739 research outputs found

    Labour market developments in Visegrad countries: ten years of EU membership

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    The book fits into a multidisciplinary research approach. The articles are the result of research conducted by eminent international economists, authors representing academic centres in different countries. The articles address current phenomena observed in the global economy. The authors do not aspire to comprehensively explain all the very complex and multi-dimensional economic developments, but illustrate many of these phenomena in an original way. The multi-threaded and multi-dimensional nature of the discussion in particular articles deserves attention. These include theoretical and methodological articles as well as the results of empirical research presented by the authors. The book is addressed to those persons interested in issues of economics, finance, regional economy, and the management sciences. It can be valuable for economic practitioners, members of management and supervisory boards of companies, and financial analysts, and the articles may also be useful for academicians and students. The paper is the outcome of scientific project VEGA No. 1/0103/12 ‘Labour market in relation to economic growth in the context of socio-economic changes’ (Trh práce vo väzbe na ekonomický rast v kontexte spoločensko-ekonomických zmien).The Visegrad countries2 (V4) joined the European Union in 2004 as rather weak economies, but growth potential was undeniable. Since then, they recorded a gradual improvement in labour market indicators. However, the economic crisis has affected the labour markets of V4 countries differently. The aim of the paper is to identify labour market developments in V4 countries and the impact of the economic development on them. The emphasis is being placed on the development of the selected specific unemployment rates. We know that the most important thing is to figure out how to get employment development back on track. Therefore, the paper also deals with the issue: Where will new jobs come from? The last section reviews the green economy as one of the key sectors with great employment potential

    Banking Law

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    Human capital reporting practices of German and American companies

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    Communication of social dimensions of the company plays a key role in the sustainable development of organizations. The aim of this empirical study is to analyze the extent to which German and American companies report on human capital indicators via their websites and the factors that can influence them. A content analysis of the annual sustainability reports of 60 companies listed in the DAX 30 and in the Fortune 500 (top 30 companies) was conducted. Our findings show that Europe`s leading position in sustainability reporting is undeniable, and on the other hand, online disclosure on human capital in the USA is still scarce and in its early stages. The factors influencing it are: sector in which the company operates and country where the company is headquartered. They also show that indicators such as number of employees, gender diversity of employees, and gender diversity of top employees are widely reported, while other indicators such as absenteeism, accidents and diseases at workplace, job stability and seniority are not used to a high extent

    Studencka działalność naukowa i popularyzatorska

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    Podstawę źródłową niniejszego szkicu stanowią przede wszystkim materiały zgromadzone w archiwum koła. Niestety nie wszystkie zarządy kół przywiązywały należytą wagę do dokumentowania swej działalności. Akta z lat najdawniejszych zaginęły w latach 1953—1954. Nie lepiej przedstawia się również dokumentacja z lat następnych; dopiero od około 1960 r. narasta ilość informacji. Zniszczeniu uległy materiały ZSP, wśród których znajdowały się sprawozdania z działalności koła. Obraz uzyskany na podstawie materiałów koła uzupełniają Informacje przekazane przez byłych członków koła, dane z archiwów: Instytutu Historii, Wydziału Filozoficzno- Historycznego, Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Banking Law Developements

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    Reacciones de oxidación de derivados de ciclopent-2-en-1-iltiofeno

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    Introduction: Thiophene derivatives are common in a large number of natural compounds. In addition, their biological activity provides great opportunities for synthetic organic chemistry. In particular, cyclopentenylthiophenes have high antimicrobial activity, can affect various inflammatory mechanisms, and can be effective in the treatment of cancer. However, in research, it is essential to first learn how to obtain compounds in pure form and to select such synthesis conditions that, when scaled up and introduced into widespread production, the affordability and safety of the processes would meet the needs of both consumers and pharmaceutical companies. Material and Methods: As an oxidant, meta-chloroperoxybenzoic acid was used, which allowed exploring its oxidative properties and advantages of use in more detail. Results and Discussion: In the course of this work, several cyclopentenylthiophene derivatives were synthesised, the ratio of isomers in the synthesis of these compounds was analysed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the synthesis methods were discussed. On the other hand, there are several issues that require additional research, including the effect of temperature conditions, electrophilicity of substituents and other factors on the course of the epoxidation reaction for cyclopentenylthiophenes. Conclusion: The research of thiophene derivatives is relevant both from the standpoint of exploring electronic effects when substituents with different acceptor properties are introduced into the heterocyclic aromatic system and from the standpoint of medicinal chemistry, as they are interesting biologically active objects with high chemical stability, good penetration of cell membranes, ability to affect enzyme activity, bind to receptors

    Recovery of the Basis of Group π2n Representation on its Subgroup πn×n and Harriman’s Theorem

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    The proof of Harriman’s theorem [1] is given for arbitrary order reduced density matrix of both the clear, and the mixed states of fermions at once. Its essential parts are a Pauli exclu- sion principle, rotation group symmetry of spin functions and new commutation relations.Теорема Гаррімана [1] доведена для редуцироних матриць густини чистого і змішаного станів ферміонів з використанням принципу Паулі, симетрії спінових функцій і нових наслідків, пов'язаних з переміщеннями штрихованих і нештрихованих змінних.Теорема Гарримана [1] доказана для редуцированных матриц плотности чистого и смешанного состояний фермионов из принципа Паули, симметрии спиновых функций, новых следствий из перестановок штрихованных и не штрихованных переменных