66 research outputs found

    Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Distance Learning Courses in Consecutive Stages

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    AbstractThe paper presents a new methodology for evaluating the quality of distance learning courses. Evaluation takes place in three stages: content subject experts in the field inspect the material; IT specialists inspect the effectiveness of the tools used for planning training; and students’ rating is provided. In order to recalculate the final distance course quality assessment of each expert group stages of evaluation of significance, the Bayes’ formula is used. The publication presents the system of criteria for course quality evaluation. The authors use Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods to determine the best course. To estimate the importance weights of the criteria, the Analytical Hierarchy Process Fuzzy (AHPF) method is used

    The quasi‐ductile resistance of compressed spun concrete beam‐columns

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    The expediency of reinforcing precast spun concrete members of annular cross sections reinforced by high‐strength steel bars is discussed. Test materials, mechanical properties, production and testing procedures of plain and rein‐forced spun concrete specimens are presented. The quasi‐ductile strength and strain features of concentrically and eccentrically loaded specimens are considered. The modelling of a bearing capacity of beam‐columns of annular cross sections is based on the concepts of bending with a concentrical force and compression with a bending moment. The comparison of modelling and test data of spun concrete beam‐columns is analysed. Santrauka Aptariamas didžiastipriais plieniniais strypais armuotu gamykliniu žiedinio skerspjūvio elementu iš centrifuguotojo betono tinkamumas. Pateiktos grynojo ir armuotojo centrifuguotojo betono bandiniu medžiagos, mechanines savybes, gamybos ir bandymo tvarka. Nagrinejamos centriškai ir ekscentriškai apkrautu bandiniu tartum stamantraus stiprumo ir deformaciju ypatybes. Žiedinio skerspjūvio sijiniu kolonu laikomajai galiai modeliuoti taikomos gniuždomojo lenkimo ir lenkiamojo gniuždymo sampratos. Analizuojami sijiniu kolonu iš centrifuguotojo betono modeliavimo ir bandymo duomenys. First Published Online: 24 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: centrifuguotasis betonas, didžiastipris plienas, žiedinio skerspjūvio elementai, ekscentrinis apkrovimas, gniuždymo bandyma

    The limit state design of spun concrete columns using load combinations recommended by EN 1990 and ASCE/SEI 7–05

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    The expediency of using precast spun concrete columns of annular cross‐sections reinforced by high‐strength steel bars is discussed. Test material properties, efficiency factors and resisting compressive stresses of plain and reinforced spun concretes are presented. Modelling a bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded members of annular cross‐sections is based on the concepts of compression with a bending moment and bending with a concentrical force. The comparison of test and modelling data of concentrically and eccentrically loaded members is analysed. The expediency to use in design practice the approaches of current methods of partial safety factors design (PSFD) legitimated in Europe and load and resistance factors design (LRFD) suggested in the USA and other countries is considered and illustrated by a numerical example. Santrauka Aptariamas didžiastiprio plieno strypais armuotų žiedinio skerspjūvio centrifuguotojo betono kolonų naudotinumas. Pateiktos armuotojo ir nearmuotojo centrifuguotojo betono medžiagų savybės, efektyvumo veiksniai ir laikomieji gniuždymo įtempiai. Ekscentriškai gniuždomų žiedinio skerspjūvio elementų laikomajai galiai modeliuoti taikomos lenkiamojo gniuždymo ir gniuždomojo lenkimo sampratos. Analizuojamas centriškai ir ekscentriškai apkrautų elementų eksperimentinių ir modeliavimo duomenų sugretinimas, nagrinėjamas Europos, JAV ir kitų šalių projektavimo praktikoje įteisintų ir paplitusių dalinių veiksnių ir apkrovų bei atsparių veiksnių metodų taikymo tikslingumas, kurį rodo skaitmeninis pavyzdys. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: centrifuguotasis betonas, didžiastipris plienas, gniuždymo bandymas, ekscentrinis apkrovimas, ribinių būvių metoda

