12 research outputs found

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Acute Stroke

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Helicobacter pylori infection (HBPI) is an independent risk factor for acute noncardioembolic stroke, and also if there is a link between HBPI and other established and well-known risk factors for stroke, as well, to find if there is link between HBPI and severity of disease. In this prospective single centre study where enrolled 82 patients with acute stroke and control group was consistented 93 healthy individuals. The results of this study showed no difference between H.pylori seropositivity distribution in the investigate and control group (25.8 vs. 34.8%), additionally, there was no significant difference on the severity of the disease. Furthermore there was no evident association between acute stroke and HBPI in the patientes with three and more risk factors, but we found significant link between HBPI and carotid stenosis. Further studies are needed to clarify the possible causal relation between infection by this organism and stroke. It is necessary not only the elucidate of pathophysiology related to the association, but also to evaluate whether antibiotic treatment may result in clinical benefit of the patient

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Acute Stroke

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Helicobacter pylori infection (HBPI) is an independent risk factor for acute noncardioembolic stroke, and also if there is a link between HBPI and other established and well-known risk factors for stroke, as well, to find if there is link between HBPI and severity of disease. In this prospective single centre study where enrolled 82 patients with acute stroke and control group was consistented 93 healthy individuals. The results of this study showed no difference between H.pylori seropositivity distribution in the investigate and control group (25.8 vs. 34.8%), additionally, there was no significant difference on the severity of the disease. Furthermore there was no evident association between acute stroke and HBPI in the patientes with three and more risk factors, but we found significant link between HBPI and carotid stenosis. Further studies are needed to clarify the possible causal relation between infection by this organism and stroke. It is necessary not only the elucidate of pathophysiology related to the association, but also to evaluate whether antibiotic treatment may result in clinical benefit of the patient

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Acute Stroke

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Helicobacter pylori infection (HBPI) is an independent risk factor for acute noncardioembolic stroke, and also if there is a link between HBPI and other established and well-known risk factors for stroke, as well, to find if there is link between HBPI and severity of disease. In this prospective single centre study where enrolled 82 patients with acute stroke and control group was consistented 93 healthy individuals. The results of this study showed no difference between H.pylori seropositivity distribution in the investigate and control group (25.8 vs. 34.8%), additionally, there was no significant difference on the severity of the disease. Furthermore there was no evident association between acute stroke and HBPI in the patientes with three and more risk factors, but we found significant link between HBPI and carotid stenosis. Further studies are needed to clarify the possible causal relation between infection by this organism and stroke. It is necessary not only the elucidate of pathophysiology related to the association, but also to evaluate whether antibiotic treatment may result in clinical benefit of the patient

    Alzheimer and Lewy body pathology or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    he objective of this work is to describe the neuropathological findings of a patient clinically presenting with rapidly progressive nonspecific neurological symptoms suggestive of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Methods used were clinical description with laboratory analyses, repeated electroencephalogram, cerebral computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging studies and details on neuropathological work-up. Neuropathological examination excluded Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. By contrast other neurodegenerative changes combining Alzheimer-type pathology and Lewy body pathology were detected as the most likely substrate of neurological symptoms. Dementia with Lewy bodies should be included in the differential diagnosis in individuals presenting with rapidly progressive dementia

    Correlation between psychomotor functions and quality of life in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and migraines

