765 research outputs found
Family house with a hinterland for cyclists
Obsahem projektu je dvoupodlažní rodinný dům umístěný ve svahu. První nadzemní podlaží je řešeno jako bytová jednotka s vlastním vstupem, která je propojena dvouramenným schodištěm se suterénní částí. V suterénní části se nachází v návaznosti na schodiště technické zázemí s garáží a od bytu dispozičně oddělený provoz letního občerstvení, půjčovny a servisu jízdních kol. Objekt je založen na základových pasech z prostého betonu. Konstrukční systém tvoří tvárnice a stropní panely z lehkého keramického betonu. Objekt zastřešuje sedlová dvouplášťová větraná plochá střecha s lehkých horním pláštěm.The project is a two-storey family house situated on a hillside. The first floor is designed as a residential unit with its own entrance, which is connected with the basement area by a double staircase. In addition to the staircase, the basement comprises technical facilities and a garage. Moreover, a summer fast food bar, bicycle rental and repair shop are situated in separate premises on the street floor. The building is based on strip foundations made of plain concrete. The construction consists of breeze blocks and ceiling panels made of light ceramic concrete. The structure is covered by a saddle double-shell ventilated flat roof with a light upper coating.
Total site methodology as a tool for planning and strategic decisions
A Total Site (TS) is defined as a set of processes (industrial plants, residential, business and agriculture units) linked through the central utility system. The utility system incorporates a number of operating units such as boilers, steam turbines, gas turbines and letdown stations. Many sites are using the TS system representation. Heat Integration at TS level has been well developed and successfully implemented. However, sites typically develop with time and even minor changes/extensions can affect TS heat recovery significantly. It is beneficial to plan their strategic development in advance, to increase or at least not to decrease the rate of heat recovery when integration of additional processes takes place. Even when this has not been done at the initial stage, the TS methodology can still be used as a tool for the strategic planning decision making. This work illustrates how the TS methodology can contribute to the strategic development and the extension planning of already existing TS. The aim is to reveal the potentials for Heat Integration, when new units or processes are considered for the inclusion in the TS. Moreover, some operating parameters (e.g. temperature or capacity) of the unit can be proposed to achieve the best possible heat recovery. The degrees of freedom for TS changes can be on two levels: (i) only adding an operating unit to the current utility system (the Total Site Profiles remain the same) or (ii) changing of the TS by including more processes (the Total Site Profiles are changed). The first group of changes includes the integration of heat engines to produce electricity utilising heat at higher temperature and returning it to the system at lower temperature, which is still acceptable for the heat recovery and simultaneously for the electricity production. The second group of changes is more complex. For evaluating these changes a plus/minus principle is developed allowing the most beneficial integration of new units to the TS. Combinations of both types of changes are also considered
Total site targeting with stream specific minimum temperature difference
The paper focuses on extending traditional Total Site Integration methodology to produce more meaningful utility and heat recovery targets for the process design. The traditional methodology leads to inadequate results due to inaccurate estimation of the overall Total Site heat recovery targets. The new methodology is a further development of a recently extended traditional pinch methodology. The previous extension was on the introduction of using an individual minimum temperature difference (δTmin) for different processes so that the δTmin is more representative of the specific process. Further this paper deals with stream specific δT min inside each process by setting different δT contribution (δTcont) and also using different δTcont between the process streams and the utility systems. The paper describes the further extended methodology called stream specific targeting methodology. A case study applying data from a real diary factory is used to show the differences between the traditional, process specific and stream specific total site targeting methodologies. The extended methodology gives more meaningful results at the end of the targeting with this avoiding the over or under estimated heat exchanger areas in the process design
Hotel Rumburk in Stříbrnice
Obsahem projektu je novostavba hotelu s restaurací. Objekt je řešen jako třípodlažní nepodsklepený. V 1.NP se bude nacházet vstupní část s recepcí, prostor pro uschování vybavení hostů, technické zázemí hotelu a restaurační část se sociálním zázemím a kuchyní. Ve 2 a 3.NP budou umístěny apartmány pro hosty, které budou vybaveny vlastními koupelnami. Ve 3.NP budou dva dvoulůžkové pokoje řešeny jako bezbariérové. Dále se bude v 2.NP nacházet velká společenská místnost, herna a dětský koutek, ve 3.NP se bude nacházet malá společenská místnost. Objekt bude založen na základových pasech z prostého betonu a železobetonových základových patkách. Svislý konstrukční systém je řešen jako kombinovaný a tvoří jej pórobetonové tvárnice a ŽB sloupy. Stropní konstrukci nad 1.NP budou tvořit dutinové předpjaté ŽB panely. Stropní konstrukci nad 2.NP bude tvořit ŽB monolitická deska. Objekt bude zastřešen šikmou polovalbovou střechou a pochozí plochou střechou.The content of this project is a new building of a hotel with a restaurant. The object is designed as a three-storey structure without basement. The 1st floor will feature an entrance area with the reception, storage premises, technical facilities, as well as the restaurant section with sanitary facilities and kitchen. The 2nd and 3rd floor will feature apartments for the guests, equipped with own bathrooms. Two double rooms on the 3rd floor are designed as barrier-free. There will also be a large lounge, game room and children’s room on the 2nd floor, and a small lounge on the 3rd floor. The construction will be based on foundation slabs made of plain concrete and ferroconcrete bases. The vertical construction system is solved as combined and is formed by porous concrete blocks and ferroconcrete columns. The ceiling structure above the 1st floor will consist of ventricular prestressed ferroconcrete panels. The object will be roofed with a sloping jerkinghead and a flat roof.
