52 research outputs found

    Cost-effective removal of COD in the pre-treatment of wastewater from the paper industry

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    The present paper reveals results of research for cost-effective removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) contained in industrial paper mill effluent. Not only process efficiency but also wastewater treatment costs are discussed. Different pre-treatment processes are applied aiming to investigate the COD removal before discharge to the municipal sewage network. The objective of this paper is to find the optimal operating conditions for the coagulation process. The effects of key operational parameters, including the type of coagulant, initial pH, temperature and coagulant dose, on COD percentage removal were investigated. The laboratory experiments confirmed the high efficiency of chemically enhanced mechanical treatment towards COD. The data obtained show that even low dose of chemicals provides sufficient COD reduction. The initial pH of the wastewater had a significant impact on the COD removal. Under the optimal operational conditions (pH = 7.5, T = 18 °C) the treatment of wastewater from paper industries by coagulation has led to a reduction of 70% COD for wastewater discharged. In terms of the investigated paper industry wastewater, polyaluminium chloride appears to be most suitable for treatment of high COD concentration. However, in an economic evaluation of requirements for wastewater treatment, operating costs and associated saving were such that PAX was more favourable.Fil: Boguniewicz Zablocka, Joanna. Opole University Of Technology; PoloniaFil: Klosok Bazan, Iwona. Opole University Of Technology; PoloniaFil: Naddeo, Vincenzo. Universita di Salerno; ItaliaFil: Mozejko, Clara Alexandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; Argentin

    The Oldest Evolutionary Lineage of Trichoneura Loew, 1850 (Diptera, Limoniidae) and the First Evidence of This Genus in Cretaceous Spanish Amber

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    Insects are highly involved in accidental introductions in non-native areas. Potential distribution modelling is routinely used to predict the dynamics of such range expansions, giving insights on which areas are climatically suitable for establishment. However, even in areas where climatic conditions are unsuitable, colonization may be still possible in sub-areas with particular, human activity-driven microclimates, such as cities. We used as a model species the Asian mud-dauber wasp Sceliphron curvatum (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), which arrived in Europe 40 years ago, to show that cities may be used by alien species to enlarge their distribution into climatically non-optimal areas. By using an average consensus from six different models, we predicted that, based on climate, S. curvatum would find the highest suitability in most part of Mediterranean basin, which are characterized by high summer temperatures and reduced climatic oscillations. The species is indeed often observed in such areas, but also in Central Europe, where suitability is overall lower. At such latitudes, however, the wasp was more often found in cities (which have the highest suitability) than in peri-urban and rural areas, possibly according to the urban ‘heat island’ effect. In Southern Europe, where climate is overall more favourable for the species, suitability tended to be more similar in both urban and rural environments, and urban detections were indeed rarer. The inclusion of population density in the model improved the suitability of Northern areas in an expected urbanization-driven jeopardized pattern. Hence, S. curvatum would be able to colonize in the future at least some climatically unsuitable Northern areas, reaching up to 70° latitude, by using cities as the main sites for establishment

    Disinfection by-products monitoring in water of selected outdoor swimming pools in Opole Voivodship

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of disinfection by-products in selected outdoor swimming pool in the Opole Voivodship. The authors paid special attention to the determination of the concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs), which are formed during disinfection in water. Five outdoor swimming pools were selected in five different cities located in Opole Region. The level of trihalomethane (THM) concentrations in the analyzed waters was found to be in the wide range from 15 to more than 550 µg/L. The dominant compound of THMs was chloroform because of chlorine application in the disinfection method

    Model of geothermal water deironing on the basis of a triangulation

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    The main of this research was to recognize the efficiency of geothermal water deironing processes. To this, studies on a laboratory scale were conducted. In the paper the modeling of geothermal water deironing processes using new tool basis on triangulation has been used. Carrying out the analysis of potential possibilities of using geothermal water and taking economic aspects of water deironing processes into account, the authors of this article conducted research into the geothermal water deironing processes by adjusting existing knowledge on the removal of iron from cold groundwater. The conducted research confirmed the possibility of adjusting such processes to the treatment of geothermal water, but their effectiveness differs depending on the temperature and salinity of water, but this relation is not linear. The analyzes indicated that the best deironing effect was obtained for water whose salinity does not exceed 10 g/L and the temperature 30̊C

