41 research outputs found

    Use of a Semi-field System to Evaluate the Efficacy of Topical Repellents under user Conditions Provides a Disease Exposure free Technique Comparable with Field Data.

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    Before topical repellents can be employed as interventions against arthropod bites, their efficacy must be established. Currently, laboratory or field tests, using human volunteers, are the main methods used for assessing the efficacy of topical repellents. However, laboratory tests are not representative of real life conditions under which repellents are used and field-testing potentially exposes human volunteers to disease. There is, therefore, a need to develop methods to test efficacy of repellents under real life conditions while minimizing volunteer exposure to disease. A lotion-based, 15% N, N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) repellent and 15% DEET in ethanol were compared to a placebo lotion in a 200 sq m (10 m x 20 m) semi-field system (SFS) against laboratory-reared Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes and in full field settings against wild malaria vectors and nuisance-biting mosquitoes. The average percentage protection against biting mosquitoes over four hours in the SFS and field setting was determined. A Poisson regression model was then used to determine relative risk of being bitten when wearing either of these repellents compared to the placebo. Average percentage protection of the lotion-based 15% DEET repellent after four hours of mosquito collection was 82.13% (95% CI 75.94-88.82) in the semi-field experiments and 85.10% (95% CI 78.97-91.70) in the field experiments. Average percentage protection of 15% DEET in ethanol after four hours was 71.29% (CI 61.77-82.28) in the semi-field system and 88.24% (84.45-92.20) in the field. Semi-field evaluation results were comparable to full-field evaluations, indicating that such systems could be satisfactorily used in measuring efficacy of topically applied mosquito repellents, thereby avoiding risks of exposure to mosquito-borne pathogens, associated with field testing

    Synthesis and bioassay of improved mosquito repellents predicted from chemical structure

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    Mosquito repellency data on acylpiperidines derived from the U.S. Department of Agriculture archives were modeled by using molecular descriptors calculated by CODESSA PRO software. An artificial neural network model was developed for the correlation of these archival results and used to predict the repellent activity of novel compounds of similar structures. A series of 34 promising N-acylpiperidine mosquito repellent candidates (4a–4q′) were synthesized by reactions of acylbenzotriazoles 2a–2p with piperidines 3a–3f. Compounds (4a–4q′) were screened as topically applied mosquito repellents by measuring the duration of repellency after application to cloth patches worn on the arms of human volunteers. Some compounds that were evaluated repelled mosquitoes as much as three times longer than N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET), the most widely used repellent throughout the world. The newly measured durations of repellency were used to obtain a superior correlation equation relating mosquito repellency to molecular structure