627 research outputs found

    Optimization of Forged High Pressure Elements of Fuel Accumulator of Common Rail System

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je optimalizace kovaných vysokotlakých elementů zásobní-ku paliva systému Common Rail. Cílem je zhodnocení současného stavu a návrh konstrukce jednotlivých vysokotlakých elementů v CAD systému. U všech konstrukčních řešení je pro-vedena deformačně-napjatostní analýza v MKP systému Abaqus/CAE a v únavovém postpro-cesoru FEMFAT. Na základě těchto analýz je proveden návrh vlastních optimalizovaných konstrukčních řešení.The subject of this thesis is the optimization of forged high pressure elements of fuel accumu-lator of Common Rail System. The aim of this work is to assess the current state and design the individual high pressure elements in the CAD system. There is implemented strain and stress analysis in the FEM system Abaqus/CAE and in fatigue postprocessor FEMFAT for all designs. On the basis of this analysis are proposed optimized design solutions.

    SNAI transcription factors mediate epithelial--mesenchymal transition in lung fibrosis

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    Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal interstitial lung disease characterised by accumulation of activated (myo)fibroblasts and excessive extracellular matrix deposition. The enhanced accumulation of (myo)fibroblasts may be attributed, in part, to the process of transforming growth factor \textgreekb1 (TGF\textgreekb1)-induced epithelial--mesenchymal transition (EMT), the phenotypic switching of epithelial to fibroblast-like cells. Although alveolar epithelial type II (ATII) cells have been shown to undergo EMT, the precise mediators and mechanisms remain to be resolved. The objective of this study is to investigate the role of SNAI transcription factors in the process of EMT and in IPF.Methods: Using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, western blotting, as well as gain- and loss-of-function studies and functional assays, the role of SNAI1 and SNAI2 in TGF\textgreekb1-induced EMT in ATII cells in vitro was assessed; and the expression of SNAI transcription factors was analysed in experimental and human IPF in vivo.Results: TGF\textgreekb1 treatment increased the expression and nuclear accumulation of SNAI1 and SNAI2, in concert with induction of EMT in ATII cells. SNAI overexpression was sufficient to induce EMT, and small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated SNAI depletion attenuated TGF\textgreekb1-induced ATII cell migration and EMT. SNAI expression was elevated in experimental and human IPF and localised to hyperplastic ATII cells in vivo.Conclusions: The results demonstrate that TGF\textgreekb1-induced EMT in ATII cells is essentially controlled by the expression and nuclear translocation of SNAI transcription factors. Increased SNAI1 and SNAI2 expression in experimental and human IPF in vivo suggests that SNAI-mediated EMT may contribute to the fibroblast pool in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

    Inverse T incision provides improved accessibility to the upper mediastinum

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    Transplantacija pluća u Hrvatskoj

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    Lung transplantation was first performed in 1963, but the real increase in performed transplantations occurred in the last twenty years. Leading indications for lung transplantation are: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and sarcoidosis. Careful selection of donors is extremely important for prognosis after transplantation. Physicians should consider lung transplantation as a therapeutic option and follow the guidelines on the indications for transplantation so patients could be sent on time to a referral center for all the necessary examinations and preparation for recruiting to the waiting list. Department for Lung Diseases Jordanovac, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, is a referral center for lung transplantation in Croatia. The Department is performing processing and preparing patients for transplantation as well as follow them during post-transplantation period.Transplantacija pluća prvi puta je učinjena 1963. godine, no pravi uzlet doživjela je tek unazad dvadeset godina. Vodeće indikacije za transplantaciju pluća su: kronična opstruktivna plućna bolest, idiopatska plućna fibroza, cistična fibroza, plućna arterijska hipertenzija te sarkoidoza. Pažljiv odabir donora iznimno je važan za prognozu i ishod postupka. Liječnici bi trebali razmišljati o transplantaciji pluća kao terapijskoj opciji te pratiti smjernice o indikacijama za transplantaciju kako bi bolesnike na vrijeme uputili u referalni centar radi pripreme i obrade. Klinika za plućne bolesti Jordanovac, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb, referalni je centar za transplantaciju pluća u Hrvatskoj. U Klinici se provodi obrada i priprema bolesnika za transplantaciju te posttransplantacijsko liječenje i praćenje

