2,936 research outputs found

    Some complexity of the e-learning in higher technical education

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    This article discusses the problem of implementing e-learning in the training of engineers. The main problem the author considers the complexity of organizing the delivery of information through the Internet learner. A possible solution to this problem.В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы внедрения электронного обучения в системе подготовки инженерных кадров. Основной проблемой автор считает сложность организации доставки информации обучаемым через интернет. Предлагается возможный вариант решения этой проблемы

    Construction technology and applications new educational technologies

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    The article discusses the various educational technologies that ensure the efficiency of training. Given in example use simulation exercises in the training seminar. Deliv-called a judgment that the introduction of new educational technologies should not be seen as an end in itself, but should be a tool that allows you to control the quality of the educational process and the quality of the results of that.В статье рассматриваются различные образовательные технологии, обеспечивающие повышение эффективности подготовки специалистов. Приводится пример использования имитационного упражнения в обучающем семинаре. Высказывается суждение о том, что внедрение новых образовательных технологий не должно рассматриваться как самоцель, а должно являться инструментом, который позволяет управлять качеством образовательного процесса и качеством результата

    A burst search for gravitational waves from binary black holes

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    Compact binary coalescence (CBC) is one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves. These sources are usually searched for with matched filters which require accurate calculation of the GW waveforms and generation of large template banks. We present a complementary search technique based on algorithms used in un-modeled searches. Initially designed for detection of un-modeled bursts, which can span a very large set of waveform morphologies, the search algorithm presented here is constrained for targeted detection of the smaller subset of CBC signals. The constraint is based on the assumption of elliptical polarisation for signals received at the detector. We expect that the algorithm is sensitive to CBC signals in a wide range of masses, mass ratios, and spin parameters. In preparation for the analysis of data from the fifth LIGO-Virgo science run (S5), we performed preliminary studies of the algorithm on test data. We present the sensitivity of the search to different types of simulated CBC waveforms. Also, we discuss how to extend the results of the test run into a search over all of the current LIGO-Virgo data set.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, submitted for publication in CQG in the special issue for the conference proceedings of GWDAW13; corrected some typos, addressed some minor reviewer comments one section restructured and references updated and correcte

    Exotic solutions in string theory

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    Solutions of classical string theory, correspondent to the world sheets, mapped in Minkowsky space with a fold, are considered. Typical processes for them are creation of strings from vacuum, their recombination and annihilation. These solutions violate positiveness of square of mass and Regge condition. In quantum string theory these solutions correspond to physical states |DDF>+|sp> with non-zero spurious component.Comment: accepted in Il Nuovo Cimento A for publication in 199

    Networks of gravitational wave detectors and three figures of merit

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    This paper develops a general framework for studying the effectiveness of networks of interferometric gravitational wave detectors and then uses it to show that enlarging the existing LIGO-VIRGO network with one or more planned or proposed detectors in Japan (LCGT), Australia, and India brings major benefits, including much larger detection rate increases than previously thought... I show that there is a universal probability distribution function (pdf) for detected SNR values, which implies that the most likely SNR value of the first detected event will be 1.26 times the search threshold. For binary systems, I also derive the universal pdf for detected values of the orbital inclination, taking into account the Malmquist bias; this implies that the number of gamma-ray bursts associated with detected binary coalescences should be 3.4 times larger than expected from just the beaming fraction of the gamma burst. Using network antenna patterns, I propose three figures of merit that characterize the relative performance of different networks... Adding {\em any} new site to the planned LIGO-VIRGO network can dramatically increase, by factors of 2 to 4, the detected event rate by allowing coherent data analysis to reduce the spurious instrumental coincident background. Moving one of the LIGO detectors to Australia additionally improves direction-finding by a factor of 4 or more. Adding LCGT to the original LIGO-VIRGO network not only improves direction-finding but will further increase the detection rate over the extra-site gain by factors of almost 2, partly by improving the network duty cycle... Enlarged advanced networks could look forward to detecting three to four hundred neutron star binary coalescences per year.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Coherent method for detection of gravitational wave bursts

