142 research outputs found

    The effects of local grassland habitat and surrounding landscape composition on the predators of grassland bird nests.

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    In agroecosystems birds use fragmented grasslands which are saturated by numerous nest predators. Multiple predator threats should increase nest predation, but predator interactions complicate relationships. I studied nest predators of Dickcissels (Spiza americana), a bird of conservation concern. I asked: (1) Does predator community explain predators documented on video? (2) What predator community best explains nesting success? (3) How does the predator community respond to habitat at multiple levels

    The Future of Blackbird Management Research

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    Human society values birds for their intrinsic and aesthetic value as well as the ecosystem services they provide as pollinators, consumers of pests, and distributors of nutrients and seeds (Wenny et al. 2011). At the same time, conflict between birds and humans is an age-old phenomenon that has persisted as society has transformed and the scale of agriculture has expanded (Conover 2002). Managing conflict between birds and agriculture is challenging for many reasons. Foremost, the need to consider both human welfare and conservation of protected bird species is paramount, with nonlethal management methods preferred to lethal measures from societal, economical, and ecological standpoints (Miller 2007; Linz et al. 2015). Second, methods must be effective, practical, and economical for agricultural implementation. Finally, management methods must overcome characteristics that make birds difficult to manage including uncertainty in population estimates, fecundity, mobility, and adaptive behaviors. All challenges are compounded when attempting to establish management methods that fit within modern agricultural practices, while simultaneously supporting conservation efforts to protect wildlife. Labor-saving devices and methodologies resulting from agricultural advances in mechanical, chemical, genetic, and information technologies have facilitated a shift to larger crop fields, a broader range of suitable habitat for a variety of crops, and consolidated farms in North America (MacDonald et al. 20(3). This shift to large. less labor-intensive farms has supported the ability to feed an ever-increasing human population but has complicated the relationship between humans and wildlife. Modern agriculture directly impacts wildlife by altering natural habitat. resulting in the increase of species able to thrive in agricultural landscapes and the decline of species unable to adapt. Thus. agriculture often provides increased carrying capacity for species responsible for agricultural damage (Van Vuren and Smallwood 1996). However, changes in harvest efficiency have resulted in less crop waste and reduced availability of high-energy foods available to birds postharvest, potentially placing common farmland birds at risk of decline (Krapu et al. 2004; Galle et al. 2009). Nevertheless, vertebrate species able to adapt to the agricultural landscape often reach pest levels, resulting in producers seeking tools to reduce damage, tools that have not necessarily advanced in concert with modern agriculture. Red-winged blackbirds (150 million; Agelaius phoeniceus), brown-headed cowbirds (120 million; Molothrus ater), common grackles (69 million; Quiscalus quiscula), and yellowheaded blackbirds (15 million; Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) are among the most numerous birds in North America (Rosenberg et al. 2016). This book has identified conflicts between blackbirds and agricultural commodity groups including livestock, rice, corn, sunflower, and numerous specialty crops (Dolbeer 1990; Cummings et al. 2005; Anderson et al. 2013; Klosterman et al. 2013; Figure 13.1). Continued progress in development of blackbird management methods and acquisition of baseline knowledge as to its impacts on blackbird populations are needed at local, regional, and national scales. In this chapter, I evaluate gaps in knowledge and potential research directions. I address the following topics: (I) blackbird biology at the species, population, and community levels; (2) the influence of changing landscapes on blackbirds and agricultural damage in terms of agricultural practices, habitat, and climate change; (3) the limitations of lethal and nonlethal management tools (i.e., repellents, frightening devices, and evading strategies) and how research can optimize techniques or facilitate new tool discovery; and (4) economic evaluation of management and human dimensions

