2,460 research outputs found

    Slingshot non-sequential double ionization as a gate to anti-correlated two electron escape

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    At intensities below-the-recollision threshold, we show that re-collision-induced excitation with one electron escaping fast after re-collision and the other electron escaping with a time delay via a Coulomb slingshot motion is one of the most important mechanisms of non-sequential double ionization, for strongly-driven He at 400 nm. Slingshot-NSDI is a general mechanism present for a wide range of low intensities and pulse durations. Anti-correlated two-electron escape is its striking hallmark. This mechanism offers an alternative explanation of anti-correlated two-electron escape obtained in previous studies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Steering proton migration in hydrocarbons using intense few-cycle laser fields

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    Proton migration is a ubiquitous process in chemical reactions related to biology, combustion, and catalysis. Thus, the ability to control the movement of nuclei with tailored light, within a hydrocarbon molecule holds promise for far-reaching applications. Here, we demonstrate the steering of hydrogen migration in simple hydrocarbons, namely acetylene and allene, using waveform-controlled, few-cycle laser pulses. The rearrangement dynamics are monitored using coincident 3D momentum imaging spectroscopy, and described with a quantum-dynamical model. Our observations reveal that the underlying control mechanism is due to the manipulation of the phases in a vibrational wavepacket by the intense off-resonant laser field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Reduction of antimicrobial resistance as induced by Flavomycin

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    The demand for pork and poultry products is strongly influenced by the consumers concern for healthy and safe food The topic of food safety mainly concentrates on Salmonella contamination and is recently joined by the topic of antimicrobial resistance due to the use of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGP) in animal feed

    Carrier-envelope phase control over pathway interference in strong-field dissociation of H2+_2^+

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    The dissociation of an H2+_2^+ molecular-ion beam by linearly polarized, carrier-envelope-phase-tagged 5 fs pulses at 4×1014\times10^{14} W/cm2^2 with a central wavelength of 730 nm was studied using a coincidence 3D momentum imaging technique. Carrier-envelope-phase-dependent asymmetries in the emission direction of H+^+ fragments relative to the laser polarization were observed. These asymmetries are caused by interference of odd and even photon number pathways, where net-zero photon and 1-photon interference predominantly contributes at H+^++H kinetic energy releases of 0.2 -- 0.45 eV, and net-2-photon and 1-photon interference contributes at 1.65 -- 1.9 eV. These measurements of the benchmark H2+_2^+ molecule offer the distinct advantage that they can be quantitatively compared with \textit{ab initio} theory to confirm our understanding of strong-field coherent control via the carrier-envelope phase

    Reducing effect of Flavomycin on Salmonella shedding and antibiotic resistance in pigs

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    The demand for food from pork origin is strongly influenced by consumers\u27 concern for healthy and safe food. The topic of food safety mainly concentrates on Salmonella contamination and is recently joined by the topic of antimicrobial resistance due to the use of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGMPs) in animal feed

    Outpatient Primary Care Practitioner Access: Sex-Based Preferences

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    Background: In some innovative outpatient practice models, patients are faced with trade-offs, such as choosing between continuity of care vs quick access to a healthcare practitioner (HCP). Our objective was to assess sex-based differences in visit access preferences at an academic outpatient internal medicine clinic. Methods: A 13-question survey with four discrete choice experiments proposing hypothetical care scenarios was offered to patients over a 6-week period in 2018. Descriptive statistics and chi-squared tests evaluated results by sex for categorical variables, Mann-Whitney rank-sum test for continuous variables, and multivariable models adjusted for age, marital status, education, and income. P-values \u3c 0.05 were statistically significant. Results: A majority of 796 of 1731 (46%) respondents were female (56%) and over age 65 (58.5%). Females were more likely than males to prefer communicating with the same allied health staff (AHS) over receiving a quick response (female 36.3% vs male 28.0%, p=0.0031) Females prioritized seeing their own provider as opposed to scheduling a convenient appointment for routine care (female 90.2% vs male 85.0%, p =0.028). Multivariable analysis found that females were 6% less likely than males to request the same AHS for communication (95% CI 0.62-1.44), 29% less likely to request the same HCP for yearly physicals (95% CI 0.34 – 1.44), but 3% more likely than men to request an acute visit with the same HCP (95% CI 0.68-1.56) and 13% more likely to request the same HCP for virtual visits (95% CI 0.70-1.81). Conclusion: Sex-based differences in access preferences were identified. Women preferred continuity of care with the same HCP and AHS over ease of scheduling or a quick response, though these preferences appear to be moderated by other factors including age and marital status. Further identification of longitudinal and socioeconomic factors influencing preferences is needed in this era of evolving practice models.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/sexandgenderhealth/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Wide-field weak lensing by RXJ1347-1145

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    We present an analysis of weak lensing observations for RXJ1347-1145 over a 43' X 43' field taken in B and R filters on the Blanco 4m telescope at CTIO. RXJ1347-1145 is a massive cluster at redshift z=0.45. Using a population of galaxies with 20<R<26, we detect a weak lensing signal at the p<0.0005 level, finding best-fit parameters of \sigma_v=1400^{+130}_{-140} km s^{-1} for a singular isothermal sphere model and r_{200} = 3.5^{+0.8}_{-0.2} Mpc with c = 15^{+64}_{-10} for a NFW model in an \Omega_m = 0.3, \Omega_\Lambda = 0.7 cosmology. In addition, a mass to light ratio M/L_R =90 \pm 20 M_\odot / L_{R\odot} was determined. These values are consistent with the previous weak lensing study of RXJ1347--1145 by Fischer and Tyson, 1997, giving strong evidence that systemic bias was not introduced by the relatively small field of view in that study. Our best-fit parameter values are also consistent with recent X-ray studies by Allen et al, 2002 and Ettori et al, 2001, but are not consistent with recent optical velocity dispersion measurements by Cohen and Kneib, 2002.Comment: accepted to ApJ, tentative publication 10 May 2005, v624

    Lab design and implementation of MAS-based active network

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    The introduction of distributed generation (DG) in ever increasing amounts into the existing electrical infrastructure challenges network operators in the way they manage the network. These DGs are often controllable but far from the present day control rooms. With the amount of generators increasing very fast, so will the number of sensors and actuators, growing to numbers way too large to handle in a single control room by human intervention. As the networks are changing from passive to active, more and more the need for automation arises. To accommodate this need the network can be divided into cells of which the borders are created naturally at places where the power flow over that border can be controlled. The cells are capable of managing tasks like protection, voltage and power control autonomously. If more power is needed they can exchange this with neighboring cells and in the worse case they can be completely decoupled from neighboring cells to ensure stability or to be operated in island mode

    Rossby waves in rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We predict and describe a new collective mode in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, which is very similar to the Rossby waves in geophysics. In the regime of fast rotation, the Coriolis force dominates the dynamics and acts as a restoring force for acoustic-drift waves along the condensate. We derive a nonlinear equation that includes the effects of both the zero-point pressure and the anharmonicity of the trap. It is shown that such waves have negative phase speed, propagating in the opposite sense of the rotation. We discuss different equilibrium configurations and compare with those resulting from the Thomas-Fermi approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (submitted to PRL