dochodów gmin wiejskich na lata 2018-2020, która ma istotne znaczenie w procesie projektowania najbardziej oczekiwanych zdarzeń i stanów jednostek samorządowych z punktu widzenia przyszłej sytuacji. W celu zbudowania prognoz gmin wiejskich na lata 2018-2020 wykorzystano dane (GUS) z lat 2003-2016. Wygładzaniu wykład-niczemu poddano poziom dochodów i wydatków budżetowych oraz przyrost wygładzonej zmiennej, reprezentujące współczynnik trendu liniowego. Analizowane jednostki samorządowe są bardzo zróżnicowane, czę-sto o dużej skali opóźnień rozwojowych oraz mniejszej atrakcyjności lokalizacyjnej, najtrudniejsza sytuacja występuje na obszarach wiejskich.At the present time it is difficult to overcome problems with research in sustainable local devel-opment due to their diversity and the large-scale social and economic changes in development conditions. The complexity and significance of issues connected with local development assessment require a comprehensive and methodological approach which can form grounds for planning desirable events and shaping the future condition of local government units. Changes taking place in the competitive environment conditions reveal the need for a consistent, prospective and effective attitude to local processes and defining the main directions of development. Planning the development at the local level is inevitable owing to the necessity of optimising budget expenses and performing public tasks properly. The purpose of the paper is to present a forecast of the rural commune income in 2018-2020 The data from 2003-2016 (GUS) was used in order to prepare rural commune income and expenditure forecasts for 2018-2020. The level of budgetary in-come and expenditure and the increment of the smoothed variable representing the linear trend coefficient were subject to exponential smoothing. The local government units subject to the analysis are very diversified, often char-acterised by large-scale development gaps and low attractiveness of location; the situation is most difficult in rural areas

    Logistics of recycling by the case of used car tyres in Poland

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    Waste generation is an intrinsic feature of economic activity, and its management is a problem dealt with by all societies and economies. The need for waste management arises from the necessity of saving resources, limiting space for waste deposition and limiting the contamination filtering from waste to the natural environment. The development of transported goods haulage and car transport all over the world generates one of the greatest, in terms of its weight, volume of waste, namely scrap tyres. It is estimated that more than 1.2 billion tonnes of scrap tyres are produced every year. The corresponding figure for the EU member states is 3.5 million tonnes, and for Poland - 200 thousand tonnes. High transportation and collection costs, and the fact that the transition period negotiated with the UE ended in 2014 are forcing the formation of an integrated domestic network that would deal with waste recovery and treatment. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the management system of scrap tyres in Poland in 2002-2014. The analysis refers to the required and attained recovery and recycling levels of scrap tyres. A regression equation has been used to present the trend of the number of recycled tyres (in thou tonnes). The analysis has been based on the data on waste management from the Ministry of the Environment, and Central Statistical Office (GUS) Ochrona środowiska 201

    The Ongoing Battle to End the Gender Pay Gap in the World of Professional Tennis, Basketball, and Soccer and How the Media Remains the Underlying Issue

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    If you were to Google the following question, “Which tennis player spent the most time ranked number one?” You would be presented with a list of articles highlighting Novak Djokovic’s tennis career and crowning him with the title of longest time spent at the number one position in professional tennis. As of the end of February 2023, Novak Djokovic has held the number one position for 377 consecutive weeks. Interestingly enough, if you were to also Google “How many weeks was Steffi Graf ranked number one?” You would find that during Steffi Graf’s professional tennis career, she also held the number one position in professional tennis for 377 consecutive weeks––a title that Djokovic has only recently accomplished. If you were to Google, again, “Which soccer teams have won the most world cups?” You would be presented with articles only referencing men’s soccer. In fact, you would have to conduct an entirely separate Google search including the words “female” or “women” to find any articles on women’s soccer. None of the above search questions involved any reference to male sports or athletes, yet Google first fed the searcher information directed solely to the male gender. This is a prime example of how the media remains the underlying issue for the gender disparities within professional athletics. This Note addresses the impact that male-domination in the sports and media industries has on the financial opportunities available to female professional athletes. Specifically, this Note provides a thorough analysis of how the media continues to widen the gender pay gap in professional tennis, basketball, and soccer by promoting outdated gender norms that ultimately hinder female athletes’ ability to gain equal opportunities for media coverage, sponsorships, endorsements, and more. The lack of gender equity within the sports and media industries has serious consequences for female professional athletes, and there is a call for major policy changes as a result. This Note not only provides an explanation of the legal remedies available to female athletes facing discrimination, but also proposes a policy change that could help narrow the pay gap by providing female athletes with more opportunities for media coverage