    Revisiting a Lost Victory at Kursk

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    The battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943 was a pivotal battle of World War II. The defeat at Kursk placed the Wehrmacht on the permanent strategic defensive on the Eastern Front. The opening of the Soviet archives after 1989 has permitted more thorough analysis of that battle and produced greater appreciation of the Red Army’s performance, while casting doubt on the notion that the Germans were close to an operational victory. Preceding the clash, both sides prepared feverishly, attempting to bring the units involved to their maximum capability by replacing personnel, upgrading equipment, and conducting training. The Germans delayed the attack several times to deploy the new armored vehicles. Soviet leaders gathered intelligence from their own sources as well as from ULTRA, which was the codename for British intelligence gained from the German Enigma machine. The Soviets, in anticipation of the onslaught, built a massive and intricate defense. Kursk began on July 4, 1943 with a German attack in the south to gain observation for artillery. The main battle began on July 5 when the Germans attacked both shoulders of the Kursk salient. The fighting was furious. In the north the frontlines quickly stabilized, but in the south German forces made progress. The critical moment occurred when they reached the village of Prokhorovka on July 12. The II SS Panzer Corps and the Soviet Fifth Guards Tank and Fifth Guards Armies fought to a tactical draw with hundreds of tanks lost on both sides. However, the Allied invasion of Sicily prompted Hitler to transfer panzer divisions from Kursk to the Mediterranean Theater, thus seriously reducing the assets available to Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, the commander of the German units in the south. This decision essentially ended the Battle of Kursk. Had Hitler given his subordinates more freedom to destroy the Soviet armored reserves, they might have mitigated the catastrophe. But the Germans at Kursk could not have achieved victory. It was a simple matter of the Soviets outnumbering the Germans in all categories, and the Red Army had improved its capabilities to the point it could execute devastating deep, combined arms operations against the Wehrmacht

    Movement Behavior of Radio-Tagged European Starlings in Urban, Rural, and Exurban Landscapes

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    Since their intentional introduction into the United States in the 1800s, European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) have become the fourth most common bird species and a nuisance bird pest in both urban and rural areas. Managers require better information about starling movement and habit-use patterns to effectively manage starling populations and the damage they cause. Thus, we revisited 6 radio-telemetry studies conducted during fall or winter between 2005 and 2010 to compare starling movements (n = 63 birds) and habitat use in 3 landscapes. Switching of roosting and foraging sites in habitat-sparse rural landscapes caused daytime (0900–1500 hours) radio fixes to be on average 2.6 to 6.3 times further from capture sites than either urban or exurban landscapes (P \u3c 0.001). Roosts in urban city centers were smaller (100,000 birds) 6–13 km away in industrial zones. Radio-tagged birds from city-center roosts occasionally switched to the outlying major roosts. A multitrack railroad overpass and a treed buffer zone were used as major roosts in urban landscapes. Birds traveling to roosts from primary foraging sites in exurban and rural landscapes would often pass over closer-lying minor roosts to reach major roosts in stands of emergent vegetation in large wetlands. Daytime minimum convex polygons ranged from 101–229 km2 (x̄ = 154 km2). Anthropogenic food resources (e.g., concentrated animal feeding operations, shipping yards, landfills, and abattoirs) were primary foraging sites. Wildlife resource managers can use this information to predict potential roosting and foraging sites and average areas to monitor when implementing programs in different landscapes. In addition to tracking roosting flights, we recommend viewing high-resolution aerial images to identify potential roosting and foraging habitats before implementing lethal culls (e.g., toxicant baiting)

    Foraging Behavior of Red-Winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) on Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with Varying Coverage of Anthraquinone-Based Repellent

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    Animals attempt to maximize foraging efforts by making strategic foraging decisions. Foraging efforts can be influenced by chemically defended food. Food resources that are chemically defended force foragers to balance the nutritional gain with the toxic costs of foraging on a defended food resource. Chemical defense, in this case sunflower treated with chemical repellent, may be capable of deterring birds from foraging on treated crops. Blackbirds (Icteridae) cause significant damage to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with damage estimates of $3.5 million annually in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, the largest sunflower producing state. Chemical repellents may be a cost-effective method for reducing bird damage if application strategies can be optimized for sunflowers. Anthraquinone-based repellents have been shown to reduce feeding on sunflower achenes by more than 80% in lab studies, but results in the field are inconclusive due to application issues where floral components of sunflower result in low repellent contact with achenes. Ground rigs equipped with drop-nozzles have shown promise in depositing repellent directly on the sunflower face but coverage is variable. We propose to evaluate the feeding behavior of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and the efficacy of an anthraquinone-based avian repellent when applied directly to the sunflower face in a lab-based experiment. Our main objectives are to 1) evaluate the coverage needed on the face of the sunflower to establish repellency, 2) evaluate achene removal rates over time to understand time to aversion at varying repellent coverages, and 3) evaluate the feeding behavior and activity budgets of red-winged blackbirds on treated and untreated sunflower. The results of this study will inform repellent coverage needed at the scale of the sunflower plant to deter feeding or alter time budgets of foraging red-winged blackbirds to ultimately reduce sunflower damage

