26 research outputs found

    Influence of the Mechanical Boundary Conditions on Dynamic and Static Properties of the Ferromagnetic with Competing Anisotropies

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    The phase transitions on the material constants are investigated for the semi-infinite ferromagnetic with the mechanical boundary conditions and competing inclined single-axis and easy-plane anisotropies. The phase state soft he system and the dispersion laws of coupled magnetoelastic waves are determined. Analysis of the spectra of elementary excitations has allowed to plot the phase diagram of the system. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3534

    The Tendencies of Individualization of the Modern Social Conflict

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    У статті проаналізовані тенденції соціальної індивідуалізації та індивідуалізації сучасного соціального конфлікту через призму концепцій Р. Дарендорфа, У. Бека, А. Турен. Дані концепції об’єднані в два концепти, що по-різному вибудовують інтерпретаційну схему тенденцій соціальної індивідуалізації та індивідуалізації сучасного соціального конфлікту.The article analyzes social trends of individualization and personalization of contemporary social conflict through the prism of concepts R. Dahrendorf, U. Beck, A. Turen. These concepts combined in two concepts that are developing differently interpretatsionnye scheme of social trends of individualization and personalization of contemporary social conflict

    Postnonclassical of Understanding Modern Social Conflict

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    У статті проаналізовано методологічні аспекти використання принципів постнекласичної раціональності в концепціях осмислення сучасного соціального конфлікту. Визначені три групи концепцій – концепції терціаризованого та складноорганізованого конфлікту, суб’єктивно-діяльнісний підхід, синергетичний підхід, де здійснено аналіз методологічних особливостей використання принципів постнекласичної раціональності в осмисленні сучасного соціального конфлікту.The article is devoted to methodological aspects of using the principles of Postnonclassical rationality in the concepts of understanding modern social conflict. The author defined three groups of concepts, among them concept of three personalized and difficult organized conflict, subjective and activity approach, synergistic approach. These approaches represent analysis of methodological features of using principles of Postnonclassical rationality in understanding modern social conflict

    Eco-efficiency of passive solar heating

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    The article presents calculations of the energy efficiency of direct solar heating and sunspace, located on the building facades of various orientations, in the climatic conditions of the southern coast of Crimea. The share of compensation for heat losses due to passive solar heating has been determined. The calculation of the environmental effect of passive solar heating systems has been done

    Modelling of periodic heterostructures based on tin and phosphorus chalcogenides

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    In terms of tight-binding approximation and pseudopotential theory the following energy parameters for binary tin and phosphorus chalcogenides: band gap, electron affinity energy and energy position of Fermi level have been calculated. The effect of spin-orbit interaction, chemical bond polarity, d-states, and the intra-atomic Coulomb repulsion energy on the energy band parameters has been analyzed. Energy band diagrams for binary tin and phosphorus chalcogenides, as well as for periodic SnSe–PSe heterostructures dependent on the way of Fermi level determination have been given

    Charge-density correlations in pressurized liquid lithium calculated using ab initio molecular dynamics

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    Static and dynamic autocorrelations of charge density, composed of positive point ions and instantaneous distribution of electron density, are studied in liquid Li in a pressure range from ambient to 186 GPa using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown analytically that the long-wavelength limit of the charge-charge static structure factor SQQ(k) of liquid metals is proportional to k4. Time-dependent charge-charge correlations in liquid Li at low pressures show identical relaxation as the density-density time correlation functions, in complete agreement with the linear response theory, whereas at extreme pressures we observed different relaxation of the charge and density autocorrelations. The static and dynamic properties of a part of electron density, that corresponds to the nonspherical distribution around ions, are discussed. © 2014 American Physical Society

    Charge-density correlations in pressurized liquid lithium calculated using ab initio molecular dynamics

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    Static and dynamic autocorrelations of charge density, composed of positive point ions and instantaneous distribution of electron density, are studied in liquid Li in a pressure range from ambient to 186 GPa using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown analytically that the long-wavelength limit of the charge-charge static structure factor S-QQ(k) of liquid metals is proportional to k(4). Time-dependent charge-charge correlations in liquid Li at low pressures show identical relaxation as the density-density time correlation functions, in complete agreement with the linear response theory, whereas at extreme pressures we observed different relaxation of the charge and density autocorrelations. The static and dynamic properties of a part of electron density, that corresponds to the nonspherical distribution around ions, are discussed

    The neutron generator

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    Предложено устройство для создания нейтральных частиц, использующее электрический разряд в жидкости.Запропоновано пристрій для створення нейтральних часток, що використовує електричний розряд у рідині.The device for creation of the neutral particles, using the electric category in a liquid is offered