1,165 research outputs found

    Angular dependence of domain wall resistivity in SrRuO3_{{\bf 3}} films

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    SrRuO3{\rm SrRuO_3} is a 4d itinerant ferromagnet (Tc_{c} \sim 150 K) with stripe domain structure. Using high-quality thin films of SrRuO3_{3} we study the resistivity induced by its very narrow (3\sim 3 nm) Bloch domain walls, ρDW\rho_{DW} (DWR), at temperatures between 2 K and Tc_{c} as a function of the angle, θ\theta , between the electric current and the ferromagnetic domains walls. We find that ρDW(T,θ)=sin2θρDW(T,90)+B(θ)ρDW(T,0)\rho_{DW}(T,\theta)=\sin^2\theta \rho_{DW}(T,90)+B(\theta)\rho_{DW}(T,0) which provides the first experimental indication that the angular dependence of spin accumulation contribution to DWR is sin2θ\sin^2\theta. We expect magnetic multilayers to exhibit a similar behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Mast cells, eosinophils and IgE-positive cells in the nasal mucose of patients with vasomotor rhinitis - An immunohistochemical study

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    Vasomotor rhinitis (VMR) is a disorder of unknown pathogenesis. Forty patients with VMR were carefully selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria proposed by Mygind and Weeke. Nasal biopsy specimens were taken in the patient group as well as in a group of ten controls. Brush cytology was also taken in the VMR group. Inflammatory cells were identified and counted in the nasal mucosa, with the use of immunohistochemical techniques and a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Eosinophils were studied with the use of BMK13, EG2, and Giemsa. Mast cells were studied with anti-chymase (B7), anti-tryptase (G3) and toluidine blue. Sections were stained with IgE as well. There was no significant difference in the number of eosinophils, mast cells and IgE-positive cells between the two groups. Additionally, in contrast with other reports, in sections that were double-stained with anti-chymase and anti-tryptase, single chymase-positive cells were found

    Tunneling conductance in strained graphene-based superconductor: Effect of asymmetric Weyl-Dirac fermions

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    Based on the BTK theory, we investigate the tunneling conductance in a uniaxially strained graphene-based normal metal (NG)/ barrier (I)/superconductor (SG) junctions. In the present model, we assume that depositing the conventional superconductor on the top of the uniaxially strained graphene, normal graphene may turn to superconducting graphene with the Cooper pairs formed by the asymmetric Weyl-Dirac electrons, the massless fermions with direction-dependent velocity. The highly asymmetrical velocity, vy/vx>>1, may be created by strain in the zigzag direction near the transition point between gapless and gapped graphene. In the case of the highly asymmetrical velocity, we find that the Andreev reflection strongly depends on the direction and the current perpendicular to the direction of strain can flow in the junction as if there was no barrier. Also, the current parallel to the direction of strain anomalously oscillates as a function of the gate voltage with very high frequency. Our predicted result is found as quite different from the feature of the quasiparticle tunneling in the unstrained graphene-based NG/I/SG conventional junction. This is because of the presence of the direction-dependent-velocity quasiparticles in the highly strained graphene system.Comment: 18 pages, 7 Figures; Eq.13 and 14 are correcte

    Vibrational properties of amorphous silicon from tight-binding O(N) calculation

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    We present an O(N) algorithm to study the vibrational properties of amorphous silicon within the framework of tight-binding approach. The dynamical matrix elements have been evaluated numerically in the harmonic approximation exploiting the short-range nature of the density matrix to calculate the vibrational density of states which is then compared with the same obtained from a standard O(N4N^4) algorithm. For the purpose of illustration, an 1000-atom model is studied to calculate the localization properties of the vibrational eigenstates using the participation numbers calculation.Comment: 5 pages including 5 ps figures; added a figure and a few references; accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Exact solution of Schrodinger equation for Pseudoharmonic potential

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    Exact solution of Schrodinger equation for the pseudoharmonic potential is obtained for an arbitrary angular momentum. The energy eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions are calculated by Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Wavefunctions are expressed in terms of Jacobi polynomials. The energy eigenvalues are calculated numerically for some values of l and n with n<5 for some diatomic molecules.Comment: 10 page

    Sum rules and energy scales in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x

