813 research outputs found

    Superconformal hypermultiplets

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    We present theories of N=2 hypermultiplets in four spacetime dimensions that are invariant under rigid or local superconformal symmetries. The target spaces of theories with rigid superconformal invariance are (4n)-dimensional {\it special} hyper-K\"ahler manifolds. Such manifolds can be described as cones over tri-Sasakian metrics and are locally the product of a flat four-dimensional space and a quaternionic manifold. The latter manifolds appear in the coupling of hypermultiplets to N=2 supergravity. We employ local sections of an Sp(n)×Sp(1)(n)\times{\rm Sp}(1) bundle in the formulation of the Lagrangian and transformation rules, thus allowing for arbitrary coordinatizations of the hyper-K\"ahler and quaternionic manifolds

    Superconformal Hypermultiplets

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    We present theories of N=2 hypermultiplets in four spacetime dimensions that are invariant under rigid or local superconformal symmetries. The target spaces of theories with rigid superconformal invariance are (4n)-dimensional {\it special} hyper-Kähler manifolds. Such manifolds can be described as cones over tri-Sasakian metrics and are locally the product of a flat four-dimensional space and a quaternionic manifold. The latter manifolds appear in the coupling of hypermultiplets to N=2 supergravity. We employ local sections of an Sp(n)×Sp(1)(n)\times{\rm Sp}(1) bundle in the formulation of the Lagrangian and transformation rules, thus allowing for arbitrary coordinatizations of the hyper-Kähler and quaternionic manifolds

    Neurotransmitters as food supplements: the effects of GABA on brain and behavior

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    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human cortex. The food supplement version of GABA is widely available online. Although many consumers claim that they experience benefits from the use of these products, it is unclear whether these supplements confer benefits beyond a placebo effect. Currently, the mechanism of action behind these products is unknown. It has long been thought that GABA is unable to cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), but the studies that have assessed this issue are often contradictory and range widely in their employed methods. Accordingly, future research needs to establish the effects of oral GABA administration on GABA levels in the human brain, for example using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. There is some evidence in favor of a calming effect of GABA food supplements, but most of this evidence was reported by researchers with a potential conflict of interest. We suggest that any veridical effects of GABA food supplements on brain and cognition might be exerted through BBB passage or, more indirectly, via an effect on the enteric nervous system. We conclude that the mechanism of action of GABA food supplements is far from clear, and that further work is needed to establish the behavioral effects of GABA

    The impact of human-robot synchronization on anthropomorphization

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    To elucidate the working mechanism behind anthropomorphism, this study investigated whether human participants would anthropomorphize a robot more if they move synchronously versus non-synchronously with it, and whether this is affected by which of the two initiates the movements. We tested two competing hypotheses. The feature-overlap hypothesis predicts that moving in synchrony would increase perceived self-other feature overlap, which in turn might spread activation to codes of features related to humans—which should increase anthropomorphization. In contrast, the autonomy hypothesis predicts that unpredictability increases anthropomorphization, and thus that whenever the robot initiates movements, or when the human initiates movements to which the robot moves non-synchronously, there is an increased perception of the robot as a more human-like, intentionally acting creature, which in turn should increase anthropomorphization. We performed a study with synchrony as within-subjects factor, and initiator (robot or human) as between-subjects factor. To study the impact of synchrony on self-other overlap and perception of human likeness, participants completed two tasks that served as implicit measures of state anthropomorphization, and two questionnaires that served as explicit measures of state anthropomorphization toward the robot. The two implicit measures were the joint Simon task and one-shot Dictator Game. Additionally, participants filled in a trait anthropomorphization questionnaire, to enable correction for baseline tendencies to anthropomorphize. The synchrony manipulation did not affect the joint Simon effect, although there was an effect on average reaction time (RT), where in the group in which the robot initiated the movement, RTs were slower when the human and robot moved non-synchronously. The Dictator Game offer and the state anthropomorphization questionnaires were not affected by the synchrony manipulation. There was, however, a positive correlation between current anthropomorphization of the robot and amount of money offered to it. Given that most measures were not systematically affected by our manipulation, it appears that either our design was suboptimal, or that synchronization does not affect the anthropomorphization of a robot.Action Contro

    Special geometry in hypermultiplets

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    We give a detailed analysis of pairs of vector and hypermultiplet theories with N=2 supersymmetry in four spacetime dimensions that are related by the (classical) mirror map. The symplectic reparametrizations of the special K\"ahler space associated with the vector multiplets induce corresponding transformations on the hypermultiplets. We construct the Sp(1)×\timesSp(nn) one-forms in terms of which the hypermultiplet couplings are encoded and exhibit their behaviour under symplectic reparametrizations. Both vector and hypermultiplet theories allow vectorial central charges in the supersymmetry algebra associated with integrals over the K\"ahler and hyper-K\"ahler forms, respectively. We show how these charges and the holomorphic BPS mass are related by the mirror map.Comment: Latex 36 pp. A few minor correction