33 research outputs found

    Assesment of distress among oncology patients after the completion of the treatment

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    Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se proceni nivo distresa kod onkoloških pacijenata godinu i po dana nakon postavljanja dijagnoze maligne bolesti i po završetku kombinovanog onkološkog lečenja (hirurgija, hemioterapija i/ili radio-terapija). Drugi cilj odnosio se na napore da se, sledeći svetske standarde u oblasti psihoonkologije koje su postavili the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) i International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), prvi put u našoj sredini primeni distres skala, odnosno distres termometar, na uzorku onkoloških pacijenata koji su se obratili za psihološku pomoć i podršku privatnom savetovalištu nakon završetka onkološkog lečenja. Ispitani uzorak činilo je 40 pacijenata (30 žena i 10 muškaraca) koji su prilikom prvog dolaska u savetovalište i na kraju inicijalnog psihološkog intervjua zamoljeni da popune distres termometar uz ponuđena adekvatna objašnjenja da je samoprocena distresa od značaja za dalji savetodavno-psihološki i/ili psihoterapijski rad. Rezultati koji se odnose na ceo uzorak pokazali su da je najveći procenat ispitanih pacijenata (52,5%) različite ispitane probleme procenjivao kao umereno stresne, 20% pacijenata je probleme procenjivao kao veoma stresne, 12,5% kao malo stresne i svega 5% kao nimalo stresne. Od praktičnih problema, najveći procenat ispitanih pacijenata najstresnije procenjuje brigu o novcu i plaćanju računa (30%) i brigu u vezi s poslom (27,5%). Zatim, 22,5% pacijenata brigu u vezi s roditeljstvom i odgajanjem dece navodi kao najstresnije porodične probleme. U vezi sa emocionalnim problemima, značajan procenat (45%) pacijenata kao najstresnije emocionalne probleme procenjuje zabrinutost i strepnju, 32,5% postojanje različitih strahova, 22,5% tugu, a 20% pacijenata navodi kao najstresnije emocionalne probleme razdražljivost i napetost. Na kraju, 85% pacijenata navelo je da je strah od relapsa bolesti problem koji im najteže pada. U ovom istraživanju pacijenti emocionalne probleme doživljavaju kao stresnije u poređenju sa drugim problemima nakon završetka onkološkog lečenja.The main aim of this study is to assess the level of distress among oncology patients a year and a half after the diagnosis of malignancy and completion of the combined oncology treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy). The second goal was to apply, for the first time in our country, the following world standards in the field of psycho-oncology set up by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) using a distress scale/distress thermometer on a sample of oncology patients who applied for psychological help and support in a private counseling center after completion of the oncological treatment. The examined sample consisted of 40 patients (30 women and 10 men) who, upon their first arrival at the counseling center and at the end of the initial psychological interview, were asked to fill the distress thermometer with the adequate explanations, provided that the self-assessment of the distress was significant to the further counseling psychological and/or psychotherapeutical treatment. The results of the whole sample showed that the highest percentage of patients examined (52.5%) evaluated various investigated problems as moderately stressful, 20% of patients assessed the problems as very stressful, 12.5% as slightly stressful and only 5% as not stressful. Related to practical problems, the largest percentage of patients assessed money and account payment issues (30%) and work -related issues (27.5%) as the most stressful. 22.5% of patients quote parenting and child care as the most stressful family problems. Concerning emotional problems, a significant percentage of patients (45%), quote concern and anxiety, 32.5% the existence of different fears, 22.5% sadness, and 20% irritability and tension as the most stressful emotional problems. 85% of patients stated that the fear of relapse of the disease is a problem that worries them the most. Patients in this study experience emotional problems considerably more stressful compared to other problems in the post-treatment period


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    Harmonizacija financijskog izvještavanja odvija se na globalnoj razini i na razini Europske unije. Radi usporedbe financijskih izvještaja zemalja članica EU, Europski parlament i Vijeće donijeli su Uredbu (EC)/1606/2002 od 19.7.2002. prema kojoj od 1. siječnja 2005. sva poduzeća koja kotiraju na uređenom financijskom tržištu EU imaju obvezu primijeniti Međunarodne standarde financijskog izvještavanja (MSFI) prilikom sastavljanja konsolidiranih financijskih izvještaja. Većina zemalja članica EU propisuje ili dopušta korištenje MSFI i za ostale poslovne subjekte. U ovome radu prikazan je komparativni pregled financijskog izvještavanja svih 27 zemalja članica EU i učinjena je usporedba s okvirom financijskog izvještavanja Republike Hrvatske. Budući da je Republika Hrvatska službeni kandidat za članstvo u EU, potrebno je uskladiti hrvatsko zakonodavstvo s propisima Europske unije. Novi Zakon o računovodstvu (Narodne novine br. 146/05 od 12.12.2005.) usklađen je sa Četvrtom i Sedmom direktivom EU i s Uredbom 1606/2002, koje se odnose na financijsko izvještavanje u EU.Harmonization of fi nancial reporting is important on global level and in the European Union. To improve the comparability of financial reporting in the EU, a Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on the application of international accounting standards was issued. According to this Regulation, all listed companies in the EU are required to use International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) for their consolidated accounts starting from 1 January 2005. Most of the EU member states also permit or require the use of IFRSs for unlisted companies. This paper presents a comparative view of financial reporting in all 27 EU member states, and a comparison of financial reporting in EU and Republic of Croatia. The Republic of Croatia is an official candidate country for EU membership, and this means that it has to harmonize its legislation to EU requirements. New Accounting Act (Narodne novine No. 146/05 of 12 December 2005) is in conformity with Fourth and Seventh EU Directives, and Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002


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    Harmonizacija financijskog izvještavanja odvija se na globalnoj razini i na razini Europske unije. Radi usporedbe financijskih izvještaja zemalja članica EU, Europski parlament i Vijeće donijeli su Uredbu (EC)/1606/2002 od 19.7.2002. prema kojoj od 1. siječnja 2005. sva poduzeća koja kotiraju na uređenom financijskom tržištu EU imaju obvezu primijeniti Međunarodne standarde financijskog izvještavanja (MSFI) prilikom sastavljanja konsolidiranih financijskih izvještaja. Većina zemalja članica EU propisuje ili dopušta korištenje MSFI i za ostale poslovne subjekte. U ovome radu prikazan je komparativni pregled financijskog izvještavanja svih 27 zemalja članica EU i učinjena je usporedba s okvirom financijskog izvještavanja Republike Hrvatske. Budući da je Republika Hrvatska službeni kandidat za članstvo u EU, potrebno je uskladiti hrvatsko zakonodavstvo s propisima Europske unije. Novi Zakon o računovodstvu (Narodne novine br. 146/05 od 12.12.2005.) usklađen je sa Četvrtom i Sedmom direktivom EU i s Uredbom 1606/2002, koje se odnose na financijsko izvještavanje u EU.Harmonization of fi nancial reporting is important on global level and in the European Union. To improve the comparability of financial reporting in the EU, a Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on the application of international accounting standards was issued. According to this Regulation, all listed companies in the EU are required to use International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) for their consolidated accounts starting from 1 January 2005. Most of the EU member states also permit or require the use of IFRSs for unlisted companies. This paper presents a comparative view of financial reporting in all 27 EU member states, and a comparison of financial reporting in EU and Republic of Croatia. The Republic of Croatia is an official candidate country for EU membership, and this means that it has to harmonize its legislation to EU requirements. New Accounting Act (Narodne novine No. 146/05 of 12 December 2005) is in conformity with Fourth and Seventh EU Directives, and Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002

