63 research outputs found

    Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Microscopy Visualizes Pharmaceutical Tablets During Dissolution

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    Traditional pharmaceutical dissolution tests determine the amount of drug dissolved over time by measuring drug content in the dissolution medium. This method provides little direct information about what is happening on the surface of the dissolving tablet. As the tablet surface composition and structure can change during dissolution, it is essential to monitor it during dissolution testing. In this work coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy is used to image the surface of tablets during dissolution while UV absorption spectroscopy is simultaneously providing inline analysis of dissolved drug concentration for tablets containing a 50% mixture of theophylline anhydrate and ethyl cellulose. The measurements showed that in situ CARS microscopy is capable of imaging selectively theophylline in the presence of ethyl cellulose. Additionally, the theophylline anhydrate converted to theophylline monohydrate during dissolution, with needle-shaped crystals growing on the tablet surface during dissolution. The conversion of theophylline anhydrate to monohydrate, combined with reduced exposure of the drug to the flowing dissolution medium resulted in decreased dissolution rates. Our results show that in situ CARS microscopy combined with inline UV absorption spectroscopy is capable of monitoring pharmaceutical tablet dissolution and correlating surface changes with changes in dissolution rate

    Twin-screw granulation – a systematic analysis of process parameters

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    Twin-screw granulation has a significant advantage over traditional granulation methods leading to the possibility of continuous manufacturing. Although this technology has drawn attention in recent years, the general understanding of the process is limited. This study gives a brief overview of the most important process parameters and their influence on product quality. Experimental results from a benchtop granulator and an in-line particle size measurement have been analysed. From this basic study conclusions can be drawn how to tailor the particle size distribution in twin-screw granulation. The most crucial parameters are the liquid-to-solid ratio and the filling level of the screws

    Powder Compaction: Compression Properties of Cellulose Ethers

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    Effective development of matrix tablets requires a comprehensive understanding of different raw material attributes and their impact on process parameters. Cellulose ethers (CE) are the most commonly used pharmaceutical excipients in the fabrication of hydrophilic matrices. The innate good compression and binding properties of CE enable matrices to be prepared using economical direct compression (DC) techniques. However, DC is sensitive to raw material attributes, thus, impacting the compaction process. This article critically reviews prior knowledge on the mechanism of powder compaction and the compression properties of cellulose ethers, giving timely insight into new developments in this field

    What do we Know about Tablet Coating Uniformity?

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    Coating of tablets is an important way to design properties of the final dosage form. [...

    Extrusion/spheronization of pectin-based formulations. II. Effect of additive concentration in the granulation liquid

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    Purpose. The aim of this study was to improve the formation of spherical pectin pellets by investigating the effect of additive concentration in the granulation liquid on the shape and size of the products as well as by identifying an optimal additive concentration.Methods. High-methoxylated, low-methoxylated, and amidated low-methoxylated pectin types were evaluated in combination with different concentrations of methanol, ethanol, citric acid, lactic acid, and calcium chloride. Pellets were prepared in a power-consumption-controlled twin-screw extruder, then spheronized and dried. The moisture content of the extrudate was determined, and the final products were characterized by image analysis and sieving analysis. A cloud point test was employed for the identification of an optimal additive concentration.Results. The concentration of additive in the granulation liquid affected the moisture content of the extrudate and the shape, size, and mechanical stability of the pectin pellets. Improvements in the pellet characteristics are dependent on the pectin type employed. The 2 low-methoxylated pectins were more sensitive to concentration changes than was the high-methoxylated type. Above a certain threshold concentration, the quality of the pellets are improved. This additive concentration differs according to type of pectin and type of additive.Conclusion. It was demonstrated that there is a concentration-dependent interaction between pectin and substances added to the granulation liquid that can be utilized to improve the formation of spherical pectin pellets

    Tablet disintegration studied by high-resolution real-time magnetic resonance imaging.

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    The present work employs recent advances in high-resolution real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the disintegration process of tablets containing disintegrants. A temporal resolution of 75 ms and a spatial resolution of 80 x 80 m with a section thickness of only 600 m were achieved. The histograms of MRI videos were quantitatively analyzed with MATLAB. The mechanisms of action of six commercially available disintegrants, the influence of relative tablet density, and the impact of disintegrant concentration were examined. Crospovidone seems to be the only disintegrant acting by a shape memory effect, whereas the others mainly swell. A higher relative density of tablets containing croscarmellose sodium leads to a more even distribution of water within the tablet matrix but hardly impacts the disintegration kinetics. Increasing the polacrilin potassium disintegrant concentration leads to a quicker and more thorough disintegration process. Real-time MRI emerges as valuable tool to visualize and investigate the process of tablet disintegration

    Direct pelletization in a rotary processor controlled by torque measurements. II: Effects of changes in the content of microcrystalline cellulose

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    In the present study we investigated the effect of changes in the content of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) on a direct pelletization process in a rotary processor in which the liquid addition was terminated once a certain increase in torque was produced. Nine different mixtures of MCC and lactose with MCC contents varying from 10% to 100% (w/w) were pelletized using 6 different torque increase levels, and the changes in pellet characteristics were investigated. The pellet characteristics investigated were pellet shape, size, and size distribution as well as the water content of the pellets at the end of liquid addition. To produce spherical agglomerates with suitable characteristics in a reproducible way, a content of a least 20% (w/w) MCC was found necessary. Linear correlations were found between the MCC content and the water content and between the torque incraase and the water content, showing that the torque increase is suitable to control the process. A higher torque increase or a higher MCC content was found to increase the water content independently of each other

    Influence of degree of polymerization on behavior of cellulose during homogenization and extrusion/spheronization

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    The study objective was to investigate the influence of the degree of polymerization (DP) of cellulose materials (microcrystalline cellulose [MCC] and powder cellulose [PC]) on the behavior of these materials during homogenization and extrusion/spheronization processes. Suspensions of the cellulose types with different DP values were homogenized using a high-pressure homogenizer. The particle size, agglomeration index, and apparent viscosity of these suspensions was determined at different times after pouring. Additionally, these different cellulose types were processed into pellets using the extrusion/spheronization, method, and the water content and power consumption as a function of the DP were determined. Cellulose types with a high DP value showed greater particle size after homogenization, than the types with a low DP value. In contrast, no relevant relationship between the apparent viscosity and DP could be observed. During the extrusion process, water content in the extrudate and pellet porosity were increased as the DP was increased for the extrudates produced at the same level of power consumption. MCC types with various DPs compared with PC provided a novel way of understanding the role of cellulose in the extrusion process. The DP showed a remarkable influence on the physicochemical properties of the cellulose materials and, consequently, on the behavior of these materials during the extrusion/spheronization process. It is postulated that the sponge model is more appropriate for the cellulose type with high DP (PC), whereas the gel model is more applicable to cellulose types with lower DP (MCC)
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