35 research outputs found

    Expanse Creative Economy and its Impact on the Less Developed Regions

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    The most significant changes which were related with ending of last century, Globalization, New Economy and Knowledge Economy, established condition for formation and development of Creative Economy, based on human creativity. The conditions for developing of Creative Economy are not in every geographical region the same. The aim of the paper is the allocation a new phenomenon of the production process inputs, human creativity, which due to technology and knowledge platform can significantly contribute to acceleration of economy growth, mostly in advanced countries. It can lead in biggest depth between less and more developed regions.Creative economics, creative class, creative industry, economic growth, regional development

    Транспортні послуги у галузі шерінгової економіки порівняно із традиційними службами таксі: досвід Чеської республіки

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    У статті проаналізовано основні проблеми та перспективи проникнення шерінгової економіки у галузь пасажирських перевезень Чеської республіки. Головною метою дослідження є порівняння нових райдшерінгових платформ, таких як: Uber, Liftago та Taxifyand, з традиційними службами таксі. При цьому проаналізовано такі фактори як: вартість послуг, основні характеристики автомобілів, що використовуються, та форма комунікації з клієнтами. Авторами зазначено, що вартість та якість послуг проаналізованих райдшерінгових платформ залежать від місцезнаходження та форми комунікації з клієнтами. У статті визначено, що у Чеській республіці існуючі райдшерінгові платформи надання транспортних послуг та особливості їх функціонування формують нові перспективні напрями дослідження шерінгової економіки. Методологію даного дослідження засновано на опитуваннях та прямих спостереженнях у сфері надання послуг пасажирських перевезень. При цьому сценарії інтерв’ю та опитування розроблено з урахуванням принципу конфіденційності, щоб забезпечити більш відкриту комунікацію з респондентами. Респондентами дослідження стали користувачі як традиційних таксі, так і сучасних Uber, Liftago та Taxify. Дослідження проведено у 2017/2018 роках у містах Прага та Острава (Чеська республіка). У свою чергу згенерований масив даних оброблено з використанням статистичної програми SPSS IBM за допомогою методів описової статистики. Отримані результати дослідження дають підстави зробити висновок, що форма комунікації з клієнтами не впливає на вартість наданих послуг на досліджуваних ринках, але впливає на вибір клієнтів при прийнятті рішення щодо замовлення. При цьому ціни нових райдшерінгових платформ (Uber, Liftago та Taxify) є на рівні з традиційними постачальниками послуг пасажирських перевезень. Авторами наголошено, що результати дослідження є корисними як для компаній, що надають послуги пасажирських перевезень, так і для їх клієнтів.This research deals with the arguments within the scientific discussion on the issue of shared economy in the field of passenger transport in the Czech Republic. The main purpose of the research is to compare some ridesharing platforms, namely, Uber, Liftago and Taxify and traditional taxi services regarding their starting rates and a characteristic of the cars that they use. Investigation of the topic shows that starting rates and quality of services of these platforms differ regarding the locations and ride-hailing services. Therefore, analysing various sharing economy platforms in the Czech Republic regarding transportation and finding differences among them might create value addition for sharing economy literature. In this regard, this paper applies a research technique that consists of interviews and direct observation in the provision of transport services. In the research, a primary survey was carried out; In terms of secrecy, scenarios of interviews and cover-stories were prepared to motivate respondents to more open communication. Respondents were providers of transport services in the form of classic taxis, Uber, Liftago and Taxify, the most important providers of passenger taxis in the monitored cities. The research was carried out in 2017/2018 in different cities of the Czech Republic, namely, Prague and Ostrava. The obtained data were processed in the SPSS IBM Statistics program using the methods of descriptive statistics. The results of the research show that in the analysed parameters, the ride-hailing platforms do not provide cheaper services in the monitored markets and that their prices are comparable to those of traditional providers. For this reason, travellers, users and providers of ride-hailing services can benefit from this study by considering the differences that this research proves

    Transport services in the shared economy segment compared to traditional taxi services: The case study of the Czech Republic

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    This research deals with the arguments within the scientific discussion on the issue of shared economy in the field of passenger transport in the Czech Republic. The main purpose of the research is to compare some ridesharing platforms, namely, Uber, Liftago and Taxify and traditional taxi services regarding their starting rates and a characteristic of the cars that they use. Investigation of the topic shows that starting rates and quality of services of these platforms differ regarding the locations and ride-hailing services. Therefore, analysing various sharing economy platforms in the Czech Republic regarding transportation and finding differences among them might create value addition for sharing economy literature. In this regard, this paper applies a research technique that consists of interviews and direct observation in the provision of transport services. In the research, a primary survey was carried out; In terms of secrecy, scenarios of interviews and cover-stories were prepared to motivate respondents to more open communication. Respondents were providers of transport services in the form of classic taxis, Uber, Liftago and Taxify, the most important providers of passenger taxis in the monitored cities. The research was carried out in 2017/2018 in different cities of the Czech Republic, namely, Prague and Ostrava. The obtained data were processed in the SPSS IBM Statistics program using the methods of descriptive statistics. The results of the research show that in the analysed parameters, the ride-hailing platforms do not provide cheaper services in the monitored markets and that their prices are comparable to those of traditional providers. For this reason, travellers, users and providers of ride-hailing services can benefit from this study by considering the differences that this research proves

    Управління конкурентоспроможністю та економічною ефективністю: досвід країн Вишеградської четвірки

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    Питанням забезпечення економічної стабільності та підвищення рівня конкурентоспроможності країни приділяється все більше уваги. Авторами зазначено, що у період економічного зростання при аналізі акцент робиться на показниках, які сприяють зміцненню конкурентних позицій країни на світовій арені. Статтю присвячено дослідженню драйверів зміцнення конкурентоспроможності та економічної стабільності країн Вишеградської четвірки (V4) (Словаччина, Чеська республіка, Угорщина та Польща) на основі аналізу двох показників: індексу глобальної конкурентоспроможності та темпу зростання валового внутрішнього продукту (ВВП) за 2002-2016 роки. Авторами зазначено, що країни V4 мають не лише спільне центральноєвропейське розташування, а й пов’язані спільними історичними подіями, культурними особливостями, цінностями, пріоритетами та прагненням до підвищення стабільності у центральноєвропейському регіоні. Для досягнення поставленої мети, у статті проаналізовано динаміку визначених індикаторів для кожної з країн V4 та порівняно їх із середньостатистичними значеннями у досліджуваній вибірці. Для перевірки висунутої гіпотези застосовано модель ANOVA, що дозволило визначити відхилення від середніх значень кожного з індикаторів у досліджуваній вибірці. Авторами зазначено, що країни V4 мають схожі тенденції соціального розвитку, при цьому перед кожною окремою країною постають диференційовані за складністю та масштабом економічні проблеми, які визначають конкурентоспроможність кожної країни на світовій арені. Таким чином, отримані емпіричні результати дослідження свідчать про те, що Чеська республіка має найбільше значення за індексом глобальної конкурентоспроможності порівняно з іншими країнами V4. Більше того, доведено, що Чеська республіка є найбільш успішною країною у Вишеградській четвірці. У статті наголошено, про необхідність подальшого аналізу інших макроекономічних показників розвитку країн Вишеградської четвірки для формування єдиної та збалансованої політики їх розвитку.The economic condition and competitiveness is currently a highly discussed issue and it is necessary to confront individual countries. In a period characterized by economic dynamics, economic growth, the sustainability of economic development, it is common that most countries are concerned with the study of indicators that can help them to understand their economic situation. This paper focuses on the competitiveness and economic performance of the V4 countries based on two selected indicators – Global Competitiveness Index and Gross Domestic Product growth rate in the period from 2002 to 2016. The countries of the Visegrad Group do not only share a common Central European space, apart from geographic location, but they are also linked with history, culture, values, priorities and interests to strengthen stability in the Central European region. The aim of this study is to assess the development of the V4 economies and to define the degree of homogeneity of the Global Competitiveness Index and the rate of GDP growth between Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. To meet the main goal, selected indicators were subjected to an analysis of their development in the set period and their mutual confrontation was carried out. For analysis of variances, we used statistical method ANOVA. Countries of Visegrad Group are linked by significant factors from social areas, but each country faces different economic problems, which determines their economic status and position in the world. Based on the results, the Czech Republic records the most significant differences in the GCI index compared to other V4 countries. The study agrees with the arguments that the Czech Republic is the most successful country within the Visegrad Group. The benefit of the article reflects the perception of the V4 countries from an economic point of view, which is not conditioned by the common characteristics of this group. The analysis absorbs possible skewed speculation and encourages further research that may be dealt with in the future by other macroeconomic indicators within the Visegrad Group

    Management of Operational Risk in the Context of Financial Performance of SMEs

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    Owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have changed their perspective on risk management due to the current global negative threats in the business environment. If they want to be successful and ensure the financial performance of their business, they must adopt a proactive approach to reducing strategic risks in connection with operational risks. The aim of the article is to identify and quantify the differences in operational risk management and its effect on the financial management of SMEs between four Central European countries. The statistical sample of SMEs consisted of 1090 owners and top managers. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire in the period December 2022–January 2023. Statistical hypotheses were evaluated with the application of correlation analysis and linear regression modelling. Empirical findings have confirmed that operational risk management has a significant positive impact on improving the profitability of the enterprise and on reducing the enterprise’s indebtedness, as well as in the context of reducing the enterprise’s inability to pay its obligations. However, there are disparities in the perception of this influence between owners/managers with regard to the country in which they carry out their business activities. The findings are important for both national and multinational organizations and entities dealing with risk management in the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises

    Five Antigen Tests for SARS-CoV-2: Virus Viability Matters

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    Antigen testing for SARS-CoV-2 (AGT) is generally considered inferior to RT-PCR testing in terms of sensitivity. However, little is known about the infectiousness of RT-PCR positive patients who pass undetected by AGT. In a screening setting for mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic patients with high COVID-19 prevalence (30–40%), 1141 patients were tested using one of five AGTs and RT-PCR. Where the results differed, virus viability in the samples was tested on cell culture (CV-1 cells). The test battery included AGTs by JOYSBIO, Assure Tech, SD Biosensor, VivaChek Biotech and NDFOS. Sensitivities of the ATGs compared to RT-PCR ranged from 42% to 76%. The best test yielded a 76% sensitivity, 97% specificity, 92% positive, and 89% negative predictive values, respectively. However, in the best performing ATG tests, almost 90% of samples with “false negative” AGT results contained no viable virus. Corrected on the virus viability, sensitivities grew to 81–97% and, with one exception, the tests yielded high specificities >96%. Performance characteristics of the best test after adjustment were 96% sensitivity, 97% specificity, 92% positive, and 99% negative predictive values (high prevalence population). We, therefore, believe that virus viability should be considered when assessing the AGT performance. Also, our results indicate that a well-performing antigen test could in a high-prevalence setting serve as an excellent tool for identifying patients shedding viable virus. We also propose that the high proportion of RT-PCR-positive samples containing no viable virus in the group of “false negatives” of the antigen test should be further investigated with the aim of possibly preventing needless isolation of such patients

    Performance of Seven SARS-CoV-2 Self-Tests Based on Saliva, Anterior Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Swabs Corrected for Infectiousness in Real-Life Conditions: A Cross-Sectional Test Accuracy Study

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    Many studies reported good performance of nasopharyngeal swab-based antigen tests for detecting SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals; however, studies independently evaluating the quality of antigen tests utilizing anterior nasal swabs or saliva swabs are still rare, although such tests are widely used for mass testing. In our study, sensitivities, specificities and predictive values of seven antigen tests for detection of SARS-CoV-2 (one using nasopharyngeal swabs, two using anterior nasal swabs and four using saliva) were evaluated. In a setting of a high-capacity testing center, nasopharyngeal swabs for quantitative PCR (qPCR) were taken and, at the same time, antigen testing was performed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions for the respective tests. In samples where qPCR and antigen tests yielded different results, virus culture was performed to evaluate the presence of the viable virus. Sensitivities and specificities of individual tests were calculated using both qPCR and qPCR corrected for viability as the reference. In addition, calculations were also performed for data categorized according to the cycle threshold and symptomatic status. The test using nasopharyngeal swabs yielded the best results (sensitivity of 80.6% relative to PCR and 91.2% when corrected for viability) while none of the remaining tests (anterior nasal swab or saliva-based tests) came even close to the WHO criteria for overall sensitivity. Hence, we advise caution when using antigen tests with alternative sampling methods without independent validation

    The Anti-Inflammatory Compound Curcumin Enhances Locomotor and Sensory Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats by Immunomodulation

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    Well known for its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammation properties, curcumin is a polyphenol found in the rhizome of Curcuma longa. In this study, we evaluated the effects of curcumin on behavioral recovery, glial scar formation, tissue preservation, axonal sprouting, and inflammation after spinal cord injury (SCI) in male Wistar rats. The rats were randomized into two groups following a balloon compression injury at the level of T9–T10 of the spinal cord, namely vehicle- or curcumin-treated. Curcumin was applied locally on the surface of the injured spinal cord immediately following injury and then given intraperitoneally daily; the control rats were treated with vehicle in the same manner. Curcumin treatment improved behavioral recovery within the first week following SCI as evidenced by improved Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) test and plantar scores, representing locomotor and sensory performance, respectively. Furthermore, curcumin treatment decreased glial scar formation by decreasing the levels of MIP1α, IL-2, and RANTES production and by decreasing NF-κB activity. These results, therefore, demonstrate that curcumin has a profound anti-inflammatory therapeutic potential in the treatment of spinal cord injury, especially when given immediately after the injury

    The Effect of 808 nm and 905 nm Wavelength Light on Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury

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    We investigated the effect of a Multiwave Locked System laser (with a simultaneous 808 nm continuous emission and 905 nm pulse emission) on the spinal cord after spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats. The functional recovery was measured by locomotor tests (BBB, Beam walking, MotoRater) and a sensitivity test (Plantar test). The locomotor tests showed a significant improvement of the locomotor functions of the rats after laser treatment from the first week following lesioning, compared to the controls. The laser treatment significantly diminished thermal hyperalgesia after SCI as measured by the Plantar test. The atrophy of the soleus muscle was reduced in the laser treated rats. The histopathological investigation showed a positive effect of the laser therapy on white and gray matter sparing. Our data suggests an upregulation of M2 macrophages in laser treated animals by the increasing number of double labeled CD68+/CD206+ cells in the cranial and central parts of the lesion, compared to the control animals. A shift in microglial/macrophage polarization was confirmed by gene expression analysis by significant mRNA downregulation of Cd86 (marker of inflammatory M1), and non-significant upregulation of Arg1 (marker of M2). These results demonstrated that the combination of 808 nm and 905 nm wavelength light is a promising non-invasive therapy for improving functional recovery and tissue sparing after SCI