29 research outputs found

    Važnost vizuala u digitalnom marketingu

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    Gotovo svi korisnici interneta se svakodnevno susreću s internetskim oglasima. S obzirom na to da je život modernog čovjeka u velikoj većini digitaliziran, ne čudi da su vodeći načini oglašavanja upravo digitalni. Uzevši u obzir koliko je online danas bitno i razvijeno nastala je želja za dokazivanjem utjecaja vizualnog u oglašavanju. Unutar vrlo kratkog vremenskog okvira potrebno je zadobiti pažnju oglašavanje pojedinca. Tu se koriste grafički elementi kao što su tekst, slike, boje, oblici i sl. koji se prilagođavaju s obzirom na cilj. Svaki od tih elemenata ima svoju ulogu u privlačenju i zadržavanju potencijalnog kupca. S pretpostavkom da upravo vizualni elementi i način oblikovanja čine razliku u uspješnosti oglasa, kreirana je anketa koja bi potvrdila tu tezu. Uspoređivanjem različitih slikovnih primjera publika se izjasnila kojem oglasu više naginje i na koji bi prije kliknula. Takvom metodom dobiveni su rezultati koji ukazuju da su pretpostavke bile točne: vizuali i njihov dizajn imaju veliki utjecaj responzivnost i angažman publike

    Integrated Hydrographic System for Sustainable Development of the Marine Ecosystem

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    Prikazani su nova metodologija i rezultati hidrografskih istraživanja na projektu HIDROLAB – Integrirani hidrografski sustav za održivi razvoj morskog ekosustava. U ovom se članku pregledno prikazuje eksperimentalni razvoj sustava za prikupljanje prostornih podataka primjenom suvremenih metoda daljinskih istraživanja te analize raspršenja povratnog akustičkog signala u cijelom vodenom stupcu sa svrhom detaljnog i učinkovitog kartiranja podvodnih i priobalnih staništa. Postojeće metode nisu se pokazale dovoljno učinkovitima za dopunu karte podvodnih i priobalnih staništa hrvatskog dijela Jadranskog mora, što je propisano Direktivom 2014/89/EU. Pokrivenost teritorijalnog mora Republike Hrvatske evidentiranim prostiranjem položaja staništa iznosi oko 2%, a tu je evidenciju Republika Hrvatska sukladno Direktivi 92/43/EEZ dužna dovršiti kao osnovu za procjenu ribljeg fonda i određivanje kvota na razini Europske unije. Dosad prikupljeni podaci o staništima morskog dijela različite su preciznosti, različitih formata te su prikupljani različitim metodama (npr. direktnim mjerenjima i indirektnim modeliranjem) zbog čega su nepouzdani i informativnog karaktera. S druge strane primijenjena je nova metodologija kojom se – uz upotrebu višesnopnog ultrazvučnog dubinomjera – morsko dno i morska staništa kartiraju nekoliko desetaka puta brže, točnije i jeftinije.The paper presents a new methodology and results of hydrographic research on the project: HIDROLAB – Integrated hydrographic system for sustainable development of the marine ecosystem. The project is carried out as part of the experimental development of the system for spatial data collection using modern methods of remote sensing and analysis of the dispersion of the return acoustic signal in the entire water column with the purpose of detailed and effective mapping of underwater and coastal habitats. Existing methods have not proven to be effective enough for supplementing the map of underwater and coastal habitats of the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, which Directive 2014/89/EU prescribes. The coverage of the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia with the currently mapped habitats is about 2%, and Republic of Croatia is obliged to complete this record in accordance with Directive 92/43/EEC as a basis for the assessment of the fish stock and the determination of quotas at the level of the European Union. The data collected so far on the habitats of the marine part are of different precision and formats and were collected by different methods (e.g. direct measurements and indirect modelling), which is why they are unreliable and only informative. On the other hand, a new methodology was applied, which, using a multibeam echo-sounder system, maps the seabed and marine habitats several dozen times faster, more accurately and cheaper

    Integrated Hydrographic System for Sustainable Development of the Marine Ecosystem

