305 research outputs found

    Mistica del Paradiso al limite del non rappresentabile. Par. XXX : word-painting dantesco e disegno Botticelliano - Analisi di un intercambio mediale

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    Questo saggio si dedica al problema dell'intercambio mediale fra il word-painting dantesco e il disegno botticelliano. Sulla base di un minuzioso paragone del Canto XXX del Paradiso con il disegno botticelliano che lo illustra possiamo formulare primi approcci per un sistema di corrispondenze sviluppato da Botticelli per la sua trasposizione figurativa del testo poetico. L'analisi dei dettagli e degli arrangiamenti delle forme rappresentate rivela una sensibile compenetrazione di Botticelli nel mondo spiritual-religioso del Canto e nella sua poetica. Basandosi su dettagliate indicazioni contenute nel testo, l'artista traspone figurativamente con grande esattezza l'intenzione di un intero brano del Canto XXX (la prima visione: fiume di luce e «mirabil primavera», v. 61-78). Ciò facendo, egli sposta la metaforicità sovrannaturale dei versi danteschi attraverso una deviazione. Tale differenza intermediale viene realizzata attraverso la concretizzazione dell'espressione simbolica «faville vive» che Botticelli trasforma in angeli, in angeli avvolti in faville e nelle raggiere. L'ermetica del testo dantesco appare in questo caso trasposta nella ambivalenza tipica del 'quadro con segreto' o vexierbild consistente qui in un labirinto di forme che sortisce un effetto di mistero. La mistica del Paradiso, per la cui simbologia in Dante svolgono un ruolo straordinario le gemme con la loro metafisica della luce in Botticelli, che trasforma le gemme in creature angeliche, non viene rappresentata con la stessa sublimità del testo dantesco. Sebbene il pittore, maneggiando con virtuosismo la matita, sappia esprimere una preziosità nelle sue forme, questa forma di rappresentazione non è sufficiente a rendere la preziosità nel doppio senso in cui in Dante viene prodotta attraverso le gemme, la quale è da descrivere tanto allegoricamente quanto retoricamente. Tuttavia, grazie alla sottile ricezione della poesia dantesca e nonostante alcune differenze, il disegno botticelliano per il Canto XXX del Paradiso offre una trasposizione ben riuscita di una dimensione mistica della visione interiorizzata della trascendenza.This article addresses the problem of the medial shift between Dante's word paintings and Botticelli's drawings. A detailed comparison of Par. XXX with Botticelli's drawing for this canto is the basis for a first approach to a system of correspondences which Botticelli created for his pictorial transposition of the poetic text. The analysis of the details and arrangements of the depicted shapes reveals the degree of sensitiveness with which Botticelli delves into the religious and spiritual world of the canto as well as into its poetics. The artist transposes the intention of a whole section of Par. XXX (the first vision: flow of light and "mirabil primavera", v. 67-78) by referring closely to textual details. In the course of this, he displaces the supernatural imagery of the Dantean verses by means of an arbitrary divergence. This intermedial difference arises from putting the symbolic expression of "faville vive" (= living sparks), which Botticelli permutes into angels - angels with cloaks covered in flames and angels with halos - into form. Here, the hermeticism of Dante's text appears transposed into the ambigram of a seemingly mysterious labyrinth of shapes. In Dante's work, gemstones and their metaphysics of light play a prominent role in the symbolization of the mysticism of paradise. In Botticelli's permutation of the gemstones into angelic figures, this mysticism does not reflect the Dantean majesty. Although Botticelli is able to express a certain preciosity in his shapes by his masterly handling of his pencil, this presentation does not completely equal Dante's preciosity, which is created in a two-fold way by the gemstones and can be described both allegorically as well as rhetorically. Nevertheless and despite several differences, owing to the subtle reception of the Dantean poetics, Botticelli's drawing for Canto XXX of Paradiso presents an exceedingly well realized transposition of the mystic dimension of an internalized view of transcendence

    Attitudes regarding the perceived culpability of adolescent and adult victims of sexual assault

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    Microscopic Theory of Terahertz Spectroscopy on Semiconductor Nanostructures