    Partner Violence against Women with Malignancies

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    The content of this paper is an overview of the results of some available foreign studies related to the experience of violence against women suffering from various malignancies, especially breast and gynecological cancers. The topic is both specific and complex because it considers double victimization - malignancy and violence. The idea for this review paper emerged from author's observations during the years of her clinical and psychotherapy practice, who after 16 years of work with the population of children, adolescents and adults with malignant diseases at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, continued to deal with counseling and psychotherapy of adult oncology patients and their family members in private practice. This paper is intended to stimulate research on violence against women suffering from malignant diseases in Serbia. The author's experience and observations from her daily psychotherapy practice indicate that violence, especially partner violence against women suffering from malignant diseases, both in the years before the onset of the disease and during and after the end of combined oncological treatment, is, unfortunately, rather present in Serbia. Fora more comprehensive and systematic insight into this issue, it is necessary to conduct an "anonymous" national victimization survey to cover women aged 19-75 who are treated for the most common malignancies typical for women (breast and gynecological cancers) in all reference national oncology centers across Serbia

    Psychological reactions of children and adolscents to malignant disease and treatment - assessment and support

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    Cilj istraživanja za potrebe doktorskog rada bio je da se na uzorku dece i adolescenata koji su oboleli od različitih malignih bolesti i njihovih roditelja (N=120) ispitaju različite psihološke reakcije tokom aktivnog kombinovanog onkološkog lečenja. Psihološke reakcije koje su ispitane kod dece uzrasta (7 – 12 god.) (N=30) i adolescenata (13-19 god.) (N=30) su anksioznost (izmerena RCMAS skalom – The Revised Children`s Manifest Anxiety Scale), depresivnost (izmerena CDI upitnikom– The Children`s Depression Inventory), osećanje umora (ispitano FACIT - F scale – The Pediatric Functional Assesment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue scale), uz procenu doživljaja kvaliteta života (ispitano PCQOL – 32 instrumentom – The Pediatric Cancer Quality of Life Inventory) i mehanizama prevladavanja (ispitano instrumentom - KIDCOPE scale, dve verzije, jedna verzija za mlađu i jedna verzija za stariju grupu).Kod roditelja koji sa decom borave na odeljenju tokom kombinovanog onkološkog lečenja procenjeni su doživljaj kvaliteta života (ispitano Peds Q1-Upitnik za procenu kvaliteta života roditelja i procena detetovog kvaliteta života od strane roditelja PCQOL – 32 Parent Proxy Report Form) , umor (ispitano PFS instrumentom - Parent Fatigue Scale), mehanizmi prevladavanja (ispitano Brief Cope Parents Inventory – BCPI) i roditeljski stres (izmeren PSI/SF indeksom – Parenting Stress Index – short form). Porodična kohezija i porodična fleksibilnost (sa aspekta roditelja koji je uz dete tokom lečenja) ispitane su FACES IV paketom. Dobijeni rezultati: Statistički značajna razlika se pokazala na skali anksioznosti i to na subskalama: Fiziološka anksioznost (adolescenti imaju niži skor) (t=2.258, df=58, p=,028) (p<0,05) i Socijalna anksioznost (adolescenti imaju niži skor) (r=-.228, t=.0,40 (p<0,05).T testom za nezavisne uzorke testirane su razlike dece i adolescenata na ska-lama anksioznosti, depresivnosti, doživljaju umora, percepciji kvaliteta života i u načinu prevladavanja. Statistički značajne razlike su dobijene na skali depresivnosti i to na sledećim