13 research outputs found


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    The paper deals with the use of the abrasive water flow technology in an accelerated simulation of the process of mechanical degradation of surface layers of cement-based composites by flowing liquids. Effects of the abrasive particle size and the mass flow rate of abrasives in an abrasive water flow impacting on the surface of concrete samples have been studied. In addition, suitability of the application of the abrasive water flow for the simulation of real situation of the surface wear by flowing liquids has been evaluated

    Effects of pulsating water jet on aluminium alloy with variously modified surface

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    Rad se bavi određivanjem učinaka erozije pulsirajućeg vodenog mlaza koji udara na površinu uzoraka od aluminijske legure obrađenih različitim postupcima (grubo i fino glodanje, blanjanje i valjanje). Ispitivao se utjecaj početne topografije površine na završnu topografiju uzorka izloženog pulsirajućem vodenom mlazu. Analizirala se erozija površinskih slojeva u odnosu na brzinu kojom ih mlaz prelazi. Ustanovilo se da početna svojstva površine značajno utječu na završnu topografiju. Stupanj erozije površine određen je mjerenjem površinskog parametra Ra.The paper deals with the topic of the determination of erosion effects of a pulsating water jet impinging the surface of aluminium alloy samples treated by various techniques (rough and fine milling, planing and rolling). The influence of the initial surface topography on the final topography of the sample exposed to the pulsating water jet was investigated. Erosion of surface layers was analysed and discussed in relation to the traversing velocity of the jet. It was found that initial surface properties have a significant impact on the final topography. Degree of the surface erosion was determined by the measurement of the surface parameter Ra

    Effects of continuous and pulsating water jet on CNT/concrete composite

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    This paper presents first results of the study of the resistance of carbon nanotube concrete composite (CNT/concrete composite) to the action of continuous and pulsating water jets. The experiments oriented at the determination of erosion effects of pulsating and continuous water jets impinging the surface of reference (concrete) and CNT/concrete composite samples were performed. Tested samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscope. Samples were exposed to pulsating and continuous water jets at various operating parameters. Erosion effects of pulsating and continuous jets were evaluated in terms of material removal rate. The possible influence of addition of CNTs to the concrete on its resistance to the action of continuous and pulsating water jets is discussed in the paper. The experiments proved that CNT/concrete composite exhibits higher resistance than reference concrete to the action of both pulsating and continuous water jet under the given testing conditions.Web of Science631058958

    Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) titanium tangential turning evaluation

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    The paper deals with abrasive waterjet titanium tangential turning. Titanium grade 3 with a diameter of 55 mm was used as an experimental material. Technological conditions of turning tests were the same by gradually changing value of traverse speed (vf = 1,5; 3; 4,5; 6; 7,5 mm·min-1). Experiment tests were performed by using continuous abrasive waterjet of pressure p = 400MPa, by rotation n = 60 rpm of workpiece. The abrasive particles (Barton Garnet) were fed to the waterjet in the amount of 0,4 kg·min-1. It was determined that acceleration of traverse speed did not increase the surface profile parameters.Web of Science53454053

    Proposal of Data Bank for Prediction of Hydroabrasive Dividing Materials Parameters

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    Import 31/08/2009Diplomová práce se zabývá studiem geometrických parametrů topografie povrchu stěn vytvořených při hydroabrazivním dělení materiálů za účelem návrhu systematické databanky hlavních vstupních a výstupních údajů. Na základě získaných analytických informací z povrchu je odvozena topografická funkce pro následnou predikci vytypovaných technologických parametrů AWJ. V rámci interpretace naměřených hodnot jsou systematicky analyzovány vztahy mezi těmito parametry. Navržený systém vstupních a výstupních veličin databanky by měl zajistit vyhodnocení kvality právě vzniklého povrchu a sloužit tak k optimalizaci technologie hydroabrazivního dělení za účelem zvýšení efektivnosti této technologie a přispět k její automatizaci. Vytvořený návrh aplikace databanky je dokumentován v příloze diplomové práce.This thesis deals with the study of the geometrical parameters of the walls surface topography created by the hydroabrasive dividing materials for the purpose of the proposal the main systematic database of input and output data. On the basis of the obtained analytical information from the surface a topographical function is derived for the subsequent prediction of chosen AWJ technological parameters. In the context of the interpretation of the measured values are systematically analyzed the relationships between these parameters. The proposed system of input and output variables of database should provide an evaluation of the generated surface quality and thus serve to the hydroabrasive dividing technology optimalization in order to increase the effectiveness of this technology and contribute to its automation. The proposed application of database is documented in an attachment of this thesis.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Identification of surface topography of materials created by hydroabrasive jet

