377 research outputs found

    Energy dependence of transverse mass spectra of kaons produced in p+p and p+pbar interactions.A compilation

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    The data on m_T spectra of K0S K+ and K- mesons produced in all inelastic p+p and p+pbar interactions in the energy range sqrt(s)NN=4.7-1800GeV are compiled and analyzed. The spectra are parameterized by a single exponential function, dN/(m_T*dm_T)=C exp(-m_T/T), and the inverse slope parameter T is the main object of study. The T parameter is found to be similar for K0S, K+ and K- mesons. It increases monotonically with collision energy from T~30MeV at sqrt(s)NN=4.7GeV to T~220MeV at sqrt(s)NN=1800GeV. The T parameter measured in p+p and p+pbar interactions is significantly lower than the corresponding parameter obtained for central Pb+Pb collisions at all studied energies. Also the shape of the energy dependence of TT is different for central Pb+Pb collisions and p+p(pbar) interactions.Comment: more differential analysis adde

    Kaonen-Produktion in C+C und Si+Si Kollisionen bei 40A und 158A GeV

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde die Produktion geladener Kaonen in C+C und Si+Si- Kollisionen bei Strahlenergien von 40A und 158A GeV untersucht, die verwendeten Daten stammen vom CERN Experiment NA49. Die Kaonen wurden über den mittleren Energieverlust in den TPCs identifiziert, was die Messung der Phasenraumverteilung in einem großen Bereich möglich machte. Die Analyse basiert auf der dE/dx Auswertung aller NA49 TPCs (globale Analyse). Es wurde herausgefunden, dass bei den C+C und Si+Si Datensätzen die MTPC dE/dx Information unvollständig auf den DSTs gespeichert wurde. Da die Auflösung bei der Bestimmung des mittleren Energieverlusts beschränkt ist, ist die Teilchenidentifikation nur über statistische Methoden möglich. Im Kapitel 4 wird diese von Marco van Leeuwen mitentwickelte Methode beschrieben. Für die endgültigen Werte der Phasenraumverteilung der Teilchen müssen die identifizierten Kaonen noch auf Effekte korrigiert werden, die durch den Aufbau des Detektors und die verwendete Analysesoftware hervorgerufen werden. Die Korrekturen werden im Kapitel 5.4 beschrieben und angewandt, dies sind unter anderem geometrische Korrekturen, Akzeptanz und Zerfallskorrekturen. Die Ergebnisse bei 158A GeV wurden mit C.Höhnes Ergebnissen verglichen und stimmen im Rahmen der Fehler überein. Zur Übersicht wurden die Daten mit den anderen NA49-Daten zusammengefasst. Dabei ist zu erkennen dass die Verhältnisse / , / , / und / im Bereich zwischen p+p und Si+Si schnell ansteigen und im weiterem Verlauf bis Pb+Pb kaum weiter ansteigen. Im Rahmen des Statistical Model of the Early Stage sind dies Anzeichen für einen Übergang in das Quark-Gluon-Plasma bei 40A GeV in Si+Si Kollisionen. Für eine Bestätigung dieser Vermutung sind jedoch weitere Messungen bei unterschiedlichen Energien und Systemen notwendig

    Strangeness dynamics in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collision

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    We investigate hadron production as well as transverse hadron spectra in nucleus-nucleus collisions from 2 AA\cdotGeV to 21.3 AA\cdotTeV within two independent transport approaches (UrQMD and HSD) that are based on quark, diquark, string and hadronic degrees of freedom. The comparison to experimental data demonstrates that both approaches agree quite well with each other and with the experimental data on hadron production. The enhancement of pion production in central Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions relative to scaled pppp collisions (the 'kink') is well described by both approaches without involving any phase transition. However, the maximum in the K+/π+K^+/\pi^+ ratio at 20 to 30 A\cdotGeV (the 'horn') is missed by \sim 40%. A comparison to the transverse mass spectra from pppp and C+C (or Si+Si) reactions shows the reliability of the transport models for light systems. For central Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions at bombarding energies above \sim 5 A\cdotGeV, however, the measured K±K^{\pm} mTm_{T}-spectra have a larger inverse slope parameter than expected from the calculations. The approximately constant slope of K±K^\pm spectra at SPS (the 'step') is not reproduced either. Thus the pressure generated by hadronic interactions in the transport models above \sim 5 A\cdotGeV is lower than observed in the experimental data. This finding suggests that the additional pressure - as expected from lattice QCD calculations at finite quark chemical potential and temperature - might be generated by strong interactions in the early pre-hadronic/partonic phase of central Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Invited talk presented by H. Stocker at ERICE-2003 (Sep. 2003, Erice, Italy), to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 52 (2004

