511 research outputs found

    Drug Legalization: The Importance of Asking the Right Question Symposium on Drug Decriminalization

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    As a policy analysis, this article\u27s central argument is that that the costs imposed by markets in licit psychoactives are significantly greater than those imposed by drug prohibition

    Levelling up is not a threat to London, but the city needs to adapt to new UK and global realities

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    London’s strong position as a global city will remain post-pandemic, says Mark Kleinman (King’s College London). But the negative impact on key sectors including arts and culture, hospitality and tourism present significant short-term challenges for the capital

    Student Controlled Laptops in Accelerated Math 7 Classes

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    Available time is inadequate to teach middle school math students to be able to work independently on math problems. Although educators implemented Common Core Standards, greater math achievement remains an elusive target. A review of previous research revealed that using technology in teaching math can improve learning and increase scores. This quasi-experimental study using mixed methods investigated how the use of technology can extend math instruction, more fully engage students in learning math, and allow math students to work independently. The researcher implemented a treatment consisting of student-controlled technology in accelerated math classes. Specifically, advanced math students in this study used laptops to access the electronic math textbook and learn at their own pace, as in the flipped classroom model. Data analysis revealed the treatment group had a statistically significant increase in math scores that represented a measurably higher percentage rise than the control group. However, qualitative data showed division among students pertaining to the acceptance of technology use, including concerns over the reliability of technology in learning math. More research is required using a larger, more diverse population. Future research should also include repeat measures to validate results

    Method of Using CCR3 Binding Agents to Detect Choroidal Neovascularization

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    The results presented herein demonstrate the specific expression of CCR3 in CNV endothelial cells in humans with AMD, and despite the expression of its ligands, eotaxin-1, -2, and -3, neither eosinophils nor mast cells are present in human CNV. The genetic or pharmacological targeting of CCR3 or eotaxins as disclosed herein inhibited injury-induced CNV in mice. CNV suppression by CCR3 blockade was due to direct inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation, and was uncoupled from inflammation as it occurred in mice lacking eosinophils or mast cells and was independent of macrophage and neutrophil recruitment. CCR3 blockade was more effective at reducing CNV than vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) neutralization, which is currently in clinical use, and, unlike VEGF-A blockade, not toxic to the mouse retina. In vivo imaging with CCR3-targeting quantum dots located spontaneous CNV invisible to standard fluorescein angiography in mice before retinal invasion. CCR3 targeting is useful in reducing vision loss due to AMD through early detection and therapeutic angioinhibition

    Gobernanza metropolitana en el Reino Unido.

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    Intrinsic and Rashba Spin-orbit Interactions in Graphene Sheets

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    Starting from a microscopic tight-binding model and using second order perturbation theory, we derive explicit expressions for the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interaction induced gaps in the Dirac-like low-energy band structure of an isolated graphene sheet. The Rashba interaction parameter is first order in the atomic carbon spin-orbit coupling strength Îľ\xi and first order in the external electric field EE perpendicular to the graphene plane, whereas the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction which survives at E=0 is second order in Îľ\xi. The spin-orbit terms in the low-energy effective Hamiltonian have the form proposed recently by Kane and Mele. \textit{Ab initio} electronic structure calculations were performed as a partial check on the validity of the tight-binding model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; typos corrected, references update

    Imaging Data on Characterization of Retinal Autofluorescent Lesions in a Mouse Model of Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN3 Disease)

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    Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL, aka. juvenile Batten disease or CLN3 disease), a lethal pediatric neurodegenerative disease without cure, often presents with vision impairment and characteristic ophthalmoscopic features including focal areas of hyper-autofluorescence. In the associated research article “Loss of CLN3, the gene mutated in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, leads to metabolic impairment and autophagy induction in retinal pigment epithelium” (Zhong et al., 2020) [1], we reported ophthalmoscopic observations of focal autofluorescent lesions or puncta in the Cln3Δex7/8 mouse retina at as young as 8 month old. In this data article, we performed differential interference contrast and confocal imaging analyses in all retinal layers to localize and characterize these autofluorescent lesions, including their spectral characteristics and morphology. We further studied colocalization of these autofluorescent lesions with the JNCL marker mitochondrial ATP synthase F0 sub-complex subunit C and various established retinal cell type markers

    No Evidence for Maternal–Fetal Microchimerism in Infantile Hemangioma: A Molecular Genetic Investigation

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    In this study, using the placental origin theory as a basis, we set out to explore whether hemangioma endothelial cells (HEC) were maternal in origin. We rigorously addressed this hypothesis using several molecular genetic techniques. Fluorescent in situ hybridization on surgical specimens of proliferating hemangiomas (n=8) demonstrated no XX-labeled HEC from resected tumors of male infants. This analysis was followed by PCR genotyping of HEC (n=11) using microsatellite markers where cellular components were genotyped and compared to genomic DNA of corresponding mother-child pairs. In the seven informative mother-child pairs, HEC matched the genotype of the child and not the maternal genotype. Concerned that HEC represented a mixed population of cells, we subsequently enriched for cells using the placental-specific endothelial cell (EC) marker, Fc gammaRII. Three informative mother-child pairs exhibited only the genotype of the child in our enriched cell population. Using sequence analysis, we identified an informative single nucleotide polymorphism in an exon of the placental-EC-specific protein, GLUT1. When comparing GLUT1 complementary DNA (cDNA) with mother-child DNA, the genotype of the cDNA matched the constitutional DNA of the child. Our results indicate that hemangiomas are not microchimeric in origin. This study provides further insight into the origin of a tumor whose pathogenesis remains elusive
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