    Probability‐based design of spun concrete beam‐columns

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    The attention of engineers is turned to the application of precast spun concrete columns reinforced by high‐strength steel bars for office and administrative buildings. The paper discusses a possibility of using the reliability index approach to designing beam‐columns of building frames and analyses resistance criteria for beam‐columns of annular cross sections as compression members with bending moments and bending members with compressive forces. First and second order effects of beam‐columns are considered. The article also presents time‐dependent resistance safety margin and its stationary equivalent and investigates the unsophisticated applied models for probability‐based design of frame beam‐columns. The design of a beam‐column of the braced frames is illustrated providing a numerical example. Santrauka Atkreiptas inžinieriu demesys i didžiastiprio plieno strypais armuotu sijiniu kolonu iš centrifuguotojo betono naudojima istaigu ir administraciniuose pastatuose. Aptarta galimybe projektuojant pastato remo sijines kolonas taikyti patikimumo indekso būda. Analizuojamas sijiniu kolonu kaip lenkiamai gniuždomu ir gniuždomai lenkiamu žiedinio skerspjūvio ele‐mentu atspario kriterijus. Nagrinejamos sijiniu kolonu pirmosios ir antrosios eiles iražos. Pateiktas laike kintantis ribines saugos atsparis ir jo stacionarusis ekvivalentas. Tyrinejamas nesudetingas taikomasis modelis remo sijiniu kolonu ti‐kimybiniam projektavimui. Skaitiniu pavyzdžiu iliustruojamas stabilizuojamu remu sijines kolonos projektavimas. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: centrifuguotasis betonas, remai, antrosios eiles iražos, ribine atspario sauga, patikimumo indekso skaičiavima

    Investigation of traffic‐induced vibration in Vilnius Arch‐Cathedral Belfry

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    The influence of city traffic‐induced vibration on Vilnius Arch‐Cathedral Belfry is investigated. Two sources of dynamic excitation are studied. Conventional city traffic is considered to be a natural source of excitation while excitation imposed artificially by moving a heavily loaded truck is considered to be the source of increased risk excitation. The influence of induced vibrations is recorded by accelerometers located in various positions of the Belfry's structures and shown by accelerograms. Dynamic effects are evaluated by considering acceleration magnitudes and response spectra. A comparative analysis of both effects is presented and conclusions and recommendations are provided. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Comparison of predicted failure area around the boreholes in the strike-slip faulting stress regime with Hoek-Brown and Fairhurst generalized criteria

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    Breakout is a shear failure due to compression that forms around the borehole due to stress concentration. In this paper, the breakout theory model is investigated by combining the equilibrium elasticity equations of stress around the borehole with two Hoek-Brown and Fairhurst generalized fracture criteria, both of which are based on the Griffith criterion. This theory model provides an explicit equation for the breakout failure width, but the depth of failure is obtained by solving a quartic equation. According to the results and in general, in situ stresses and rock strength characteristics are effective in developing the breakout failure area, As the ratio of in-situ stresses increases, the breakout area becomes deeper and wider. Because in the shear zone, the failure envelope of the Fairhurst criterion is lower than the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, the Fairhurst criterion provides more depth for breakout than the Hoek-Brown criterion. However, due to the same compressive strength of the rock in these two criteria, the same failure width for breakout is obtained from these two criteria. Also, the results obtained for the depth of failure from the theoretical model based on the Fairhurst criterion are in good agreement with the laboratory results on Westerly granite

    Perspektyvios studijos Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete 2013 m.

