631 research outputs found

    Daily activities and survival at older ages

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    This study tested the hypothesis that time spent on regenerative (e.g., resting), productive (e.g., housework), and consumptive activities (e.g., meeting friends) is associated with survival in persons aged 70 and older. An observational study with semi-annual mortality follow-ups was carried out in the former West Berlin, Germany. The sample was stratified by age and sex and consisted of 473 persons aged 70 to 103 years. Study participants lived in the community as well as in institutions. Activity measures were assessed in 1990-1993 by structured interviews in the participants´ homes. Cox regression was used to model survival from time of interview. The main outcome measure was survival on 3 February 2000. Consumptive activities were related to survival (relative risk = 0.76, 95% confidence interval 0.58 to 1.00) after several confounding factors were controlled for. There were indications that the greatest survival benefit is achieved with a medium amount of time devoted to consumptive activities. Our results support the idea that daily activities are linked to survival via a psychosocial pathway, which might involve perceived quality of life. Consumptive activities (e.g., meeting friends, reading a novel) may contribute considerably to maintaining health and achieving longevity, because they are performed on a daily basis and their effects may accumulate over the life course.

    Exploration of Social Interactions Through Dance

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    Within an individual’s everyday life, there are vast amounts of effects caused by distractions that often go unnoticed. The unnoticed effects of interferences can include loss of information and confusion. In regards to situations that only occur once, the effects of distractions can be detrimental, because the information presented within the situation will never be shown identically again. The purpose of this study is to present the effects of distractions through a new medium, dance, in order to present awareness of the impact of social interferences. The high prevalence of technological distractions within society has inspired the main focus of the choreography created. Students will be chosen from the Texas A&M University Dance Program based upon an audition for the work. The students then will complete a series of scheduled rehearsals over several months. During the presentation of the choreography, technological distractions will be placed within the audience to pull the spectator’s focus from the piece. Upon completion of the dance, survey questions will be given to members viewing the work to evaluate their perception of the choreography and the planted technological distractions. The expected results of the study will indicate that the audience was unable to provide their full attention to the choreography due to the various distractions. Having technological distractions within the performance setting will provide a realistic situation to everyday life to study the effects of interferences. With art being a time-dependent field, focus is crucial for the successful conveyance of the choreographer’s ideas to the audience. This concept proves important because distractions also interrupt interactions on a daily basis. In comparison with dance, distractions in individuals’ everyday lives, can cause gaps of crucial information to be missed

    Asian Carp in the Missouri River: Analysis from Multiple Missouri River Habitat and Fisheries Programs

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    Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, silver carp H. molitrix, black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, collectively referred to as Asian carps, are invasive species that were either accidentally or intentionally introduced into the Mississippi River basin. The expansion of Asian carp into the Missouri River is not well understood and knowledge of population characteristics within this river were lacking. The objectives of this study were to describe the relative abundance, size structure, and spatial and temporal trends of Asian carp using multiple gears from three long-term fish community monitoring programs in the Missouri River downstream of Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota and Nebraska from 2003 to 2007. A total of 1,307 bighead, 1,280 silver, 624 grass, and 0 black carp were captured. The majority of adult bighead carp were captured in overnight hoop nets (38%) and adult silver (14%) and grass carp (23%) were most commonly caught in overnight experimental gill nets. Mini-fyke nets captured almost exclusively, young of the year Asian carp (≤ 80 mm), while gill, trammel, and hoop nets collected a wide length range of fish (81 – 1,200 mm). The relative abundance of all three Asian carp species did not significantly differ among years; however, spatial trends were found as relative abundance was highest in the Missouri River downstream of the Platte River. Short Asian carp weighed less in the Gavins Point reach compared to downstream of the Grand River in Missouri. Conversely, long Asian carp in the Gavins Point reach attained greater weights than fish of similar length downstream. We found that multiple sampling gears are necessary to monitor Asian carp population characteristics in the Missouri River. Asian carp populations appear to be well established in the Missouri River and it is increasingly important to understand the affects these invasive species have on the native fish community

