18 research outputs found

    Excitonic structure and pumping power dependent emission blue-shift of type-II quantum dots

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    In this work we study theoretically and experimentally the multi-particle structure of the so-called type-II quantum dots with spatially separated electrons and holes. Our calculations based on customarily developed full configuration interaction approach reveal that exciton complexes containing holes interacting with two or more electrons exhibit fairly large antibinding energies. This effect is found to be the hallmark of the type-II confinement. In addition, an approximate self-consistent solution of the multi-exciton problem allows us to explain two pronounced phenomena: the blue-shift of the emission with pumping and the large inhomogenous spectral broadening, both of those eluding explanation so far. The results are confirmed by detailed intensity and polarization resolved photoluminescence measurements on a number of type-II samples.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Excitonic fine structure of epitaxial Cd(Se,Te) on ZnTe type-II quantum dots

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    The structure of the ground state exciton of Cd(Se,Te) quantum dots embedded in ZnTe matrix is studied experimentally using photoluminescence spectroscopy and theoretically using kp{\bf k}\cdot{\bf p} and configuration interaction methods. The experiments reveal a considerable reduction of fine-structure splitting energy of the exciton with increase of Se content in the dots. That effect is interpreted by theoretical calculations to originate due to the transition from spatially direct (type-I) to indirect (type-II) transition between electrons and holes in the dot induced by increase of Se. The trends predicted by the theory match those of the experimental results very well.The theory identifies that the main mechanism causing elevated fine-structure energy in particular in type-I dots is due to the multipole expansion of the exchange interaction. Moreover, the theory reveals that for Se contents in the dot >0.3>0.3, there exist also a {\bf peculiar type of confinement showing signatures of both type~I and type~II} and which exhibits extraordinary properties, such as almost purely light hole character of exciton and toroidal shape of hole states

    Type-I to type-II band alignment switching for (In,Ga)(As,Sb)/GaAs/GaP quantum dots overgrown by a thin GaSb capping layer

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    We study the optical and theoretical properties of (In,Ga)(As,Sb)/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in a GaP (100) matrix, which are overgrown by a thin GaSb capping layer with variable thickness. QD samples are studied by temperature-dependent photoluminescence, and the results analyzed with the help of theoretical simulations by eight-band~\textbf{k\cdotp}, with multiparticle corrections using the configuration interaction. We reveal a type-I to type-II band alignment switching when QDs are overgrown by a GaSb layer with a thickness larger than one monolayer. Moreover, we observe a temperature driven blueshift of the quantum dot luminescence, which is explained by decomposing the spectra into sum of Gaussians. Our analysis reveals that the GaSb overlayer causes switching of the intensity between Γ\Gamma- and L-transitions, making the k{\bf k}-indirect electron-hole transition in type-II regime to be optically more radiant than the Γ\Gamma-direct one. Finally, we provide theoretical expectations for the storage time for (In,Ga)(As,Sb)/GaAs/GaP QDs overgrown by the GaSb layer with an AlP barrier underneath, to be embedded in a nanomemory device. We find that by increasing the thickness of the GaSb layer from 0 to 1.5~monolayers (MLs) leads to an increase in the storage time of four orders of magnitude, from 1 hour to up almost a year, rendering such QDs very promising candidates as storage units for nanomemory devices

    Effect of second order piezoelectricity on excitonic structure of stress-tuned InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We study the effects of the nonlinear piezoelectricity and the In distribution on the exciton energy, the electron-hole electric dipole moment, and the fine-structure splitting in stress-tunable InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots integrated onto a piezoelectric actuator. In particular, we investigate in detail the contributions of various elements of the expansion of the electrical polarization in terms of externally induced elastic strain on the latter two important quantum dot properties. Based on the comparison of the effects of first- and second-order piezoelectricity we provide a simple relation to estimate the influence of applied anisotropic stress on the quantum dot dipole moment for quantum dots significantly lattice mismatched to the host crystal

    Modeling electronic and optical properties of III-V quantum dots – selected recent developments

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    Electronic properties of selected quantum dot (QD) systems are surveyed based on the multi-band k·p method, which we benchmark by direct comparison to the empirical tight-binding algorithm, and we also discuss the newly developed “linear combination of quantum dot orbitals” method. Furthermore, we focus on two major complexes: First, the role of antimony incorporation in InGaAs/GaAs submonolayer QDs and In1−xGax AsySb1−y/GaP QDs, and second, the theory of QD-based quantum cascade lasers and the related prospect of room temperature lasing.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 2022EC/H2020/956548/EU/Quantum Semiconductor Technologies Exploiting Antimony/QUANTIMONYEC/H2020/731473/EU/QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies/QuantER

    Inversion of the exciton built-in dipole moment in In(Ga)As quantum dots via nonlinear piezoelectric effect

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    We show that anisotropic biaxial stress can be used to tune the built-in dipole moment of excitons confined in In(Ga)As quantum dots up to complete erasure of its magnitude and inversion of its sign. We demonstrate that this phenomenon is due to piezoelectricity. We present a model to calculate the applied stress, taking advantage of the so-called piezotronic effect, which produces significant changes in the current-voltage characteristics of the strained diode-membranes containing the quantum dots. Finally, self-consistent k.p calculations reveal that the experimental findings can be only accounted for by the nonlinear piezoelectric effect, whose importance in quantum dot physics has been theoretically recognized although it has proven difficult to single out experimentally.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Interplay between multipole expansion of exchange interaction and Coulomb correlation of exciton in colloidal II-VI quantum dots

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    We study the effect of Coulomb correlation on the emission properties of the ground state exciton in zincblende CdSe/ZnS core-shell and in wurtzite ZnO quantum dots (QDs). We validate our theory model by comparing results of computed exciton energies of CdSe/ZnS QDs to photoluminescence and scanning near-field optical microscopy measurements. We use that to estimate the diameter of the QDs using a simple model based on infinitely deep quantum well and compare the results with the statistics of the atomic force microscopy scans of CdSe/ZnS dots, obtaining excellent agreement. Thereafter, we compute the energy fine structure of exciton, finding striking difference between properties of zincblende CdSe/ZnS and wurtzite ZnO dots. While in the former the fine structure is dominated by the dipole terms of the multipole expansion of the exchange interaction, in the latter system that is mostly influenced by Coulomb correlation. Furthermore, the correlation sizeably influences also the exciton binding energy and emission radiative rate in ZnO dots