914 research outputs found

    Tribute to Judge Rabinowitz

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    Postsecondary education gender disparities among Inuit in Alaska: A symptom of male malaise?

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    En Alaska, les femmes inuit sont de loin plus nombreuses dans l’enseignement postsecondaire que les hommes. Chez les Inupiat de l’Alaska, seulement 28% des Ă©tudiants inscrits dans les programmes du baccalaurĂ©at Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de l’Alaska sont des hommes, et la proportion d’hommes ayant obtenu un diplĂŽme de baccalaurĂ©at a dĂ©clinĂ© entre 2000 et 2003. Parmi les Yupiit, 30% des Ă©tudiants inscrits au baccalaurĂ©at sont des hommes. De semblables disparitĂ©s entre les sexes se constatent chez les lycĂ©ens suivant des programmes destinĂ©s Ă  prĂ©parer acadĂ©miquement les Ă©tudiants autochtones au collĂšge. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne peut s’interprĂ©ter soit comme un signe de «malaise masculin», de dĂ©sengagement vis-Ă -vis de l’instruction scolaire et des emplois salariĂ©s auxquels la scolaritĂ© est une prĂ©paration, soit comme une adaptation fonctionnelle Ă  un mode de vie alliant emploi salariĂ© et subsistance traditionnelle oĂč l’instruction, et en particulier la formation supĂ©rieure, paraĂźt moins importante aux hommes qu’aux femmes inuit. Afin d’argumenter l’explication de ce «malaise masculin», nous comparons deux rĂ©gions inuit de l’Alaska, la rĂ©gion des Inupiat au nord-ouest, oĂč la Corporation autochtone rĂ©gionale a mis l’accent sur la crĂ©ation d’emplois au niveau local par le biais de la Red Dog Mine, et la rĂ©gion des Yupiit au sud-ouest, qui offre peu d’emplois, en particulier en dehors du rĂ©seau rĂ©gional de Bethel. Dans le nord-ouest de l’Alaska, 49% des jeunes hommes inuit ayant entre 22 et 29 ans se dĂ©crivent eux-mĂȘmes, dans le recensement de l’an 2000, comme Ă©tant «sans emploi» ou bien «en dehors de la force de travail». Dans le sud-ouest de l’Alaska, 48% des jeunes hommes inuit disent la mĂȘme chose. Ces schĂ©mas soutiennent l’explication de ce «malaise masculin». Cependant, les Ă©tudes communautaires, qui permettent des analyses domestiques fines de la participation des hommes et des femmes dans l’emploi salariĂ© et l’économie de subsistance, s’avĂšrent nĂ©cessaires pour distinguer entre ces deux explications ou suggĂ©rer d’autres interprĂ©tations.Far more Inuit women in Alaska are pursuing postsecondary education compared to Inuit men. Among Inupiat in Alaska, only 28% of students pursuing baccalaureate degrees at the University of Alaska are male, and the proportion of males receiving baccalaureate degrees declined from 2000 to 2003. Among Yupiit, 30% of students pursuing baccalaureate degrees are male. Similar gender disparities occur in programs for high school students designed to prepare academically able Indigenous students for college. This phenomenon can be interpreted either as a sign of “male malaise,” of disengagement from education and the wage employment for which education is a preparation, or as a functional adaptation to a mixed wage and subsistence way of life where education and particularly higher education is less important to Inuit males than females. To examine support for the explanation of “male malaise,” we compare two Inuit regions of Alaska, the Inupiaq region of Northwest Alaska, where the regional Native corporation has emphasized providing employment within the region through the Red Dog Mine, and the Yup’ik region of southwestern Alaska, which has low numbers of jobs, particularly outside the regional hub of Bethel. In Northwest Alaska, 49% of young Inuit men, ages 22 to 29, described themselves in the 2000 census as either “unemployed” or “out of the labor force.” In Southwest Alaska, 48% of young Inuit men said the same thing. These patterns support the explanation of “male malaise.” However, community studies, which allow fine-grained, household analyses of male and female participation in the wage and subsistence economies are needed to distinguish between these two explanations or suggest other interpretations