    Hardness of water analysis at the Grotowice intake situated near Opole

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    The determination of raw water hardness subsequently treated and used for domestic water supplies is a useful parameter to characterize the present total dissolved solids as well as for calculation dosages for lime-soda softening application. Because water hardness concentrations have not been proven to be health related, the final achieved level is mainly an economic function. To identify existing trends, the changes in water hardness in Grotowice intake for the years 1999-2017 have been analysed. The obtained results indicate clearly that the water hardness in three wells shows a slight downward trend, but on the other hand, one trend is rising in another direction

    Sustainable Development in the Context of Hard Water Treatment

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    The objective of this paper was determination and measurement of the effect on the environment that application of central softening of water from the Grotowice intake can have. In order to carry out the said analyses, two levels of water softening were considered, i.e. up to hardness at the level of 200 mgCaCO3/L and 250 mgCaCO3/L. For this purpose Grotowice intake collecting water with very high hardness was chosen. Several household appliances which use hot water during their work have been selected for analysis. In addition, the required data were collected and an environmental impact assessment has been prepared (carbon dioxide emissions based on energy consumption of individual appliances, the amount of phosphorus emissions present in used detergents, the amount of waste produced after consumption). As shown by the results of the conducted analyses, limitation of the hardness level of water taken at the Water Treatment Station in Grotowice has a significant effect on reduction of emission of contamination to the environment.Celem analizy było określenie i zmierzenie wpływu na środowisko, jaki może wywrzeć zastosowanie centralnego zmiękczania wody pochodzącej z ujęcia w Grotowicach, do poziomu wody klasyfikowanej jako średnio-twarda. W celu wykonania założonych analiz, w pracy rozpatrzono dwa poziomy zmiękczania wody tj. do twardości na poziomie 200 mgCaCO3/dm3 i 250 mgCaCO3/dm3. Analizy oparto na danych pozyskanych z ujęcia wody w Grotowicach. Do analizy wybrano kilka urządzeń gospodarstwa domowego, które wykorzystują ciepłą wodę podczas swojej pracy. Ponadto zebrano wymagane dane i przygotowano ocenę oddziaływania na środowisko (emisje dwutlenku węgla w oparciu o zużycie energii poszczególnych urządzeń, ilość emisji fosforu w używanych detergentach, ilość odpadów powstających po spożyciu). Jak wykazały wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz, ograniczenie poziomu twardości wody pobieranej przez Stację Uzdatniania Wód w Grotowicach może mieć istotny wpływ na redukcję emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowiska

    Zrównoważany rozwój w kontekście uzdatniania twardej wody

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    The objective of this paper was determination and measurement of the effect on the environment that application of central softening of water from the Grotowice intake can have. In order to carry out the said analyses, two levels of water softening were considered, i.e. up to hardness at the level of 200 mgCaCO3/L and 250 mgCaCO3/L. For this purpose Grotowice intake collecting water with very high hardness was chosen. Several household appliances which use hot water during their work have been selected for analysis. In addition, the required data were collected and an environmental impact assessment has been prepared (carbon dioxide emissions based on energy consumption of individual appliances, the amount of phosphorus emissions present in used detergents, the amount of waste produced after consumption). As shown by the results of the conducted analyses, limitation of the hardness level of water taken at the Water Treatment Station in Grotowice has a significant effect on reduction of emission of contamination to the environment.Celem analizy było określenie i zmierzenie wpływu na środowisko, jaki może wywrzeć zastosowanie centralnego zmiękczania wody pochodzącej z ujęcia w Grotowicach, do poziomu wody klasyfikowanej jako średnio-twarda. W celu wykonania założonych analiz, w pracy rozpatrzono dwa poziomy zmiękczania wody tj. do twardości na poziomie 200 mgCaCO3/dm3 i 250 mgCaCO3/dm3. Analizy oparto na danych pozyskanych z ujęcia wody w Grotowicach. Do analizy wybrano kilka urządzeń gospodarstwa domowego, które wykorzystują ciepłą wodę podczas swojej pracy. Ponadto zebrano wymagane dane i przygotowano ocenę oddziaływania na środowisko (emisje dwutlenku węgla w oparciu o zużycie energii poszczególnych urządzeń, ilość emisji fosforu w używanych detergentach, ilość odpadów powstających po spożyciu). Jak wykazały wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz, ograniczenie poziomu twardości wody pobieranej przez Stację Uzdatniania Wód w Grotowicach może mieć istotny wpływ na redukcję emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowisk

    Zrównoważany rozwój w kontekście uzdatniania twardej wody

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    The objective of this paper was determination and measurement of the effect on the environment that application of central softening of water from the Grotowice intake can have. In order to carry out the said analyses, two levels of water softening were considered, i.e. up to hardness at the level of 200 mgCaCO3/L and 250 mgCaCO3/L. For this purpose Grotowice intake collecting water with very high hardness was chosen. Several household appliances which use hot water during their work have been selected for analysis. In addition, the required data were collected and an environmental impact assessment has been prepared (carbon dioxide emissions based on energy consumption of individual appliances, the amount of phosphorus emissions present in used detergents, the amount of waste produced after consumption). As shown by the results of the conducted analyses, limitation of the hardness level of water taken at the Water Treatment Station in Grotowice has a significant effect on reduction of emission of contamination to the environment.Celem analizy było określenie i zmierzenie wpływu na środowisko, jaki może wywrzeć zastosowanie centralnego zmiękczania wody pochodzącej z ujęcia w Grotowicach, do poziomu wody klasyfikowanej jako średnio-twarda. W celu wykonania założonych analiz, w pracy rozpatrzono dwa poziomy zmiękczania wody tj. do twardości na poziomie 200 mgCaCO3/dm3 i 250 mgCaCO3/dm3. Analizy oparto na danych pozyskanych z ujęcia wody w Grotowicach. Do analizy wybrano kilka urządzeń gospodarstwa domowego, które wykorzystują ciepłą wodę podczas swojej pracy. Ponadto zebrano wymagane dane i przygotowano ocenę oddziaływania na środowisko (emisje dwutlenku węgla w oparciu o zużycie energii poszczególnych urządzeń, ilość emisji fosforu w używanych detergentach, ilość odpadów powstających po spożyciu). Jak wykazały wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz, ograniczenie poziomu twardości wody pobieranej przez Stację Uzdatniania Wód w Grotowicach może mieć istotny wpływ na redukcję emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowiska

    Health risk as a consequence of exposure to trihalomethanes in swimming pool water

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    The article presents the formation and toxicity of trihalomethanes (THMs), substances belonging to Disinfection By- Products (DBP), formed as a result of pool water chlorination. Concentration of THMs in pool water has been standardised in Poland since recently. THMs concentration in pool water depends on multiple factors, mostly the method of water disinfection, including chlorine or organic substance (TOC) concentration. Apart from that, the level of exposure of swimmers to the toxic effect of THMs is affected by their content in the air of swimming pool halls, intensity of swimming as well as time of stay in the indoor swimming pool area. The water and air temperature as well as number of swimmers and time of their staying in pool have also significance influence on THMs concentration. In order to decrease the quantity of THMs in pool water, alternative disinfection agents are applied. Additionally, an efficiently operating pool ventilation system as well as proper water treatment method are also important. Because THMs are produced from organic material under the influence of the chlorination, the users can have an impact on decrease of the THMs concentration in pool water, for instance by taking a shower prior to entering the pool or by wearing a swim cap. The results of studies conducted in 2015 showed that the quantity of THMs in pool water depends on type of the pool (indoor, outdoor), water replacement frequency, water treatment system, chlorine dose and TOC content. In most collected samples, the THMs concentration exceeded the admissible norm (100 μg/L).W artykule omówiono powstawanie i działanie toksyczne trihalometanów (THM), związków należących do tzw. Disinfection By-Products (DBP), powstających w wyniku chlorowania wody w nieckach basenowych. Od niedawna w Polsce normuje się stężenie tych związków w wodzie basenowej. Stężenie THM w wodach w obiektach basenowych zależy od wielu czynników, głównie od sposobu dezynfekcji wody, w tym stężenia chloru oraz substancji organicznych (TOC). Poza tym na stopień narażenia pływaków na toksyczne działanie THM ma ich zawartość w powietrzu hali basenowych, intensywność pływania oraz czas przebywania na terenie pływalni. Ważna jest też temperatura wody i powietrza oraz ilość osób korzystających z basenu w danym czasie. W celu zmniejszenia ilości THM w wodzie basenowej stosuje się alternatywne środki dezynfekcji. Poza tym ważny jest sprawnie działający system wentylacji hali basenowej i odpowiedni sposób oczyszczania wody. Ponieważ THM są wytwarzane z udziałem substancji organicznych pod wpływem chlorowania, korzystający z basenów mogą wpłynąć na obniżenie poziomu THM, np. poprzez noszenie czepków oraz skorzystanie z prysznica przed wejściem do wody. Przeprowadzone w 2015 roku badania wykazały, że ilość THM w wodzie basenowej zależy od wielu czynników, w tym rodzaju basenu (kryty, odkryty), częstości wymian wody, rodzaju systemu jej oczyszczania, dawki chloru oraz zawartości TOC. W większości pobranych próbek stężenie THM przekraczało dopuszczalną normę (100 μg/L)