subskalama: anhedonia (deca iz mlađe grupe imaju viši skor) (t=2.274, df=58, p=.027) (p<0,05); nisko sampoštovanje (deca iz mlađe grupe imaju viši skor) (t=2.325, df=58, p=.024 (p<0,05); total skor na skali depresivnosti (deca iz mlađe grupe imaju viši skor) (t=2.125, df=58, p=.038 (p<0,05). Analiza je pokazala da statistički značajna razlika postoji na subskali fizičko funkcionisanje PCQL – 32 Patient Self Report skali kvaliteta života (dečaci imaju viši skor od devojčica (t=2.006, df=58, p=,049 (p<0,05). T testom za nezavisne uzorke testi-rane su razlike između dva pola dece preko skala za roditelje.Analiza je pokazala da statistički značajna razlika postoji samo na skali PCQL-32. Parent Proxy Report Form i to na subskali socijalno funkcionisanje (dečaci imaju viši skor) (t=2.00, df=58, t=.049 (p<0,05) (roditelji procenjuju da deca i adolescenti muškog pola lošije socijalno funkcionišu nego što oni sami sebe procenjuju)...Using a sample of (N total=120), 60 children and adolescents who are affected by various malignant diseases and who are treated for different malignant diseases (ages 7 – 12) (N=30) and (ages 13 – 19) (N=30) and their parents (N=60), this study aimed to investigate different psychological reactions during the oncological treatment.The subject of the research - can psychological reactions such as: anxiety, depression and fatigue during the treatment be properly estimated and how they affect the quality of life and efficiency of the prevalence in children and adolescents aged 7 to 19 who are treated for different malignant diseases with existing instruments and with the objective to construct a model for providing adequate psychological and psycho-social support. Anxiety measured by following instrument RCMAS – The Revised Children`s Manifest Anxiety Scale; Depression measured by following instrument CDI – The Children`s Depression Inventory; Quality of life tested by following instrument PCQOL – 32 – The Pediatric Cancer Quality of Life Inventory; Fatique tested by following instrument FACIT - F scale – The Pediatric Functional Assesment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue scale; Coping measured by following instrument KIDCOPE scale- two different forms for younger and older group of children.Parents psychological reactions such as quality of life , fatique , coping mechanisms and parental stress, measured by following instruments : QOL (measured by PCQOL – 32 Parent Proxy Report Form and PCQOL – 32 Parent Proxy Report Form for parents assesment of children QOL), fatique (measured by PFS - Parent Fatigue Scale), coping mechanisms (measured by BCPI -Brief Cope Parents Inventory) and parental stress measured by PSI/SF – Parenting Stress Index – short form.Cohesion and stability of the family (from the aspect of a parent present during the tratment of the child) tested with FACES IV. Results: Statistically significant difference was also demonstrated on the anxiety scale (The Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale – RCMAS) and on subscales: Physiological anxiety (lower score in adolescents) (t=2.258, DF=58, p= 0,028) (p<0,05) and Social anxiety (lower score in adolescents) (r= -.228, t= 0,40 (p<0,05).We applied T tests for independent samples for testing the difference between pediatric and adolescent population (the first group of children age 7 to 12, and the other group of adolescents age 13 to 19) at the scale for anxiety, depression, fatigue experience, quality of life and way of coping. Analysis demonstrated statistically significant differencies at the depression scale (CDI - The Children Depression Inventory) on the following subscales: anhedonia (higher score in children) (t=2.274, df=58, p=.027) (p<0,05); low self-respect (higher score in children) (t=2.325, df=58, p=.024 (p<0,05); total depression score (higher score in children) (t=2.125, df=58, p=.038 (p<0,05)..