    The Gender Gap in Higher Education in Alaska

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    A gender gap strongly favoring women is occurring in higher education throughout the Arctic and is especially severe among indigenous groups. This study documents the size, nature, and recent increase in the gender gap at the University of Alaska, especially for Alaska Native students. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide statistical documentation of this phenomenon. We find that among Alaska Natives, women are earning bachelor’s degrees at almost three times the rate of men and associate degrees at almost five times the rate of men. Furthermore, the gender gap in favor of females widened between 1998 and 2004, the most recent year for which we have information. The experience at the University of Alaska shows that increasing access and providing college preparation and support services alone are not enough to engage indigenous young men in postsecondary education. What may also be needed are ways of making education more compatible with traditional male cultural roles and community values. The Community Trades Technology Program at the University of Alaska has succeeded in enrolling large numbers of young Native men in a postsecondary program through such an educational model. The program 1) is located in the students’ home community; 2) offers cohort-based instruction that enrolls most of the students’ friends; 3) emphasizes practical, hands-on knowledge and the lore of the trade; 4) embeds academic instruction in practical tasks, such as writing letters about construction supplies; 5) connects the educational program to immediate employment in construction projects scheduled for the community; and 6) provides practical help to people, such as doing home repairs, without charge.En matiĂšre d’études supĂ©rieures dans l’Arctique, il existe un Ă©cart prononcĂ© entre les sexes, Ă©cart qui se montre en faveur des femmes et se manifeste surtout dans les groupes indigĂšnes. Ce document porte sur l’ampleur, la nature et l’accroissement rĂ©cent de l’écart entre les sexes Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de l’Alaska, plus particuliĂšrement chez les Ă©tudiants autochtones de l’Alaska. À notre connaissance, il s’agit de la premiĂšre Ă©tude Ă  fournir de la documentation statistique au sujet de ce phĂ©nomĂšne. Nous avons constatĂ© qu’au sein des Autochtones de l’Alaska, les femmes dĂ©crochent un baccalaurĂ©at au moins trois fois plus souvent que les hommes, et des diplĂŽmes associĂ©s au moins cinq fois plus souvent que les hommes. De plus, l’écart entre les sexes en faveur des femmes s’est intensifiĂ© entre 1998 et 2004, l’annĂ©e la plus rĂ©cente pour laquelle nous possĂ©dons de l’information. L’expĂ©rience de l’UniversitĂ© de l’Alaska indique que l’amĂ©lioration de l’accĂšs et la prestation de services de prĂ©paration et de soutien ne suffisent pas Ă  attirer les jeunes hommes Ă  faire des Ă©tudes postsecondaires. Ce qu’il faut probablement, c’est une façon de rendre l’éducation plus compatible avec les rĂŽles traditionnels et culturels de l’homme, ainsi qu’avec les valeurs communautaires. Le programme communautaire de technologies et de mĂ©tiers (Community Trades Technology Program) de l’UniversitĂ© de l’Alaska a rĂ©ussi Ă  recueillir les inscriptions de grands nombres de jeunes hommes autochtones dans un programme postsecondaire grĂące Ă  un modĂšle d’études de ce genre. Le programme 1) est donnĂ© au sein de la collectivitĂ© mĂȘme des Ă©tudiants; 2) est caractĂ©risĂ© par des cours dispensĂ©s Ă  la cohorte, qui est composĂ©e principalement des amis des Ă©tudiants; 3) met l’accent sur des connaissances pratiques et manuelles, ainsi que sur l’attrait des mĂ©tiers; 4) intĂšgre l’instruction thĂ©orique aux tĂąches pratiques, comme la rĂ©daction de correspondance au sujet de matĂ©riaux de construction; 5) Ă©tablit un lien entre le programme d’études et des emplois immĂ©diats dans le cadre de travaux de construction prĂ©vus dans la rĂ©gion; et 6) fournit de l’aide pratique visant Ă  aider les gens, en faisant des rĂ©parations Ă  domicile par exemple et ce, gratuitement

    Is bicarbonate in Photosystem II the equivalent of the glutamate ligand to the iron atom in bacterial reaction centers?

