459 research outputs found

    Deterministically and Sudoku-Deterministically Recognizable Picture Languages

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    The recognizable 2-dimensional languages are a robust class with many characterizations, comparable to the regular languages in the 1-dimensional case. One characterization is by tiling systems. The corresponding word problem is NP-complete. Therefore, notions of determinism for tiling systems were suggested. For the notion which was called "deterministically recognizable" it was open since 1998 whether it implies recognizability. By showing that acyclicity of grid graphs is recognizable we answer this question positively. In contrast to that, we show that non-recognizable languages can be accepted by a generalization of this tiling system determinism which we call sudoku-determinism. Its word problem, however, is still in linear time. We show that Sudoku-determinism even contains the set of 2-dimensional languages which can be recognized by 4-way alternating automata

    Searching paths of constant bandwidth

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    As a generalization of paths, the notion of paths of bandwidth w is introduced. We show that, for a given constant w >= 1, the corresponding search problem for such a path of length k in a given graph is NP-complete and fixed-parameter tractable in the parameter k, like this is known for the special case w=1, the LONGEST PATH problem. We state the FPT algorithm in terms of a guess and check protocol which uses witnesses of size polynomial in the parameter

    Exponential Multiplication Schemes

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    We present an idea to describe a polynomial with 2^n distinct integer zeros by an n-tuple of integers via a scheme of n recurring equations. We call such an n-tuple an exponential multiplication scheme of size n. Exponential multiplication schemes of size 1,2,3, and 4 are presented. Under the assumption that fast exponential multiplication scheme generators exist we suggest a fast randomized heuristic for the factorization problem

    Alternating, private alternating, and quantum alternating realtime automata

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    We present new results on realtime alternating, private alternating, and quantum alternating automaton models. Firstly, we show that the emptiness problem for alternating one-counter automata on unary alphabets is undecidable. Then, we present two equivalent definitions of realtime private alternating finite automata (PAFAs). We show that the emptiness problem is undecidable for PAFAs. Furthermore, PAFAs can recognize some nonregular unary languages, including the unary squares language, which seems to be difficult even for some classical counter automata with two-way input. Regarding quantum finite automata (QFAs), we show that the emptiness problem is undecidable both for universal QFAs on general alphabets, and for alternating QFAs with two alternations on unary alphabets. On the other hand, the same problem is decidable for nondeterministic QFAs on general alphabets. We also show that the unary squares language is recognized by alternating QFAs with two alternations

    Entre autoridad y libertad : el consenso, idea central de la teoría política de Nicolás de Cusa en el De Concordantia Catholica

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    Fil: Reinhardt, Klaus. Universidad de Tréveris; Alemania.In De Concordantia Catholica Nicholas of Cusa develops two seemingly contradictory views of government. In book I he derives all power from an upper source and builds up a monarchic conception of the Church and the State. Differently, in books II and III he stresses the dependence of government on the consent of subjects, which makes of him a pioneer of democratic formulations of government. The author of the article shows that Nicholas of Cusa 1. frames these two seemingly contradictory views within a broader theologic-christologic thesis. This thesis holds that all government must derive from both humane and divine sources, which allows the author to conclude that 2. Nicholas's singular statements on the radical freedom of man (naturally a gift of God) and on the limitations -to be exerted by control commissions- of both ecclesiastical and temporal powers set the ground for the development of a democratic thought founded on human rights

    Entre autoridad y libertad: el consenso, idea central de la teoría política de Nicolás de Cusa en el De concordantia catholica

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    In De concordantia catholica, Nicholas of Cusa develops two seemingly contradictory views of government. In book I, he derives all power from an upper source and builds up a monarchic conception of the Church and the State. Differently, in books II and III he stresses the dependence of government on the consent of subjects, which makes of him a pioneer of democratic formulations of government. The author of the article shows that Nicholas of Cusa (1) frames these two seemingly contradictory views within a broader theologic-christologic thesis. This thesis holds that all government must derive from both humane and divine sources, which allows the author to conclude that (2) Nicholas’s singular statements on the radical freedom of man (naturally a gift of God) and on the limitations –to be exerted by control commissions– of both ecclesiastical and temporal powers set the ground for the development of a democratic thought founded on human rights.En el De concordantia catholica, Nicolás de Cusa desarrolla dos lecturas aparentemente contradictorias del gobierno. En el libro I deriva todo el poder desde una fuente superior y construye una concepción monárquica de la Iglesia y el Estado. Y, de manera diferente, en los libros II y III subraya la dependencia del gobierno frente al consenso de sus súbditos, lo que lo convierte en un pionero de las formulaciones democráticas de gobierno. El autor de este artículo muestra que Nicolás de Cusa (1) enmarca estas dos lecturas aparentemente contradictorias dentro de una tesis más amplio de índole teológico-cristológico. Esta tesis sostiene que todo gobierno debe derivar tanto de fuentes divinas como humanas. Esta le permite concluir al autor que (2) Nicolás presenta singulares planteos respecto a la libertad radical del hombre (naturalmente, siendo esta un regalo de Dios) y respecto a las limitaciones –debe ser ejercida bajo comisiones de control– de los poderes tanto eclesiástico como temporal, que se instituyen como base teórica para el desarrollo de un pensamiento democrático basado en los derechos humanos
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