    Foraging behavior of red-winged blackbirds (\u3ci\u3eAgelaius phoeniceus\u3c/i\u3e) on sunflower (\u3ci\u3eHelianthus annuus\u3c/i\u3e) with varying coverage of anthraquinone-based repellent

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    Animals attempt to maximize foraging efforts by making strategic foraging decisions. Foraging efforts can be influenced by chemically defended food. Food resources that are chemically defended force foragers to balance the nutritional gain with the toxic costs of foraging on a defended food resource. Chemical defense, in this case sunflower treated with chemical repellent, may be capable of deterring birds from foraging on treated crops. Blackbirds (Icteridae) cause significant damage to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with damage estimates of $3.5 million annually in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, the largest sunflower producing state. Chemical repellents may be a cost-effective method for reducing bird damage if application strategies can be optimized for sunflowers. Anthraquinone-based repellents have been shown to reduce feeding on sunflower achenes by more than 80% in lab studies, but results in the field are inconclusive due to application issues where floral components of sunflower result in low repellent contact with achenes. Ground rigs equipped with drop-nozzles have shown promise in depositing repellent directly on the sunflower face but coverage is variable. We propose to evaluate the feeding behavior of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and the efficacy of an anthraquinone-based avian repellent when applied directly to the sunflower face in a lab-based experiment. Our main objectives are to 1) evaluate the coverage needed on the face of the sunflower to establish repellency, 2) evaluate achene removal rates over time to understand time to aversion at varying repellent coverages, and 3) evaluate the feeding behavior and activity budgets of red-winged blackbirds on treated and untreated sunflower. The results of this study will inform repellent coverage needed at the scale of the sunflower plant to deter feeding or alter time budgets of foraging red-winged blackbirds to ultimately reduce sunflower damage

    Efficacy of an Avian Repellent Applied Using Drop Nozzle-Equipped Ground Rigs in Reducing Blackbird Damage to Sunflower

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    In North Dakota large flocks of blackbirds feed on ripening crops, after breeding and prior to migration, resulting in an annual damage estimate averaging $3.5 million for sunflower. Since the repellent needs to be ingested to be effective, one obstacle is applying sufficient repellent directly to the sunflower face. Thus, we tested efficacy of an anthraquinone-based repellent when applied via drop-nozzle to sunflower using enclosed blackbirds in a semi-natural field setting. We used a ground-rig equipped with 360 Undercover® drop nozzle sprayers to apply 20 gal/ac of solution to sunflower plots with a product application rate of 1.0 gal/ac (13% AQ). To test efficacy, we installed bird enclosures (12 x 13 x 10 ft) to house 10 captive, male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) for 23 days on 10 treated and 10 untreated plots. The repellent did not cause birds to consume more alternative diet (i.e., red milo). Sunflower yield did not differ between treated and untreated enclosures as a result of blackbird damage. Variation in the amount of repellent reaching the face of the sunflower and subsequent residues was a limitation of the application method. Efficacy may be improved by increasing the application rate or repellent in the tank mixture, but sprayer technology and economic limitations related to repellent costs need to be considered. Future studies should aim to optimize the amount of product in tank mixtures and the repellent formulation as designed for specific pests and crops

    An assessment of the US endangered species act recovery plans: using physiology to support conservation

