7 research outputs found

    Editorial [Gesundheit und Bildung. Macht lebenslanges Lernen wohl gesund?]

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    Gesundsein ist zur Norm erhoben worden. Was ist dann aber der kranke Mensch? Die Beiträge der vorliegenden Magazinausgabe zeigen, wie gesellschaftliche und strukturelle Bedingungen, Rahmungen und Denkweisen die Gesundheit und das Gesundheitsverhalten des einzelnen Menschen maßgeblich beeinflussen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren diskutieren den Zusammenhang von Bildung und Gesundheit dabei auf vielschichtige Art und Weise. Zu systemkritischen Sichtweisen gesellen sich Analysen über den fortschreitenden Gesundheitsbias im Alter oder den Zusammenhang zwischen Beschäftigung und Gesundheit. Wie Erwachsenenbildung Sinn stiftet oder der Übergang vom Körper-Haben zum Leib-Sein erlebbar wird, ist ebenso Gegenstand der Erörterung wie die Praxis der Gesundheitsbildung und ihrer Angebote sowie deren Abgrenzung im Rahmen von Ö-Cert. Die vorliegenden Beiträge versuchen den Menschen in der Vielfalt seiner Lebenswirklichkeiten ganzheitlich zu erfassen und anzusprechen. Sie zeigen, wie unsere Wahrnehmung von Gesundheit (als selbstverantwortet) gegenüber Krankheit (als selbstverschuldet) aus dem Verhältnis geraten ist. Gesundheitsbildung ist eine mehrdimensionale institutionelle und gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Ist Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung unter den beschriebenen Rahmenbedingungen womöglich in Gefahr einer Ideologie Vorschub zu leisten, die Gesundheit ausschließlich in die Selbstverantwortung der Individuen übergibt? (DIPF/Orig.)Being healthy has become the standard. Then what is a sick person? The articles in this edition show how social and structural conditions, frameworks and ways of thinking significantly influence the health and health behaviour of the individual. The authors discuss the complex connection between education and health in a variety of ways. Analyses of progressive health bias in old age or the connection between occupation and health are joined by perspectives which are critical of the system. How adult education creates meaning or the transition from having a body to being a body is experienced is as much the object of discussion as the practice of health education and its offerings as well as their definition as part of Ö-Cert. The articles attempt to understand and speak to human beings integratively in the variety of their everyday realities. They show how our perception of health (as something for which we are responsible) in opposition to illness (as something which is our fault) has fallen out of balance. Health education is a multidimensional institutional challenge involving all of society. Can adult and continuing education under the circumstances described possibly be in danger of encouraging an ideology that hands the responsibility for health over to the individual alone? (DIPF/Orig.

    El Profesor de Educación de Personas Adultas en Alemania y Austria: El malabrista en la Sociedad de Conocimientos

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    Jütte W, Kloyber C. El Profesor de Educación de Personas Adultas en Alemania y Austria: El malabrista en la Sociedad de Conocimientos. Notas.Educación de Personas Adultas. 2006;2006(25):63-67

    Experimenting Towards Civil Society Resilience

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    International audienceCivil Society Resilience is an area of crisis management that is complementary to professional response. Crisis managers and response organizations need to integrate individuals, communities and local governments in their management efforts, among others by efficient crisis communication via media and the mobilization and handling of citizens as spontaneous volunteers. DRIVER aims at a campaign of experiments: organizational concepts and IT-solutions will be iteratively tested and assessed under realistic conditions to understand and improve their operational benefits. Therefore, this paper outlines the DRIVER approach of addressing the civil society in the context of resilience towards crisis situations. This does not only include a society oriented definition of local resilience as well as an introduction into the DRIVER perspectives of the society to be included in the DRIVER framework, rather it will be explained how DRIVERs consecutive experimentation approach supports the sustainable development of local societal resilience

    Crowdtasking – A New Concept for Volunteer Management in Disaster Relief

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    Part 4: Environmental Applications in Risk and Crises ManagementInternational audienceBased on governmental institutions and strong volunteer organizations, Austria provides a comprehensive and well developed emergency response system. As an important factor for the maintenance of the current quality standard of Austria’s protection and emergency system, the further engagement of voluntariness has to be ensured and enhanced in the light of the ongoing societal change. On the one hand, the involvement of new media provides opportunities to expand the organizations’ service portfolio to create a broader participation for citizens’ engagement; on the other hand, long lasting and formal memberships are often a challenge for the current dynamic lifestyle. To face this situation, the involvement of new media services for volunteer management in order to enable new modes of voluntary binding is a promising strategically effort. A new process called “crowdtasking” dedicated to the improvement of volunteer management applying new media is discussed; new processes of volunteer management are presented by exemplary initiatives of humanitarian non-governmental organizations, such as the Austrian Red Cross

    Exkurs : die österreichische Emigration in den USA – ein kultur- und bildungspolitisch folgenloses Kapitel für die Nachkriegsplanungen

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