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    Photosystem II of oxygen-evolving organisms exhibits a bicarbonate-reversible formate effect on electron transfer between the primary and secondary acceptor quinones, QA and QB. This effect is absent in the otherwise similar electron acceptor complex of purple bacteria, e.g. Rhodobacter sphaeroides. This distinction has led to the suggestion that the iron atom of the acceptor quinone complex in PS II might lack the fifth and sixth ligands provided in the bacterial reaction center (RC) by a glutamate residue at position 234 of the M-subunit in Rb. sphaeroides,RCs (M232 in Rps. viridis). By site-directed mutagenesis we have altered GluM234 in RCs from Rb. sphaeroides, replacing it with valine, glutamine and glycine to form mutants M234EV, M234EQ and M234EG, respectively. These mutants grew competently under phototrophic conditions and were tested for the formate-bicarbonate effect. In chromatophores there were no detectable differences between wild type (Wt) and mutant M234EV with respect to cytochrome b-561 reduction following a flash, and no effect of bicarbonate depletion (by incubation with formate). In isolated RCs, several electron transfer activities were essentially unchanged in Wt and M234EV, M234EQ and M234EG mutants, and no formate-bicarbonate effect was observed on: (a) the fast or slow phases of recovery of the oxidized primary donor (P+) in the absence of exogenous donor, i.e., the recombination of P+QA− or P+QB−, respectively; (b) the kinetics of electron transfer from QA− to QB; or (c) the flash dependent oscillations of semiquinone formation in the presence of donor to P+ (QB turnover). The absence of a formate-bicarbonate effect in these mutants suggests that GluM234 is not responsible for the absence of the formate-bicarbonate effect in Wt bacterial RCs, or at least that other factors must be taken into account. The mutant RCs were also examined for the fast primary electron transfer along the active (A-)branch of the pigment chain, leading to reduction of QA. The kinetics were resolved to reveal the reduction of the monomer bacteriochlorophyll (τ = 3.5 ps), followed by reduction of the bacteriopheophytin (τ = 0.9 ps). Both steps were essentially unaltered from the wild type. However, the rate of reduction of QA was slowed by a factor of 2 (τ = 410 ± 30 and 47 ± 30 ps for M234EQ and M234EV, respectively, compared to 220 ps in the wild type). EPR studies of the isolated RCs showed a characteristic g = 1.82 signal for the QA semiquinone coupled to the iron atom, which was indistinguishable from the wild type. It is concluded that GluM234 is not essential to the normal functioning of the acceptor quinone complex in bacterial RCs and that the role of bicarbonate in PS II is distinct from the role of this residue in bacterial RCs

    An Algorithm for constructing Hjelmslev planes

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    Projective Hjelmslev planes and Affine Hjelmselv planes are generalisations of projective planes and affine planes. We present an algorithm for constructing a projective Hjelmslev planes and affine Hjelsmelv planes using projective planes, affine planes and orthogonal arrays. We show that all 2-uniform projective Hjelmslev planes, and all 2-uniform affine Hjelsmelv planes can be constructed in this way. As a corollary it is shown that all 2-uniform Affine Hjelmselv planes are sub-geometries of 2-uniform projective Hjelmselv planes.Comment: 15 pages. Algebraic Design Theory and Hadamard matrices, 2014, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 13

    Lasing on the D_2 line of sodium in helium atmosphere due to optical pumping on the D_1 line (up-conversion)

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    A new method is proposed to produce population inversion on transitions involving the ground state of atoms. The method is realized experimentally with sodium atoms. Lasing at the frequency corresponding to the sodium D_2 line is achieved in the presence of pump radiation resonant to the D_1 line with helium as a buffer gas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Statistical mechanics of temporal association in neural networks with transmission delays

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    We study the representation of static patterns and temporal sequences in neural networks with signal delays and a stochastic parallel dynamics. For a wide class of delay distributions, the asymptotic network behavior can be described by a generalized Gibbs distribution, generated by a novel Lyapunov functional for the determination dynamics. We extend techniques of equilibrium statistical mechanics so as to deal with time-dependent phenomena, derive analytic results for both retrieval quality and storage capacity, and compare them with numerical simulations

    Dynamical model of sequential spatial memory: winnerless competition of patterns

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    We introduce a new biologically-motivated model of sequential spatial memory which is based on the principle of winnerless competition (WLC). We implement this mechanism in a two-layer neural network structure and present the learning dynamics which leads to the formation of a WLC network. After learning, the system is capable of associative retrieval of pre-recorded sequences of spatial patterns.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PR
