37 research outputs found

    Time-dependent variational principle in matrix-product state manifolds: pitfalls and potential

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    We study the applicability of the time-dependent variational principle in matrix product state manifolds for the long time description of quantum interacting systems. By studying integrable and nonintegrable systems for which the long time dynamics are known we demonstrate that convergence of long time observables is subtle and needs to be examined carefully. Remarkably, for the disordered nonintegrable system we consider the long time dynamics are in good agreement with the rigorously obtained short time behavior and with previous obtained numerically exact results, suggesting that at least in this case the apparent convergence of this approach is reliable. Our study indicates that while great care must be exercised in establishing the convergence of the method, it may still be asymptotically accurate for a class of disordered nonintegrable quantum systems.Comment: We trade the discussion of a diffusive integrable system in favor of a discussion of diffusive nonintegrable system, which better highlights the outcome of our wor

    Fragmented superconductivity in the Hubbard model as solitons in Ginzburg-Landau theory

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    The phenomena of superconductivity and charge density waves are observed in close vicinity in many strongly correlated materials. Increasing evidence from experiments and numerical simulations suggests both phenomena can also occur in an intertwined manner, where the superconducting order parameter is coupled to the electronic density. Employing density matrix renormalization group simulations, we investigate the nature of such an intertwined state of matter stabilized in the phase diagram of the elementary tt-t′t^\prime-UU Hubbard model in the strong coupling regime. Remarkably, the condensate of Cooper pairs is shown to be fragmented in the presence of a charge density wave where more than one pairing wave function is macroscopically occupied. Moreover, we provide conclusive evidence that the macroscopic wave functions of the superconducting fragments are well-described by soliton solutions of a Ginzburg-Landau equation in a periodic potential constituted by the charge density wave. In the presence of an orbital magnetic field, the order parameters are gauge invariant, and superconducting vortices are pinned between the stripes. This intertwined Ginzburg-Landau theory is proposed as an effective low-energy description of the stripe fragmented superconductor.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Phonon-induced disorder in dynamics of optically pumped metals from non-linear electron-phonon coupling

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of matter excited by light may produce electronic phases that do not exist in equilibrium, such as laser-induced high-TcT_c superconductivity. Here we simulate the dynamics of a metal driven at t=0t=0 by a pump that excites dipole-active vibrational modes that couple quadratically to electrons, and study the evolution of its electronic and vibrational observables. We provide evidence for enhancement of local electronic correlations, including double occupancy, accompanied by rapid loss of long-range spatial phase coherence. Concurrently, the onsite vibrational reduced density matrix evolves from its initial coherent state to one with a predominantly diagonal structure whose distribution qualitatively resembles the coherent state Poisson character. This rapid loss of coherence controls the electronic dynamics as the system evolves towards a correlated electron-phonon long-time state. We show that a simple model based on an effective disorder potential generated by the oscillator dephasing dynamics for the electrons provides an explanation for the flattening in momentum of electronic correlations. Our results provide a basis within which to understand correlation dynamics of vibrationally coupled electrons in pump-probe experiments.Comment: 7 pages main text + 3 pages appendices, 5 figures main text + 2 figures appendice

    Non-equilibrium correlation dynamics in the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model: A testbed for the two-particle reduced density matrix theory

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    We explore the non-equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard system as a sensitive testbed for the capabilities of the time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix (TD2RDM) theory to accurately describe time-dependent correlated systems. We follow the time evolution of the out-of-equilibrium finite-size Fermi-Hubbard model initialized by a quench over extended periods of time. By comparison with exact calculations for small systems and with matrix product state (MPS) calculations for larger systems but limited to short times, we demonstrate that the TD2RDM theory can accurately account for the non-equilibrium dynamics in the regime from weak to moderately strong inter-particle correlations. We find that the quality of the approximate reconstruction of the three-particle cumulant (or correlation) required for the closure of the equations of motion for the reduced density matrix is key to the accuracy of the numerical TD2RDM results. We identify the size of the dynamically induced three-particle correlations and the amplitude of cross correlations between the two- and three-particle cumulants as critical parameters that control the accuracy of the TD2RDM theory when current state-of-the art reconstruction functionals are employed.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure