15 research outputs found

    Nectria galligena as the cause of a collar rot disease in organically grown Topaz apple trees

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    Symptoms resembling collar rot were detected in organically managed Topaz trees aged 3-10 years, occur-ring one to several years after planting of the orchard. Trees were killed within the same growing season in which symptoms were first observed. The disease commonly progressed as a complete covered canker at the base of the tree trunk. Isolation attempts were negative for Phytophthora and other Oomycetes, but con-sistently yielded Nectria galligena. The possibility of latent (endophytic) infections of N. galligena as the cause of delayed collar rot symptoms is briefly discussed

    Control of venturia inaequalis: substitutes for and reduced use of copper

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    In 2001 eleven different apple scab control strategies with reduced copper use and copper substitutes were tested on an organic apple orchard near Hamburg, Germany. The strategies were tested on a six year old "Elstar" plantation. Among the different fungicides were copper sulphate, copper hydroxide, lime sulphur, sulphur, bacillus subtilis and "Biofa-Algenextrakt". The results show that fruit scab as well as leave scab can be fairly well controlled by a lime sulphur strategy and the copper hydroxid strategies. Bad results were produced with the different copper sulphate strategies and bacillus subtilis, insufficient results with the sulphur strategies

    Netzschwefel als Multitalent zur Behandlung von Krankheiten und Schaderregern im ökologischen Kernobstanbau

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    In the last eight years research work has been done at the Fruit Research and Extension Centre Jork (OVB Jork) on strategies to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), powdery mildew of apple (Podosphaera leucotricha), sooty blotch(several fungis) and apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali) on organic grown pome fruit. Since 1997 different control strategies with reduced copper use and copper substitutes and sulphur with different application rates were tested in several trials on trees in organic apple orchards near Hamburg, Germany. The strategies were tested on the cultivar `Elstar´. The results show that sulphur has significant effects to control fruit scab, leave scab, powdery mildew, sooty blotch and rust mite

    Results in research on lime sulphur and other products to control apple scab under northern German climate conditions

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    In 2003 six apple scab control strategies were tested, three with only lime sulphur in different application strategies, another three strategies with different amounts of copper. The strategies were tested in an organic apple orchard near Hamburg, Germany, on a 15 year old `Elstar´ plantation. Due to the recorded infection periods and the infection load the different strategies were tested. The results show that a proper lime sulphur strategy is quite successful to fight apple scab (< 4% infected fruit), has good side effects on apple mildew (< 2%) and only little russetting (< 5%) compared to strategies with copper fungicides. ablto fight fruit scab as well as leave scab. A proper strategy means no application later than 15 hours after infection, enough spraying water (drip off), usage of a 1,5-2% lime sulphur-solution and only very little direct sunlight

    Versuche im niedersächsischen Öko-Obstbau 2002 - 2003

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    Inhaltsübersicht: • Installierung des Schorfprognose-Verfahrens RIMpro in Praxisbetrieben zur Untersuchung einer Verbesserung der Pflanzenschutzstrategie gegen den Apfelschorf (Venturia inaequales) im ökologischen Obstbau an der Niederelbe • Mechanische Bodenbearbeitung in Baumstreifen im ökologischen Apfelanbau • Blütenausdünnungsverfahren im ökologischen Kernobstbau • Nährstoffversorgung ökologisch geführter Heidelbeeren auf Moor und Sandstandorten in Niedersachsen • Die Bekämpfung der Wühlmaus im ökologischen Obstanbau • Heißwasser-Tauchverfahren zur Reduzierung von Fruchtfäulen im Nach-erntebereich des ökologischen Kernobstbau

    Monitoring of total copper contents in organically and conventionally managed soils. Part 4: – Total contents in German pomiculture soils