    Grandparental investment facilitates harmonization of work and family in employed parents: A lifespan psychological perspective

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    The target article emphasizes the need to identify psychological mechanisms underlying grandparental investment, particularly in low-risk family contexts. We extend this approach by addressing the changing demands of balancing work and family in low-risk families. Taking a lifespan psychological perspective, we identify additional motivators and potential benefits of grandparental investment for grandparents themselves and for subsequent generation

    Asian Carp in the Missouri River: Analysis from Multiple Missouri River Habitat and Fisheries Programs

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    Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, silver carp H. molitrix, black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, collectively referred to as Asian carps, are invasive species that were either accidentally or intentionally introduced into the Mississippi River basin. The expansion of Asian carp into the Missouri River is not well understood and knowledge of population characteristics within this river were lacking. The objectives of this study were to describe the relative abundance, size structure, and spatial and temporal trends of Asian carp using multiple gears from three long-term fish community monitoring programs in the Missouri River downstream of Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota and Nebraska from 2003 to 2007. A total of 1,307 bighead, 1,280 silver, 624 grass, and 0 black carp were captured. The majority of adult bighead carp were captured in overnight hoop nets (38%) and adult silver (14%) and grass carp (23%) were most commonly caught in overnight experimental gill nets. Mini-fyke nets captured almost exclusively, young of the year Asian carp (≤ 80 mm), while gill, trammel, and hoop nets collected a wide length range of fish (81 – 1,200 mm). The relative abundance of all three Asian carp species did not significantly differ among years; however, spatial trends were found as relative abundance was highest in the Missouri River downstream of the Platte River. Short Asian carp weighed less in the Gavins Point reach compared to downstream of the Grand River in Missouri. Conversely, long Asian carp in the Gavins Point reach attained greater weights than fish of similar length downstream. We found that multiple sampling gears are necessary to monitor Asian carp population characteristics in the Missouri River. Asian carp populations appear to be well established in the Missouri River and it is increasingly important to understand the affects these invasive species have on the native fish community

    Preliminary investigation of a polyethylene glycol hydrogel "nerve glue"

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel is a biocompatible semi-adherent gel like substance that can potentially augment nerve repair much like a fibrin sealant. Potential advantages of this substance include fast preparation and set up time, as well as adhesion inhibiting properties. The purpose of this study was to perform an initial evaluation of PEG hydrogel in this application.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The sciatic nerves of 29 rats were transected and repaired using two 10-0 nylon sutures and either PEG hydrogel or fibrin glue. After 10 weeks, contraction forces of the reinnervated muscles were evaluated and histological assessment of scar tissue performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Muscle strength testing revealed the average ratio of experimental to control sides for the fibrin glue group was 0.75 and for the PEG hydrogel group was 0.72 (no significant difference). Longitudinal sections through the nerve repair site showed no significant difference in nerve diameter but did demonstrate a significant reduction in scar thickness in the PEG hydrogel group (p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Though further study is necessary to fully evaluate, PEG hydrogel results in less scar tissue formation and equivalent muscle recovery as fibrin sealant when applied as a nerve glue in a rodent sciatic nerve repair model.</p

    Development of the Solid Waste Resource

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    This paper describes the waste processing and boiler feed facilities which serve as the prototype for Union Electric Company\u27s proposed Solid Waste Utilization System for recycling essentially all the solid waste generated in the metropolitan St. Louis area. The recently announced system, capable of processing up to 8,000 tons of raw refuse per day and estimated to cost $70 million, will be built and operated without government subsidy. Solid waste will be processed for the recovery of recyclable non- combustibles and use as a supplementary fuel to electric utility boilers

    TrĂŞs poemas

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    Three poems of Frederico Klumb: "A palavra amor nunca foi vista num poema", "Enquanto leio a menina crescendo pelas bordas" and "Ontem vi um velho descalço"Três poemas de Frederico Klumb: "A palavra amor nunca foi vista num poema", "Enquanto leio a menina crescendo pelas bordas" e "Ontem vi um velho descalço"
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