    Cold in combat sports with a focus on Muay Thai

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    Title: Cold in combat sports with a focus on Muay Thai Objectives: Based on a review of the scientific literature, determine the effect of cold on markers of muscle damage (CK and LDH) and physical performance, in combat sports training, with a focus on Thai boxing. Methods: The presented study is processed in the form of systematic research. Scientific databases Scopus, PubMed, SportDISCUS and Web of Science were used to search for studies. Using appropriately chosen keywords, a search script was created that retrieved a total of 61 studies. Subsequently, an analysis of the studies searched by the script and their selection using the established criteria was carried out. A total of 9 studies were selected, which were used to fulfill the objective of the study. Results: The results of the influence of a cold environment on the level of CK in the blood have not been clearly determined. More clear results were obtained by comparing the values of the LDH level in the blood, presented by selected studies. In most studies, there was a reduction in LDH blood levels after the intervention and none of them had negative effects. A decrease in performance was found immediately after the intervention, with a recovery to baseline values after 24 h. Greater consistency in the performance of the CWI group than...Název: Chlad v bojových sportech se zaměřením na thajský box Cíle: Na základě rešerše odborné literatury zjistit vliv chladu na markery svalového poškození (CK a LDH) a fyzickou výkonnost, v tréninku bojových sportů, se zaměřením na thajský box. Metody: Práce je zpracována formou systematické rešerše. Pro vyhledávání studií byly použity vědecké databáze Scopus, PubMed, SportDISCUS a Web of Science. Pomocí vhodně zvolených klíčových slov byl vytvořen vyhledávací skript, který vyhledal celkem 61 studií. Následně byla provedena analýza skriptem vyhledaných studií a jejich výběr pomocí stanovených kritérií. Celkem bylo vybráno 9 studií, které byly použity pro splnění cíle práce. Výsledky: Výsledky vlivu chladného prostředí na hladinu CK v krvi nebyly jednoznačně stanoveny. K jednoznačnějším výsledkům došlo při porovnávání hodnot hladiny LDH v krvi, prezentovaných vybranými studiemi. Ve většině studií došlo ke snížení hladiny LDH v krvi po aplikování intervence a v žádné z nich nedošlo k negativním účinkům. Byl zjištěn pokles výkonnosti bezprostředně po aplikování intervence, s obnovením k výchozím hodnotám po uplynutí 24 hod. Byla rovněž zaznamenána větší konzistentnost ve výkonu skupiny s aplikací CWI než skupiny kontrolní. Chlad můžeme využít jako prostředek pro rychlé zotavení mezi jednotlivými...Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařstvíFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension and Antiphospholipid Syndrome with Immune Thrombocytopenia : A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disorder characterized by a hypercoagulable state associated with circulating antiphospholipid antibodies. The presence of antiphospholipid antibodies can result in a variety of clinical symptoms, such as thrombocytopenia, stillbirth, endocardial pathologies, and recurrent pulmonary embolism. CASE REPORT We present the case of a 23-year-old man with antiphospholipid syndrome and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension who developed severe thrombocytopenia. The patient died from right heart failure before the thrombocytopenia could be managed, preventing performance of a pulmonary endarterectomy procedure. CONCLUSIONS Managing platelet counts in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome prior to major surgery is very problematic, and requires similar treatment strategy as in patients with immune thrombocytic thrombocytopenia. Platelet transfusions may further decrease platelet count, as it can trigger formation of new antibodies.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Human RELMβ is a mitogenic factor in lung cells and induced in hypoxia

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    AbstractRELMβ (resistin-like molecule) represents the most related human homologue of mouse RELMα, also known as hypoxic-induced mitogenic factor (HIMF). In this study, we isolated RELMβ cDNA from human lung tissue and performed regulatory and functional expression studies. RELMβ mRNA was upregulated in hypoxia in human lung A549 cell line as well as primary cultured adventitial fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells (SMC) of pulmonary arteries. Upon transfection of a RELMβ encoding expression plasmid into these cells, we observed significant induction of proliferation particularly in SMC and A549 cells, which could be blocked by phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors LY294002 and wortmannin. The results suggest that human RELMβ may contribute to hypoxic-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling processes or hypoxia related fibrotic lung disease

    Targeting receptor tyrosine kinases in malignant pleural mesothelioma: Focus on FGF-receptors

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) constitute a subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases. Four different receptors, FGFR1-4, bind 18 different fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and signal mainly along the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) and the phospholipase c gamma (PLC?) pathway. Physiologically, they are major regulators of embryonic development and metabolism. Deregulation of FGFR signals is increasingly recognized to play important roles in malignant diseases and may constitute a feasible therapeutic target. We recently investigated their role in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), an aggressive malignancy mainly caused by asbestos exposure and with currently limited therapeutic options. We demonstrated high expression of several FGFs/FGFRs, especially FGFR1, FGF2 and FGF18 in cultured tumor cells and tissue specimens and identified FGFR-mediated signals as major driver of MPM cell growth, survival and migration. FGFR blockade by a tyrosine kinase inhibitor or by a dominant-negative receptor construct resulted in reduced MPM growth in vitro and in vivo and, furthermore, enhanced the efficacy of chemo- or radiotherapy. Several other receptor tyrosine kinases, including EGFR, MET and AXL were found to be overexpressed in MPM but translation into clinically successful therapeutic approaches has not yet been achieved. Inhibition of FGF-receptors may have the advantage of targeting both the tumor cells as well as the tumor vasculature and should be further evaluated