    System-size and centrality dependence of charged kaon and pion production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40A GeV and158A GeV beam energy

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    Measurements of charged pion and kaon production are presented in centrality selected Pb+Pb collisions at 40A GeV and 158A GeV beam energy as well as in semi-central C+C and Si+Si interactions at 40A GeV. Transverse mass spectra, rapidity spectra and total yields are determined as a function of centrality. The system-size and centrality dependence of relative strangeness production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40A GeV and 158A GeV beam energy are derived from the data presented here and published data for C+C and Si+Si collisions at 158A GeV beam energy. At both energies a steep increase with centrality is observed for small systems followed by a weak rise or even saturation for higher centralities. This behavior is compared to calculations using transport models (UrQMD and HSD), a percolation model and the core-corona approach.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, typo table II correcte

    High p_T Spectra of Identified Particles Produced in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158GeV/nucleon Beam Energy

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    Transverse momentum spectra of pi^{+/-}, p, pbar, K^{+/-}, K^0_s and Lambda at midrapidity were measured at high p_T in Pb+Pb collisions at 158GeV/nucleon beam energy by the NA49 experiment. Particle yield ratios (p/pi, K/pi and Lambda/K^0_s) show an enhancement of the baryon/meson ratio for p_T>2GeV/c. The nuclear modification factor R_{CP} is extracted and compared to RHIC measurements and pQCD calculations.Comment: Quark Matter 2005 parallel section proceeding

    Energy dependence of particle ratio fluctuations in central Pb+Pb collisions from sNN=\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} =~6.3 to 17.3 GeV

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    We present measurements of the energy dependence of event-by-event fluctuations in the K/pi and (p + \bar{p})/pi multiplicity ratios in heavy ion collisions at the CERN SPS. The particle ratio fluctuations were obtained for central Pb+Pb collisions at five collision energies, \sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}, between 6.3 and 17.3 GeV. After accounting for the effects of finite-number statistics and detector resolution, we extract the strength of non-statistical fluctuations at each energy. For the K/pi ratio, larger fluctuations than expected for independent particle production are found at all collision energies. The fluctuations in the (p + \bar{p})/pi ratio are smaller than expectations from independent particle production, indicating correlated pion and proton production from resonance decays. For both ratios, the deviation from purely statistical fluctuations shows an increase towards lower collision energies. The results are compared to transport model calculations, which fail to describe the energy dependence of the K/pi ratio fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, update to published versio

    Bose-Einstein correlations of pion pairs in central Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS energies

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    Measurements of Bose-Einstein correlations of pion pairs in central Pb+Pb collisions were performed with the NA49 detector at the CERN SPS for beam energies of 20A, 30A, 40A, 80A, and 158A GeV. Correlation functions were measured in the longitudinally co-moving ``out-side-long'' reference frame as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum in the forward hemisphere of the reaction. Radius and correlation strength parameters were obtained from fits of a Gaussian parametrization. The results show a decrease of the radius parameters with increasing transverse momentum characteristic of strong radial flow in the pion source. No striking dependence on pion-pair rapidity or beam energy is observed. Static and dynamic properties of the pion source are obtained from simultaneous fits with a blast-wave model to radius parameters and midrapidity transverse momentum spectra. Predictions of hydrodynamic and microscopic models of Pb+Pb collisions are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 23 figure