29 research outputs found

    The Issue of Knowledge of Students about Additional Professional Education Programs

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    В статье рассматриваются основные результаты социологического исследования студентов четвертого курса очного бакалавариата в декабре 2020 г. (n = 199). Одной из задач опроса было выявление информированности студентов о программах дополнительного профессионального образования (ДПО). Большинство учащихся осведомлены о наличии программ, но 21 % не проинформированы о существовании программ. 26 % опрошенных студентов заявили о необходимости в дополнительных программах обучения. В качестве главного фактора мотивации при выборе программы ДПО с большим отрывом лидирует адекватная (невысокая) стоимость. Также значимыми факторами мотивации выступают льготы при поступлении в магистратуру и перезачет пройденных курсов в качестве дисциплин в магистратуре.The article examines the main results of a sociological study of fourth-year full-time undergraduate students in December 2020 (n = 199). One of the objectives of the survey was to identify the awareness of students about programs of additional professional education (APE). Most of the students are aware of the existence of programs, but 21 % are not informed about the existence of the programs. 26 % of the surveyed students stated the need for additional training programs. Adequate (low) cost leads by a wide margin as the main motivating factor in choosing an APE program. In addition, significant factors of motivation are the benefits for admission to the master programs and the transfer of completed courses as disciplines in the master programs

    Легитимность полиции

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    The subject of the article is assessment of public confidence in the police and the legality of its activities by the opinion of the Russian population. The purpose of the research is to identify the reasons that affect the assessment of the police legitimacy, its perception by the population. The authors also dare to identify the role of "problem areas" of police activity (related to different violations of the law) in people assessment.The methodology of the research includes: sociological survey among Russians, comparative criminological, statistical, hermeneutic methods, expert assessments.The main result, scope of applications. The central link of the police legitimacy is public trust, recognition, leading to the cooperation between the people and the authorities. Legitimacy assessments are formed based on the study of public opinion – the official monitoring procedure. The website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs provides information on the results of monitoring public opinion about the activities of the police, but an analysis of its content allows us to note its superficiality and unconvincing optimism. This is obviously affected by the shortcomings of the departmental legal regulation of the process of monitoring public opinion about the activities of the police, which, judging by the questionnaire questions (there are only three of them), is rather imitative in nature. We believe that the official monitoring of public opinion on the activities of the police, at a minimum, should be supplemented by the results of independent sociological studies aimed at establishing "problem areas" of police activity related to violations of the law, violence, ill-treatment, provocations, inducing someone, directly or indirectly, to commit illegal actions, other official abuses. Otherwise, the regulatory requirements for the activities of the police, which establish the foundations of its legitimacy, cannot be fully implemented. The survey of 362 citizens conducted by the authors allows to state that, with a fairly high assessment of the activities of the Russian police, respondents pay attention to the existence of such problems as: the lack of transparency of police activities and the presence of formal and informal means of evading the legality of police activity, the tolerance of justice authorities to police lawlessness, intoxication with power by police officers, the impact of police brutality on social and legal despair, violation of the law in the name of achieving its falsely understood goals. The extreme case of perverted official zeal is the execution of illegal orders. There are quite widespread ideas in public opinion that entrepreneurs often become victims of extortion by the police, that the police take bribes from medium and small businesses, that you can buy off police officers. At the same time, the results of the study indicate that a significant part of the population is determined to cooperate with the police.Conclusions. The public demand for the police is relevant, the honor and main meaning of which is to protect the interests of all people and serve justice. People need such policemen who will demonstrate not strength and power, but simple human complicity. This is the main secret of the legitimacy of the police. Another secret lies in the orientation of personnel policy towards professionals in the police: their selection, training and support in difficult situations.Выявляются критерии легитимности полиции и причины ее делегитимации. Отмечается, что центральным звеном легитимности полиции выступает общественное доверие, признание, ведущее к сотрудничеству народа и власти. Оценки легитимности формируются на основе изучения общественного мнения – официальной процедуры мониторинга. Такое изучение в принципе должно устанавливать «проблемные зоны» деятельности полиции, имеющие отношение к нарушениям законности, насилию, жестокому обращению, провокациям, побуждению в прямой или косвенной форме кого-либо к совершению противоправных действий, иным должностным злоупотреблениям. Делается вывод, что официальный мониторинг общественного мнения о деятельности полиции, как минимум, должен дополняться результатами независимых правовых и социологических исследований, нацеленных на установление этих «проблемных зон»

    The paternalism as the ideology of the interaction of a physician and a patient in the system of the rural health care