    Probing the origin of UX Ori-type variability in the YSO binary CO Ori with VLTI/GRAVITY

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    The primary star in the young stellar object (YSO) binary CO Ori displays UX Ori-type variability: irregular, high amplitude optical and near-infrared photometric fluctuations where flux minima coincide with polarization maxima. This is attributed to changes in local opacity. In CO Ori A, these variations exhibit a 12.4 yr cycle. Here, we investigate the physical origin of the fluctuating opacity and its periodicity using interferometric observations of CO Ori obtained using VLTI/GRAVITY. Continuum K-band circum-primary and circum-secondary emission are marginally spatially resolved for the first time while Brγ\gamma emission is detected in the spectrum of the secondary. We estimate a spectral type range for CO Ori B of K2-K5 assuming visual extinction, AV=2A_{\rm{V}}=2 and a distance of 430 pc. From geometric modelling of the continuum visibilities, the circum-primary emission is consistent with a central point source plus a Gaussian component with a full-width-half-maximum of 2.31±\pm0.04 milliarcseconds (mas), inclined at 30.2±\pm2.2^{\circ} and with a major axis position angle of 40±\pm6^{\circ}. This inclination is lower than that reported for the discs of other UX Ori-type stars, providing a first indication that the UX Ori phenomena may arise through fluctuations in circumstellar material exterior to a disc, e.g. in a dusty outflow. An additional wide, symmetric Gaussian component is required to fit the visibilities of CO Ori B, signifying a contribution from scattered light. Finally, closure phases of CO Ori A were used to investigate whether the 12.4 yr periodicity is associated with an undetected third component, as has been previously suggested. We rule out any additional companions contributing more than 3.6% to the K-band flux within ~7.3-20 mas of CO Ori A.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Socially responsible human resource management as a concept of fostering sustainable organization-building: Experiences of young polish companies

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    There has been increased interest over recent years in socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) oriented at developing good relations with employees as a function fostering sustainable organization-building. This is a consequence of our awareness of the fact that employees and personnel processes play a vital role in translating the policy of sustainable development into practice. The objective of this research has been to diagnose the activity of young Polish enterprises in the area of SRHRM as an important corporate social responsibility (CSR) component and to assess relations between SRHRM practices and the sustainable development of organizations. The studies conducted on a representative sample of 150 entities demonstrate both the scope of SRHRM practical implementation and the fields which have disparity in this respect. It has been determined that SRHRM practices are quite frequently adopted by young Polish enterprises. Research has shown that there is a correlation between the assessment of the relationship of SRHRM practices with the sustainable development of organizations and their practical implementation. It has been established that the higher the assessment of the strength of the relations of a given practice, the more often it is implemented in the enterprises studied. Simultaneously, the research has demonstrated a low level of maturity with respect to SRHRM implementation, as evidenced by the adoption of basic practices

    Green human resource management as a tool for the sustainable development of enterprises: Polish young company experience

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    The growing role of sustainable development and, above all, its ecological aspect, in the development of modern company competitive edge leads to the popularization of the question of incorporating environmental practices into the area of human resource policy, referred to as Green HRM. The objective of the research was to identify pro-environmental HR practices embraced by young Polish enterprises and to prioritize them in accordance with their effect on company sustainable development. To attain these goals, a survey was conducted among a random, representative population of 150 young enterprises. The study revealed that the Green HRM concept in the Polish reality is relatively. However, there is a strong positive correlation between the evaluation of the impact of individual activities within Green HRM on sustainable company development and their practical implementation. Research demonstrated that the higher the evaluation of the impact of a given activity, the more frequent its implementation in the studied companies. This allowed the formulation of the following conclusion: in order to increase the scope of the implementation of the Green HRM concept in Polish young enterprises, it is necessary to raise awareness and disseminate knowledge concerning the impact Green HRM can have on sustainable development in organizations