117 research outputs found

    Identification of Subject-Specific Immunoglobulin Alleles From Expressed Repertoire Sequencing Data

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    The adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) contains information on an individuals' immune past, present and potential in the form of the evolving sequences that encode the B cell receptor (BCR) repertoire. AIRR sequencing (AIRR-seq) studies rely on databases of known BCR germline variable (V), diversity (D), and joining (J) genes to detect somatic mutations in AIRR-seq data via comparison to the best-aligning database alleles. However, it has been shown that these databases are far from complete, leading to systematic misidentification of mutated positions in subsets of sample sequences. We previously presented TIgGER, a computational method to identify subject-specific V gene genotypes, including the presence of novel V gene alleles, directly from AIRR-seq data. However, the original algorithm was unable to detect alleles that differed by more than 5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from a database allele. Here we present and apply an improved version of the TIgGER algorithm which can detect alleles that differ by any number of SNPs from the nearest database allele, and can construct subject-specific genotypes with minimal prior information. TIgGER predictions are validated both computationally (using a leave-one-out strategy) and experimentally (using genomic sequencing), resulting in the addition of three new immunoglobulin heavy chain V (IGHV) gene alleles to the IMGT repertoire. Finally, we develop a Bayesian strategy to provide a confidence estimate associated with genotype calls. All together, these methods allow for much higher accuracy in germline allele assignment, an essential step in AIRR-seq studies

    Local Clonal Diversification and Dissemination of B Lymphocytes in the Human Bronchial Mucosa

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    The efficacy of the adaptive humoral immune response likely requires diverse, yet focused regional B cell antibody production throughout the body. Here we address, in the first study of its kind, the B cell repertoire in the bronchial mucosa, an important barrier to antigens inhaled from the atmosphere. To accomplish this, we have applied high-throughput Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Sequencing (AIRR-Seq) to 10 bronchial biopsies from altogether four different sites in the right lungs from an asthmatic patient and a healthy subject. While the majority of identified B cell clones were restricted to a single site, many were disseminated in multiple sites. Members of a clone were shared more between adjacent biopsies than between distal biopsies, suggesting local mucosal migration and/or a homing mechanism for B cells through the blood or lymph. A smaller fraction of clones spanned the bronchial mucosa and peripheral blood, suggesting ongoing trafficking between these compartments. The bronchial mucosal B cell repertoire in the asthmatic patient was geographically more variable but less diverse compared to that of the healthy subject, suggesting an ongoing, antigen-driven humoral immune response in atopic asthma. Whether this is a feature of atopy or disease status remains to be clarified in future studies. We observed a subset of highly mutated and antigen-selected IgD-only cells in the bronchial mucosa. These cells were found in relative high abundance in the asthmatic individual but also, albeit at lower abundance, in the healthy subject. This novel finding merits further exploration using a larger cohort of subjects

    Reconstruction of regulatory networks through temporal enrichment profiling and its application to H1N1 influenza viral infection

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    BACKGROUND: H1N1 influenza viruses were responsible for the 1918 pandemic that caused millions of deaths worldwide and the 2009 pandemic that caused approximately twenty thousand deaths. The cellular response to such virus infections involves extensive genetic reprogramming resulting in an antiviral state that is critical to infection control. Identifying the underlying transcriptional network driving these changes, and how this program is altered by virally-encoded immune antagonists, is a fundamental challenge in systems immunology. RESULTS: Genome-wide gene expression patterns were measured in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) infected in vitro with seasonal H1N1 influenza A/New Caledonia/20/1999. To provide a mechanistic explanation for the timing of gene expression changes over the first 12 hours post-infection, we developed a statistically rigorous enrichment approach integrating genome-wide expression kinetics and time-dependent promoter analysis. Our approach, TIme-Dependent Activity Linker (TIDAL), generates a regulatory network that connects transcription factors associated with each temporal phase of the response into a coherent linked cascade. TIDAL infers 12 transcription factors and 32 regulatory connections that drive the antiviral response to influenza. To demonstrate the generality of this approach, TIDAL was also used to generate a network for the DC response to measles infection. The software implementation of TIDAL is freely available at http://tsb.mssm.edu/primeportal/?q=tidal_prog. CONCLUSIONS: We apply TIDAL to reconstruct the transcriptional programs activated in monocyte-derived human dendritic cells in response to influenza and measles infections. The application of this time-centric network reconstruction method in each case produces a single transcriptional cascade that recapitulates the known biology of the response with high precision and recall, in addition to identifying potentially novel antiviral factors. The ability to reconstruct antiviral networks with TIDAL enables comparative analysis of antiviral responses, such as the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza infections

    Human B cell lineages associated with germinal centers following influenza vaccination are measurably evolving

