536 research outputs found

    Age-Corrected Beta Cell Mass Following Onset of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Correlates with Plasma C-Peptide in Humans

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    The inability to produce insulin endogenously precipitates the clinical symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus. However, the dynamic trajectory of beta cell destruction following onset remains unclear. Using model-based inference, the severity of beta cell destruction at onset decreases with age where, on average, a 40% reduction in beta cell mass was sufficient to precipitate clinical symptoms at 20 years of age. While plasma C-peptide provides a surrogate measure of endogenous insulin production post-onset, it is unclear as to whether plasma C-peptide represents changes in beta cell mass or beta cell function. The objective of this paper was to determine the relationship between beta cell mass and endogenous insulin production post-onset.Model-based inference was used to compare direct measures of beta cell mass in 102 patients against contemporary measures of plasma C-peptide obtained from three studies that collectively followed 834 patients post-onset of clinical symptoms. An empirical Bayesian approach was used to establish the level of confidence associated with the model prediction. Age-corrected estimates of beta cell mass that were inferred from a series of landmark pancreatic autopsy studies significantly correlate (p>0.9995) with contemporary measures of plasma C-peptide levels following onset.Given the correlation between beta cell mass and plasma C-peptide following onset, plasma C-peptide may provide a surrogate measure of beta cell mass in humans. The clinical relevance of this study is that therapeutic strategies that provide an increase in plasma C-peptide over the predicted value for an individual may actually improve beta cell mass. The model predictions may establish a standard historical "control" group - a prior in a Bayesian context - for clinical trials

    Radial elasticity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We report an experimental and a theoretical study of the radial elasticity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a function of external radius. We use atomic force microscopy and apply small indentation amplitudes in order to stay in the linear elasticity regime. The number of layers for a given tube radius is inferred from transmission electron microscopy, revealing constant ratios of external to internal radii. This enables a comparison with molecular dynamics results, which also shed some light onto the applicability of Hertz theory in this context. Using this theory, we find a radial Young modulus strongly decreasing with increasing radius and reaching an asymptotic value of 30 +/- 10 GPa.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    3D characterization of CdSe nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes

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    The crystallographic structure of CdSe nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes has been elucidated by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy and high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy tomography. CdSe rod-like nanoparticles, grown in solution together with carbon nanotubes, undergo a morphological transformation and become attached to the carbon surface. Electron tomography reveals that the nanoparticles are hexagonal-based with the (001) planes epitaxially matched to the outer graphene layer.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of amlodipine, atenolol and their combination on myocardial ischemia during treadmill exercise and ambulatory monitoring

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    Objectives.This study compared the effects of amlodipine, atenolol and their combination on ischemia during treadmill testing and 48-h ambulatory monitoring.Background.It is not known whether anti-ischemic drugs exert similar effects on ischemia during ambulatory monitoring and exercise treadmill testing.Methods.Patients with stable coronary artery disease and ischemia during treadmill testing and ambulatory monitoring were randomized to receive amlodipine (n = 51) or atenolol (n = 49). Each group underwent a counterbalanced, crossover evaluation of single drug and placebo, followed by evaluation of the combination.Results.Amlodipine and the combination prolonged exercise time to 0.1-mV ST segment depression by 29% and 34%, respectively (p < 0.001) versus 3% for atenolol (p = NS). During ambulatory monitoring, the frequency of ischemic episodes decreased by 28% with amlodipine (p = 0.083 [NS]), by 57% with atenolol (p < 0.001) and by 72% with the combination (p < 0.05 vs. both single drugs; p < 0.001 vs. placebo). Suppression of ischemia during exercise testing and ambulatory monitoring was similar in patients with and without exercise-induced angina. Exercise time to angina improved by 29% with amlodipine (p < 0.01), by 16% with atenolol (p < 0.05) and by 39% with the combination (p < 0.005 vs. placebo, atenolol and amlodipine). In patients with angina, total exercise time improved by 16% with amlodipine (p < 0.001), by 4% with atenolol (p = NS) and by 19% with the combination (p < 0.05 vs. placebo and either single drug). In those patients without angina, no therapy significantly improved total exercise time.Conclusions.Ischemia during treadmill testing was more effectively suppressed by amlodipine, whereas ischemia during ambulatory monitoring was more effectively suppressed by atenolol. The combination was more effective than either single drug in both settings

    Mapping of functionalized regions on carbon nanotubes by scanning tunneling microscopy

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) gives us the opportunity to map the surface of functionalized carbon nanotubes in an energy resolved manner and with atomic precision. But this potential is largely untapped, mainly due to sample stability issues which inhibit reliable measurements. Here we present a simple and straightforward solution that makes away with this difficulty, by incorporating the functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) into a few layer graphene - nanotube composite. This enabled us to measure energy resolved tunneling conductance maps on the nanotubes, which shed light on the level of doping, charge transfer between tube and functional groups and the dependence of defect creation or functionalization on crystallographic orientation.Comment: Keywords: functionalization, carbon nanotubes, few layer graphene, STM, CITS, ST

    Microbreaking and the enhancement of air-water transfer velocity

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    The role of microscale wave breaking in controlling the air-water transfer of heat and gas is investigated in a laboratory wind-wave tank. The local heat transfer velocity, kH, is measured using an active infrared technique and the tank-averaged gas transfer velocity, kG, is measured using conservative mass balances. Simultaneous, colocated infrared and wave slope imagery show that wave-related areas of thermal boundary layer disruption and renewal are the turbulent wakes of microscale breaking waves, or microbreakers. The fractional area coverage of microbreakers, AB, is found to be 0.1–0.4 in the wind speed range 4.2–9.3 m s−1 for cleaned and surfactant-influenced surfaces, and kH and kG are correlated with AB. The correlation of kH with AB is independent of fetch and the presence of surfactants, while that for kG with AB depends on surfactants. Additionally, AB is correlated with the mean square wave slope, 〈S2〉, which has shown promise as a correlate for kG in previous studies. The ratio of kH measured inside and outside the microbreaker wakes is 3.4, demonstrating that at these wind speeds, up to 75% of the transfer is the direct result of microbreaking. These results provide quantitative evidence that microbreaking is the dominant mechanism contributing to air-water heat and gas transfer at low to moderate wind speeds

    Thermoelectric properties of lead chalcogenide core-shell nanostructures

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    We present the full thermoelectric characterization of nanostructured bulk PbTe and PbTe-PbSe samples fabricated from colloidal core-shell nanoparticles followed by spark plasma sintering. An unusually large thermopower is found in both materials, and the possibility of energy filtering as opposed to grain boundary scattering as an explanation is discussed. A decreased Debye temperature and an increased molar specific heat are in accordance with recent predictions for nanostructured materials. On the basis of these results we propose suitable core-shell material combinations for future thermoelectric materials of large electric conductivities in combination with an increased thermopower by energy filtering.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Field-effect transistors assembled from functionalized carbon nanotubes

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    We have fabricated field effect transistors from carbon nanotubes using a novel selective placement scheme. We use carbon nanotubes that are covalently bound to molecules containing hydroxamic acid functionality. The functionalized nanotubes bind strongly to basic metal oxide surfaces, but not to silicon dioxide. Upon annealing, the functionalization is removed, restoring the electronic properties of the nanotubes. The devices we have fabricated show excellent electrical characteristics.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure