308 research outputs found


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    The article shows the peculiar features of state regulation of providing foreign students with educational services in Ukrainian universities. A comparative analysis of the current legislation towards certain aspects of the state regulation of educational services in terms of foreign students training and retraining was made. The necessity was proven and examples of possible tools for improving, at the state level, administrative methods for granting permission for the establishment and conduct of foreign students training and retraining by amending the existing procedure for licensing the provision of educational services in Ukrainian universities were given.В статье раскрыты особенности государственного регулирования предоставления образовательных услуг иностранцам высшими учебными заведениями Украины. Проведенный сравнительный анализ действующего законодательства по отдельным аспектам государственного регулирования предоставления образовательных услуг в части подготовки и переподготовки иностранцев. Осуществлено обоснование необходимости и приведены возможные инструменты совершенствования на государственном уровне административных методов предоставления разрешений на подготовку и переподготовку иностранцев путем внесения изменений в существующую процедуру лицензирования предоставления образовательных услуг высшими учебными заведениями.У статті розкрито особливості державного регулювання надання освітніх послуг іноземцям закладами вищої освіти України. Проведено порівняльний аналіз чинного законодавства щодо окремих аспектів державного регулювання надання освітніх послуг в частині підготовки та перепідготовки іноземців. Здійснено обґрунтування необхідності та наведено можливі інструменти удосконалення на державному рівні адміністративних методів надання дозволів на започаткування та провадження підготовки та перепідготовки іноземців шляхом внесення змін до існуючої процедури ліцензування надання освітніх послуг закладами вищої освіти

    Simulation of radiation fiels from the polluted equipment with math software package MathCAD

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    Описано применение математического пакета Mathcad для решения профессиональных задач в атомной энергетике. Подробно рассмотрено поэтапное решение поставленной задачи по расчету поля воздушной кермы, создо?ое/иого системой радиационно-загрязненного оборудования в помещении.It is described the use of math software package Mathcad to solve professional problems in atomic power engineering. It is considered the solution of the problem of simulation of kerma fields from the radioactively polluted equipment

    The increasing of the energy efficiency of nuclear power plants with fast neutron reactors by utilizing waste heat using heat pumps

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    Today, an important task for the economy is to increase the efficiency of using primary fuel. At present, for nuclear power plants with VVER reactors, thermal efficiency is about 33%, with fast neutron reactors-more than 40%. This means that most of the heat produced is released into the atmosphere. In this paper, we consider methods to solve the problem of increasing energy efficiency by the example of NPPs with fast neutron reactors due to the utilization of low-grade waste heat. The results of practical implementation of utilization of low-potential thermal energy of thermal and nuclear power plants using heat pumps were generalized. The analysis of the utilization efficiency of waste heat from various NPP systems was performed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Evaluation of the adaptive potential of first-graders with normal speech development and speech disorders

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    The objective of our research was to evaluate and compare the results of the study of physical development, somatic health, and adaptive capabilities of younger students with normal speech development and speech disorders during entering the school. The physical development of students was assessed using the somatometric, somatoscopic, and physiometric method

    Microstructure evolution during warm working of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe at 600 and 800°C

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    Microstructure evolution during compression to the true height strain 0.29, 0.69, or 1.2 at 600 and 800. °C of the Β-rich titanium alloy Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe (VT22) with an initial lamellar microstructure was established using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It was found that microstructure evolution at both temperatures was controlled primarily by substructure evolution within the Β phase. At 800. °C, extensive recovery within the Β phase resulted in the formation of a stable structure comprising subgrains ~1.5. μm in diameter. During deformation at this temperature, lamellae of the α phase fragmented via a boundary-grooving mechanism. Due to the sluggish diffusion kinetics, however, spheroidization at 800. °C was incomplete. At the lower processing temperature, recovery processes within the Β phase were much slower, leading to greater refinement of the Β matrix. The decomposition of the metastable Β phase during warm working, gave rise to very fine α-lath precipitates, which resulted in the formation of an ultrafine microstructure with a grain size of 0.5. μm. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Ecological and Economic Advantages of Remote Heat Supply from Reactor Plant of Advanced Safety BN-1200

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    The heat supply based on the combined heat and power production is the basis of rational use of energy resources. This will increase the efficiency of existing nuclear power plants (NPP) and give a significant cut in the nitrogen oxide and greenhousegases emissions from burning fossil fuels. The data of the remote heat transport are summarized. The technical, economic, and ecological preconditions determining the long-distance transportation of heat possibility are given. The estimation of the efficiency of long-distance transport of heat from NPP is made. A variant of a scheme of Ekaterinburg heat supply from Beloyarsk NPP is given. Keywords: nuclear power plant, efficiency, the heat supply based on the combined heat and power production, waste heat, heat pump, radiation safet

    Investigation of thermal characteristics of multitubial thermosyphon heat-exchangers

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    Prospects of application and advantages of heat-exchangers based on sealed two-phase thermosyphons are compared with analogies of alternative widespread designs. Theoretical limitations of heat transfer are considered. Experimental facility requirements were formulated. Heat transfer coefficients obtained by calculation, computer simulation and in experiments. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Individual orthotic insoles applying walking endurance building model for 60-plus year-olds with musculoskeletal disorders

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    Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of individual orthotic insoles applying walking endurance building model for senior people with musculoskeletal disorder

    The problems of foreign specialists education at UrFU for the nuclear energy of Rosatom partner countries

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    Сформулированы основные задачи по подготовке специалистов для АЭС российского дизайна, сооружаемых за рубежом, в УрФУ. Проведен анализ начального периода обучения студентов Республики Вьетнам на кафедре «Атомные станции и ВИЭ», выявлены основные проблемы. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию процесса обучения.Defined are the main tasks of the specialists training at UrFU for the NPPs of Russian design which are constructed abroad. The analysis of initial period of Vietnam students’ education at Nuclear Power Plants and RES department is made. Main problems are detected. The ways of educational process improvements are formulated