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    Die Auswirkungen dauerhafter Anwendung kupferhaltiger Fungizide auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Bodengüte sind im Rahmen der Europäischen Wirkstoffzulassung Gegenstand eines EU-weiten Programms zur Erfassung der Kupfer­gehalte im Boden geworden. 1613 Einzelproben wurden aus den Bodenhorizonten 0–5 und 5–20&nbsp;cm von Baumobstlagen an 40 ökologisch und 12 konventionell bewirtschafteten Standorten unter den Aspekten einer möglichst repräsentativen Erfassung der Belastungsverteilung entnommen. Das Erhebungs­ergebnis soll als Grundlage für die Auswahl gebietstypischer Anbausituationen dienen, die in Verbindung mit einer spezifischen Expositionsermittlung die Erfassung der Wirkungsausprägung an empfindlichen Indikator­arten der jeweiligen Regenwurmzönosen ermöglicht. Auf der Basis von Gesamtgehalten wird die Belastungssituation und -verteilung auf Prüfflächen und Referenzflächen in deutschen Baumobstbaugebieten als Minimal-, Mittel- und Maximalwert sowie für verschiedene Perzentile dargestellt. Darüber hinaus werden aus der Bewirtschaftungshistorie resultierende Schwermetallein­träge quantifiziert und Belastungsunterschiede zwischen Obstbaumreihen und Fahrgassen diskutiert. Bei der Belastungserhebung konnte durch Verknüpfung von Daten zur Bewirtschaftungsgeschichte mit vorhandenen Flächenbelastungen in Verbindung mit beispielhaft für das Anbaugebiet Niederelbe ermittelten Kupferaufwandmengen im Zeitraum 1960 bis 2010 nachgewiesen werden, dass diese Belastungen aus den Jahren 1960 bis etwa 1995 resultieren, wo noch zwischen 10 und 13&nbsp;kg Reinkupfer pro Jahr und Hektar zur Schaderregerbekämpfung im Baumobstbau angewandt wurden. Welche Anteile von diesen ‚gealterten’ Kupfergesamtgehalten bioverfügbar sind und damit auf die Bodenzönose wirken, wird derzeit untersucht. Anhand der in der Vorbeprobung erhobenen Daten zur Belastungssituation, Standortbeschreibung und Bewirtschaftungsdauer werden 2 bis 3 Baumobstlagen vorgeschlagen, die sich für eine biologische Statuserhebung zu Auswirkungen auf die Regenwurmzönose eignen. &nbsp; &nbsp;Implications of long-term usage of copper fungicides on sustainable soil quality have been described for a long time, and according to the regulation of active substances, are objective of a survey on copper contents in agricultural soils in several EU member countries. 1613 single samples from the soil horizon 0–5 and 5–20&nbsp;cm were taken from 40 organically and 12 conventionally managed pomiculture sites trying to make reference to all aspects relevant for a representative assessment of copper loads. The result of that survey is intended to enable the selection of site-typical types of cultivation being the prerequisite of an assessment of effects to the earthworm coenosis in combination with a refined exposure analysis. On the basis of total contents, the copper load and their distribution on test and reference fields of German pomiculture cultivation sites is presented including the minimum, maximum and mean value as well as percentiles. Additionally, the heavy metal content in general was determined and differences in copper contents between tree row and driving lines were identified. Comparing managing history and current management, it is obvious that load peaks result from copper applications between 1960 to 1995, when between 10 to 13&nbsp;kg copper per ha and year were applied to control plant diseases. The evaluation of bio available copper, resulting from aged total copper contents, is not yet completely finished. By means of data, generated in preliminary samplings concerning load situation, site description and duration of management, 2–3 pomiculture sites are suggested being appropriate to assess the recent situation of soil quality in terms of responses on a population level. &nbsp; &nbsp

    Metabolite profiling reveals new insights into the regulation of serum urate in humans

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    Albrecht E, Waldenberger M, Krumsiek J, et al. Metabolite profiling reveals new insights into the regulation of serum urate in humans. Metabolomics. 2013;10(1):141-151.Serum urate, the final breakdown product of purine metabolism, is causally involved in the pathogenesis of gout, and implicated in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Serum urate levels highly differ between men and women; however the underlying biological processes in its regulation are still not completely understood and are assumed to result from a complex interplay between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. In order to describe the metabolic vicinity of serum urate, we analyzed 355 metabolites in 1,764 individuals of the population-based KORA F4 study and constructed a metabolite network around serum urate using Gaussian Graphical Modeling in a hypothesis-free approach. We subsequently investigated the effect of sex and urate lowering medication on all 38 metabolites assigned to the network. Within the resulting network three main clusters could be detected around urate, including the well-known pathway of purine metabolism, as well as several dipeptides, a group of essential amino acids, and a group of steroids. Of the 38 assigned metabolites, 25 showed strong differences between sexes. Association with uricostatic medication intake was not only confined to purine metabolism but seen for seven metabolites within the network. Our findings highlight pathways that are important in the regulation of serum urate and suggest that dipeptides, amino acids, and steroid hormones are playing a role in its regulation. The findings might have an impact on the development of specific targets in the treatment and prevention of hyperuricemia

    Do genetic factors protect for early onset lung cancer? A case control study before the age of 50 years

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early onset lung cancer shows some familial aggregation, pointing to a genetic predisposition. This study was set up to investigate the role of candidate genes in the susceptibility to lung cancer patients younger than 51 years at diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>246 patients with a primary, histologically or cytologically confirmed neoplasm, recruited from 2000 to 2003 in major lung clinics across Germany, were matched to 223 unrelated healthy controls. 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes with reported associations to lung cancer have been genotyped.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genetic associations or gene-smoking interactions was found for <it>GPX1(Pro200Leu) </it>and <it>EPHX1(His113Tyr)</it>. Carriers of the Leu-allele of <it>GPX1(Pro200Leu) </it>showed a significant risk reduction of OR = 0.6 (95% CI: 0.4–0.8, p = 0.002) in general and of OR = 0.3 (95% CI:0.1–0.8, p = 0.012) within heavy smokers. We could also find a risk decreasing genetic effect for His-carriers of <it>EPHX1(His113Tyr) </it>for moderate smokers (OR = 0.2, 95% CI:0.1–0.7, p = 0.012). Considered both variants together, a monotone decrease of the OR was found for smokers (OR of 0.20; 95% CI: 0.07–0.60) for each protective allele.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Smoking is the most important risk factor for young lung cancer patients. However, this study provides some support for the T-Allel of <it>GPX1(Pro200Leu) </it>and the C-Allele of <it>EPHX1(His113Tyr) </it>to play a protective role in early onset lung cancer susceptibility.</p