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    U posljednjem se desetljeću uz eksterne revizore razvila i nova grana revizijske profesije, a to je forenzična revizija. U ovom se radu pobliže objašnjava pojam forenzične revizije temeljem usporedbe definicija različitih autora. Svrha je ovoga rada detaljnije analizirati nekoliko različitih modela provođenja forenzične revizije za subjekte od javnog interesa, te razmotriti perspektive uvođenja forenzične revizije u hrvatsku praksu. Temeljem provedenog empirijskog istraživanja u Republici Hrvatskoj utvrđeno je da ispitanici smatraju kako je iznenadna forenzična revizija učinkovita u sprečavanju i otkrivanju prijevara za poduzeća od javnog interesa, čime je potvrđena hipoteza ovoga rada. Također, u ovom se radu navode potrebni preduvjeti za uvođenje forenzične revizije u hrvatskom gospodarstvu, ali i trenutna ograničenja u razvoju te profesije u Republici Hrvatskoj.The profession of certified fraud examiners began to expand in the last decade, alongside the profession of external auditors. This paper explains the role of forensic auditors, based on the comparison of definitions from various authors. The purpose of this paper is to analyze several different models of implementing forensic audit for public interest entities, and to discuss the perspectives of implementing forensic audit into the Croatian audit practice. Based on the results of the empirical research conducted in the Republic of Croatia, it has been determined that forensic audit is viewed as effective in fraud prevention and detection, if performed unexpectedly. Therefore, the main hypothesis of this paper has been confirmed. Also, the possibilities of implementing forensic audit in the Republic of Croatia are discussed in this paper, as well as current limitations

    Psychosocial development and attachment in late adolescence

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita odnos između psihosocijalnog razvoja i afektivne vezanosti na uzrastu kasne adolescencije. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili usmereni na ispitivanje 1. povezanosti između uspešnosti razrešenja kriza psihosocijalnog razvoja i dimenzija afektivne vezanosti i 2. ispitivanje razlika između obrazaca afektivne vezanosti u pogledu uspešnosti razrešenja kriza psihosocijalnog razvoja. Na uzorku od 212 studenata fakulteta i viših škola sa teritorije Beograda, uzrasta od 20 do 26 godina primenjeni su Upitnik za procenu afektivnog vezivanja II revizija (UPIPAV-R) i Modifikovani upitnik za procenu Eriksonovih stadijuma psihosocijalnog razvoja (The Modified Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory - MEPSI). Rezultati su pokazali da između dimenzija afektivne vezanosti i uspešnosti razrešenja kriza psihosocijalnog razvoja postoji značajna povezanost, pri čemu su se iz dva skupa varijabli izdvojila tri značajno povezana para struktura. Dobijeno je da su adolescenti sa sigurnim obrascem u poređenju sa adolescentima sa nesigurnim obrascima vezanosti značajno i dosledno uspešniji u razrešenju kriza psihosocijalnog razvoja. Sigurno vezani adolescenti pokazali su i najviši stepen generalne psihosocijalne zrelosti. Značajne razlike u pogledu uspešnosti razrešenja kriza psihosocijalnog razvoja dobijene su i između adolescenata sa različitim obrascima nesigurne vezanosti. Na osnovu uspešnosti razrešenja kriza psihosocijalnog razvoja 59.4% ispitanika klasifikovano je u odgovarajući obrazac vezanosti, uključujući: 76.6% sigurnih, 57.1% preokupiranih, 56.6% odbacujućih i 41.3% bojažljivih.The study deals with the relationship between psychosocial development and attachment in late adolescence. The aim is to examine the relationship between the success in resolving the crises of psychosocial development and attachment dimensions and to investigate the differences between attachment styles with respect to the success in resolving the crises of psychosocial development. The Questionnaire for Attachment Assessment, II revision (UPIPAV-R) and The Modified Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (MEPSI) were applied on the sample of 212 students (aged 2026) of faculties and colleges situated in Belgrade. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between attachment dimensions and the success in resolving tasks of psychosocial development, with three significantly connected pairs of structures between two sets of variables. The securely attached adolescents were significantly and consistently more successful in resolving the crises of psychosocial development in comparison with the insecurely attached adolescents. They also showed a higher level of general psychosocial matureness. Significant differences in resolving the crises of psychosocial development were obtained between adolescents with different forms of insecure attachment. Based on the success in resolving the crises of psychosocial development, 59.4% of respondents were classified in the original attachment group, including: 76.6% with secure attachment, 57.1% with preoccupied, 56.6% with dismissing and 41.3% with fearful attachment