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    Leidinys „Perspektyvios studijos Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete 2013 m.“ skirtas asmenims, kurie domisi studijomis aukštojoje universitetinėje mokykloje, ir vyresniųjų klasių mokiniams, kurie renkasi, kokius mokomuosius dalykus mokytis, kurių dalykų brandos egzaminus laikyti, nes tai yra svarbu skaičiuojat konkursinius balus ir ypač stojant į valstybės finansuojamas vietas, o tokios galimybės tikrai yra, jeigu pasirinksite technologijos arba fizinius mokslus. Tuo Jūs galėsite įsitikinti pasižiūrėję 2012 m. priėmimo statistiką, studijų programų populiarumą. 2013 m. VGTU siūlo rinktis studijuoti širdžiai mielą technologijos, fizinių, menų arba socialinių mokslų studijų sritį. Įvertinę savo norus ir, be abejo, galimybes bei šiame leidinyje susipažinę su 46 bakalauro studijų programomis, Jūs rasite specialybę, kurią norėsite studijuoti, o vėliau dirbti šioje srityje, sužinosite studijų proceso ypatumus, absolventų perspektyvas ir karjeros galimybes. Sėkmingai pasirinkę studijas mūsų universitete ir įgiję bakalauro kvalifikacinį laipsnį ateityje dirbsite įdomų, kūrybingą bei gerai apmokamą darbą. Leidinyje pateikta informacija ir koleginį aukštąjį neuniversitetinį išsilavinimą turintiems asmenims apie galimybes studijuoti VGTU (išlyginamosios ir papildomosios studijos). Kas šeštas išvykęs pagal mainų programas arba dvišales sutartis studijuoti į užsienį ar atlikti praktikos Lietuvos studentas yra iš VGTU. Taip pat sužinosite apie studentišką gyvenimą, t. y. aktyvią studentų atstovybės veiklą, smagų dalyvavimą įvairiuose studentų klubuose ir pan. Nebūkite abejingi savo ateičiai, išnaudokite galimybę sužinoti apie studijas Gedimino technikos universitete, kuris yra sostinėje. O tai Jūs galite padaryti atvykę į susitikimus, paskaitas, laboratorinius darbus, ekskursijas. Autoriai dėkoja VGTU bendruomenės nariams, prisidėjusiems prie leidinio parengimo ir išleidimo

    Erratum on the article ‘A feasibility study of using composite reinforcement in transport and power industry structures’ (doi:10.3846/16484142.2017.1342689)

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    "Erratum on the article ‘A feasibility study of using composite reinforcement in transport and power industry structures’ (doi:10.3846/16484142.2017.1342689)." Transport, 32(4), p. 43

    A feasibility study of using composite reinforcement in transport and power industry structures

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    About 92% of Lithuanian bridges are made of reinforced concrete. Therefore, the problem of increasing the reliability and service life of their structures is most important for ensuring effective operation of transport buildings. The main factor causing transport building structures’ failure is associated with high water permeability and low resistance to attack by corrosive media of concrete used in construction. Ports, bridges, tunnels, viaducts make a group of transport structures strongly attacked by the aggressive media, e.g. cold air, water, ice, salts, etc. Though the members of these structures (e.g. columns, beams) are usually designed for 50 years of service, they often require a major overhaul or strengthening, when less than the half of this period has passed. Most of the damaged structures are the destroyed protective concrete layer and the corroded steel reinforcement. The corrosion of steel reinforcement is the main problem, causing the decrease of strength in the structures’ and their brittle failure. Now, composite reinforcement is the alternative material used for reinforcing in the considered structures. Its mechanical properties, including the tensile strength and resistance to the attack of aggressive media, are similar to or even better than those of commonly used steel reinforcement. The experimental data on using composite reinforcement in the compression members or in the compressed zones of flexural members of the structures are lacking. Therefore, most of design codes do not mention or even do not recommend using composite reinforcement in these cases. The paper presents the analysis of the possibilities of using composite reinforcement in transport and power industry structures

    Transport management: The popularity of study programmes among the applicants to Lithuanian universities evaluating the qualifications of graduates in the labour‐market

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    The accession of Lithuania to the European Union made transport one of the most important branches of national economy. Presently, economic development is hardly possible without an efficient transport system (providing both local and international transportation). The operation of industrial, construction and agricultural enterprises as well as work efficiency and a public opinion largely depend on the reliability and effective performance of transport systems which is not possible without qualified transport managers. The paper presents requirements raised for controlling the abilities and level of educating specialists in Transport Management and introduces employee assesment at student skills. Specialists in Transport Management are trained at vocational and higher schools of Lithuania. Experts in the field of Transport Management are trained at two university‐level higher schools in Lithuania (Bachelors, Masters and Doctors) including Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (the introduced higher schools are located in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania). Although both study programmes taught at the above mentioned higher schools cover the area of Transport Management, they have some differences discussed in the paper. A brief survey of admission to Lithuanian higher schools is analyzed in the article. Some statistical data on the popularity of study programmes chosen by the applicants participating in the joint admission programme to Lithuanian higher schools is presented in the article. Also the popularity of the study programmes of Transport Management (competition, competitiveness indices and average competitive marks and motivation indices) available at two higher schools of Lithuania is described. First published online: 27 Oct 201