100 research outputs found

    GTP-dependent Ca2+ release from rat liver microsomes Vesicle fusion is not required

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    AbstractThe GTP-dependent calcium release from rat liver microsomes is known to be promoted in the presence of colloids like polyethyleneglycol (PEG), polyvinylpyrrolidine, or albumin. Dawson et al. [(1987) Biochem. J. 244, 87–92] using the ‘fusogen’ PEG have concluded that both GTP-induced calcium efflux and the enhancement of InsP3-promoted calcium release in the presence of GTP could be attributed to a GTP-dependent vesicle fusion. Here, using the more physiological colloid albumin we report that GTP-induced calcium release from rat liver microsomes may not be linked to vesicle fusion

    Die Pfarrchronik der Kirchengemeinde Obernjesa-Dramfeld

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    Just another day in Chancery Lane: disorder and the law in London's legal quarter in the fifteenth century

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    The legal quarter of late medieval London – the district outside the city’s western gates which included eleven Inns of Court and of Chancery and the royal courts at Westminster and in Chancery Lane – was a liminal area. Rather than being a peaceful and law-abiding district, as at least one fifteenth-century apologist would have it, it was the setting for periodic outbreaks of violence fomented to a high degree by the tribalism of the communities of the various law schools. Litigation in the royal courts added provincial rivalries and disputes and their protagonists to this already heady mix, making the space between Temple Bar and Westminster Hall one notable for its explosive potential for outbreaks of violence. Using a case study of an incident in the early 1450s that is unusually well-evidenced in the court records, and other sources, including the well-known correspondence of the East Anglian Paston family, and that drew over time drew in litigants, witnesses, lawyers and eventually a magnate and his affinity, the article explores the tensions inherent in London’s legal district and their interplay with disputes and law-breaking in the regions

    The Dinham family in the later middle ages

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN026807 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Die Pfarrchronik der Kirchengemeinde Obernjesa-Dramfeld

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    Die Pfarrchronik der Kirchengemeinde Obernjesa-Dramfeld - Ein Rechnungsbuch mit chronikalischen Notizen 1737 bis 1807

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    Die Pfarrchronik – das sind Eintragungen von vier Pastoren der Pfarre Obernjesa/Dramfeld aus den Jahren 1737 bis 1807 in ein altes Rechnungsbuch. Die Pastoren notierten, was ihnen wichtig schien, und von dem sie meinten, es ihren Nachfolgern mitteilen zu sollen: Alltagserfahrungen wie Grenzstreitigkeiten mit den Nachbarn, Meliorationsauseinandersetzungen mit der Frau des VorgĂ€ngers, die SchwerfĂ€lligkeit der kirchlichen Verwaltung. Dazu kamen die Neuigkeiten aus der UniversitĂ€tsstadt Göttingen wie die Nachrichten vom Tode berĂŒhmter Professoren oder die Zurschaustellung des Nashorns Clara. Erdbeben, Nordlichter, heftige Unwetter – nicht zuletzt die eigenen Erfahrungen des SiebenjĂ€hrigen Krieges wurden verzeichnet. Reskripte, Dekrete oder Ausschreibungen von Kollekten lassen erkennen, wie weltliche und kirchliche Verwaltungen mit der Armut und dem geringen Alphabetisierungsgrad der Landbevölkerung umgingen. Die Vielzahl der Themen, die die Pastoren berĂŒhrten, sowie statistische Angaben (Bevölkerungszahlen und Preise) machen die Chronik zu einem zeitgeschichtlichen Dokument. Eine EinfĂŒhrung sowie die umfangreiche Kommentierung erleichtern den Zugang zur Transkription, die buchstaben- und zeichengetreu ausgefĂŒhrt wurde

    Cooperative leadership as a condition for patient-reported rehabilitation success

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    Meyer T, Kleineke V, Stamer M. Cooperative leadership as a condition for patient-reported rehabilitation success. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences. 2023;4: 1114666.Introduction: Rehabilitation is a complex intervention that takes place in a complex setting. The MeeR project (characteristics of successful rehabilitation facilities) aims to identify complex conditions of successful rehabilitation outcomes.; Methods: A project with a sequential mixed-methods study design with a quantitative prestudy and a qualitative main study was applied. In the quantitative study, quality assurance data of the German Pension Insurance was used to (1) develop and compute a multifacet z-standardized outcome index based on patient-reported outcome data, (2) rank k=273 orthopedic rehabilitation facilities comprising n=112,895 patients and k=86 cardiac rehabilitation institutions comprising n=30,299 patients based on their outcome index score by means of a league table, and (3) adjust the ranking by basic patient characteristics (age, gender, diagnosis, weeks out of work prior to rehabilitation, application for pension). In the qualitative main study, k=6 rehabilitation facilities (orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation centers) were recruited based on the results of the quantitative analysis: three facilities that ranked top 10% and three facilities that ranked lowest 10% of the adjusted league table. All six rehabilitation facilities were visited each for 1 week by two researchers. We conducted participant observations, expert interviews with medical and administrative leaders, group discussions with rehab team members, and group discussions with patients. Subsequently, a systematic comparison of the results of the upper and lower 10% facilities was conducted to identify those characteristics that distinguished those institutions from one another.; Results: One of the three clusters of characteristics that distinguished the above and below 10% facilities related to teamwork or interdisciplinary cooperation: among others, the extent of interdisciplinary cooperation was higher in the rehabilitation facilities with a higher degree of success, the leading medical doctors were less dominant in these institutions, and there was also a more comprehensive representation of the team within team meetings, i.e., the quality and amount of interdisciplinary cooperation were higher in these institutions compared to rehabilitation facilities with a lower level of success.; Discussion: This project provided qualitative evidence for the role of interdisciplinary cooperation and collaborative leadership and its different facets for patient-related successful rehabilitation in orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation. It provides valuable insights into the fabric and structure of a rehabilitation institution and a variety of target points for team development and group-leading interventions. © 2023 Meyer, Kleineke and Stamer

    Stand der Forschung zur Teilhabe- und Patientenorientierung der Leistungen zur medizinischen Rehabilitation der GKV

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