4,162 research outputs found

    Mirror Maps and Instanton Sums for Complete Intersections in Weighted Projective Space

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    We consider a class of Calabi-Yau compactifications which are constructed as a complete intersection in weighted projective space. For manifolds with one K\"ahler modulus we construct the mirror manifolds and calculate the instanton sum.Comment: 10 page

    Lectures on Mirror Symmetry

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    We give an introduction to mirror symmetry of strings on Calabi-Yau manifolds with an emphasis on its applications e.g. for the computation of Yukawa couplings. We introduce all necessary concepts and tools such as the basics of toric geometry, resolution of singularities, construction of mirror pairs, Picard-Fuchs equations, etc. and illustrate all of this on a non-trivial example. Extended version of a lecture given at the Third Baltic Student Seminar, Helsinki September 1993Comment: LMU-TPW-94-02, 45 pages, harvma

    Stable and unstable attractors in Boolean networks

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    Boolean networks at the critical point have been a matter of debate for many years as, e.g., scaling of number of attractor with system size. Recently it was found that this number scales superpolynomially with system size, contrary to a common earlier expectation of sublinear scaling. We here point to the fact that these results are obtained using deterministic parallel update, where a large fraction of attractors in fact are an artifact of the updating scheme. This limits the significance of these results for biological systems where noise is omnipresent. We here take a fresh look at attractors in Boolean networks with the original motivation of simplified models for biological systems in mind. We test stability of attractors w.r.t. infinitesimal deviations from synchronous update and find that most attractors found under parallel update are artifacts arising from the synchronous clocking mode. The remaining fraction of attractors are stable against fluctuating response delays. For this subset of stable attractors we observe sublinear scaling of the number of attractors with system size.Comment: extended version, additional figur

    Nonperturbative Effective Actions of N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We elaborate on our previous work on N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In particular, we show how to explicitly determine the low energy quantum effective action for G=SU(3)G=SU(3) from the underlying hyperelliptic Riemann surface, and calculate the leading instanton corrections. This is done by solving Picard-Fuchs equations and asymptotically evaluating period integrals. We find that the dynamics of the SU(3)SU(3) theory is governed by an Appell system of type F4F_4, and compute the exact quantum gauge coupling explicitly in terms of Appell functions.Comment: 57p, harvmac with hyperlinks, 9 uuencoded ps figure

    On the Monodromies of N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We review the generalization of the work of Seiberg and Witten on N=2 supersymmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills theory to SU(n) gauge groups. The quantum moduli spaces of the effective low energy theory parametrize a special family of hyperelliptic genus n-1 Riemann surfaces. We discuss the massless spectrum and the monodromies.Comment: 15p, harvmac/lanlmac with hyperlinks, 4 uuencoded compressed postscript figures appende

    The refined BPS index from stable pair invariants

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    Mirror Symmetry, Mirror Map and Applications to Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Spaces

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    We extend the discussion of mirror symmetry, Picard-Fuchs equations, instanton-corrected Yukawa couplings, and the topological one-loop partition function to the case of complete intersections with higher-dimensional moduli spaces. We will develop a new method of obtaining the instanton-corrected Yukawa couplings through a close study of the solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equations. This leads to closed formulas for the prepotential for the K\"ahler moduli fields induced from the ambient space for all complete intersections in non singular weighted projective spaces. As examples we treat part of the moduli space of the phenomenologically interesting three-generation models that are found in this class. We also apply our method to solve the simplest model in which a topology change was observed and discuss examples of complete intersections in singular ambient spaces.Comment: 50 page

    A Note on ODEs from Mirror Symmetry

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    We give close formulas for the counting functions of rational curves on complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds in terms of special solutions of generalized hypergeometric differential systems. For the one modulus cases we derive a differential equation for the Mirror map, which can be viewed as a generalization of the Schwarzian equation. We also derive a nonlinear seventh order differential equation which directly governs the instanton corrected Yukawa coupling.Comment: 24 pages using harvma
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