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    The poor efficacy of seasonal influenza virus vaccines is often attributed to pre-existing immunity interfering with the persistence and maturation of vaccine-induced B cell responses. We previously showed that a subset of vaccine-induced B cell lineages are recruited into germinal centers (GCs) following vaccination, suggesting that affinity maturation of these lineages against vaccine antigens can occur. However, it remains to be determined whether seasonal influenza vaccination stimulates additional evolution of vaccine-specific lineages, and previous work has found no significant increase in somatic hypermutation among influenza-binding lineages sampled from the blood following seasonal vaccination in humans. Here, we investigate this issue using a phylogenetic test of measurable immunoglobulin sequence evolution. We first validate this test through simulations and survey measurable evolution across multiple conditions. We find significant heterogeneity in measurable B cell evolution across conditions, with enrichment in primary response conditions such as HIV infection and early childhood development. We then show that measurable evolution following influenza vaccination is highly compartmentalized: while lineages in the blood are rarely measurably evolving following influenza vaccination, lineages containing GC B cells are frequently measurably evolving. Many of these lineages appear to derive from memory B cells. We conclude from these findings that seasonal influenza virus vaccination can stimulate additional evolution of responding B cell lineages, and imply that the poor efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccination is not due to a complete inhibition of vaccine-specific B cell evolution

    Models of Somatic Hypermutation Targeting and Substitution Based on Synonymous Mutations from High-Throughput Immunoglobulin Sequencing Data

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    Analyses of somatic hypermutation (SHM) patterns in B cell immunoglobulin (Ig) sequences contribute to our basic understanding of adaptive immunity, and have broad applications not only for understanding the immune response to pathogens, but also to determining the role of SHM in autoimmunity and B cell cancers. Although stochastic, SHM displays intrinsic biases that can confound statistical analysis, especially when combined with the particular codon usage and base composition in Ig sequences. Analysis of B cell clonal expansion, diversification, and selection processes thus critically depends on an accurate background model for SHM micro-sequence targeting (i.e., hot/cold-spots) and nucleotide substitution. Existing models are based on small numbers of sequences/mutations, in part because they depend on data from non-coding regions or non-functional sequences to remove the confounding influences of selection. Here, we combine high-throughput Ig sequencing with new computational analysis methods to produce improved models of SHM targeting and substitution that are based only on synonymous mutations, and are thus independent of selection. The resulting “S5F” models are based on 806,860 Synonymous mutations in 5-mer motifs from 1,145,182 Functional sequences and account for dependencies on the adjacent four nucleotides (two bases upstream and downstream of the mutation). The estimated profiles can explain almost half of the variance in observed mutation patterns, and clearly show that both mutation targeting and substitution are significantly influenced by neighboring bases. While mutability and substitution profiles were highly conserved across individuals, the variability across motifs was found to be much larger than previously estimated. The model and method source code are made available at http://clip.med.yale.edu/SH

    AIRR Community Standardized Representations for Annotated Immune Repertoires

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    Increased interest in the immune system's involvement in pathophysiological phenomena coupled with decreased DNA sequencing costs have led to an explosion of antibody and T cell receptor sequencing data collectively termed “adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing” (AIRR-seq or Rep-Seq). The AIRR Community has been actively working to standardize protocols, metadata, formats, APIs, and other guidelines to promote open and reproducible studies of the immune repertoire. In this paper, we describe the work of the AIRR Community's Data Representation Working Group to develop standardized data representations for storing and sharing annotated antibody and T cell receptor data. Our file format emphasizes ease-of-use, accessibility, scalability to large data sets, and a commitment to open and transparent science. It is composed of a tab-delimited format with a specific schema. Several popular repertoire analysis tools and data repositories already utilize this AIRR-seq data format. We hope that others will follow suit in the interest of promoting interoperable standards

    Salmonella Infection Drives Promiscuous B Cell Activation Followed by Extrafollicular Affinity Maturation

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    SummaryThe B cell response to Salmonella typhimurium (STm) occurs massively at extrafollicular sites, without notable germinal centers (GCs). Little is known in terms of its specificity. To expand the knowledge of antigen targets, we screened plasmablast (PB)-derived monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for Salmonella specificity, using ELISA, flow cytometry, and antigen microarray. Only a small fraction (0.5%–2%) of the response appeared to be Salmonella-specific. Yet, infection of mice with limited B cell receptor (BCR) repertoires impaired the response, suggesting that BCR specificity was important. We showed, using laser microdissection, that somatic hypermutation (SHM) occurred efficiently at extrafollicular sites leading to affinity maturation that in turn led to detectable STm Ag-binding. These results suggest a revised vision of how clonal selection and affinity maturation operate in response to Salmonella. Clonal selection initially is promiscuous, activating cells with virtually undetectable affinity, yet SHM and selection occur during the extrafollicular response yielding higher affinity, detectable antibodies
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