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    В работе рассмотрены особенности взаимодействия врачей и пациентов в системе сельского здравоохранения. Опираясь на результаты опроса пациентов и медицинского персонала в статье указывается, что взаимодействие строится на идеологических основах патернализма, который воспроизводится медицинским персоналом, а пациенты стремятся к коллегиальной модели взаимодействия.The paper discusses the features of the interaction of a physician and patient in the system of the rural public health. Based on the results of the research of patients and the medical staff in the article indicates that the interaction is founded on the paternalistic ideology that is reproduced by the medical personnel but patients tend to the Collegial model of the interaction


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    The subject. The central element in combating corruption is punitive practice. The whole history of mankind testifies that corruption can be restrained only by effective application of criminal punishment.The purpose of the article is to show the practice of assigning criminal punishment for cor-ruption crimes of various kinds.The description of methodology. The authors use the conception criminally-legal response. The following characteristics of the criminal-legal response are distinguished: lack of response; very weak response – the number of convicts does not exceed 10; weak response – the num-ber of convicts is calculated within a few dozen people; adequate response – the number of convicts and penalties correspond to the criminological characteristics of a group of crimes; intensive reaction – the norm is realized in conditions of the possibility of ensuring the inevi-tability of punishment; punitive response – the norm is applied on the basis of the "letter, not the spirit" of the law; reflexive response – the appointment of punishment to privileged crim-inals in conditions of increased public attention; protest reaction – judicial practice comes into conflict with ill-conceived legislative novels.The main results and scope of their application. The practice of imposing punishment for corruption crimes in the following spheres is ana-lyzed: electoral; public service; commercial-service relations; of justice.Conclusions. Punitive practice in relation to persons convicted of corruption crimes in gen-eral is characterized by exceptional humanism. As the main penalties the penalty is leading (50.1%), in the second place – suspended imprisonment (24.1%). Real deprivation of liberty applies only to the seventh part of corrupt officials (14.7%). For comparison: according to art. 158 "Theft" in 2016 was sentenced to imprisonment twice as many criminals – 30,3%. This ratio indicates an underestimation of the public danger of corruption crime and actu-ally disavows the proclaimed thesis that corruption is a systemic threat to national security.Рассматривается наказуемость в ее практическом измерении как центральная часть борьбы с коррупцией. Для ее эффективного исследования предлагается использова-ние оригинальной концепции уголовно-правового реагирования. На основании ана-лиза судебной статистики делается вывод о неудовлетворительном состоянии уго-ловно-правового реагирования на коррупционные преступления по многим параметрам


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    The subject. The central element in combating corruption is punitive practice. The whole history of mankind testifies that corruption can be restrained only by effective application of criminal punishment.The purpose of the article is to show the practice of assigning criminal punishment for cor-ruption crimes of various kinds.The description of methodology. The authors use the conception criminally-legal response. The following characteristics of the criminal-legal response are distinguished: lack of response; very weak response – the number of convicts does not exceed 10; weak response – the num-ber of convicts is calculated within a few dozen people; adequate response – the number of convicts and penalties correspond to the criminological characteristics of a group of crimes; intensive reaction – the norm is realized in conditions of the possibility of ensuring the inevi-tability of punishment; punitive response – the norm is applied on the basis of the "letter, not the spirit" of the law; reflexive response – the appointment of punishment to privileged crim-inals in conditions of increased public attention; protest reaction – judicial practice comes into conflict with ill-conceived legislative novels.The main results and scope of their application. The practice of imposing punishment for corruption crimes in the following spheres is ana-lyzed: electoral; public service; commercial-service relations; of justice.Conclusions. Punitive practice in relation to persons convicted of corruption crimes in gen-eral is characterized by exceptional humanism. As the main penalties the penalty is leading (50.1%), in the second place – suspended imprisonment (24.1%). Real deprivation of liberty applies only to the seventh part of corrupt officials (14.7%). For comparison: according to art. 158 "Theft" in 2016 was sentenced to imprisonment twice as many criminals – 30,3%. This ratio indicates an underestimation of the public danger of corruption crime and actu-ally disavows the proclaimed thesis that corruption is a systemic threat to national security

    Risks in Rural Health Care: Doctor's Opinion

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    В статье рассматриваются мнения медицинского персонала в сельском здравоохранении России о рисках и проблемах. Представлен на основе эмпирических данных анализ основных рисков и проблемных зон функционирования сельского здравоохранения.The article is about risks and problems from opinions of medical staff in Russian rural health care. The paper is shown analysis of the main risks and problem areas of rural health care functioning