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    Applying physiology to help solve conservation problems has become increasingly prominent. It is unclear, however, if the increased integration into the scientific community has translated into the application of physiological tools in conservation planning. We completed a review of the use of animal physiology in the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Endangered Species Act (ESA) recovery plans released between 2005 and 2016. Over those 11 years, 135 of the 146 recovery plans mentioned physiology, with 56% including it as background information on the natural history of the species and not as part of the recovery process. Fish and bird species had the lowest proportion of recovery plans to include physiology beyond the description of the natural history. When considering multiple sub-disciplines of physiology, immunology and epidemiology were incorporated as part of the recovery process most often. Our review suggests a disconnect between available physiological tools and the potential role of physiology in developing conservation plans. We provide three suggestions to further guide conservation scientists, managers and physiologists to work synergistically to solve conservation problems: (1) the breadth of knowledge within a recovery plan writing team should be increased, for example, through increased training of federal scientists in new physiology methodologies and tools or the inclusion of authors in academia that have a background in physiology; (2) physiologists should make their research more available to conservation scientists and federal agencies by clearly linking their research to conservation and (3) communication should be enhanced between government conservation scientists and physiologists

    Olfactory lures in predator control do not increase predation risk to birds in areas of conservation concern

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    Context. Lethal control of predators is often undertaken to protect species of conservation concern. Traps are frequently baited to increase capture efficacy, but baited traps can potentially increase predation risk by attracting predators to protected areas. This is especially important if targeted predators can escape capture due to low trap success. Snake traps using live mouse lures may be beneficial if traps effectively remove snakes in the presence of birds and do not attract additional snakes to the area. Aims. The present study evaluated whether mouse-lure traps in areas occupied by birds (simulated by deploying birdlure traps) could influence predation risk from an invasive snake on Guam. Methods. Snake traps were used, with Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) as a proxy for predation risk, to assess if an adjacent trap with a mouse (Mus musculus) would attract brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) to a focal area and increase contact between an invasive snake and avian prey. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) at stations containing either a bird-lure trap, mouse-lure trap or pair of traps (i.e. one bird-lure and one mouse-lure trap) was evaluated. Key results. Bird-lure traps paired with mouse-lure traps did not differ in CPUE from isolated bird-lure traps. At paired stations, CPUE of snakes in mouse-lure traps was 2.3_higher than bird-lure traps, suggesting mouse lures were capable of drawing snakes away from avian prey. Bird-lure traps at paired stations experienced a decay in captures over time, whereas CPUE for isolated bird-lure traps increased after 9 weeks and exceeded mouse-lure traps after 7 weeks. Conclusions. Mouse lures did not increase the risk of snakes being captured in bird-lure traps. Instead, mouse-lure traps may have locally suppressed snakes, whereas stations without mouse-lure traps still had snakes in the focal area, putting avian prey at greater risk. However, snakes caught with bird lures tended to be larger and in better body condition, suggesting preference for avian prey over mammalian prey in larger snakes. Implications. Strategic placement of olfactory traps within areas of conservatio

    Evaluation of two unmanned aircraft systems as tools for protecting crops from blackbird damage

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    In response to a need for mitigating blackbird damage to crops, we evaluated the effectiveness of two unmanned aircraft systems (UAS or drones) to protect crops from blackbird damage. UAS are known to elicit behavioral and physiological responses in wildlife and have been proposed as a means to protect row crop agriculture from avian pest depredation. We evaluated the behavioral responses of captive and free-ranging red-winged blackbirds to a fixed-wing and a rotary-wing (multi-rotor, quadcopter) UAS by comparing preflight behaviors to behaviors during UAS approach. Due to the flight limitations of the respective UAS, the fixed-wing and rotarywing were evaluated at different altitudes. Behavioral responses of captive and free-ranging blackbirds to approaching UAS were categorized as no response, alertness, or attempted escape/flight. Neither captive nor freeranging flocks of red-winged blackbirds displayed behavioral responses to approaches by the fixed-wing UAS when flown at or above 52m above ground level (AGL). However, both captive and free-ranging flocks exhibited behavioral responses to the rotary-wing UAS when flown within 30m AGL. Behavioral responses of blackbirds to the rotary-wing UAS were more pronounced with lower altitude approaches. Our findings suggest that UAS have the potential to modify blackbird behavior in a way that may reduce sunflower crop depredation
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