655 research outputs found

    Analysis of induced gamma activation by D-T neutrons in selected fusion reactor relevant materials with EAF-2010

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    Samples of lanthanum, erbium and titanium which are constituents of structural materials, insulating coatings and tritium breeder for blankets of fusion reactor designs have been irradiated in a fusion peak neutron field. The induced gamma activities were measured and the results were used to check calculations with the European activation system EASY-2010. Good agreement for the prediction of major contributors to the contact dose rate of the materials was found, but for minor contributors the calculation deviated up to 50%

    Femtosecond laser triggering of a sub-100 picosecond jitter high-voltage spark gap

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 3250).We have demonstrated sub-100 ps jitter operation of a pressurized high-voltage air spark gap triggered by a femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser. Time delay statistical fluctuations with a standard deviation as low as +-σ=0.037 ns were obtained

    Impact of activation cross-section uncertainties on the tritium production in the HFTM specimen cells

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    The prediction of the tritium production is required for handling procedures of samples, safety & maintenance and licensing of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). A comparison of the evaluated tritium production cross-sections with available experimental data from the EXFOR data base has shown insufficient validation. And significant discrepancies in evaluated cross-section libraries, including lack of tritium production reactions for some important elements, were found. Here, we have addressed an uncertainty analysis to draw conclusions on the reliability of the tritium prediction under the potential impact of activation cross-section uncertainties. We conclude that there is not sufficient experimental validation of the evaluated tritium production cross-sections, especially for iron and sodium. Therefore a dedicated experimental validation program for those elements should be desirable

    The preparation of the Shutdown Dose Rate experiment for the next JET Deuterium-Tritium campaign

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    The assessment of the Shutdown Dose Rate (SDR) due to neutron activation is a major safety issue for fusion devices and in the last decade several benchmark experiments have been conducted at JET during Deuterium-Deuterium experiments for the validation of the numerical tools used in ITER nuclear analyses. The future Deuterium-Tritium campaign at JET (DTE2) will provide a unique opportunity to validate the codes under ITER-relevant conditions through the comparison between numerical predictions and measured quantities (C/E). For this purpose, a novel SDR experiment, described in the present work, is in preparation in the frame of the WPJET3-NEXP subproject within EUROfusion Consortium. The experimental setup has been accurately designed to reduce measurement uncertainties; spherical air-vented ionization chambers (ICs) will be used for on-line ex-vessel decay gamma dose measurements during JET shutdown following DT operations and activation foils have been selected for measuring the neutron fluence near ICs during operations. Active dosimeters (based on ICs) have been calibrated over a broad energy range (from about 30 keV to 1.3 MeV) with X and gamma reference beam qualities. Neutron irradiation tests confirmed the capability of active dosimeters of performing on-line decay gamma dose rate measurements, to follow gamma dose decay at the end of neutron irradiation as well as insignificant activation of the ICs

    Copper benchmark experiment for the testing of JEFF-3.2 nuclear data for fusion applications

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    A neutronics benchmark experiment on a pure Copper block (dimensions 60 × 70 × 70 cm3) aimed at testing and validating the recent nuclear data libraries for fusion applications was performed in the frame of the European Fusion Program at the 14 MeV ENEA Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG). Reaction rates, neutron flux spectra and doses were measured using different experimental techniques (e.g. activation foils techniques, NE213 scintillator and thermoluminescent detectors). This paper first summarizes the analyses of the experiment carried-out using the MCNP5 Monte Carlo code and the European JEFF-3.2 library. Large discrepancies between calculation (C) and experiment (E) were found for the reaction rates both in the high and low neutron energy range. The analysis was complemented by sensitivity/uncertainty analyses (S/U) using the deterministic and Monte Carlo SUSD3D and MCSEN codes, respectively. The S/U analyses enabled to identify the cross sections and energy ranges which are mostly affecting the calculated responses. The largest discrepancy among the C/E values was observed for the thermal (capture) reactions indicating severe deficiencies in the 63,65Cu capture and elastic cross sections at lower rather than at high energy. Deterministic and MC codes produced similar results. The 14 MeV copper experiment and its analysis thus calls for a revision of the JEFF-3.2 copper cross section and covariance data evaluation. A new analysis of the experiment was performed with the MCNP5 code using the revised JEFF-3.3-T2 library released by NEA and a new, not yet distributed, revised JEFF-3.2 Cu evaluation produced by KIT. A noticeable improvement of the C/E results was obtained with both new libraries

    On the subjective acceptance during cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging at 7.0 Tesla

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    PURPOSE: This study examines the subjective acceptance during UHF-CMR in a cohort of healthy volunteers who underwent a cardiac MR examination at 7.0T. METHODS: Within a period of two-and-a-half years (January 2012 to June 2014) a total of 165 healthy volunteers (41 female, 124 male) without any known history of cardiac disease underwent UHF-CMR. For the assessment of the subjective acceptance a questionnaire was used to examine the participants experience prior, during and after the UHF-CMR examination. For this purpose, subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaire in an exit interview held immediately after the completion of the UHF-CMR examination under supervision of a study nurse to ensure accurate understanding of the questions. All questions were answered with "yes" or "no" including space for additional comments. RESULTS: Transient muscular contraction was documented in 12.7% of the questionnaires. Muscular contraction was reported to occur only during periods of scanning with the magnetic field gradients being rapidly switched. Dizziness during the study was reported by 12.7% of the subjects. Taste of metal was reported by 10.1% of the study population. Light flashes were reported by 3.6% of the entire cohort. 13% of the subjects reported side effects/observations which were not explicitly listed in the questionnaire but covered by the question about other side effects. No severe side effects as vomiting or syncope after scanning occurred. No increase in heart rate was observed during the UHF-CMR exam versus the baseline clinical examination. CONCLUSIONS: This study adds to the literature by detailing the subjective acceptance of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging examinations at a magnetic field strength of 7.0T. Cardiac MR examinations at 7.0T are well tolerated by healthy subjects. Broader observational and multi-center studies including patient cohorts with cardiac diseases are required to gain further insights into the subjective acceptance of UHF-CMR examinations