    The Interaction of Health Workers and Patients in the System of Rural Healthcare

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    Problems of the Russian rural healthcare are considered in the master’s dissertation in light of the conducted reforms and transformations for the relationship health workers and patients. The dissertation presents the modern approach of the system of rural healthcare, which identified the several subsystems: interaction of the social communalities, medical service, medical institutions, management of the healthcare, norms and sanctions. Dissertation’s author described the results of the survey conducted in the villages of Dalmatovo district of Kurgan region. The study is based on the methodology of American philosopher R. Veatch, who classified the relations of health workers and patients on the four models: engineering, paternalistic, collegial and contract. The research identified the problems and contradictions in the system of rural healthcare. The dissertation can be used as a textbook for a university’s students training on the course and specialty “Sociology”. It’s interest for graduate students, university’s teachers, academics of the field of social sciences and humanities.В магистерской диссертации рассматриваются проблемы сельского здравоохранения России в свете проводившихся реформ и преобразований на предмет взаимоотношений медицинских работников и пациентов. Представлена современная трактовка системы сельского здравоохранения, в которой выделено несколько подсистем: взаимодействия социальных общностей, медицинского обслуживания, медицинских учреждений, управления в сфере здравоохранения, норм и санкций. Автор диссертации описал результаты социологического исследования, проводившегося в селах Далматовского района Курганской области. Исследование методологически основано на концепции американского философа Р. Витча, который классифицирует взаимоотношения медицинских работников и пациентов на четыре модели: инженерная, патерналистская, коллегиальная, контрактная. В ходе исследования были выявлены проблемы и противоречия, возникшие в системе сельского здравоохранения. Магистерская диссертация может быть использована в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению и специальности «Социология». Она представляет интерес для аспирантов, преподавателей, ученых в области социально-гуманитарных наук

    Strategy of Development of the Economic University: Opinion of USUE’ Workers

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    In the article, based on the analysis of the empirical study, the problems of the strategy of development of an economic university in Yekaterinburg of Sverdlovsk region are considered. The main components of the strategy of development of the university are considered, which were accepted by the university leadership into armament. An analysis is given of the opinion of professors and employees of the economic university on these and other components of the strategy of development of university.В статье на основе анализа эмпирического исследования рассматриваются проблемы стратегии развития экономического университета в городе Екатеринбурге Свердловской области. Рассматриваются основные составляющие стратегии развития вуза, которые были приняты руководством университета на вооружение. Дается анализ мнения преподавателей и сотрудников экономического университета по тем и иным компонентам стратегии развития высшего учебного заведения

    The Need for the Retina’s Surface “Drying” during Macular Hole Surgery

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    Purpose: to determine the relevance of retina’s surface “drying” during vitrectomy at the stage of exchange of infusion solution for air based on an experimental study and calculation of the geometric dimensions of a drop of moisture formed in the macular region.Patients and Methods. There were 10 patients (10 eyes), who had a vitrectomy for a macular tear with air injection in one eye. Their age was from 50 to 78 (64.0 ± 3.1), the size of the macular tear 250–631 (431.6 ± 44.3) mkm. After 27G subtotal vitrectomy intake of fluid formed after fluid-air exchange was performed and its volume was measured in equal time intervals 3 times. The next step is to determine the shape of a drop of intraocular fluid (IOF) that forms on the surface of the retina during BSS exchange. For example, in the cadaveric eye, the wetting of the retinal surface was studied with the volume of liquid that was obtained during the operation, and its edge wetting angle was measured. Given the fact that INFLOW during surgery formed from two sources: the result of the production of the ciliary body (CB) (2,5–4,0 μl/min) and dehydration of the vitreous body (VB) due to the pressure of the air supplied in the vitreal cavity was calculated drop diameter INFLOW first, when the product of TST and dehydration VB (CB + VB); second, only if the production CT. This made it possible to understand how a drop of HGH formed during the operation will be projected onto the surface of the macula. Results. Volume of intraocular fluid taken during surgery was 60–80 microliters (68.1 ± 2.8) for 3 minutes, or 22.7 microliters per minute. Rate of fluid formation decreased by 18–25 % for 9 minutes. Contact angle of wetting made 14.5°. Drop diameter calculated for ciliary body secretion and vitreous remnants dehydration equals 17.98 mm. Drop diameter calculated for ciliary body secretion alone equals 2.6 mm. Conclusions. “Drying” of the retina during macular hole surgery is impractical as intraocular fluid is constantly formed on the retina surface. Its volume is sufficient to cause opening of the hole. Refusal from this manipulation would not influence anatomic efficacy of the operation and would reduce surgical trauma