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    Uvod: Multipla skleroza (MS) i migrena kronične su neuroloÅ”ke bolesti sa značajnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života i psihomotoričke funkcije. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti psihomotoriku i multidimenzionalno istražiti razinu kvalitete života u ranom stadiju relapsno remitirajućeg oblika multiple skleroze i migrene. Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 ispitanika (30 s migrenom ā€“ s aurom ili bez nje, 30 s RRMS-om i 30 zdravih kontrolnih ispitanika). Grupe su bile složene prema spolu, dobi i stupnju obrazovanja. Procijenjeni su pomoću Upitnika zdravstvenog statusa (SF-36), Indeksa osobne dobrobiti ā€“ verzija za odrasle (PWI-A) i psihomotornih testova (Fittsov tapping test, O'Connorov deksterimetar, dinamometar i aparat za ispitivanje vremena reakcije). Rezultati: Bolesnici s RRMS-om i migrenom u većini domena KŽ-a i KŽOZ-a postigli su značajno niži rezultat u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike, dok se u većini domena nisu međusobno razlikovali, kao ni u psihičkom zdravlju. Rezultati Fittsova tapping testa upućuju na to da bi test mogao biti dobra alternativa standardnom protokolu magnetske rezonancije u slučajevima kada se sumnja da su ā€žnevidljive lezijeā€• glavni uzrok patomorfoloÅ”kih promjena odgovornih za sadaÅ”nju kliničku sliku; također su pokazali značajne promjene koje su bile u korelaciji s dužinom liječenja. Vrijeme odluke bilo je produženo u bolesnika s MS-om, Å”to ukazuje na usporenje senzorne obrade kao posljedica poremećaja vremena senzornog procesa. Međutim, pronađeno je kako je vrijeme odluke indikativno i za oboljele od migrene, Å”to je u skladu s novijim hipotezama patofiziologije. Zaključak: Procjena zdravlja i kvalitete života može se uključiti kao metoda evaluacije liječenja i u klinička ispitivanja kako bi se osigurao potpuni pregled zdravstvenog stanja pacijenata. Nadalje, s obzirom na to da su psihomotorički testovi neovisni o istraživaču ili jeziku, mogli bi se koristiti u svakodnevnoj praksi, uz standardne kliničke i neuroradioloÅ”ke protokole.Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and migraine are chronic neurologic disorders with a significant influence on quality of life and psychomotor functions. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore psychomotor functions and investigate quality of life in patients with relapsing-remitting MS and migraine. Methods: This study included 90 subjects [30 with migraine (with or without aura), 30 with RRMS] and 30 healthy controls. Groups were matched by gender, age and level of education. They were assessed by - Health status questionnaire (SF-36), Personal Wellbeing Indexā€”Adult Questionnaire (PWI-A) and psychomotor tests (Fitts's tapping test, O'Connor dexterity, reaction and decision time tests, dynamometric strength tests). Results: Patients with RRMS and migraine had significantly worse self-reported QoL and HRQoL compared to HC, while they did not differ mutually in other QoL dimensions nor in mental health. The results of the psychomotor Fitt's tapping test, which showed significant changes correlated with the duration treatment in patients with RRMS suggest that this test might be a good alternative to standard magnetic resonance protocol, when ā€•silent lesionsā€• are suspected to be the main cause of pathomorphological changes responsible for the current clinical picture. Similarly, longer time decision in patients with RRMS suggest that a delay in sensory processing might be a consequence of malfunctioning of the sensory processing time. However, longer time decision is also indicative for migraine patients, which is in line with some recent pathophysiological hypotheses. Conclusion: Assessment of health status and quality of life might be included as a treatment evaluation method and in clinical trials to provide a complete view of patientsā€™ health status. Psychomotor tests, as were shown to be valid irrespective of the investigator or language might be used in everyday practice, next to clinical and neuroimaging standard protocols

    Correlation between psychomotor functions and quality of life in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and migraines