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    We describe a coherent network algorithm for detection and reconstruction of gravitational wave bursts. The algorithm works for two and more arbitrarily aligned detectors and can be used for both all-sky and triggered burst searches. We describe the main components of the algorithm, including the time-frequency analysis in wavelet domain, construction of the likelihood time-frequency maps, the identification and selection of burst events.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of Amaldi conference in Sydney, Australi

    Null-stream veto for two co-located detectors: Implementation issues

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    Time-series data from multiple gravitational wave (GW) detectors can be linearly combined to form a null-stream, in which all GW information will be cancelled out. This null-stream can be used to distinguish between actual GW triggers and spurious noise transients in a search for GW bursts using a network of detectors. The biggest source of error in the null-stream analysis comes from the fact that the detector data are not perfectly calibrated. In this paper, we present an implementation of the null-stream veto in the simplest network of two co-located detectors. The detectors are assumed to have calibration uncertainties and correlated noise components. We estimate the effect of calibration uncertainties in the null-stream veto analysis and propose a new formulation to overcome this. This new formulation is demonstrated by doing software injections in Gaussian noise.Comment: Minor changes; To appear in Class. Quantum Grav. (Proc. GWDAW10

    Chromomagnetic Catalysis of Color Superconductivity in a (2+1)-dimensional NJL Model

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    The influence of a constant uniform external chromomagnetic field HH on the formation of color superconductivity has been investigated. The consideration was performed in the framework of a (2+1)-dimensional Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with two different four-fermionic structures responsible for anddiquark and diquark condensates. In particular, it was shown that there exists a critical value HcH_c of the external chromomagnetic field such that at H>HcH>H_c a nonvanishing diquark condensate is dynamically created (the so-called chromomagnetic catalysis effect of color superconductivity). Moreover, external chromomagnetic fields may in some cases enhance the diquark condensate of color superconductivity.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, revte

    Overview of the BlockNormal Event Trigger Generator

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    In the search for unmodeled gravitational wave bursts, there are a variety of methods that have been proposed to generate candidate events from time series data. Block Normal is a method of identifying candidate events by searching for places in the data stream where the characteristic statistics of the data change. These change-points divide the data into blocks in which the characteristics of the block are stationary. Blocks in which these characteristics are inconsistent with the long term characteristic statistics are marked as Event-Triggers which can then be investigated by a more computationally demanding multi-detector analysis.Comment: GWDAW-8 proceedings, 6 pages, 2 figure

    Robust vetoes for gravitational-wave burst triggers using known instrumental couplings

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    The search for signatures of transient, unmodelled gravitational-wave (GW) bursts in the data of ground-based interferometric detectors typically uses `excess-power' search methods. One of the most challenging problems in the burst-data-analysis is to distinguish between actual GW bursts and spurious noise transients that trigger the detection algorithms. In this paper, we present a unique and robust strategy to `veto' the instrumental glitches. This method makes use of the phenomenological understanding of the coupling of different detector sub-systems to the main detector output. The main idea behind this method is that the noise at the detector output (channel H) can be projected into two orthogonal directions in the Fourier space -- along, and orthogonal to, the direction in which the noise in an instrumental channel X would couple into H. If a noise transient in the detector output originates from channel X, it leaves the statistics of the noise-component of H orthogonal to X unchanged, which can be verified by a statistical hypothesis testing. This strategy is demonstrated by doing software injections in simulated Gaussian noise. We also formulate a less-rigorous, but computationally inexpensive alternative to the above method. Here, the parameters of the triggers in channel X are compared to the parameters of the triggers in channel H to see whether a trigger in channel H can be `explained' by a trigger in channel X and the measured transfer function.Comment: 14 Pages, 8 Figures, To appear in Class. Quantum Gra