    MEMENTO Vizuelno preispitivanje prolaznosti života

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    Rezime Doktorski umetnički projekat Memento je formiran u obliku trilogije koja se bavi utvrđivanjem pozicije fotografije u svim fazama njenog nastanka, od snimanja, preko postprodukcije do prijema, kao i bližim odredivanjima njenih karakteristika i mogućnosti. Svaki deo trilogije usmeren je ka određenoj problematici koja je vezana za život. Prvi deo, pod nazivom Memento, bavi se pojmom prolaznosti, kao i ljudskom potrebom za večnom mladošću. U drugom delu, čiji je naziv Ogledalo, fokus je usmeren na ljudsku potrebu za samoprezentacijom koja, uslovljena standardima društva, često biva potpuno lažna. Treći deo, Prtljag, koji kombinuje fotografiju i rendgensku sliku, teži da preispita mogućnost fotografske slike da prikaže istinu, suprotstavljajući površinu fotografisane scene, u slučaju fotografije, u odnosu na unutrašnji, za fotografiju nevidljiv sadržaj u slučaju rendgenske slike. Bitno je napomenuti da je polje fotografije izuzetno veliko i kompleksno i da bi bilo teško sve njegove aspekte obuhvatiti u jednom radu. Postoji veliki broj fotografskih disciplina, praksi i tehnika koje nije moguće obuhvatiti jednom teorijom. Ovaj rad teži da izdvoji osnovne odlike fotografije kao tehnike, ali pre svega kao medija, kao i da obradi teme koje su bitne za sagledavanje fotografskog medija i sve detalje vezane za tumačenje fotografije. Fokus rada je na utvrđivanju pozicije fotografije u društvu, njenom odnosu prema pojedincu i zajednici, od same pojave fotografije sredinom devetnaestog, do njene digitalizacije krajem dvadesetog veka, i njenog sve većeg i rasprostranjenijeg uticaja. Teorijski deo ovog rada se takođe bavi i pojmovima stvarnosti i fikcije u fotografiji, a veliki akcenat je stavljen i na međusobni odnos fotografa, dela i posmatračaSummary The Memento doctoral art project is created in form of a trilogy dealing with determining a position of photography in all stages of its creation, from shooting, through post-production to reception, as well as with closer defining its possibilities and characteristics. Each part of the trilogy is directed towards a specific life-related issue. The first series, entitled Memento, deals with a concept of transience as well as with the human need for eternal youth. In the second series, named Mirror, the focus is oriented towards the human need for self-presentation which is, being conditioned by social norms and standards, often completely false. The third series, named Baggage, combining photography and radiography, tends to reconsider a capacity of photographic image to show the truth, confronting the surface of photographed scene, in the case of photography, with the inner content which is invisible to photography, in the case of a radiographic image. It is important to note that the field of photography is extremely large and complex and it would be difficult to include all of its aspects in a single paper. There are many photographic disciplines, practices and techniques that cannot be covered by a single theory. This paper aims to determine the basic characteristics of photography as a technique, especially as a medium, as well as to examine the topics relevant for understanding the photographic medium and all details related to the interpretation of photography. The focus of this paper was to determine a position of photography in the society, its relationship with an individual and the community as a whole, from the emergence of photography in the mid-19th century to its digitalization in the late-20th century, and its increasing and wide-spread impact as well. The theoretical part of this paper also deals with the concepts of the reality and fiction in photography, with a strong emphasis on the relationship between a photographer, a work and an observer

    Experiences and the quality of life of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of COVID-19 restrictive measures in Serbia