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    The Ferrell-Glover-Tinkham (FGT) sum rule has been applied to the temperature dependence of the in-plane optical conductivity of optimally-doped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.95} and underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.60}. Within the accuracy of the experiment, the sum rule is obeyed in both materials. However, the energy scale \omega_c required to recover the full strength of the superfluid \rho_s in the two materials is dramatically different; \omega_c \simeq 800 cm^{-1} in the optimally doped system (close to twice the maximum of the superconducting gap, 2\Delta_0), but \omega_c \gtrsim 5000 cm^{-1} in the underdoped system. In both materials, the normal-state scattering rate close to the critical temperature is small, \Gamma < 2\Delta_0, so that the materials are not in the dirty limit and the relevant energy scale for \rho_s in a BCS material should be twice the energy gap. The FGT sum rule in the optimally-doped material suggests that the majority of the spectral weight of the condensate comes from energies below 2\Delta_0, which is consistent with a BCS material in which the condensate originates from a Fermi liquid normal state. In the underdoped material the larger energy scale may be a result of the non-Fermi liquid nature of the normal state. The dramatically different energy scales suggest that the nature of the normal state creates specific conditions for observing the different aspects of what is presumably a central mechanism for superconductivity in these materials.Comment: RevTeX 4 file, 9 pages with 7 embedded eps figure

    Klein tunneling in graphene: optics with massless electrons

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    This article provides a pedagogical review on Klein tunneling in graphene, i.e. the peculiar tunneling properties of two-dimensional massless Dirac electrons. We consider two simple situations in detail: a massless Dirac electron incident either on a potential step or on a potential barrier and use elementary quantum wave mechanics to obtain the transmission probability. We emphasize the connection to related phenomena in optics, such as the Snell-Descartes law of refraction, total internal reflection, Fabry-P\'erot resonances, negative refraction index materials (the so called meta-materials), etc. We also stress that Klein tunneling is not a genuine quantum tunneling effect as it does not necessarily involve passing through a classically forbidden region via evanescent waves. A crucial role in Klein tunneling is played by the conservation of (sublattice) pseudo-spin, which is discussed in detail. A major consequence is the absence of backscattering at normal incidence, of which we give a new shorten proof. The current experimental status is also thoroughly reviewed. The appendix contains the discussion of a one-dimensional toy model that clearly illustrates the difference in Klein tunneling between mono- and bi-layer graphene.Comment: short review article, 18 pages, 14 figures; v3: references added, several figures slightly modifie

    Memory in low-grade glioma patients treated with radiotherapy or temozolomide: a correlative analysis of EORTC study 22033-26033.

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    EORTC study 22033-26033 showed no difference in progression-free survival between high-risk low-grade glioma receiving either radiotherapy (RT) or temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy alone as primary treatment. Considering the potential long-term deleterious impact of RT on memory functioning, this study aims to determine whether TMZ is associated with less impaired memory functioning. Using the Visual Verbal Learning Test (VVLT), memory functioning was evaluated at baseline and subsequently every 6 months. Minimal compliance for statistical analyses was set at 60%. Conventional indices of memory performance (VVLT Immediate Recall, Total Recall, Learning Capacity, and Delayed Recall) were used as outcome measures. Using a mixed linear model, memory functioning was compared between treatment arms and over time. Neuropsychological assessment was performed in 98 patients (53 RT, 46 TMZ). At 12 months, compliance had dropped to 66%, restricting analyses to baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. At baseline, patients in either treatment arm did not differ in memory functioning, sex, age, or educational level. Over time, patients in both arms showed improvement in Immediate Recall (P = 0.017) and total number of words recalled (Total Recall; P &lt; 0.001, albeit with delayed improvement in RT patients (group by time; P = 0.011). Memory functioning was not associated with RT gross, clinical, or planned target volumes. In patients with high-risk low-grade glioma there is no indication that in the first year after treatment, RT has a deleterious effect on memory function compared with TMZ chemotherapy

    Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays of Charm and Bottom Hadrons

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    We review the experimental measurements and theoretical descriptions of leptonic and semileptonic decays of particles containing a single heavy quark, either charm or bottom. Measurements of bottom semileptonic decays are used to determine the magnitudes of two fundamental parameters of the standard model, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements VcbV_{cb} and VubV_{ub}. These parameters are connected with the physics of quark flavor and mass, and they have important implications for the breakdown of CP symmetry. To extract precise values of Vcb|V_{cb}| and Vub|V_{ub}| from measurements, however, requires a good understanding of the decay dynamics. Measurements of both charm and bottom decay distributions provide information on the interactions governing these processes. The underlying weak transition in each case is relatively simple, but the strong interactions that bind the quarks into hadrons introduce complications. We also discuss new theoretical approaches, especially heavy-quark effective theory and lattice QCD, which are providing insights and predictions now being tested by experiment. An international effort at many laboratories will rapidly advance knowledge of this physics during the next decade.Comment: This review article will be published in Reviews of Modern Physics in the fall, 1995. This file contains only the abstract and the table of contents. The full 168-page document including 47 figures is available at http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu/papers/slrevtex.p