58 research outputs found

    Individualisten auf gemeinsamem Kurs? : Diversität von Beratungspersonen der Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung als Chance

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, ob und wie Individualität und Diversität von Beratungspersonen der Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung BSLB, eingebettet in den organisationalen Kontext, in der Praxis gewinnbringend genutzt werden. Es interessiert, inwiefern individuelle berufliche Hintergründe, Interessen, Neigungen und Fähigkeiten der Beratungspersonen berücksichtigt werden und ob daran angelehnte Schwerpunkte oder Spezialisierungen die Beratungsgestaltung und die individuelle Weiterentwicklung prägen. Ebenfalls von Interesse sind die organisationalen Rahmenbedingungen und wie die Bildung einer gemeinsamen beruflichen Identität und das Erleben eines Beratungskollektivs möglich sind. Die empirische Erhebung erfolgte anhand vier problemzentrierten Interviews mit Beratungspersonen der öffentlichen BSLB bei einer zumindest partiell freischaffenden Beratungstätigkeit. Mittels der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse wurden die Daten analysiert und ausgewertet. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass das Gebiet der BSLB den Beratungspersonen grundsätzlich ein sehr vielseitiges Berufsfeld bietet

    Anatomical Reconstruction and Functional Imaging Reveal an Ordered Array of Skylight Polarization Detectors in Drosophila

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    Many insects exploit skylight polarization as a compass cue for orientation and navigation. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, photoreceptors R7 and R8 in the dorsal rim area (DRA) of the compound eye are specialized to detect the electric vector (e-vector) of linearly polarized light. These photoreceptors are arranged in stacked pairs with identical fields of view and spectral sensitivities, but mutually orthogonal microvillar orientations. As in larger flies, we found that the microvillar orientation of the distal photoreceptor R7 changes in a fan-like fashion along the DRA. This anatomical arrangement suggests that the DRA constitutes a detector for skylight polarization, in which different e-vectors maximally excite different positions in the array. To test our hypothesis, we measured responses to polarized light of varying e-vector angles in the terminals of R7/8 cells using genetically encoded calcium indicators. Our data confirm a progression of preferred e-vector angles from anterior to posterior in the DRA, and a strict orthogonality between the e-vector preferences of paired R7/8 cells. We observed decreased activity in photoreceptors in response to flashes of light polarized orthogonally to their preferred e-vector angle, suggesting reciprocal inhibition between photoreceptors in the same medullar column, which may serve to increase polarization contrast. Together, our results indicate that the polarization-vision system relies on a spatial map of preferred e-vector angles at the earliest stage of sensory processing

    Prática e Ensino de Canoagem: Uma modalidade Alternativa e Promissora

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    Given the importance of physical training for health, canoeing emerges as a different strategy to attract the interest of children and adolescents. Here, we present a research on the nature of culture and extension activities that has introduced and developed a program of canoeing, including the canoe pole, at Center of Sports Practice of University of São Paulo to meet university students and external community. The adherence of subjects on courses was high. Additionally, we developed two important academic tools during this project: tables of training periodization and a manuscript about the canoe polo. Both served in the management of classes and can be used by other professionals. Canoeing is a sport that has growth potential in Brazil. Thus, extension works, such as this work, are essential for their development in the country.Diante da importância do treinamento físico para a saúde, a canoagem surge como uma estratégia diferente para despertar o interesse de crianças e adolescentes. Apresentamos aqui um trabalho de extensão universitária que implantou e desenvolveu um programa de canoagem, incluindo o caiaque pólo, no Centro de Práticas Esportivas da Universidade de São Paulo, para atender não apenas os jovens da própria universidade, mas também da comunidade externa. A adesão dos alunos aos cursos foi alta. Além disso, desenvolvemos duas importantes ferramentas teóricas durante esse projeto: as tabelas de periodização de treinos e uma apostila sobre caiaque pólo. Ambas serviram como elementos facilitadores na gestão das aulas e poderão ser utilizadas por outros profissionais da área. A canoagem é uma modalidade esportiva que apresenta potencial de crescimento no Brasil. Portanto, trabalhos de extensão como esse são essenciais para o seu desenvolvimento no país

    Jugendliche im Berufswahlprozess: Wie nehmen sie den Einfluss ihrer Eltern wahr?

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    ChemInform Abstract: New Fluorinated Halomethyl Isoxazoles.

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    Oxidative Carbonylation

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    Locamation - Film Stills From My Summer Vacation : Mercury Vapour Collective : Aaron Mckenzie Fraser, Darcy Lyndon Fraser, Rolf Klausener, Ben Welland

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    "An exhibition that explores fleeting and ephemeral moments, the passage of the seasons and the solid bonds of friendships. In Canada, our lives are compartmentalized according to weather, hot or cold, and our activities reflect our social interaction with the environment. This exhibition gives a contemporary glimpse of summer in Canada, presenting it to us as a time of travel, a time to experience key moments of passage, while highlighting cultural landmarks and rituals." -- Publisher's website