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    Prikazani su nova metodologija i rezultati hidrografskih istraživanja na projektu HIDROLAB – Integrirani hidrografski sustav za održivi razvoj morskog ekosustava. U ovom se članku pregledno prikazuje eksperimentalni razvoj sustava za prikupljanje prostornih podataka primjenom suvremenih metoda daljinskih istraživanja te analize raspršenja povratnog akustičkog signala u cijelom vodenom stupcu sa svrhom detaljnog i učinkovitog kartiranja podvodnih i priobalnih staništa. Postojeće metode nisu se pokazale dovoljno učinkovitima za dopunu karte podvodnih i priobalnih staništa hrvatskog dijela Jadranskog mora, što je propisano Direktivom 2014/89/EU. Pokrivenost teritorijalnog mora Republike Hrvatske evidentiranim prostiranjem položaja staništa iznosi oko 2%, a tu je evidenciju Republika Hrvatska sukladno Direktivi 92/43/EEZ dužna dovršiti kao osnovu za procjenu ribljeg fonda i određivanje kvota na razini Europske unije. Dosad prikupljeni podaci o staništima morskog dijela različite su preciznosti, različitih formata te su prikupljani različitim metodama (npr. direktnim mjerenjima i indirektnim modeliranjem) zbog čega su nepouzdani i informativnog karaktera. S druge strane primijenjena je nova metodologija kojom se – uz upotrebu višesnopnog ultrazvučnog dubinomjera – morsko dno i morska staništa kartiraju nekoliko desetaka puta brže, točnije i jeftinije.The paper presents a new methodology and results of hydrographic research on the project: HIDROLAB – Integrated hydrographic system for sustainable development of the marine ecosystem. The project is carried out as part of the experimental development of the system for spatial data collection using modern methods of remote sensing and analysis of the dispersion of the return acoustic signal in the entire water column with the purpose of detailed and effective mapping of underwater and coastal habitats. Existing methods have not proven to be effective enough for supplementing the map of underwater and coastal habitats of the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, which Directive 2014/89/EU prescribes. The coverage of the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia with the currently mapped habitats is about 2%, and Republic of Croatia is obliged to complete this record in accordance with Directive 92/43/EEC as a basis for the assessment of the fish stock and the determination of quotas at the level of the European Union. The data collected so far on the habitats of the marine part are of different precision and formats and were collected by different methods (e.g. direct measurements and indirect modelling), which is why they are unreliable and only informative. On the other hand, a new methodology was applied, which, using a multibeam echo-sounder system, maps the seabed and marine habitats several dozen times faster, more accurately and cheaper

    Glycosylation Alterations in Multiple Sclerosis Show Increased Proinflammatory Potential

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the central nervous system (CNS), with unresolved aetiology. Previous studies have implicated N-glycosylation, a highly regulated enzymatic attachment of complex sugars to targeted proteins, in MS pathogenesis. We investigated individual variation in N-glycosylation of the total plasma proteome and of IgG in MS. Both plasma protein and IgG N-glycans were chromatographically profiled and quantified in 83 MS cases and 88 age- and sex-matched controls. Comparing levels of glycosylation features between MS cases and controls revealed that core fucosylation (p = 6.96 × 10−3) and abundance of high-mannose structures (p = 1.48 × 10−2) were the most prominently altered IgG glycosylation traits. Significant changes in plasma protein N-glycome composition were observed for antennary fucosylated, tri- and tetrasialylated, tri- and tetragalactosylated, high-branched N-glycans (p-value range 1.66 × 10−2–4.28 × 10−2). Classification performance of N-glycans was examined by ROC curve analysis, resulting in an AUC of 0.852 for the total plasma N-glycome and 0.798 for IgG N-glycome prediction models. Our results indicate that multiple aspects of protein glycosylation are altered in MS, showing increased proinflammatory potential. N-glycan alterations showed substantial value in classification of the disease status, nonetheless, additional studies are warranted to explore their exact role in MS development and utility as biomarkers

    A catalogue of omics biological ageing clocks reveals substantial commonality and associations with disease risk

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    Biological age (BA), a measure of functional capacity and prognostic of health outcomes that discriminates between individuals of the same chronological age (chronAge), has been estimated using a variety of biomarkers. Previous comparative studies have mainly used epigenetic models (clocks), we use ~1000 participants to compare fifteen omics ageing clocks, with correlations of 0.21-0.97 with chronAge, even with substantial sub-setting of biomarkers. These clocks track common aspects of ageing with 95% of the variance in chronAge being shared among clocks. The difference between BA and chronAge - omics clock age acceleration (OCAA) - often associates with health measures. One year’s OCAA typically has the same effect on risk factors/10-year disease incidence as 0.09/0.25 years of chronAge. Epigenetic and IgG glycomics clocks appeared to track generalised ageing while others capture specific risks. We conclude BA is measurable and prognostic and that future work should prioritise health outcomes over chronAge