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    Ovaj rad je deo šire kvalitativne studije koja se bavi ispitivanjem iskustva ljudi tokom prvog talasa pandemije u Srbiji kada je uvedeno vanredno stanje i efektima ove situacije na kvalitet života i mentalno stanje specifičnih uzrasnih grupa. U radu su prikazani rezultati intervjua vođenih sa osobama starijim od 65 godina, koje su bile posebno pogođene uvedenim restriktivnim merama, zbog čega su mnogi stariji sugrađani osetili značajan pad kvaliteta života, praćen rizikom za razvoj različitih emocionalnih tegoba. U cilju dubljeg razumevanja njihovih specifičnih iskustava tokom pandemije i uvedenih mera, opredelili smo se za kvalitativnu studiju uzimajući u obzir karakteristike prethodnog životnog konteksta, promene načina života tokom pandemije, njihove emocionalne reakcije i strategije prevladavanja, kao i očekivanja od budućnosti s obzirom na novonastalu situaciju. Intervjuisano je 16 osoba, oba pola (4 muškarca), starosti od 65 do 87 godina (M=71.19 God.), tokom aprila i početkom maja 2020. godine. Transkripti polustrukturisanih intervjua su procesuirani u softveru za kvalitativnu analizu Maxqda i analizirani su uz oslanjanje na principe tematske analize. Opšti zaključak istraživanja je da su se starije osobe iz našeg uzorka bez većih teškoća prilagodile i uspele da održe zadovoljavajuće subjektivno blagostanje uprkos pandemiji i restriktivnim merama, a uz pomoć i podršku neposrednog socijalnog okruženja i u kontekstu zadovoljstva opštim kvalitetom dotadašnjeg života. To je rezultiralo dobrim adaptivnim strategijama i ishodima, čak i u situaciji ugroženih potreba i nezadovoljstva specifičnim aspektima života. Ipak, nalazi istraživanja ukazuju na to da se kod starijih osoba reakcije na pandemiju razlikuju od reakcija na uvedene mere - tolerancija starijih na ugoženost ličnih potreba veća je nego što je tolerancija na ugoženost prava i ličnog dostojanstva. Dok se briga za sopstveno zdravlje znatno manje ispoljila, uvođenje vanrednog stanja i posebno restriktivnih mera za sugrađane starije od 65 godina, doživljeni su znatno teže. Mere izolacije su se odrazile na pojačana negativna osećanja i pad kvaliteta života, ali i na ugroženost ličnog dostojanstva.This paper is part of a broader qualitative study examining the experience of people during the first wave of the pandemic in Serbia when the state of emergency was proclaimed, and the effects of this situation on the quality of life and mental health of specific age groups. The paper presents the results of interviews conducted with people over 65, who were particularly affected by the introduced restrictive measures, due to which many senior citizens felt a significant decline in the quality of life, accompanied by the risk of developing various emotional problems. In order to understand better their specific experiences during the pandemic and the related measures introduced, we conducted a qualitative study taking into account the characteristics of previous life contexts, the changes in daily life and life quality during the pandemic, emotional reactions and coping strategies, as well as their expectations of the future. During April and early May 2020, sixteen people of both sexes (4 male) were interviewed, aged 65 to 87 (M = 71.19 years). The transcripts of the semi-structured interviews were processed in Maxqda qualitative analysis software and analysed by the principle of thematic analysis. The general conclusion is that the elderly from our sample adapted without major difficulties and managed to maintain a satisfactory level of their subjective well-being despite the pandemic and restrictive measures, with the help and support of their immediate social environment and in the context of the former general quality of life. This resulted in good adaptive strategies and outcomes, even in the situation of the restricted need satisfaction. However, the findings of the research indicate that, in the elderly, reactions to the pandemic are different from the reactions to the introduced measures - the tolerance of the elderly to the endangerment of personal needs is greater than the tolerance to the endangerment of personal rights and dignity. While the concern about one's own health was not explicitly expressed, the citizens older than 65 felt more affected by the introduction of the state of emergency and, especially, by the restrictive measures. The introduced measures of isolation resulted in increased negative feelings and a decline in the quality of life, as well as perceiving the threat to one's personal dignity