59,512 research outputs found

    Classical mappings of the symplectic model and their application to the theory of large-amplitude collective motion

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    We study the algebra Sp(n,R) of the symplectic model, in particular for the cases n=1,2,3, in a new way. Starting from the Poisson-bracket realization we derive a set of partial differential equations for the generators as functions of classical canonical variables. We obtain a solution to these equations that represents the classical limit of a boson mapping of the algebra. The relationship to the collective dynamics is formulated as a theorem that associates the mapping with an exact solution of the time-dependent Hartree approximation. This solution determines a decoupled classical symplectic manifold, thus satisfying the criteria that define an exactly solvable model in the theory of large amplitude collective motion. The models thus obtained also provide a test of methods for constructing an approximately decoupled manifold in fully realistic cases. We show that an algorithm developed in one of our earlier works reproduces the main results of the theorem.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX using REVTeX 3.

    Analysis of the flight dynamics of the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) off-sun scientific pointing

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    Algorithms are presented which were created and implemented by the Goddard Space Flight Center's (GSFC's) Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) attitude operations team to support large-angle spacecraft pointing at scientific objectives. The mission objective of the post-repair SMM satellite was to study solar phenomena. However, because the scientific instruments, such as the Coronagraph/Polarimeter (CP) and the Hard X ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS), were able to view objects other than the Sun, attitude operations support for attitude pointing at large angles from the nominal solar-pointing attitudes was required. Subsequently, attitude support for SMM was provided for scientific objectives such as Comet Halley, Supernova 1987A, Cygnus X-1, and the Crab Nebula. In addition, the analysis was extended to include the reverse problem, computing the right ascension and declination of a body given the off-Sun angles. This analysis led to the computation of the orbits of seven new solar comets seen in the field-of-view (FOV) of the CP. The activities necessary to meet these large-angle attitude-pointing sequences, such as slew sequence planning, viewing-period prediction, and tracking-bias computation are described. Analysis is presented for the computation of maneuvers and pointing parameters relative to the SMM-unique, Sun-centered reference frame. Finally, science data and independent attitude solutions are used to evaluate the large-angle pointing performance

    Controlled Ecological Life Support System. Life Support Systems in Space Travel

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    Life support systems in space travel, in closed ecological systems were studied. Topics discussed include: (1) problems of life support and the fundamental concepts of bioregeneration; (2) technology associated with physical/chemical regenerative life support; (3) projection of the break even points for various life support techniques; (4) problems of controlling a bioregenerative life support system; (5) data on the operation of an experimental algal/mouse life support system; (6) industrial concepts of bioregenerative life support; and (7) Japanese concepts of bioregenerative life support and associated biological experiments to be conducted in the space station

    Manual and automatic flight control during severe turbulence penetration

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    An analytical and experimental investigation of possible contributing factors in jet aircraft turbulence upsets was conducted. Major contributing factors identified included autopilot and display deficiencies, the large aircraft inertia and associated long response time, and excessive pilot workload. An integrated flight and thrust energy management director system was synthesized. The system was incorporated in a moving-base simulation and evaluated using highly experienced airline pilots. The evaluation included comparison of pilot workload and flight performance during severe turbulence penetration utilizing four control/display concepts: manual control with conventional full panel display, conventional autopilot (A/P-A) with conventional full panel display, improved autopilot (A/P-B) with conventional full panel display plus thrust director display, and longitudinal flight director with conventional full panel display plus thrust director display. Simulation results show improved performance, reduced pilot workload, and a pilot preference for the autopilot system controlling to the flight director command and manual control of thrust following the trim thrust director

    Recent ν\nus from IceCube

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    IceCube is a 1 km3^3 neutrino detector now being built at the South Pole. Its 4800 optical modules will detect Cherenkov radiation from charged particles produced in neutrino interactions. IceCube will search for neutrinos of astrophysical origin, with energies from 100 GeV up to 101910^{19} eV. It will be able to separate νe\nu_e, νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau. In addition to detecting astrophysical neutrinos, IceCube will also search for neutrinos from WIMP annihilation in the Sun and the Earth, look for low-energy (10 MeV) neutrinos from supernovae, and search for a host of exotic signatures. With the associated IceTop surface air shower array, it will study cosmic-ray air showers. IceCube construction is now 50% complete. After presenting preliminary results from the partial detector, I will discuss IceCube's future plans.Comment: Invited talk presented at Neutrino 2008; 7 page

    Principles for the design of advanced flight director systems based on the theory of manual control displays

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    Design and development of flight director systems based on theory of manual control display

    Exact relativistic treatment of stationary counter-rotating dust disks III. Physical Properties

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    This is the third in a series of papers on the construction of explicit solutions to the stationary axisymmetric Einstein equations which can be interpreted as counter-rotating disks of dust. We discuss the physical properties of a class of solutions to the Einstein equations for disks with constant angular velocity and constant relative density which was constructed in the first part. The metric for these spacetimes is given in terms of theta functions on a Riemann surface of genus 2. It is parameterized by two physical parameters, the central redshift and the relative density of the two counter-rotating streams in the disk. We discuss the dependence of the metric on these parameters using a combination of analytical and numerical methods. Interesting limiting cases are the Maclaurin disk in the Newtonian limit, the static limit which gives a solution of the Morgan and Morgan class and the limit of a disk without counter-rotation. We study the mass and the angular momentum of the spacetime. At the disk we discuss the energy-momentum tensor, i.e. the angular velocities of the dust streams and the energy density of the disk. The solutions have ergospheres in strongly relativistic situations. The ultrarelativistic limit of the solution in which the central redshift diverges is discussed in detail: In the case of two counter-rotating dust components in the disk, the solutions describe a disk with diverging central density but finite mass. In the case of a disk made up of one component, the exterior of the disks can be interpreted as the extreme Kerr solution.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of certain oxidizing and reducing compounds on germination of Neurospora macroconidia

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    Effect of certain oxidizing and reducing compounds on germination of Neurospora macroconidi