873 research outputs found

    Die TrĂĽmmereisenerze von Damme (Grube Damme und benachbarte Vorkommen) : mit 4 Tabellen

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    Bei Damme, Gehrde und Rieste, 30 km nordöstlich von Osnabrück, kommt ein marin-sedimentäres, stratiformes Eisenerzlager vor, das aus Brauneisenerz-Geröllen und mergelig-glaukonitischer Matrix besteht und meist 2-7 m mächtig ist. Dieses Erzlager tritt in fünf unterschiedlich großen, linsenförmigen Zonen auf, die in 70-400 m Tiefe unter Gelände auf den flach einfallenden Flügeln einer 35 km langen und 10km breiten Oberkreide-Mulde liegen. Es gehört stratigraphisch dem Oberen Unter-Campan an und transgrediert auf tonige Gesteine der Unterkreide. In seinem Hangenden liegen Sedimentgesteine des Ober-Campan, Tertiär und Quartär. Das Erzlager entstand als marine Seife durch Abtragung, Umlagerung und Oxidation von Siderit-Konkretionen aus den tonigen Gesteinen der Unterkreide im Liegenden und in der Umgebung des Erzvorkommens. Von 1944-1967 ist das Erzlager in der jetzt auflässigen Grube Damme abgebaut worden. Dort erzeugte man aus Roherz mit 30-32 % Fe und 0,6-0,7% P durch naßmechanische Aufbereitung ein Konzentrat (versandfertiges Produkt) mit 46-47 % Fe und 0,8% P, das im Ruhrgebiet verhüttet wurde. Insgesamt wurden rund 9,2 Mio. t Roherz gefördert und 5,1 Mio. t Konzentrat erzeugt. Die Grube Damme ist aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen stillgelegt worden. Das Erz ist gegenwärtig nicht abbauwürdig. Deshalb sind die Erzvorräte noch nicht vollständig erkundet

    Momentum dependence of the electron-phonon coupling and self-energy effects in YBa_2Cu_3O_7 within the local density approximation

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    Using the local density approximation (LDA) and a realistic phonon spectrum we determine the momentum and frequency dependence of α2F(k,ω)\alpha^2F({\bf k},\omega) in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 for the bonding, antibonding, and chain band. The resulting self-energy Σ\Sigma is rather small near the Fermi surface. For instance, for the antibonding band the maximum of ReΣRe \Sigma as a function of frequency is about 7 meV at the nodal point in the normal state and the ratio of bare and renormalized Fermi velocities 1.18. These values are a factor 3-5 too small compared to the experiment showing that only a small part of Σ\Sigma can be attributed to phonons. Furthermore, the frequency dependence of the renormalization factor Z(k,ω)Z({\bf k},\omega) is smooth and has no anomalies at the observed kink frequencies which means that phonons cannot produce well-pronounced kinks in stoichiometric YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7, at least, within the LDA.Comment: Figure 1 slightly revised, text shortened, accepted as a PR

    Aktuelles Schlagwort Bioinformatik

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    Minority-spin conduction in ferromagnetic Mn5_5Ge3_3Cx_x and Mn5_5Si3_3Cx_x films derived from anisotropic magnetoresistance and density functional theory

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    The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) of ferromagnetic Mn5_5Ge3_3Cx_x (0 ≤\le x ≤\le 1) and Mn5_5Si3_3Cx_x (0.5 ≤\le x ≤\le 1) thin films was investigated and compared with density functional theory calculations from which the spin-split electronic density of states at the Fermi level and the spin polarization were obtained. The isostructural compounds exhibit different AMR behavior. While only Mn5Si3C0.5 shows a positive AMR ratio and a positive spin polarization, the negative AMR ratio of all other compounds is due to a negative spin polarization. The correlation between the sign of the AMR and the degree of spin polarization is in agreement with theoretical calculations of the AMR ratio indicating that the magnetoelectronic transport in both compounds is dominated by minority-spin conduction. The dominating role of minority-spin conduction remains unaffected even after incorporation of carbon into the crystalline lattice which weakens both AMR and spin polarization

    Properties of the phonon-induced pairing interaction in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 within the local density approximation

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    The properties of the phonon-induced interaction between electrons are studied using the local density approximation (LDA). Restricting the electron momenta to the Fermi surface we find generally that this interaction has a pronounced peak for large momentum transfers and that the interband contributions between bonding and antibonding band are of the same magnitude as the intraband ones. Results are given for various symmetry averages of this interaction over the Fermi surface. In particular, we find that the dimensionless coupling constant in the d-wave channel λd\lambda^d, relevant for superconductivity, is only 0.022, i.e., even about ten times smaller than the small value of the s-wave channel. Similarly, the LDA contribution to the resistivity is about a factor 10 times smaller than the observed resistivity suggesting that phonons are not the important low-energy excitations in high-Tc_c oxides.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    First-principles calculations of the dispersion of surface phonons of the unreconstructed and reconstructed Pt(110)

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    We present result of calculations of the surface phonon dispersion curves for Pt(110) using density functional theory in the local density approximation and norm conserving pseudopotentials in a mixed-basis approach. Linear response theory is invoked and both the unreconstructed, and the missing row (1x2) reconstructed surfaces are considered. We find that the reconstruction is not driven by a phonon instability. Most of the observed phonon modes for the (1x2) structure can be understood in terms of simple folding of the (1x1) Brillouin zone onto that for the (1x2) surface. Largest changes in the phonon frequencies on surface reconstruction occur close to the zone boundary in the (001) direction. Detailed comparison of atomic force constants for the (1x1) and the (1x2) surfaces and their bulk counterparts show that the bulk value is attained after three layers. Our calculations reproduce nicely the Kohn anomaly observed along the (110) direction in the bulk. We do not find a corresponding effect on the surface

    Methodenbericht: Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften (ALLBUS) 1984

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    Der Methodenbericht zum ALLBUS 1984 verfolgt das Ziel, den Forschungsprozeß von ALLBUS transparent zu machen. Hierzu wird zunächst über die Vorbereitung des ALLBUS 1984 (Fragenprogramm, Fragebogenkonstruktion, Pretest, Pretestbericht) berichtet. Es schließt sich eine Darstellung der Hauptstudie an, die Auskunft über Fragenprogramm und Fragebogenentwicklung, Grundgesamtheit, Stichprobenplan und -ausschöpfung, Feldverlauf (Interviewer-Einsatz, Interviewsituation) und Gewichtungsverfahren gibt. Abschließend werden Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Test-Retest-Studie zum ALLBUS 1984 dokumentiert. (WZ
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