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    Uvod: Multipla skleroza (MS) i migrena kronične su neuroloÅ”ke bolesti sa značajnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života i psihomotoričke funkcije. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti psihomotoriku i multidimenzionalno istražiti razinu kvalitete života u ranom stadiju relapsno remitirajućeg oblika multiple skleroze i migrene. Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 ispitanika (30 s migrenom ā€“ s aurom ili bez nje, 30 s RRMS-om i 30 zdravih kontrolnih ispitanika). Grupe su bile složene prema spolu, dobi i stupnju obrazovanja. Procijenjeni su pomoću Upitnika zdravstvenog statusa (SF-36), Indeksa osobne dobrobiti ā€“ verzija za odrasle (PWI-A) i psihomotornih testova (Fittsov tapping test, O'Connorov deksterimetar, dinamometar i aparat za ispitivanje vremena reakcije). Rezultati: Bolesnici s RRMS-om i migrenom u većini domena KŽ-a i KŽOZ-a postigli su značajno niži rezultat u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike, dok se u većini domena nisu međusobno razlikovali, kao ni u psihičkom zdravlju. Rezultati Fittsova tapping testa upućuju na to da bi test mogao biti dobra alternativa standardnom protokolu magnetske rezonancije u slučajevima kada se sumnja da su ā€žnevidljive lezijeā€• glavni uzrok patomorfoloÅ”kih promjena odgovornih za sadaÅ”nju kliničku sliku; također su pokazali značajne promjene koje su bile u korelaciji s dužinom liječenja. Vrijeme odluke bilo je produženo u bolesnika s MS-om, Å”to ukazuje na usporenje senzorne obrade kao posljedica poremećaja vremena senzornog procesa. Međutim, pronađeno je kako je vrijeme odluke indikativno i za oboljele od migrene, Å”to je u skladu s novijim hipotezama patofiziologije. Zaključak: Procjena zdravlja i kvalitete života može se uključiti kao metoda evaluacije liječenja i u klinička ispitivanja kako bi se osigurao potpuni pregled zdravstvenog stanja pacijenata. Nadalje, s obzirom na to da su psihomotorički testovi neovisni o istraživaču ili jeziku, mogli bi se koristiti u svakodnevnoj praksi, uz standardne kliničke i neuroradioloÅ”ke protokole.Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and migraine are chronic neurologic disorders with a significant influence on quality of life and psychomotor functions. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore psychomotor functions and investigate quality of life in patients with relapsing-remitting MS and migraine. Methods: This study included 90 subjects [30 with migraine (with or without aura), 30 with RRMS] and 30 healthy controls. Groups were matched by gender, age and level of education. They were assessed by - Health status questionnaire (SF-36), Personal Wellbeing Indexā€”Adult Questionnaire (PWI-A) and psychomotor tests (Fitts's tapping test, O'Connor dexterity, reaction and decision time tests, dynamometric strength tests). Results: Patients with RRMS and migraine had significantly worse self-reported QoL and HRQoL compared to HC, while they did not differ mutually in other QoL dimensions nor in mental health. The results of the psychomotor Fitt's tapping test, which showed significant changes correlated with the duration treatment in patients with RRMS suggest that this test might be a good alternative to standard magnetic resonance protocol, when ā€•silent lesionsā€• are suspected to be the main cause of pathomorphological changes responsible for the current clinical picture. Similarly, longer time decision in patients with RRMS suggest that a delay in sensory processing might be a consequence of malfunctioning of the sensory processing time. However, longer time decision is also indicative for migraine patients, which is in line with some recent pathophysiological hypotheses. Conclusion: Assessment of health status and quality of life might be included as a treatment evaluation method and in clinical trials to provide a complete view of patientsā€™ health status. Psychomotor tests, as were shown to be valid irrespective of the investigator or language might be used in everyday practice, next to clinical and neuroimaging standard protocols

    Correlation between psychomotor functions and quality of life in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and migraines