Premises for a combined Exergy and Pinch Optimization within ProSimPlus® simulator
The recent increase in fossil fuel prices and the more and more stringent environmental regulations have stimulated the search for further improvements. A short term and sustainable solution consists in improving energy efficiency of industrial processes. To tackle this challenge, a combined exergy and Pinch Analysis has been developed for industrial process’ optimization. To summarize the presented methodology, the Exergy Analysis firstly aims at making a diagnosis of the existing process by identifying the major inefficiencies; then based upon this diagnosis; the Pinch Analysis enables to give concrete solutions to improve its energy efficiency. Moreover, the strength of this work relies in the implementation of this Exergy Analysis and Pinch Analysis methodologies in the process simulation software ProSimPlus® which provides an efficient support to the engineer
Draft Design of a Dump for a Dumper
Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem lžíce dumperu pro nosnost 1200 kg. Součástí tohoto řešení je mechanismus, který umožňuje nabírání materiálu a jeho následné vyklápění ve třech směrech. V úvodu práce je uveden stručný přehled dumperů nabízených na trhu. Další část práce se zabývá rozborem působících sil na lžíci dumperu a na mechanismus. V příloze A je uvedena pevnostní analýza lžíce a mechanismu, řešená pomocí software Ansys 14. Dále jsou provedeny pevnostní výpočty jednotlivých lineárních hydromotorů a čepů. V příloze B je uvedena kontrola stability dumperu. K diplomové práci je také doložen sestavný výkres dumperu, mechanismu a výrobní výkres bočnice.This diploma thesis deals with design solution bucket of the dumper for capacity 1200kg. Part of the solution is a mechanism, which allows loading of material and its subsequent unloading in three direction. In the introduction is a brief overview dumpers which are available on the market. The next part is the analysis of the forces acting on the bucket and mechanism of the dumpr. In the annex A is given strength analysis bucket and mechanism, solved with software Ansys 14.0. Next, strenght calculations of invidual hydraulic cylinders and pins. The annex B contains a stability control of the dumper. The assembly drawing of the dumper, mechanism and the production drawing of the side are added to the diploma thesis.347 - Katedra částí a mechanismů strojůvýborn
Critical analysis of process integration options for joule-cycle and conventional heat pumps
To date, research on heat pumps (HP) has mainly focused on vapour compression heat pumps (VCHP), transcritical heat pumps (TCHP), absorption heat pumps, and their heat integration with processes. Few studies have considered the Joule cycle heat pump (JCHP), which raises several questions. What are the characteristics and specifics of these different heat pumps? How are they different when they integrate with the processes? For different processes, which heat pump is more appropriate? To address these questions, the performance and integration of different types of heat pumps with various processes have been studied through Pinch Methodology. The results show that different heat pumps have their own optimal application range. The new JCHP is suitable for processes in which the temperature changes of source and sink are both massive. The VCHP is more suitable for the source and sink temperatures, which are near-constant. The TCHP is more suitable for sources with small temperature changes and sinks with large temperature changes. This study develops an approach that provides guidance for the selection of heat pumps by applying Process Integration to various combinations of heat pump types and processes. It is shown that the correct choice of heat pump type for each application is of utmost importance, as the Coefficient of Performance can be improved by up to an order of magnitude. By recovering and upgrading process waste heat, heat pumps can save 15-78% of the hot utility depending on the specific process
Review of Developments in Plate Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Enhancement for Single-Phase Applications in Process Industries
A plate heat exchanger (PHE) is a modern, effective type of heat transfer equipment capable of increasing heat recuperation and energy efficiency. For PHEs, enhanced methods of heat transfer intensification can be further applied using the analysis and knowledge already available in the literature. A review of the main developments in the construction and exploration of PHEs and in the methods of heat transfer intensification is presented in this paper with an analysis of the main construction modifications, such as plate-and-frame, brazed and welded PHEs. The differences between these construction modifications and their influences on the thermal and hydraulic performance of PHEs are discussed. Most modern PHEs have plates with inclined corrugations on their surface that create a strong, rigid construction with multiple contact points between the plates. The methods of PHE exploration are mostly experimental studies and/or CFD modelling. The main corrugation parameters influencing PHE performance are the corrugation inclination angle in relation to the main flow direction and the corrugation aspect ratio. Optimisation of these parameters is one way to enhance PHE performance. Other methods of heat transfer enhancement, including improving the form of the plate corrugations, use of nanofluids and active methods, are considered. Future research directions are proposed, such as improving fundamental understanding, developing new corrugation shapes and optimisation methods and area and cost estimations
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