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá hodnocením topografie řezných stěn vytvořených pomocí technologie abrazivního vodního paprsku (AWJ – Abrasive Water Jet). V úvodní rešeršní části předkládané práce jsou shrnuty poznatky o technologii hydroabrazivního obrábění získané studiem současného stavu. Dále je věnována pozornost vlivu technologických faktorů na kvalitu povrchu vytvořeného technologií AWJ. Pro hodnocení kvality povrchu je vytvořen návrh databanky. Navržený systém vstupních a výstupních veličin databanky by měl zajistit vyhodnocení kvality právě vzniklého povrchu a sloužit tak k optimalizaci technologie abrazivního vodního paprsku za účelem zvýšení efektivnosti této technologie a přispět k její automatizaci.This paper deals with the evaluation of topography of cutting walls created by Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ) technology. In the initial research part of the submitted work are summarized the knowledge about the technology of hydroabrasive machining obtained by studying the current state. Further attention is paid to the influence of technological factors on surface quality created by AWJ technology. A database design is created to evaluate the surface quality. The proposed input and output system should provide an evaluation of the quality of the surface. This should serve to optimize the abrasive water jet technology in order to increase the efficiency of the technology and contribute to its automation.516 - Institut fyzikyvyhově

    Evaluation of quality of cut surfaces created by abrasive water jet according to swiss standard SN 214001

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    The article focuses on the evaluation of the quality of cut surfaces created by\nan abrasive water jet (AWJ) according to the Swiss standard SN 214001 (2010).\nThe standard presents a quantified description of the texture of the cut. It defines\nnew parameters and methods of parameter measurements used in order to\ncategorize the cut surface in various quality levels Q. They are so far the most\ncommonly applied form of the qualitative description of the quality of the cut\nsurfaces created by the AWJ technology

    Water Jet 2017 - Research, Development, Applications. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Jetting Technology

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    Conference Water Jet 2017 – Research, Development, Applications coincides\nwith major changes in key technologies and economy which recently started to\nincrease pace.\nUpcoming electric mobility will strongly influence production technology in\nthe automotive industry leading probably to declining content of water jetting\nprocesses.\nThe continuing trend for automation will have an extreme impact on water jet\nbusiness. Merging robotic and data control systems with smart water jet tools will\nbe a demanding future task.\nThe need for energy saving remains unchanged and directs scientific focus on\nhigh efficient jetting, cutting and cleaning processes as well as tools. This is\nthe only way to gain substantial savings as efficiency of state of the art pump\nsystems is already on a very high level.\nTraditional technologies are moving towards marine applications. Subsea\nexploration becomes more and more important for basic raw material supply. Both\nmaintenance and decommissioning of vessels and offshore structures is already\na growing domain for special water jetting applications. Aquafarming substantially\ncontributes to supply a constantly growing human population with sea food\nwhereat water jet cleaning helps to keep high quality farming standards.\nAll these changes are linked up with associated HSE requirements. High\nefficiency, safe, ergonomic and reliable equipment as well as water treatment are\nkey factors for future developments.\nA strong scientific and engineering effort is required to meet these current and\nfollowing challenges. Water Jet 2017 Conference is organized by the Department of\nMaterial Disintegration of the Institute of Geonics

    Study of quality of nine aluminium alloys surfaces created using abrasive waterjet

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    The article focuses on the normalized method of measurement and evaluation of a surface texture created using the abrasive waterjet. It detects selected amplitude parameters of a roughness profile providing a form of a quantified description of properties of a surface topography. It studies the change in quality of machined surfaces created by the abrasive waterjet in nine selected materials of aluminium alloys when changing the traverse speed. Studied samples were measured by an optical profilometer MicroProf FRT and further analyzed with the SPIP software