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    Uvod: Multipla skleroza (MS) i migrena kronične su neuroloÅ”ke bolesti sa značajnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života i psihomotoričke funkcije. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti psihomotoriku i multidimenzionalno istražiti razinu kvalitete života u ranom stadiju relapsno remitirajućeg oblika multiple skleroze i migrene. Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 ispitanika (30 s migrenom ā€“ s aurom ili bez nje, 30 s RRMS-om i 30 zdravih kontrolnih ispitanika). Grupe su bile složene prema spolu, dobi i stupnju obrazovanja. Procijenjeni su pomoću Upitnika zdravstvenog statusa (SF-36), Indeksa osobne dobrobiti ā€“ verzija za odrasle (PWI-A) i psihomotornih testova (Fittsov tapping test, O'Connorov deksterimetar, dinamometar i aparat za ispitivanje vremena reakcije). Rezultati: Bolesnici s RRMS-om i migrenom u većini domena KŽ-a i KŽOZ-a postigli su značajno niži rezultat u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike, dok se u većini domena nisu međusobno razlikovali, kao ni u psihičkom zdravlju. Rezultati Fittsova tapping testa upućuju na to da bi test mogao biti dobra alternativa standardnom protokolu magnetske rezonancije u slučajevima kada se sumnja da su ā€žnevidljive lezijeā€• glavni uzrok patomorfoloÅ”kih promjena odgovornih za sadaÅ”nju kliničku sliku; također su pokazali značajne promjene koje su bile u korelaciji s dužinom liječenja. Vrijeme odluke bilo je produženo u bolesnika s MS-om, Å”to ukazuje na usporenje senzorne obrade kao posljedica poremećaja vremena senzornog procesa. Međutim, pronađeno je kako je vrijeme odluke indikativno i za oboljele od migrene, Å”to je u skladu s novijim hipotezama patofiziologije. Zaključak: Procjena zdravlja i kvalitete života može se uključiti kao metoda evaluacije liječenja i u klinička ispitivanja kako bi se osigurao potpuni pregled zdravstvenog stanja pacijenata. Nadalje, s obzirom na to da su psihomotorički testovi neovisni o istraživaču ili jeziku, mogli bi se koristiti u svakodnevnoj praksi, uz standardne kliničke i neuroradioloÅ”ke protokole.Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and migraine are chronic neurologic disorders with a significant influence on quality of life and psychomotor functions. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore psychomotor functions and investigate quality of life in patients with relapsing-remitting MS and migraine. Methods: This study included 90 subjects [30 with migraine (with or without aura), 30 with RRMS] and 30 healthy controls. Groups were matched by gender, age and level of education. They were assessed by - Health status questionnaire (SF-36), Personal Wellbeing Indexā€”Adult Questionnaire (PWI-A) and psychomotor tests (Fitts's tapping test, O'Connor dexterity, reaction and decision time tests, dynamometric strength tests). Results: Patients with RRMS and migraine had significantly worse self-reported QoL and HRQoL compared to HC, while they did not differ mutually in other QoL dimensions nor in mental health. The results of the psychomotor Fitt's tapping test, which showed significant changes correlated with the duration treatment in patients with RRMS suggest that this test might be a good alternative to standard magnetic resonance protocol, when ā€•silent lesionsā€• are suspected to be the main cause of pathomorphological changes responsible for the current clinical picture. Similarly, longer time decision in patients with RRMS suggest that a delay in sensory processing might be a consequence of malfunctioning of the sensory processing time. However, longer time decision is also indicative for migraine patients, which is in line with some recent pathophysiological hypotheses. Conclusion: Assessment of health status and quality of life might be included as a treatment evaluation method and in clinical trials to provide a complete view of patientsā€™ health status. Psychomotor tests, as were shown to be valid irrespective of the investigator or language might be used in everyday practice, next to clinical and neuroimaging standard protocols

    Fittsā€™ Tapping Task as a New Test for Cognition and Manual Dexterity in Multiple Sclerosis: Validation Study

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    Introduction. Studies suggest that people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) experience continuous and subclinical physical worsening, even as early as their disease diagnosis. Validating sensitive and reproducible tests that can capture subclinical disease activity early in the disease are clinically useful and highly warranted. We aimed at validating the utility of Fittsā€™ Tapping Task (FTT) as reproducible measure of psychomotor performance in pwMS. Materials and Methods. Thirty newly-diagnosed pwMS (within 2 years of diagnosis and Expanded Disability Status Scale; EDSS ā‰¤ 2.0), 30 people with migraine (pwMig), and 30 healthy controls (HCs) underwent a psychomotor assessment using the FTT, Oā€™Connor hand dexterity test, and Visual Reaction Time Test (VRTT). Hand strength was measured using a hand-grip dynamometer. Subjects also provided patient-reported outcomes (PROs) using the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). Intrarater and interrater reproducibility was acquired on 5 HCs by two independent operators. Testā€“retest reproducibility was determined in 5 pwMS over a 1-week follow-up. Eight pwMS returned for the same test procedures 2 years after the baseline assessment. Blandā€“Altman plots were used to determine the minimally detectable change (MDC) and logistic regression models determined the ability to differentiate between newly-diagnosed pwMS and HCs. Results. FTT exhibited a high intrarater and interrater reproducibility (interclass correlation coefficient of 0.961, p 15%. PwMS had significantly a slower FTT time and Oā€™Connor dexterity time when compared to pwMig and HCs (p p Conclusions. FTT is a highly-reproducible test for measuring psychomotor performance in newly-diagnosed pwMS. FTT can capture insidious worsening in psychomotor performance and cognitive function in early stages of MS