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    In this Thesis, studies with optical and terahertz light on semiconductor quantum wells are presented. Experiments are analyzed by means of a microscopic theory. A short introduction in chapter 1 is followed by the theoretical basis in chapter 2. After, two kinds of experiments are shown: Chapter 3 is devoted to terahertz spectroscopy on bare quantum wells. In chapter 4, the optical light couples in addition to a micro cavity. Both topics are of fundamental interest due to the similarity of excitons with atomic systems. A basic effect connecting both topics is the AC Stark effect: It describes the splitting of spectral lines due to the presence of an electric field. For atomic systems, this is called Rabi splitting. Chapter 3 describes experiments with terahertz-induced Rabi splitting. In chapter 4, terahertz spectroscopy on exciton-polaritons is described. These appear due to the coupling of the quantum wells to a micro cavity: The 1s-exciton resonance splits into lower and higher exciton-polaritons. Concluding remarks and a short outlook are given in chapter 5

    Medical evidence in child sexual assault cases

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    Purpose &ndash; Previous studies suggest that the presence of medical evidence is rare in child sexual assault (CSA) cases, and if present at all, such evidence is unlikely to identify a specific assailant. This study aims to examine the role medical evidence plays in criminal cases of CSA. Specifically, the prevalence of medical evidence in CSA cases, its impact on decisions to prosecute CSA cases, as well as its effect on conviction rates are examined. Design/methodology/approach &ndash; A systematic literature review was conducted on the impact of medical evidence in criminal child sexual abuse (CSA) cases. Findings &ndash; The results of the review suggest medical evidence increases the likelihood of prosecution; however the impact of medical evidence on conviction rate is equivocal. Research limitations/implications &ndash; The implications of these findings for legal and psychological practice, government policy and future areas for academic research are discussed. Originality/value &ndash; To the authors\u27 knowledge, no other review has systematically examined the role of medical evidence on the prosecution and conviction of CSA cases.<br /

    Simulated jury decision making in online focus groups

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    Purpose &ndash; A significant issue in jury research has been the use of individual jurors to analyse jury decision-making. This paper aimed to examine the applicability of computer-mediated communication to a mock jury deliberation study.Design/methodology/approach &ndash; Groups of three to five Australian residents anonymously attended a secure chat room and participated in a semi-structured discussion about a simulated child sexual assault scenario. Deliberation transcripts were analysed thematically using NVivo. A hermeneutic framework was used to analyse the deliberation transcripts.Findings &ndash; Five interrelated themes were revealed, each reflecting the tools online juries used to communicate, create meaning, and arrive at a verdict. Electronic jury deliberation promoted an understanding of how people make sense of child sexual assault cases in Australia today.Originality/value &ndash; This study advanced the understanding of online decision making in a child sexual assault scenario. It demonstrated that knowledge of how juries deliberate and create meaning could improve our understanding of how verdicts are achieved. Electronic mock juries are a valuable adjunct to traditional jury deliberation studies because they are cost effective, time efficient, and offer wider recruitment opportunities

    Modellierung, Bewertung und Evolution von XML-Dokumentkollektionen

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden zum Entwurf und zur Evolution von XML-Schemata vorgestellt. XML-Anwendungen sind zu komplex, um direkt mit einer Schemasprache entworfen zu werden, Entwurfsverfahren für XML sind deshalb notwendig. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dazu ein konzeptionelles Modell und eine Entwurfsmethodik entwickelt, aus dem konzeptionellen Modell können XML-Schemata erzeugt werden, das Reverse-Engineering ist ebenfalls möglich. Das Modell realisiert eine modulbasierte Herangehensweise beim Entwurf, dadurch kann eine komplexe Anwendung unterteilt werden, die Wiederverwendung vorhandener Komponenten wird ebenfalls unterstützt. XML-Dokumentkollektionen müssen wie alle Arten von Software gewartet werden, ein Update der Daten und Inhalte reicht dabei nicht aus, auch Schemaänderungen müssen möglich sein. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie XML-Schemata weiterentwickelt werden können und welche Anpassungen erfolgen müssen, damit die Gültigkeit der dem Schema zugeordneten XML-Dokumente gewährleistet bleibt. Es ist möglich, die Schemaevolution durch Entwurfsschritte auf dem konzeptionellen Modell zu beschreiben, wie das erfolgt und welche Teil\-aufgaben dabei realisiert werden, wird in der Arbeit vorgestellt. Ein Vergleich über verschiedene Evolutionsverfahren wird in dieser Arbeit ebenfalls gegeben. Große Anteile der Arbeit wurden in einem Werkzeug CoDEX (Conceptual Design and Evolution of XML schemas) implementiert, dadurch wird eine durchgängige Unterstützung von Design und Redesign von XML-Anwendungen erreicht